I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 472: Eternal Bliss

[The water there must not be drinkable. ]

Kamiyagawa reiterated this point.

[I see, Master. ]

Satoru's future vision is of course more reliable than the unknown Sugiura Kumiko.

Drinking the water in that strange space is of course problematic, there is no doubt about it.

But why did that Sugiura lie to Kanoya?

Satoru said before that in the "future" she saw, there was a "failure ending" in which Kanoya drank the drinking water from that dimension and was assimilated.

So, maybe this happened because the stupid apprentice was deceived?

Because Xiaolu had been told all the most important "points to note", the little old man's communication was not broken, and the master and apprentice began to exchange other information in each other's hands.

The little apprentice told the master all the clues she got after staying in Songze for almost a day.

Including the name of Songze Village, and the strange time background that seems to be seven or eighty years ago.

Xiaowu didn't see the place name of Songze Village directly in the future video, but now he has obtained an important supplement through the information from his apprentice.

Kanoya also told all about his experience——

Hunters with guns; Songze people always have weird smiles, as if they never have troubles; villagers eat strange black raw meat; there seems to be a strange belief in leeches in Songze Village...

In addition, there is also information obtained from Sugiura Kumiko.

Considering that there seems to be a lie in Sugiura's words, Xiaolu has not verified this part of the clues, so he is not sure whether it is true or not, but simply reports to the master.

Kamiya explained all the other situations that Wu told, such as "existence of the old gods and the time of encountering demons", and "eternal life and bliss".

After some exchanges, both master and apprentice have a deeper understanding of Songze Village.

Combining the current information, Kamiya analyzed her current situation for Kanoya, especially Kumiko Sugiura, who was not mentioned in the guide.

[That Sugiura, you should be extra careful if you contact her again in the future, it is still not completely sure why she told you that drinking water is fine. It may be that the information she has obtained is wrong, for example, drinking water is actually slower than eating those black meat lumps. She doesn't know this, and she does bad things with good intentions. ]

[It is also possible that she knows the facts and simply wants to trick you into being assimilated into a Songze person. In fact, I am more inclined to the second possibility. I can't come to your side right now, so be careful in everything and be on guard against others. ]

It took two or three seconds for the words of Shengu to be written down by the little old man, and the apprentice's reply was also crookedly written on the paper:

[I will be careful. Master, why do you think that Sugiura lied to me? Is she with Matsuzawa? Or, is she the master you mentioned when you met the devil? ]

Kanoya couldn't understand this.

She recalled the exchange with Sugiura just now.

When the other party said, "When I have finished my emergency food", his eyes flickered, obviously lying.

It will give people a feeling that Sugiura is not good at lying, and it will make people subconsciously feel that "my speech skills are higher than the other party, and it is easy to see through the other party."

And when Sugiura said later that "drinking water is no problem", on the contrary, his expression and demeanor were normal.

If she's really lying...

In other words, the previous "clumsy lie" was intentional, and it was entirely the other party's acting skills?

Can Sugiura calmly tell a lie as the truth, or even disguise a lie as a "lie"?

What a terrifying acting ability!

The deer has a little hair on its back.

"If I didn't get in touch with Master in time, wouldn't I be fooled by that Sugiura?"

Xiaolu is not really stupid, but after all she is just a high school girl who is just in the first year of high school, and she doesn't have so many eyes.

In addition, the little old man No. 3 gave information just now, saying that the aura on Sugiura should belong to ordinary people.

Then why did she lie to Kanoya?

Kamiyagawa: [Is there anything in you that she wants to get? By the way, you just said that you brought water and food? ]

Kanoya: [Because I always carry my schoolbag. Then I packed a jug of water for physical education class, and the sandwich that Mrs. Banruo gave me for lunch was also in the bag, as well as two small breads. But I didn't tell Sugiura that I had these things. ]

Another pause of several seconds.

Kanoya: [Master... Uh, but my bag is bulging. Moreover, Sugiura took the initiative to tell me about the food. Although I didn't respond to her, if she is really good at conversation skills, maybe she has seen me through? ]

There is some truth in what the little apprentice said.

