I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 468: A Hometown Only Existing in Joy

Are there wolves in Japan?

If you don't count the ones in the zoo, but only talk about the wild ones, there really aren't any. Although there are many mountains and forests in Japan, there are really no traces of wolves in the wild.

However, about a hundred years ago, wolves still existed in Japan.

A hundred years ago, the Japanese wolf, also called the Japanese wolf, is a subspecies of wolf, with a body length of about 1 meter, the smallest among wolves.

Petite Japanese wolves like to howl in groups at dawn and dusk. At this time, the howling of wolves resounds through the valley, so they are called "Roaring God" by the Japanese. In addition, because wolves can chase and kill deer that have been trampled on the fields, Japanese people also regard wolves as "the patron saint of crops".

However, due to a series of infectious diseases such as canine distemper; industrialization has reduced the forest area, the habitat of wolves has shrunk; and the wolf extermination activities encouraged by the government. The number of Japanese wolves gradually decreased, and finally became completely extinct in about 1907.

The Japanese wolf is a relatively representative native extinct creature, and Kanoya once saw a little introduction in a book.

However, when the little deer was running away just now, it seemed that he did hear a wolf howl...

If there are no wolves in the wild, what is the sound?

In the dark mountain forest, the light of the three flashlights faltered, and the beams of light pierced the darkness, but they couldn't give people a sense of security.

"There should be no wolves in the wild, but these people are obviously hunters, so they must know this, right? But they take hunting wolves as a matter of course."

While thinking, Kanoya carefully looked at the three hunters in front of him.

In fact, she was a little aware of it from the very beginning, the clothes of the two men and a woman in front of her were very strange.

The old men and men among the hunters all wore crumpled beige shirts and gray trousers. The shirts on them looked well-made, with badly frayed cuffs and collars.

As for the middle-aged woman, she was wearing what appeared to be variegated sleeves and a gray hakama around her waist.

Patches can be seen on all three of their clothes.

Kanoya has never seen such a dress in real life, but it might appear on TV. This is really too retro, too old-fashioned.

"So they are not from the same era as me? Are they from more than a hundred years ago?"

Kanoya had more thoughts in his mind.

And according to the extinction time of the wolf, it is roughly speculated what age the three people in front of them should belong to.

Possibly pre-1907?

But that’s not always the case. After all, after the officially confirmed extinction time of Japanese wolves in 1907, rumors of wolf sightings spread throughout Japan in the following decades.

Moreover, if people in remote mountainous areas have seen wolves before, it is normal for them not to know that wolves are actually extinct.

But anyway, Kanoya made a guess——

These people are definitely not of the same age as myself.

They may have lived a hundred years ago, or seven or eighty years ago.

"So, I fell into the gap of the earthquake and was sent to the past, right? But, I have seen mountains, the end of the road, and the bottomless abyss..."

What I have seen before, the roads and mountains cut off like knives and axes, and the horrible fog that can't be seen, this kind of surreal scene makes Kanoya feel that this is not the normal real world, but like a scene An unreal nightmare.

It shouldn't be considered as traveling to the past.

It can be confirmed from the exploration just now that this place is isolated from the world, blocked by extraordinary power and the outside world.

Without a reference, who knows if this is really "before"?

Kanoya tried his best to analyze the situation in his heart, hoping to find the key to breaking the situation for himself, and at the same time, he was also careful about the three hunters in front of him.

Then, the female hunter named Xigui suddenly shouted happily, regardless of whether the little deer resisted or not, she leaned forward directly.

The smile on the huntress's face became stronger: "Is it Kanoya? No wonder you look familiar, and you've grown up so much? Didn't you go to Tokyo to study? Why did you come back to Songze all of a sudden?"


The barrage of questions directly stunned Xiaolu.

This huntress knows me? Why do you seem to know me very well?

And the other party mentioned "Songze", which sounds like a place name, and it should be referring to this place.

Listening to the tone of the huntress, it seems that Kanoya grew up here in Matsuzawa.

"It turned out to be Luye House. The little girl has grown so big. Then why didn't she say a word when she saw us just now?"

The old hunter Watanabe began to chime in cheerfully. He seemed to know Xiaolu too.

"It's Mr. Watanabe, did you scare people by shooting?"

"Hey, this is not chasing that wolf... I'm really sorry. Why are you girl still in a daze, Kanoya? You won't go out to study for a long time, and you don't even know Grandpa Watanabe? I hugged you when I was a child Mile."

