I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 511 The Crimson Tide Attacks

Kamiyagawa: "What is the red tide of the ocean? Well, I know you don't know the cause, but can you be more specific about the other parts?"

Xie Xie: "Let me think about how to tell you..."

Ever since the [Tide·Sea Country] map was opened, Kamiyagawa ran here whenever he had something to do.

The samurai crabs on Otsu Island are quite used to the existence of this foreign god.

Now he is patrolling around the periphery of the island with Xie Xie, checking the situation of the ocean, and chatting about things related to the red tide.

"Actually, what you see now, the turbid sea water and the dark red waves are not really red tides. At least the current sea water looks abnormal, but it is not obviously harmful. The real red tide is far worse than this." horrible."

Xie Ji squatted down on the edge of the beach, scooped up a handful of sea water with her small Bai Shengsheng hands, and then spread her five fingers, letting the sea water flow down between her fingers.

"Well, let's continue." Kamiya Chuan signaled the little crab girl to continue.

"When the red tide really came, it was accompanied by strong winds and tsunamis. The sea water became bright red and dangerous, and the waves piled up high, like... um, huge sea monsters baring their teeth and claws. At that time, those terrifying, some Corrosive waves will rush to the entire Okatsu Island one after another, and the clansmen who are too old or too young can easily lose their lives in that kind of disaster."

"So how often do red tides happen?"

"It's hard to say, there is no exact fixed time. It may not happen for several years, or it may happen twice a year. However, it is probably observable, and our Crab Clan has some experience in this. Like now In this way, the sea water has turned a deep dark red... which means that the red tide may be coming soon."


"It may be tomorrow, or it may be several months later, but it will definitely come." Xie Ji's voice was a little lower, worried.

"Is there a way to resist the red tide?"

"Barely there is." Xie Ji nodded, but immediately shook her head again, "Maybe if I really become the lord of the Kingdom of Shanghai, if I get the Sea God's scepter, I can protect everyone in the clan."

"Sea God Scepter?"

As the relationship with Kanji gets better, Kamiya can hear more and more useful information from this little can.

"Well, it is a very powerful thing. There is a gemstone on it. The people in the clan call it the tear of the ocean, and there is energy beyond imagination. The scepter is held by the kings of the past, and the people in the clan say , although the previous queen of the mermaid disappeared mysteriously, the scepter she held at that time seemed to be sent back to the Munakata Shrine by the power of the sea—"

"I don't know the details. More than two hundred years ago, I wasn't even a small crab. Anyway, the grandfather of the crab shop said so. Then, because of the protection of the Munakata gods, the Munakata Taisha only succeeded the king It will only appear at that time, so only at that time can you get the scepter."

After hearing this, Kamiyagawa comforted him, "Well, I'll help you get the scepter."

"Thank you. When I become the lord of Shanghai, I will, just...well, treat you to grilled fish! Let me tell you, after the red tide recedes, there may still be some small fish surviving in the sea. Actually, now Yes, I know they are hiding under the Crab Island, and the Crab Island is the only safe place in the sea country."

Seeing the innocence of Little Crab Lady, Shen Gu laughed: "Is the only way to thank you is to treat me to grilled fish? That's what you said when I said I took you out to play."

"Well, then I can't come up with anything else... How about I give you the conch I collected? It will light up one night, it's very beautiful. Or, or there is another one that can be put in the ear Hearing the sound, I often sleep with it. I like it very much, but I can give it to you if you want. There are also some beautiful small stones, which I picked up one by one at the beach. Anyway, as long as I have , as long as you want, I can give you."

Little Crab Girl added anxiously, and then counted the treasures in her collection with her fingers, as if they were really about to give them away, and her expression was still a little bit pained.

In a sense, she is really generous to this new friend, Kamiya, after all, she only has those things.


Okatsushima is surprisingly calm these days.

Kamiyagawa originally thought that the mermaids would attack the crab clan, but in fact they didn't.

Thinking about it carefully, it may be because the "Munakata" on the mermaid's side, that is, the C-rank Isohime was injured.

In the previous battle, Little Crab Lady didn't hold back the slightest hit with the hammer.

