I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 515 You Are My Prisoner Now

Kamiya signaled Inugami and the others to restrain their breath a little.

After the shikigami did so, Isohime's slack gaze finally focused on him with a ray of vivid light.

"You're in my way!"

She opened her bloody mouth wide, revealing jagged and irregular sharp fangs, and the two antler-like horns on her head glowed with evil water.

"Hey, you seem to be a lot tougher than Xiaocan." Kamiya ignored Isohime's threat at all, "Yes, I hindered you, but at the same time I saved you. After taking the hammer from Kanihime, the next one will come later." In the red tide, you probably won’t survive. From this point of view, your life should be mine. Now that I’ve captured you, I should be your master, so you’d better put your attitude on talking to me.”

Mermaids are not as easy-talking as the Crab Clan, so Kamiyagawa simply changed Zhoumu's friendly way of communicating with the natives of the sea country, and his attitude became a lot stronger.

He had figured it out just now.

There are still many things that have not been clarified in Haiguo, and among those unsolved matters, perhaps some are related to the "tide of backward time".

If he wants to conquer the special map of Haiguo, he has to figure out the truth behind it.

Conversation and deterrence are both methods, as long as they are effective and the desired information and information can be obtained.


The eyes of the Inugami at the side burst into a fierce light, and his fangs were exposed, looking like he would devour Isohime alive at any time.

Gouzi is very good at using his appearance advantage to create momentum for Shengu, and this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

Perhaps also affected by Kamiya's words, or perhaps being intimidated by Inugami again, Isohime's thin shoulders trembled slightly.

The mermaids on the shore who did not fall asleep could clearly hear the conversation just now. The princess was being humiliated by that frivolous man. They were all extremely annoyed, but under the absolute power gap, they couldn't do anything.

Isohime raised her terrifying head, as if she couldn't accept Kamiyagawa's words: "Kill me."


"kill me!"

"Don't be so anxious, being my captive is not necessarily a bad thing. I am an envoy from Gao Tianyuan, and I came here to save the sea country. You mermaids are facing a huge crisis, aren't you? The red tide is coming, the sea The king of the country is about to be born. As for you, Jiji, you seem to want to be the king of the sea country, even at the cost of your life. Now that I am here, I can help you get whatever you want."

With Zhoumu experience, Shengu can easily understand the needs of the mermaid clan.

Judging from the previous experience, even if she dies, Isohime will forcibly board Munakata Shrine.

She must have been unable to refuse the pie drawn by Kamiyagawa.

Moreover, it shouldn't be a problem to bluntly say that he is from Gao Tianyuan. The red tide should be caused by the underworld, and the mermaid clan obviously paid a heavy price because of the red tide. Thinking about it this way, they shouldn't belong to the underworld.

Sure enough, after hearing what Kamiyagawa said, Isohime was stunned for a while.

"Are you from Gaotianyuan?"

"That's right."

"To save our mermaid family?"

"To be precise, it is to save Hai Nation, including you mermaids."

Jiji seemed to have finally figured it out, lowered her head, and said in a hoarse voice, "I will be your prisoner, but let my people go."

"You seem to have made a mistake. It is a fact that you are my prisoner, whether you agree with it or not. You cannot trade this with me."


"However, I appreciate your courage. So I won't do anything to your people, don't worry."

Kamiyagawa didn't push Isohime too hard.

Although it is a fact that she was physically captured, it is also a good thing for her to initially identify with her "captive" status psychologically.

Although she knew that the clown mermaid would definitely not be convinced by this, at least she would subconsciously assume this somewhat humiliating identity.

It is enough that the status of whoever goes up and who goes down is established, and there will be plenty of ways to hold her in the future.

This may be similar to the first step of domestication.

Isohime is the "Munakata" of the mermaid clan and the leader, holding her is no different from holding the entire mermaid clan.

"Okay, if that's the case, take me to your Shicun Island."

Kamiyagawa had heard the name of the mermaid stronghold, Ichisun Island, from the Crab Clan before.

