I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 545 Doppelgänger

Kobata Jiyue looked at the photo in Kamiya's hand and seemed to finally recall something.

That funeral...

People dressed in black came and went, and the atmosphere was heavy, accompanied by sad cries and intermittent prayers.

Inside the venue, the black and white decoration is solemn. People were talking in low voices, but they still couldn't see anyone's face clearly. The air was filled with the mixed smell of flowers and incense candles, mixed with a dull sadness.

"No, that's not right..."

Kobata Jiyue shook her head vigorously.

I obviously never went to that funeral.

But why is there such a clear memory in my mind?

Even though she was denying and resisting in her heart, Kobata Jiyue still saw "more" in her memory——

She saw the black coffin in the center of the mourning hall and the portrait surrounded by yellow and white flowers.

The person in the portrait has long, smooth hair that hangs gently on his shoulders. The bun on the top of the head is meticulously taken care of, showing rigor and neatness.

He has clear facial features and clear lines, and has an impeccable and gentle smile on his face. The smile does not come from the heart, but you can really feel the kindness and friendliness.

This face is very familiar to Xiaobata Jiyue.

This is herself.

"Is that... my own funeral?" Kobata Jiyue's voice trembled again, and then turned into a scream, "Impossible, impossible!"

"Is it like this?"

Kamiya looked at the supernatural photo in his hand.

It seems that this so-called funeral belongs to Obata Himetsuki herself.

"No, that's not the case! Mr. Kamiya, I'm still alive, I'm still alive, right?"

Kobata Jiyue was like a drowning person struggling desperately, trying to grasp the life-saving straw.

This originally dignified and beautiful lady was now in a miserable state.

The clothes on his body were completely soaked in dirty muddy water, and his outline was blurred. His long, silky hair was also wet, hanging heavily on his shoulders.

Her body, which had been erect and proud, was now bent and suffering from her own hysteria.

"Calm down, ma'am, you're still alive."

Kamiya raised his hand and grabbed Kobata Jiyue's wrist, trying to control her to prevent her from doing anything drastic.

This lady is alive.

This was already confirmed when I saw her in the morning.

Can't be wrong.

To be on the safe side, Kamiyagawa had previously checked Obata Himetsuki's information online.

After all, the other party was an upper-class person in Tokyo and the hostess of a famous Kabuki family. If she passed away, there would be some news on the Internet.

There is no news of Obata Jiyue's death on the Internet.

"But that funeral, that funeral is mine!"

"Maybe it's just an illusion? It's the same as what you just saw."

The moment Kamiyagawa controlled Kobata Himetsu, he noticed that the supernatural photo he was holding in his other hand slowly disappeared.

This photo is from that funeral.

Since the photo can dissipate itself after reaching certain conditions, it means that it is not completely real.

In the same way, the funeral may not have been absolutely real.

Also, Kohata Jiyue's face is clearly visible in the photo, but the faces of other characters are extremely blurry, making it impossible to identify who they are.

This may also be considered indirect evidence that the funeral was not real.

Because she received Kamiyagawa's "you are still alive" certification, a few minutes later, Kohata Jiyue finally regained her composure.

"Feel sorry."

She started apologizing again out of habit.

"Madam, you have nothing to be sorry for me." Kamiya shook his head, "I accepted your money, and everything I have done so far is what I should do. Now, the supernatural photos have disappeared, and the three-color Kumatori is no longer pestering me. You. For now, you are safe for the time being. Of course, I will investigate Zhang Kuma again later, and I will contact you as soon as there is any situation."

Use money to do things.

We have to provide services worthy of the price of 20 million yen.

"Thank you, Mr. Kamiya. It's great to be able to entrust you with help. I...you have also seen how I am now. Since you said that I am safe for the time being, I will leave first."

"Yes." Kamiya nodded, thought for a while and then added, "By the way, ma'am, about the Obata family."


"It's nothing. I just felt that you were not doing well at Xiaobata's house, so I gave those things a chance to sneak in."

Kamiya had previously observed Kohata Jiyue talking to herself here for a whole half day.

We also generally know the situation of this famous wife.

Living in such an environment makes the Buddha angry.

"Then what should I do?"

"Go to the shrine to burn incense, donate some money, and pray for a guardian to come back. There is a Juqiong shrine in Kanagawa. I don't know if you have heard of it. Going there should be effective. Or maybe, you can consider leaving Xiaobata's house."