The three hunters laughed with their guns in their hands. In the dark forest, the glaring yellow light of the flashlights fluttered wildly with their hearty laughter, creating an unusually warm and harmonious atmosphere.

This harmonious atmosphere made Kanoya's pupils tremble uncontrollably.

"No... No, why did they hug me when I was a child, I don't know them at all!"

Looking at the three completely unfamiliar faces, Xiaolu felt negative in his heart.

She can be sure that she grew up on Oguri Island in Aomori, living with her father and Hashisha-sama.

What Songze, this is definitely the first time I have heard of this place name.

Why do these three hunters say this place is like my hometown?

"If I'm fine, then it's these three hunters who have problems. Somehow, they have some information about me? How did they do it?"

At this time, the huntress Xigui spoke again: "Deer House, it's too dangerous to stay in the woods, let's go back to the village first."

"Yeah, come back with us. You are a skinny and tender little girl wandering around here, and you will be snatched away by wolves." The other two hunters nodded.


The fawn originally wanted to reject these hunters.

Why go back to the village, I don't know it at all.

Look at your own attire, as well as my attire, we don't look like people from the same era at all, how could we be from the same hometown?

And at the end of the mountain forest, the strange knife-cut cliff and the thick fog completely isolate Songze from the outside world.

Deer House has explored there for the first time, and she doesn't believe that these hunters don't know the situation there.

Isn't this kind of thing more worrying than wolf hunting?

The situation around the village is so weird, how do you always maintain a happy and happy state?

Moreover, Songze is cut off from the outside world. Don't these people wonder how I got in?

Anyway, this obvious point that conflicts with the hunters' discourse cognition seems to be selectively ignored by them.

Or maybe they're just pretending to be confused.

Kanoya really couldn't figure it out, the CPU was going to be burned.

In short, the people in Songze are too weird, and everything is weird.

But the double-barreled shotguns in the hands of the three hunters made Kanoya not dare to directly reject their proposal.

Don't look at the three people from Songze who are all kind-hearted and kind-hearted now. The old hunter Watanabe just now shot at Lu Yeya without any explanation.

Who knew that if they rejected their proposal, would they suddenly turn their backs?

"It would be great if Master was here..."

If Kamiyagawa was here, even if he was pointed at by three shotguns, he probably wouldn't be afraid at all.

Bao Buqi will also directly show everyone how to chop bullets with a knife.

But Kanoya is not as powerful as her master.

"There are three of them. If there is only one, I can try to resist..."

Xiaolu still has a relatively clear understanding of his own strength, and he is not overwhelmed.

For the present plan, the only way is to compromise first and cooperate with the locals of Songze to see what kind of medicine these strange people are selling in their gourds.

Then delay as long as possible, waiting for Master's rescue.

"Master, it seems that your unsatisfactory apprentice will lose without a fight. It's embarrassing for you... I don't know how long I can live in this place, come and save me, Master..."

Xiaolu's heart was up and down, but on the surface, he cooperated with the people of Songze to put on a show every time, and squeezed out a smile:

"Then, let's go back to the village."

Hearing what she said, the three hunters all laughed kindly.

"Yes, yes, come home with us."

The huntress Xigui raised the gun with one hand, and helped Kanoya who had a knee injury.

She has great strength, which is a bit abnormal.

Moreover, when touching the skin of the opponent's hand, Kanoya felt a strange smooth touch, and it also felt a little wet.

The smell of water and earth on the other party's body can be smelled more clearly.

Kanoya suddenly realized that this smell was somewhat similar to the smell of the monster wriggling in the cracks of the ground when the Yuchazhong Gymnasium collapsed.

"That monster who doesn't know what it is must have some kind of connection with the Songze people here."

Xiao Lu secretly remembered this in his heart.


That very large village is called Songze Village.

Lu Yewu was led by three hunters, walked in the village, and looked around carefully.

The village is old and depressed, with mottled walls, it doesn't look like a village in the 21st century.

It's dark now, but few buildings are lit.

When passing by two side-by-side small houses, the old hunter Watanabe suddenly raised his hand and pointed to one of them: "Kano House, your house is here."


my home?

Fawn didn't recognize the small, dilapidated building in the night at all.

Are all Songze people so enthusiastic?

Not only do you regard me, a strange outsider, as a fellow countryman, but you even prepare a home for me?

Xigui: "Living alone is somewhat hard, and your house hasn't been cleaned for a long time, do you need help?"

"No, no, thank you." Kanoya shook his head, "Then, I went back?"

It sounds like my "persona" lives alone in the village.

fair enough.

Kanoya's injured knee hurts badly and seems to be swollen.

