I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 566 Holidays at Luye House

"Okay! The first broadcast went well!"

The ending song of "Miss Mary" played on the TV, and Kanoya raised his arms and cheered.

Although the drama has been released to TBS TV station, there does not seem to be any initial broadcast accident.

But because Xiaolu took the lead, in addition to Xiaowu who was trying to keep a calm expression, other children or little monsters in the family also started to rejoice.

Today is the day of the TV premiere of "Miss Mary". Everyone in Kamiyagawa's family gathered in the living room to witness this memorable moment.

So the living room was filled with gleeful geeks.

In fact, if I have to say it, many people in the family have already read the first story of the new series, "Fortunate Fish".

But watching it in private and watching it on TV are completely different feelings.

Tonight’s premiere viewing, Kamiyagawa also picked up Mr. Miyake from the Live Fish Hotel to participate. Originally, Onizuka was also invited.

After all, the little witch is an investor, and she provided half of the funds for the entire new series project.

However, Onizuka went back to the Jujun Shrine in Kanagawa for the past two days.

Kamiya made an appointment with her to wait for the release of the final episode of "Uncertain Lady Mary" and then watch it with everyone.

"However, I still don't know what the premiere ratings of "Miss Mary" will be." Chiaki Miyake sat in the middle of the living room with some restraint, looking a little uneasy.

This is of course not the first time he has watched the finished film of the story "Lucky Fish".

From the audience's point of view, Miyake feels that the final product is a good interpretation of the script he wrote. The content is remarkable and it can be called a masterpiece.

But this is just his own idea.

TV broadcasting ultimately depends on performance, that is, ratings.

Ratings can reflect many problems more objectively.

"TBS will probably get the ratings report tomorrow, but..."

Another main creative member of "Uncertain Lady Mary", Fumika Yaofei, took over the topic. While speaking, she looked at Xiao Satoru, who was sitting between Mary and Ayaori.

"Hmph! It's time for the great Master Satoru to take action."

Satoru stood up, looking proud.

While she pretended to pat the hem of her skirt and adjust her clothes, she glanced at where Tanichuan was with her peripheral vision.

"Yes, yes, I still have to rely on you. Please help me, Satoru."

Of course, Kamiya noticed Satoru's gaze and knew that the brat wanted to hear her compliments, so he simply complied with her wishes.

Anyway, as long as he says something nice, this guy will do his best.

Very easy to deal with.


Wu snorted and walked out of the living room proudly, heading straight to the study on the second floor.

In Japan, special survey companies are usually entrusted to calculate the ratings of TV stations.

In most cases, a part of the sample is surveyed and sampling statistics are used.

Set up professional recording equipment at the TV user's home, and then directly collect statistics through the Internet. Generally used for house-to-house statistics, the minimum accuracy can be down to every minute.

Like late-night programs, the survey company will usually provide statistical reports back to the TV station the next day.

But with Satoru, the cybernetic monster, there is no need for such trouble.

She can easily check the network data of the investigation company through the Internet, and then quickly summarize it to easily understand the investigation situation in advance.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, Satoru returned from upstairs.

"It's just so-so," she said. "The average ratings for the first episode of "Miss Mary" were 3.6%, and the average ratings for the second episode were 3.3%."

After listening to Satoru's report, Mr. Miyake put his hand on his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

Princess Bunche turned her head to look at Kamiyakawa, her eyes shining softly under the light of the room.

Judging from the reactions of the two main creators, they are quite satisfied with the ratings.

A few percent, this figure may seem small at first glance.

But considering the huge base of the audience——

During the time period from 0 o'clock just now to 1 o'clock in the morning now, out of every hundred people watching TV, nearly three people were watching "Miss Mary."

This number is already very impressive.

Refer to other anime dramas, such as "Boruto".

Its single-episode ratings fluctuate around 2%.

Putting aside the question of whether "Boruto" is popular or not, the huge fan base is there.

Although "Boruto" is not broadcast in the late night slot, the competition for ratings is more intense.