If Sugiura was just an ordinary person, then she could only lie to Kanoya because she had a plan for something on Kanoya.

It is known that the people of Songze are friendly neighbors, as long as they do not leave Songze Village on their own initiative, they will be regarded as a family.

Assuming that the deer was assimilated in advance and became like the Songze people, then she would have no need for normal food.

As a fellow villager, Sugiura asked her for food again, wouldn't he be rejected?

That's why Sugiura focused on reminding Kanoya to control the distribution of food and not eat too much every day.

The purpose is to further coax the deer to drink water, and then logically take away the supplies from the deer?

Even when Sugiura "borrows" other things from Kanoya, will it be easy for him to be accepted because of his fellow countrymen?

It seems that the woman probably regarded the deer with the bulging schoolbag as a fat sheep.

Kamiyagawa: [That woman is most likely a very clever liar. She might not even be from Tsuyama, and might have fooled the others long ago. The Jinshan earthquake happened six days ago. The woman may have been in Songze for more than six days. The situation in Jinshan may have been obtained from the previous victim. No matter what she says to you after that, don't believe it. We should have another chance to get in touch. If she tells you anything again, tell me completely in the next time we get in touch. ]

[I see, Master. ]

The master and apprentice communicated for more than ten minutes, and the little old men on both sides finally couldn't maintain contact and disconnected.

However, the scouts have done a good job.

This time the exchange was very full, and Kamiya and Kanoya basically raced against the clock to explain everything that should be said to each other.


The countermeasure room of the real world.

Kamiya stayed in the office belonging to Yuuki Makensuke, looking at the densely written paper on the table in a daze.

Onizuka Kiri Hotaru beside him handed him a cup of freshly brewed black coffee, and also looked at the paper: "What should we do, Achuan?"

"Let's check this Songze Village first. I don't know if the information in the countermeasure room will mention it. As for the information given by Xiaolu, I will share it at the meeting later."

"Well, now I'm going to tell the people in the reference room, they are still working overtime."

Onizuka turned and left the office.

"Special worship of leeches, Songze people will turn into leech people in the middle of the night."

"People in Songze always have a smile and seem to have no worries."

Kamiya circled some information on the paper with a pen, and he suddenly thought of something.

"That special old god in Songze...is it Leech?"

The leech, the son of Izanaki and Izanami's first intercourse, was a freak born from inbreeding by the gods of nature, and was put into a reed boat and abandoned with the current.

After that, there are no more records in the mythology.

However, Kamiya knows more about this abandoned god.

For example, knowing that leeches have some connection to emotional empowerment.

He has an item that belonged to Leech in his hand——

[Seven Emotions·Gouyu: People have seven emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, sorrow, fear, and fear. This piece of Gouyu can perceive emotions and slowly condense them into nuclei. This is the belonging of the abandoned god Leech. But the gods ignore lust, and there is no need for leeches among the gods. ]

"Eternal life and bliss refer to this?"

It seems to be right.

Kamiyagawa's thinking was active, and he continued to speculate——

The people in Songze were assimilated by leeches, and the gods were revived in their bodies, and they gained a long life span, that is, eternal life.

Influenced by the ability of leeches, the "anger, sorrow, grief, and fear" among the seven emotions are thrown away, leaving only "joy", which is bliss.

"Then what are those black pieces of meat that Songze people eat?"

The flesh and blood of God?


Songze Village.

Kanoya ended the communication with Master.

She took the time to read the densely packed notebook several times, especially the part about the key points of her next action.

Xiaolu carries a schoolbag with him, and it is normal to have pens and paper in the bag.

After carefully reading the notes, the little old man tore off the "Strategy" part of the notebook, stuffed them into his mouth one by one, chewed and swallowed.

The situation on their side is different from that of Kamiya.

Kamiyagawa can keep those paper materials and share information with his teammates in the countermeasure room, but Xiaolu and Little Old Man No. 3 are in a dangerous environment, so it's safer to just keep these things in their minds.

It is a matter of life, and it is not so easy to forget after writing it down.

"Okay, the next step is to act according to Master's instructions."