Fortunately, the advanced Pure Land Sect Buddhist spells taught to her by Mr. Kanazawa can control her injuries. She needs a little time to heal herself and restore herself. It is a good thing to have a house before that.

Let's take a step first.

They were all brought into the village by these Songze people, so they had to do something beneficial to themselves.

And if you want to escape later, you have to wait for the knee injury to be brought under control.

"Not in a hurry." The old hunter Watanabe shook his head, "Is Kanoya starving? Come with us to the cafeteria for dinner first?"


Is there a canteen in this village?

"Well, I'm not actually hungry."

"Let's go there if you're not hungry. Everyone in the village is at the cafeteria now. It's good to see everyone. They must be very happy when you come back." Watanabe was still cheerful, but his tone was inconclusive.

Kanoya observed the three hunters, weighed in his mind for a while, and finally nodded with the principle of avoiding conflicts as much as possible.

The canteen in Songze Village is a large row house, and it is a Western-style building with a pointed roof and red tiles and white walls.

Said to be a cafeteria, Kanoya feels more like a church.

Above the main entrance of the cafeteria, there is a very strange relief.

At the bottom is a slanted cross, and above the cross is carved a huge worm.

This weird shape makes the statue look weird and full of fragmentation.

"Bugs? No, it looks a bit like a leech. Are there any strange beliefs in Songze Village?"

Kanoya speculated in his heart and made a silent note of this.

It's all here, so don't blame others. It is also necessary to have a little more information, which will always be helpful for self-help.

Through the colorful windows of the cafeteria, you can see the warm lights inside, from which lively laughter flows out.

The three hunters piously tapped their chests twice with their right index fingers and ring fingers at the gate, and then the old hunter Watanabe pushed the door open.

Inside, men, women and children gathered, no less than sixty people.

Everyone looked very happy, laughing and laughing, just like the three hunters.

With such a scene, it seems that Songze Village is a paradise where there is only joy and joy.

Seeing the door being pushed open, everyone in the cafeteria stopped their movements, and the sound of clashing cups, plates, and chopsticks subsided. Everyone looked up and stared at the four newcomers, with empty smiles hanging on everyone's faces. superior.

Kanoya noticed that most of the people here dressed in the same style as the hunters, very retro.

But there are also a small number of people who wear T-shirts and shorts, suits or skirts.

It is obviously the same type of dress as myself.

Those should not be from Matsuzawa.

"I discussed with Master that the recent earthquakes are quite frequent. After the earthquake, the Fire Department reported the number of missing people... Are these people missing in the earthquake like me, so they came to Songze Village?"

Xiao Lu's mind was turning fairly fast, thinking of this, she shuddered a little.

But why?

Why do these people who should be the same as me have the weird, empty, lingering smile of Songze people on their faces?

Are they already integrated here? What are they happy about?

Fawn looked around, and finally found a real "similar" among those modern people.

It was an ordinary-looking woman in her thirties, wearing a long floral dress with her hair tied up. His face was full of sadness, which was incompatible with the festive atmosphere around him.

It's because she didn't smile, but she looked extraordinarily normal.

The woman was looking at Kanoya with a very complicated look.

"Everyone, Kanoya is back." The old hunter Watanabe said in a brisk and joyful tone.

The people in the cafeteria cheered like a festival, and the unfamiliar faces smiled kindly and warmly under the soft yellow light.

"Let's eat too."

"Is it true that Kanoya doesn't eat? After going out for so long, don't you miss the taste of your hometown?"

The two hunters, Takao and Xigui, stepped into the center of the cafeteria. The hunting activities seemed to make them starve, and they grabbed the food on other people's plates and devoured it.

Kanoya finally saw clearly what the people in the cafeteria were eating.

It was a piece of black, smooth, and glistening raw meat.

The canteen was filled with a strong smell of water.


Xiaolu resisted not letting himself vomit out, breathed rapidly, and silently recited the meditation mantra in his heart to calm himself down as much as possible.

The people in the cafeteria started to eat again.

Everyone scrambled to grab the strange raw meat on the dinner plate, devoured it, and made eating sounds.

The joyful and friendly people of Songze are hospitable and willing to share. The families in the same hometown are like a family. The sound of clashing cups, plates and chopsticks is brimming with happiness.

While eating by themselves, they did not forget to greet the pale Kanoya, and did not ignore this little girl from the "hometown" at all.

"Are you really not going to eat a little?"

They squeezed the meat with their hands and asked with a smile, black juice flowed out from the corners of their raised mouths.

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