Xiaobata Jiyue suddenly raised her head, and strands of wet hair stuck to her muddy face, drawing clear lines.

On this lady's face, there was an emotion that she had never seen before.

"It's impossible, it's impossible to leave!"

She whispered softly, as if she was talking in her sleep, very fast and very vaguely.

It was a hoarse and harsh sound, crowded in her throat, like the night wind passing quietly among the dead branches, and like ancient stone slabs quietly moving in the night.

Her fingers suddenly clenched tightly and tightened the wet and dirty hem of her clothes, as if she was grasping something invisible. Her whispers became more urgent, with a hint of madness in her tone. The invisible thing seemed to struggle in her grasp, accompanied by muffled sounds and rustling sounds.

"If I leave the Xiaobata family, I will have nothing. As long as, as long as I can give birth to a son, as long as my son can inherit the family business, then I can have everything... It is impossible to leave, it is impossible..."

Kamiya observed the change in his employer's expression, shrugged, and said nothing more.

I don’t care whether Kobata Jiyue’s funeral actually happened, but something about her was probably dead.

After a few seconds, the lady returned to normal.

As if nothing happened, he bowed dignifiedly towards Kamiya: "I will go to the Juqiong Shrine you mentioned. Thank you again, Mr. Kamiya."

When Kobata Jiyue's figure disappeared, Kamiyagawa was the only one standing in this dark wilderness holding the Ichimonji scabbard.

After a few more seconds, Prajna appeared from beside him.

"Let her go again?"

"Well, there should be no problem this time. The supernatural photo disappeared, and Kumatori's aura is no longer on her body. Oh, by the way, Kumatori, we need to investigate this later."

"Tsk, isn't it a big problem?"

"In which way?"

"Doppelgänger, that woman is most likely the doppelgänger you mentioned."

Kamiyagawa did not completely deny this: "Indeed. However, I can't do anything now. I can't just hack my employer to death after receiving the money... Moreover, I can't make a complete conclusion as to whether she is a doppelganger." "

The supernatural photos, and the non-existent funeral in Kobata Jiyue's memory.

Optimistically, this may also be the product of some kind of hallucination under the influence of Kumatori's power.

Of course, except for this kind of speculation. The truth is not without another possibility——

Like a doppelganger.

There is an urban legend about doppelgangers.

It is said that once the doppelganger is generated, the original owner may disappear for some reasons, and the clone will replace the original owner.

Maybe Obata Jiyue has really "died", "death" in a mysterious sense.

The funeral that existed in the mind of Mrs. Obata in front of her, and the supernatural photo, were both the "death certificates" of Himesuki Obata.

If this guess is true.

Then Kamiya has never seen the real Kohata Himetsuki until the end. The Mrs. Kohata whom he came into contact with was no longer the original Kohata Himetsuki, but appeared later to replace the original owner's doppelgänger.

However, this speculation cannot be confirmed at present.

Because from Kamiya's perspective, this Kohata Jiyue is indeed a human being.

When I tested the other party on the topic of "doppelgänger" in the morning, I didn't see anything unusual about her.

Moreover, if the current Kohata Jiyue is really a doppelgänger, using supernatural photos to find the spiritual master is completely making herself uncomfortable.

"Unless the doppelgänger replaces the original owner, it is also a human being without any extraordinary power. Moreover, the doppelgänger itself does not know that it is a doppelgänger, but will completely regard itself as the original owner. Only then can all this be explained."

But these are all just guesses.

Prajna shook his head: "Even if we don't talk about the possibility of a doppelgänger, is it really okay to let her go back to the Obata family? That famous cannibal family."

Kamiyagawa still looked unconcerned: "You also heard her last words. She doesn't want to leave the Obata family. Use money to do things, put aside the complex of helping others, and respect the fate of others."

Anyway, the commission in the morning was only divided into two aspects.

One is a supernatural photo, and the other is a three-color Kumatori.

The former has been resolved, the latter has come to an end, and will be followed up later.

Kamiyagawa's current actions are completely worthy of the 20 million remuneration he received.

Have a clear conscience.

Also, if the current Kohata Himetsuki is really a doppelgänger and has turned dark to a certain extent, then Kamiya thinks it would be quite fun for her to go back to Kohata's house.