Kanoya took a deep breath.

"Master said he would come to save me, so it must be fine."

Compared with Liushen Wuzhu before, she has calmed down a lot and gained more confidence after communicating with Master.

Kamiya does have some special charisma.

The people and ghosts around him, no matter when they encounter difficulties or are in danger, as long as Shengu appears, it is like having a backbone.

Even if it's just a "weird talk connection", it can greatly improve Kanoya's current crisis handling status.

Deer, fight high!

"Master said that Sugiura is a liar. You can't believe her words are true or false. But if you just want to lie to me to drink water, then the other information given to me is likely to be true. Nine truths and one falsehood, this may improve me. The level of trust in her."

"When the leech man appears in the middle of the night, we may rely on Little Grandpa No. 3 to verify the information about the leech man she said. Then we will consider whether to leave Songze Village late at night."

"Master asked me to find a helper. The petite she-wolf, Guaitan, should be the one in the forest. As long as I get the help of that she-wolf, the probability of success in my next operation will be greatly improved."

"But... why did Master emphasize that it was a female wolf? Uh, does the gender of that wolf have anything to do with my persuading it to help me?"


The day and night times of the real world and Matsuzawa Village are synchronized.

Luyeya only got in touch with Shengu in the early hours of the morning, and only about 20 minutes after the connection was disconnected, the little old man No. 3 gave an early warning.

There seems to be something approaching around the house.

The little old man played the shakuhachi softly, and the flute sounded sobbing and desolate. It's like the sound of monsters rushing and galloping on the ridge of the field under the moonlit night, when the night wind blows the wheat fields.

The sound is so faint that it is inaudible when you leave the room.

After the sound of the shakuhachi, the little old man No. 3 disappeared completely, and Kanoya could not smell his existence at all.

The deer approached the window and slightly opened the corner of the curtain.

It was gray outside and the moon was bleak. But a human figure could be seen walking slowly towards the house where he was.

The thing's movements were unusually slow, and the exposed skin on its body was blue-gray with a strange watery glow.

"So, is that the leech man?"

Kanoya hid at the window, carefully observing each other's every move.

The leech man's limbs were shortened to fit the torso, and he held a shotgun in his hand. When he walked, his muscles squirmed vigorously.

There was only that hole in his face where the nose was originally, and he wandered to the side of the "home" of Deer House and stayed for a while. The two holes twitched twice, combined with the wet skin on the water to sense the smell in the direction of Kanoya's "home", and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he dangled away with the gun in his hand.

Such subtle movements are invisible to Kanoya hiding in the house.

But the little old man No. 3, who blows the shakuhachi to get close to the leech man, can see it clearly.

The little old man is considered a natural scout, and he can judge part of the ghost talk's ability under close observation.

This talent was frequently used when exploring the map for Kamiya, especially in the early stage.

According to the observations of the scouts, the Songze people who turned into leech people did have a decline in other sensory abilities, but their sense of smell has improved unusually.

However, this improvement is not to an outrageous level.

Anyway, I still can't perceive the little old man who has entered the [Nothingness] state.

After following the leech man for a while, after observing all the information to be verified, the scout returned to Lu Yeya's side, did not show up, but directly wrote the situation with his fingers in the dusty underground.

"Hmmmm...mmmm..." Kanoya looked at the information fed back by the little old man No. 3, "It seems that what Sugiura said about the leech man is true."

In the middle of the night, the leeches would wander around the village, and it was very possible for the deer to see this monster through the window.

If this information is true, it can greatly enhance the credibility of Sugiura's words.

This leads to ignoring the lie trap in her words.

It's a brilliant deception.

If Xiaolu, who is still relatively simple in mind, has not read the strategy, there is a high probability that he will be deceived by the other party.

"In the middle of the night, I no longer work as a team, and tend to wander independently. Other sensory abilities decline, but I am very sensitive to smells." Kanoya shook his head a little proudly, and wiped off all the writing on the ground, "Hmph. Coincidentally. , My teacher Yunju is a master at dealing with odors, and I also learned some skills from her."

I fell asleep last night, so I made up for it. One more tonight.

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