I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 481 Ignition

In the forest where the Kinugawa flows.

This section of the Kinugawa river is fairly calm, without the attitude of "violent and violent like Kinu".

The river flows smoothly through the riverbed between the woodlands. The trees along the bank are rustled by the mountain wind, and the green leaves fall on the river surface.

However, such a quiet picture is only an appearance.

It is now 3:20 in the afternoon, and there are only ten minutes left before the start of the crusade against the earthquake catfish.

The spiritual masters participating in this operation in the mountains and forests are all ready and ready to go.

Ozaki Ryuichi and his beauty were standing on a slightly higher soil slope, and many brown mountain mice creaked and broke through the ground from under the beauty's feet.

After observing for a while, Ozaki jumped down from the slope, waved to Kamiyagawa who was watching him not far away, turned around and left.

His work is done.

And the swarms of mountain rats spread out quickly, with their noses twitching non-stop, circling back and forth around the spiritual masters in the forest who were responsible for forcing the earthquake catfish to unearth.


As the god son of Juqiong Shrine, Onizuka is an important role in the team of spirit masters who release rock and soil to spells this time.

She doesn't like mice very much, but after all, she has seen many big scenes and has a strong psychological quality. The scene of rats running around in the forest in front of her just makes her feel a little uncomfortable, and it will not affect her actions.

The little witch followed the mountain mouse that "led" her and began to move, and the other spiritual masters also moved.

The crowd scattered into the woodland, and the mice dug holes at their feet and went back underground.

This is a beauty-like ability controlling the rat swarm, guiding and marking the final casting location for the necromancers.


Everyone stopped talking, and the restless mountain forest became quiet again, only the sound of the Kinugawa river flowing not far away could be heard.

Onizuka looked around from his position.

This relatively primitive forest is densely covered with intertwined branches, making it difficult for sunlight to reach the ground. And the little sunlight that rarely misses the treetops is like brightly colored insects crawling on the moss and reddish withered ferns.

The little witch's right fingertips twirled a yellow platycodon talisman and looked at her watch.

Except that the healers had already checked their watches before they acted, according to the plan, as soon as 3:30 came, everyone would release the spells of the geotechnical system together. Work together to shake the depths of the ground and force out the earthquake catfish passing through here.

Now there are two minutes left before the action time.


Onizuka stared at his watch and took a shallow breath.

The second hand in the dial rotates slowly until it is about to cross the 0 o'clock position for the second time...


time up.

"Those who are facing the battle, all are in the front line!"

"Jura Immortal Lord made a vow to Bodhi Raqana, Savaha."

"Hurry up like a law!"

The necromancers began to act synchronously with their own means.

"Earth, float up."

Onitsuka shook his slender fingers, and the Kikyo Yellow Talisman turned into a brown beam of light and shot directly at the ground under his feet.

The ground began to tremble, and abnormal waves appeared on the originally peaceful Kinugawa River.

And as more and more spells were exerted, the tremors on the ground became more violent. The rocks and soil were torn apart by an invisible force. Blurred the once clear outlines in the mountains and forests.

But this is not an earthquake, but the result of the gathering of man-made spells on the scene.

"I didn't expect the scene to be so big."

"What do you think, boy, this is a crusade against the Rage God."

Shengu and Uncle Jiecheng stood together, he stared at his pupils, and could clearly see the collision and turmoil of various spiritual forces in the forest.

The chaotic scene lasted for a while, and then there was a strange, huge aura with a smell of water and mud, soaring into the sky from the Kinugawa River.


"Well, it should be."

The rocks rolled down, the towering ancient trees were broken in half, a crack was opened in the river beach, and there was a sound of gurgling like a bell from the depths.

A pitch-black angry behemoth squeezed out from the gap where the river water jumped and fell. It was an extremely gigantic catfish, and the fact that its head the size of a mountain bag emerged from the soil was daunting.

On the side of its big cave-like mouth, there are six white beards, each of which is as thick as an ancient tree. The four eyes that grow symmetrically on the flat fish's head are gurgling around.

A monster that can summon earthquakes and is associated with the mysterious Matsuzawa village that disappeared in the earthquake decades ago, the earthquake catfish.

"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

Jie Chengzhen Jianyou directly raised his hand and fired the gun.