"I will report what happened today to the countermeasures room. Whether Kohata Jiyue is a doppelganger and whether it will cause any harm, the countermeasures room will investigate and deal with it. They are very good at doing this." Kamiya added. road.

He really had no intention of killing his employer.

But after truthfully reporting the situation, how the countermeasures room will handle the matter has nothing to do with him.

And compared to the current Obata Himetsu, Kamiyagawa is obviously more interested in Cho Kumaori, and should devote his energy to things that seem to be more important.

I get the money, and the hard work of wiping my butt is left to the countermeasures room.


Prajna was silent for a while. Although he felt that this person was a bit shameless, but after thinking about his handling of this matter, he seemed to be unable to find any fault?

The Countermeasures Room is really good at doing these aftermath things.

The truth is all taken by Kamiya.

How irritating do you think this is?

Hannya raised his eyes and glanced in the direction where Kobata Jiyue was leaving: "Hey, the famous family... is simply worse than your exploitation of Kaitan."


Can this also cue me?

How innocent I am!

"No...where did you learn the wording? And I think you used the wording incorrectly. Forget it - let's go home."

Dark clouds covered the sky like cotton wool.

But at some point, the moon struggled to break out of the darkness. The bright moonlight shines from the edge of the black clouds, like a huge holy pupil, watching the world alone and firmly in the darkness.

Kamiya walked towards where Dashi parked his car, and Prajna followed him in a suspended state.

The moonlight lengthened their reflections, gently shaking them together.



"You just said exploitation, right? I thought about it... Well, in your mind, I shouldn't treat you the way Kobata Jiyue's husband treats her, right? If you have any objections to me, remember to mention it in time Come out—hey! You’re serious, don’t bite me with your mask!”


Setagaya Ward in Tokyo.

High school student Yoji Shimokawa who lives here is a virtual anchor and a die-hard fan of the new era urban ghost story Marie-chan.

He had paid attention to Mary-chan as early as when she started live broadcasting.

And from time to time, I will cut some slices of Mary's live broadcast and make some memes such as "Mary-chan, scold me now" and "Believe in Mary for ten consecutive golds".

He's a loyal pusher.

But more than three months ago, Mary Jiang suddenly made an announcement, saying that due to personal work reasons, she would reduce the frequency of live broadcasts for a period of time.

Since then, Mary's live broadcasts have really become less and less, and even when they are online, they are...how should I put it, it doesn't have that flavor.

The original Mary-chan didn't need to be deliberately reorganized, she just had the show's effect. Moreover, the smell of female imp is very pure and authentic, and is loved by everyone.

But in the last three months of low-frequency live broadcasts, it can be clearly felt that Mary-chan talks less when playing games, and she doesn't curse people in the live broadcast room.

The popularity in the live broadcast room has also declined.

Mari-chan's middle-aged man is probably really busy with his real-life work, which has led to him being in poor condition and losing his original aura.

Shimokawa Yoji couldn't help but feel sad when he thought that the lovely Mary had to be beaten by reality.

Come back, my Mary, my proudest faith.

During this difficult time, Yoji relied on repeatedly slipping slices of some of Mary's famous live broadcast scenes into paste to make meal replacements. But a week ago, things finally got better.

Mary-chan announced in her personal news that "real-life work has come to an end and the original frequency of six live broadcasts per week has been restored."

Yoji almost cried with joy when watching the live broadcast that night when the announcement was made.

Mary-chan finally cursed again!

Still a familiar smell.

It's back, it's all back.

"In about twenty minutes, Marie-chan will start broadcasting."

Tonight, Yoji stayed in Mary's live broadcast room with the same energy.

However, since there was still a little time before the broadcast, he casually surfed the Internet and intensively searched for content related to Mary-chan.

Browsing on his phone, he saw an authenticated user on Instagram——

[GENIE animation studio]

"GENIE? A studio I've never heard of. Oh... Judging from the introduction, it seems that it was just established."

"The pinned news, the project of "Uncertain Lady Mary" has been confirmed. No wonder it was found in the search... Huh? Wait a minute, why is the image of Miss Mary, the new project of GENIE Animation Studio, on this poster..."

Like, so similar.

No, it's exactly the same.

Isn't this Marie-chan's leather case? ?

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