Hearing this, Isohime began to hesitate again.

Bringing such a huge threat back to the Horde, no matter how you think about it, it seems like suicide.

"You have to understand that you have no right to refuse my request. If you take me to Shicun Island, nothing bad will happen, but if I go by myself, for you mermaid clan, It should be an unacceptable disaster. In addition, the red tide is coming, and as the savior of the sea country, I have a lot of things to do, and I want to know all the information related to the red tide that you mermaids have."

Kamiyagawa spoke with certainty.

Jiji has also seen clearly that this strong outsider seems to know the situation of Haiguo very well.

Did he really come here to save Haiguo?

Think about what he did just now, save the stupid crab from the Crab Clan, and save himself...

Not to mention solving the crisis of Hong Tide, if this person is really willing to help the mermaid, then after fifteen days, it might not be so difficult to ascend to the position of the king, right?


Isohime agrees to take Kamiyagawa to Ichishima.

The iso girl and rock fish master of the mermaid clan also revived under the control of the little tapir.

They looked at Kamiyagawa with resentful eyes, but they still dived into the sea to open their way helplessly.

Kamiyagawa called out the whale again, and summoned a skeleton whale as a tool for traveling at sea.

According to previous experience, the red tide should come on the night of the hidden moon, and activities in the sea area are considered safe for the time being.

Also, Kamiya didn't release Isohime into the sea, but ordered her to stay by his side.

Some of the mermaid leaders who had given up struggling did not resist, but just followed suit.

"Let's talk about the red tide. You mermaids are more deeply affected by the red tide. You should know something that even I don't know. I think this part of the information should be nothing to hide from you. Even if you tell it all, It will do no harm to you or your people."

On the way, Kamiyagawa kept talking to Isohime.

Now it's another topic.

The latter was silent for a while. As a "captive", she didn't know how to face the arrogant man in front of her.

The mermaid princess didn't have any experience in this area, anyway, she just felt that even if she stayed by his side, she would feel a strange sense of humiliation.

But what this annoying man said was correct, even if all the information about Hong Chao was revealed, it would not have any real impact on the mermaid clan. On the contrary, if this man really came here to solve the red tide, the more he knows, the more likely the crisis will be resolved.

Thinking about it this way, Isohime was able to accept a little bit of Kamiyagawa's unpleasant attitude.

She spoke awkwardly, her voice still hoarse, as if a mouthful of thick phlegm was stuck in her throat:

"The red tide originated two hundred years ago, when my mother disappeared. I was just born at that time, and all related things were heard from my tribe. After my mother disappeared, the sea became dark red, strange and restless, like Something was brewing, but no one knew what kind of disaster would happen at the beginning."

It sounds like Isohime is the daughter of the previous Lord of the Sea Kingdom.

That is the princess of the sea.

Both sides of Haiguo are descendants of Munakata and the three goddesses. Kamiyagawa is no longer surprised by this kind of thing, and will no longer subconsciously sigh, "So you still have a mother."

"Do you have any clue as to why your mother disappeared?"

The previous queen of Haiguo disappeared strangely, and Kamiyagawa felt that this matter was quite suspicious.

Maybe it will be a breakthrough in the next investigation.

"We don't know the reason, but it seems that the mother went to Takito Island before she disappeared."

Duoqidu Island is an island named after Duoqidu Himoming, the youngest goddess among the Munakata goddesses.

It is the same as Okutsu Island of the Crab Clan and Ichisun Island of the Mermaid Clan.

Kamiya asked: "Does Takidu Island still exist?"

"It has been sunk for a long time, but there are still ruins in the sea. Two hundred years ago, when the Crab Clan and the Mermaid Clan were still cooperating, the two sides sent elites to the ruins of Takidu Island buried in the deep sea. Most of the people did not come back, and the few survivors were also delirious, unable to explain the situation there, and the clansmen who came back not long ago also died."