The Gap Girl appeared with a horrifying and terrifying aura, her windbreaker fluttered, and the huge scissors blades in her hands reflected the cold light.

And the spiritual masters who originally cooperated to shake the deep underground rock and soil have completed the first stage of the task.

After the earthquake catfish appeared, what these members had to do became——

In the earthquake caused by the catfish, they used their rock-type spells to maintain the situation on the battlefield and prevent large-scale landslides in this mountain forest.

At the same time, try to block the underground road so that the earthquake catfish cannot easily escape into the soil.

Kamiyagawa also entered the fighting state simultaneously.


The Ibaraki tattoo on his right shoulder blade, although hidden under his clothes, has become extremely vivid and enchanting at this moment.

Dark black scales mixed with a little pale gray light exhaled from his right arm, closely arranged, with red halos and black light violently lingering on them, forming a strange caged hand.

He directly knocked down a dose of [Prolonging Life Purple Gold Cream], and the prajna of the purple and white undergarment circled out immediately, turning into a mask of jealousy and attaching to his face.


At the same time, Kamiyagawa held the Taidao in his right hand, and wiped the long and beautiful blade with his left hand.

The clear Huanghuangyang thunder sputtered and jumped, and the lightning arc was dazzling, burning the air, and making a series of explosive sounds.

"It's our turn, take down the earthquake catfish!"

Kamiyagawa swung his knife resolutely, and rushed to the giant catfish that was churning.

Between the jumping of the rabbit up and down, the movement was so fast that it dragged out afterimages.

And beside him, countless figures of Rage Gods appeared in a row...


The time went back to a little earlier in the afternoon, around 2:30.

In Songze Village.

Fawn ate all the food he got from Sugiura Kumiko, drank some of the water, and then rested for a while.

She now feels that she has been revived with full blood, full of vitality and fighting spirit.

Of course, Kanoya has actually been hungry for three days, and it is not realistic for the body to recover to its best condition all at once. But it is not a lie that Xiao Lu feels good about herself, which may have something to do with her more optimistic personality and the inner atmosphere before the decisive battle.

Human consciousness or subjective initiative is still very wonderful, and it can often stimulate the extraordinary physical potential of individuals.

Kanoya is probably in such a state now.

"Grandpa, are you ready? We're going to make a big fuss."


Xiaolu checked the equipment, put the bag on his shoulder, pushed open the door, and walked into the sunny village with a straight chest.

The first place she went was not the canteen in the middle of the village.

Instead, it is located on the east edge of the village, where there are several wooden houses in a row.

After staying in Songze for three days, she has figured out the situation of the village——

There are relatively few people living in the east of the village, only a few hunters here and there.

Arriving at the target house, Kanoya looked at his watch, it was not yet three o'clock.

"In more than half an hour, the master will start to act. According to the plan, the master will appear in Songze Village at about 3:40 to 50. I want to be here within an hour, Destroy Songze Village as much as possible and survive."

Kanoya briefly recalled today's battle plan in his mind.

While she was thinking, she continued to walk forward, and saw a person sitting in the yard of the house in front of her.

It was a hunter I knew, named Takao.

This Takao was one of the three hunters that Kanoya met in the forest when he first came to Songze Village. At the same time, for three consecutive nights, neither Kanoya nor Sending Wolf attacked Takao.

So the other party still kept one of the few shotguns in Songze Village.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiaolu will regard this place as the first attack point.

In the small yard of the house in front, the robust hunter Takao was sitting on a bench with a smile, cleaning his shotgun.

The sun shone warmly on the body, and everything was so peaceful and harmonious.

He looked up and saw Deer House walking past the door of his house along the dirt road outside.

"Ah, Kanoya, why are you here?"

Longfu greeted cheerfully.

The little deer stopped with a serious expression.

Longfu saw that she was holding a green plantain leaf in her hand.

Kanoya turned around and walked into the yard, where he was standing with his back facing the direction of the afternoon sun.

She moved lightly, and spoke as she walked, her voice was very low, with a strange sense of compassion: "Namo Amitabha Ye, Dotagata Ye, Dodiye..."

Some dazzling sunlight shines through the ends of her hair and falls on her shoulders, bright and dark light and shadow flow on her body.