However, considering that the succession ceremony of the king of Haiguo is about to come, and Munakata Taisha is about to be born, Kamiya thinks that the mermaid will not let it go, maybe they are secretly accumulating strength and preparing for a big wave.

If there is also the ambition to become the lord of the sea country, maybe on the day when the moon is hidden, or the day before, the mermaids will launch a decisive battle towards Otsu Island.

"Actually, if possible, I would also like to go to the Mermaid to have a look. Regarding the red tide disaster in Haiguo, I don't know if there is any additional information there."

"However, you can also end up in person in the decisive battle that may occur later. It is not difficult to release the little tapir and capture all the mermaids. If you catch them all, you may be able to ask something. If you knew it, I didn’t let those mermaids go away last time.”

Kamiyagawa has his own considerations.

Also about the red tide.

Before, it was planned to solve this matter after Xie Ji became the lord of the sea country, but nothing major happened these days, and the focus of Kamiya's research in the sea country was on this.

The information that should be asked from Samurai Crab has basically been asked, and it is not too different from what Crab Ji told him last time, it is nothing more than some details.

In addition, Shen Gu also tried to go to the sea for field investigation.

He didn't stray too far from Okatsushima, though.

Basically, it is to wrap up [Drowned Girl's Top Heart Hair] to explore the sea around the island.

As Kani Hime said, Okutsu Island is probably the only safe zone in the Sea Country.

Going into the sea from here, at a shallower position, you can still see sporadic normal marine fish hiding in the reef.

Why are there normal-looking fish in the other world?

Kamiya didn't really want to understand this.

In his previous cognition, places in the world such as Hualing Guild School and Inuning Pass only have ghost stories, and there are no normal animals. There are plants, but it is hard to say whether those plants are normal or not.


The Kingdom of the Sea is regarded as the Kingdom of God, so it is different from other regions in the world?

Considering that the strange stories living here are basically god-born monsters that can reproduce naturally, maybe the environment of the whole map is really different from other regions?

And if you dive too deep from Okutsu Island, or swim too far, the conditions in the ocean gradually become desolate.

The water farther away from the island is more turbid and dark red.

Broken reefs are scattered on the bottom of the sea, like ruins forgotten by time. There is no life around, only silence and loneliness.

The sand waves flowed, covering the bottom of the sea, covering a large area thinly and softly.

However, in this sand wave, there is no creature that attracts the eye. No schools of fish, no coral, no colorful marine life.

The light gradually dimmed in these dead seas, and only a faint light was cast down through the water. These faint and blurred lights can barely reveal some vague outlines, and some erratic aquatic plants and algae are floating in the dead silence.

Deeper in the ocean, there seems to be a faint sound of ocean currents.

That's all you can see away from Okatsushima.

As for why Kamiyagawa didn't simply use his subordinate shikigami to explore further and deeper places.

For example, the Sankami brothers who just obtained the ghost ship recently, with the help of their ghost speedboat, which is faster than common sense, must be able to easily go to farther places.

There is also the transformation of whales. It is completely possible to let the skeleton whale wrap its abdomen with air bubbles, and then lead people into the deep sea.

Without doing so, Kamiya also had some considerations of his own.

The main reason is that according to the Crab Clan, the next red tide is coming soon, and it is ready to go.

No one can say exactly when the red tide will come.

It could be months, it could be tomorrow, it could be the next second.

Kamiyagawa was worried that when the red tide came suddenly when he was exploring deeper and farther places, he would be caught off guard.

He has never experienced the so-called red tide, and his understanding of this disaster is limited to the description of the Crab Clan.

How harmful is a red tide?

According to the current rough estimate, the Mikami Brothers may not be able to withstand the invasion of this disaster at the level of the brothers, so Kamiya does not want to bring them in for the time being.

As for whether the C-level upstream level of the whale can resist it, I don't know yet.

Anyway, the same C-level crab girl said that she would not be willing to face the red tide and enter it.

Acting in the other world, Kamiya has always regarded the lives of ghost stories and shikigami more important than himself as an undead.

They can die, but they can't.

So proceed with caution.

It is better to wait for the red tide to pass, the ocean to calm down a little, and Shen Gu to fully understand the situation of the red tide before making any big moves, which is safer.