"The old man in the clan said that both the Crab Clan and the Mermaid Clan lost their most elite combat power in that operation, and neither side had the ability to explore there after that. From that time on, the Crab Clan, for some reason, I completely abandoned the mermaids and hid in Okutsu Island."

"Our tribe didn't think about avoiding and giving up at that time, but tried to use the power of the tribe to find our mother, and tried to understand the unknown situation of the mutation of Takidu Island and the sea."

"As a result, the red tide came suddenly and destroyed our homeland. The clansmen who lived in the water were affected by the wave, cursed and degenerated into sea monsters..."

Isohime roughly told some of the information she knew.

When she told the story, she didn't have too much emotion attached to it, she just narrated it in a straightforward manner, maybe because she was reluctant to reveal any true emotions in front of Kamiyagawa.

The past experience of the mermaid tribe may be much more tragic than what she described.

"So, hasn't the mermaid clan tried to explore Takidu Island again for two hundred years?" Kamiya asked after thinking for a while.

"Yes, but there is no result. The clansmen can't even get close to it. In fact, we did not achieve any results when we joined forces with the crab clan to explore together in the prosperous period, let alone now... I think you can see it too. , we are weak..."

"Well, if Takito Island is really related to the Red Tide and your mother's affairs, then I will go and have a look." Kamiya's tone was calm, as if it was a matter of course, and the calm sound of the waves rolled his voice.

In the first week, Kamiya put "supporting the new king" in the position before "resolving the red tide crisis".

There is nothing wrong with the order in which things are handled.

Get the easier, seemingly more time-critical tasks done first, and focus on the big troubles later.

But now in the second week, his mentality has changed.

Because of the strange "backtracking tide", his intuition told him that dealing with the red tide may be more urgent than supporting the new king.

This time I chose to be close to the mermaid forces, and I came here for the red tide.

When Isohime heard Kamiya's tone of embracing the safety of the sea country, she was stunned for a while, and there was an inexplicable wave in her cloudy eyes:

"You...will really help us deal with the red tide?"

"Otherwise? What am I telling you so much? To make you happy?"


Isohime stopped talking, but in order not to show obvious wavering, she chose to turn her head to the magnificent sea.

On the sea, the bright moon hangs alone, mysterious and peaceful.

The skeletal whale moved forward slowly on the dark red sea, leaving behind a ripple of shining silver light and an ethereal blue light spot, and the air smelled of saltiness and humidity.

In the distance, the boundary between the sea surface and the sky seems to disappear, the colors are different, but they are integrated.

After a while, Jiji heard that annoying man who claimed to be her master said: "The sea in Haiguo is very beautiful, if it is not red."


"By the way, Ji Ji, have you ever considered leaving the sea country? The situation of your mermaids seems to be much worse than that of the Crab Clan. They can still support a little bit, but you...leaving seems to be a better choice."

"We can't go."


"As I said, my people are cursed. We are trapped by the red tide, and we are tied to our hometown, Ichishima, which has become depraved and filthy. It takes only a day or so to leave the range of Ichishima, and I people will turn into... bubbles."

This time, Isohime didn't hold back her emotions, her tone and eyes became sad.

Kamiyagawa understood.

He was still wondering before that the Crab Clan could somewhat defend against the red tide because the Crab Master still has the ability of the Crab Girl. If the Mermaid Clan wanted to survive, they could choose to resolve the conflict between the two parties and move to Otsu Island to live with the Crab Clan. .

No matter how big the conflict is, it's not as big as their own fate, right?

Now according to Jiji, they can't move.

Time passed quickly between conversations.

The journey at sea took about two hours, and Kamiyagawa saw the outline of an island from afar on the back of the skeletal whale.

It was an isolated island in the depths of the ocean, shrouded in thick fog and darkness.

Shrouded in dense fog and miasma, the visibility range around the island is very low. The sea breeze seemed to be much stronger in this area, and the sound in the mist was sent from afar, similar to the sound of mournful shouts and creepy roars.

Ichishima has arrived.

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