"Haha, Kanoya, what are you talking about? Are you chanting scriptures?" Long Fu still smiled, the corners of his mouth widening.

"Well, it's the curse of rebirth."

Kanoya replied seriously.

In the next second, the leaf end of the broad-leaf plantain in her hand split apart, pulling out soft green lines, faintly woven into the shape of a human face in the air, and attacked Takao, instantly holding the hunter with a gun The hands are tightly bound and tightly controlled.

While using broad-leaf plantains to attack, Kanoya also pinched an outer lion seal to strengthen his physical fitness.

A stack of Buddhist stickers flew out of her bag, and Sha Shayan unfolded them. As they flew, small golden characters with many runes floating and flowing appeared on the originally blank paper.

Those Sanskrit gold characters wrapped the deer house, and the girl who was originally caged in the sun looked a little more holy.

"I'm sorry, it might hurt."

Although it is very clear that Takao in front of him cannot be regarded as a human being, he will turn into a terrifying leech man at night, and even if he is killed, he will come back in a strange way.

But no matter what, he still has a human appearance.

Xiao Lu, who didn't have much experience, was far from being as strong as her master, so she would feel obviously guilty if she shot Long Fu like this.

But there is no way but to do this.

If you start faster, it shouldn't feel so painful, right?

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yeya pulled out the Shengde Imperial Incense Burner from his hand, the chain made a sound of metal friction, and the small and heavy Imperial Incense Burner came out of his hand, whistling like wind!

As for the hunter Takao, he didn't seem to realize what happened at all. The moment his hands were tied, he was still sitting on the bench with a smile on his face.


There was a muffled sound of skull cracking.

Long Fu fell back from the stool directly, collapsed on the ground and lost his life in an instant.

His head was sunken, and blood with a strong smell of water splashed everywhere, but the corners of his mouth still kept a happy expression.

"Feel sorry."

Now that the action has already begun, Kanoya has no way out.

She lifted and flicked it like using a flail, and the heavy copper chain of the censer flipped and hit the barrel of the shotgun heavily.

Just one blow deformed the barrel of the gun.

The strengthening of physical fitness brought by the outer lion seal really allows the deer to better use and control the unique weapon prop of the imperial incense burner.

Afterwards, Kanoya picked up the deformed shotgun on the ground, quickly turned around and entered Takao's house.

Because when observing the situation everywhere, a little old man helped to step on the spot, and Xiao Lu had already known about the situation in Longfu's house.

She picked up a kerosene lamp on the window sill and threw it towards the bedside.

The glass oil lamp was smashed to pieces, kerosene was splashed on the bed and on the wooden walls.

Kanoya struck a match and threw it on the bed.

The smell of sulfur from burning matches mixed with the tar smell of kerosene, instantly igniting an orange-red flame.

The distorted firelight was reflected in Kanoya's eyes.

Xiaolu didn't stay too long, left the deformed shotgun in the room, turned around and strode away.

When she walked a little far away from Takao's house, the wooden structure of the house was already on fire, and the tongue of fire more than ten feet long licked the eaves, and then continued to burn, and the violent explosion of roof tiles could be heard.

Kanoya quickly fled the scene under the leadership of the little old man.

This is just one place, she intends to set fire to many places in Songze Village, creating chaos, thereby attracting the attention of Songze people, and then going to burn down the most important village canteen.


Kanoya's actions have indeed brought chaos to Matsuzawa Village.

On this peaceful afternoon, the people of Songze suddenly discovered that several places in the village were inexplicably on fire, and the fire was continuous and burning more and more vigorously.

The pungent smell of burning smoke is everywhere.

People in Songze didn't feel fear in the fire, they just laughed and started organizing firefighting.

They have no fear at all.

And amidst the flames soaring into the sky in the village, some people heard the shrill howling of wolves. It seemed that the wolf that had wandered in the forest had also appeared around the village.

It happened at this time.

That wolf is really a headache, and it is likely that it has teamed up with unknown monsters wandering in the mountains and forests.

There are not many shotguns left in the village. For the always happy Songze people, the current situation seems difficult to deal with.

I fell asleep after writing a little bit last night, and I just finished this chapter during my lunch break today, sorry.

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