Under conditions where risks can be avoided as much as possible, one cannot let one's cronies and subordinates take unnecessary risks.

This is not what a qualified leader should do.


time flies.

Fifteen days have passed since the map of the sea kingdom was opened.

Kamiyagawa observed the moon in Kaikuni.

The phases of the moon are similar to the real world.

Fifteen days ago there was a full moon, but tonight the moon is invisible. It is the time when the moon disappears, and it is also the day when Munakata Taisha appears from the sea every three hundred years.

And since a few days ago, Kamiya basically stayed in the kingdom of the sea.

Because it was announced that he was practicing, the countermeasure room didn't bother him with any trivial matters.

For other daily tasks that need to be done in the real world, the concubine Yao can handle them, or the apprentice can do them for them.

Things like the studio is about to be established.

There is also the collection of anger cores, this little apprentice will do it temporarily for the past two days.

Because the eight-foot girl has recovered, Xiaolu, who is currently holding her head and practicing hard to remove spirits, takes the wild god eight-foot girl, and follows the little old man's avatar to move around in Tokyo to collect pornography. Nothing goes wrong.

When encountering a spiritual master, Xiaolu can come forward and report the name of the master, or call Onizuka and Kanazawa directly.

Disciples of ghosts and gods, Juqiong Shrine, and Honganji Temple will all be given to the spirit masters.

When encountering strange stories, the eight-foot girl can easily settle them.

Of course, these are all bad situations in the illusion. In fact, the little deer has been collecting love cores with the little old man's body for the past two days, and has not encountered any accidents.

The little apprentice did a good job of sharing the work of the master.

With their help, Kamiya has returned to reality from the other world these days, basically only doing basic things like eating and sleeping.

When he was not on Crab Island, he would leave a little old man around to watch him, and he would be there immediately if something went wrong.

that night.

Kamiyagawa, who had taken a good rest during the day, stayed on Okutsu Island.

Tonight, the atmosphere in the territory of the Crab Clan is completely different from usual, very serious and dignified, and the warrior crabs are all ready to fight.

Kamiya and Kanihime stood under the stone statue of Tianxin Ji in the center of the tribe, looked at the little crab girl who was serious, and saluted the statue very respectfully, and finally asked, "Do you feel the place where Munakata Shrine appeared?"

"Not yet, maybe we have to wait." Xie Ji shook her head.

According to the crab family, there is no fixed place where the large shrine rises from the sea country, but when the shrine rises, Kanihime, who is the "Munakata", can clearly feel it.

Although he was very curious and wanted to witness the birth of the king of the sea country with his own eyes, Kamiya still waited patiently.

The little crab girl beside her just closed her eyes again and prayed devoutly to Tian Xinji's statue.

As the main character tonight, she looked far more nervous than the outsider Kamiyagawa.

However, tonight's waiting is not the appearance of Munakata Taisha Shrine——

It is about four hours before the sun goes down in Haiguo.

Kamiyagawa, who was staying in the territory of the Crab Clan on Otsu Island, obviously felt something strange.

In the vast and boundless sea, the originally calm scene was broken by unexpected weather changes.

Dark clouds, thunder and lightning, howling winds stirred the sea, and the waves surged high, baring their teeth and claws like giant beasts.

This change occurs almost instantly, without the slightest transition.

The huge and bright red tsunami seemed to appear out of nowhere, rolling in from a distance, like a ferocious blood-colored giant standing upright on the sea, advancing fiercely. The vast water wall continued to expand with the arrival of the tsunami, forming a tall and terrifying water wall that covered the entire skyline.

The ocean is restless.

Even if he didn't stay by the sea, didn't stand on the top of the cliff, and couldn't see the specific situation of the sea, Kamiyagawa could clearly feel this.

The warrior crabs in the territory became visibly restless.

"It doesn't seem right. Is this the atmosphere that Munakata Taisha should have before the rise? Or something else..."

Kamiya looked around and subconsciously pulled out a word.

Xie Ji, who was praying quietly, opened her eyes suddenly, her bright eyes trembled, her face was full of fear: "No, it's not. This is the red tide... The red tide is coming."

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