But this data comparison can probably explain the problem. The premiere performance of "Miss Mary" without any IP foundation is definitely excellent.

The excellence is somewhat beyond the expectations of Kamiyagawa and the other two main creators.

To achieve this, Xiaowu definitely contributed a lot.

"Excluding those attracted by TBS advertisements and other publicity methods, a lot of the viewership ratings of the premiere are probably due to the contribution of the V circle. Satoru has previously been a hot topic in the V circle, and the effect achieved is much stronger than expected. "Kamitani thought so.

I really underestimated the size of those leather jacket enthusiasts.

In fact, if you think about it, the overlap between the V circle and the animation audience itself is relatively high.

If we talk about the viewers of the first episode, most of them were attracted by the big events in the V circle to watch the excitement. So the ratings of the second episode can be kept above 3%, which is the result of the joint efforts of Mr. Miyake, Fumika Yami and other staff of GENIE Animation Studio.

No matter how good the gimmick is, it is useless if it has no quality.

"Miss Mary" relied on its excellent drama quality to retain the audience who came to watch the fun, prompting everyone to watch the whole show.


At this time, Zashiki threw himself into his old father's arms, babbling and saying something that was probably congratulations.

The dull hair on the top of her head swayed with her coquettish movements, softly scratching Kamiya's cheek.

With the intuition of the house god, Fu Bao can clearly feel that the family now has a feeling of abundant wealth!

If the reputation of the drama can be further fermented, and Satoru's online trolling will continue to add fuel to the flames. Optimistically, the ratings of "Uncertain Lady Mary" will probably increase even more next Sunday night.

"Miss Mary" is expected to open up new opportunities for GENIE Animation Studio in this world.

Subsequent DVD and peripheral sales, as well as various copyright linkages are just around the corner.

You can definitely make money!

In this way, in addition to the hard work of the studio president himself, it is finally possible to open up another channel for making large amounts of money.

Moreover, Wu's live broadcast income will most likely increase further.

Get better!

"There is also a shrine for Mary and Little Tapir." Kamiya continued to think while patting Zashiki's head, "I can definitely use this to gain a lot of faith in reality, right?

It was already late at night when the first broadcast of "Miss Mary" ended, but Kamiya's house celebrated lively for a while.

During this period, Kamiya received a congratulatory call from Onizuka.

The little witch was at the Juqiong Shrine and took the time to watch the premiere.

Similarly, Wenche Yaofei also received a call from Director Hexi at about the same time. On the other end of the phone were people from the studio.

Members of GENIE Animation Studio are staying at the studio tonight to watch the first broadcast.

Xiao Wenche also distributed a team building fund to the employees for them to use tonight.

As for the studio’s President Kamiya and General Manager Kamiya, they naturally did not go there to participate.

These two key figures did not show up at this time, which naturally made people wonder, but the employees did not dare to criticize anything.

The night is still very long tonight.

The night is soft, the stars are blurry, and the silver is flowing.

The night wind flew gently, caressing everything lovingly with its huge wings. Starlight and lights mix with the breeze, forming a big net that wraps around everything in the world, interweaving and connecting people who are in different places at this moment but excited about the same thing, until everyone falls into a sweet and beautiful dreamland. …


It snowed for the first time in Tokyo, plunging the city into a blanket of white snow.

Snowflakes bring messages——

The winter vacation for all college students is coming.

Ocha Middle School, where Kanoya is located, has finished its final exams and is officially on vacation.

"Master, then I'm going back to Aomori?"

At the door of the house, Kanoya was standing with his big suitcase.

A wolf and a red deer stood beside her, one on the left and one on the right, and a little old man's body, sitting on the big horns of the red deer.

After the winter vacation, Kanoya is going back to Ouri Island to stay for a few days.

I will spend the Chinese New Year with my biological father and will not come back until about January.

Her shikigami will also go back with her.

This girl was wearing a pink short cotton coat and black wide-leg pants today, and she didn't look bloated at all. Her hair had grown a lot longer, and she wore a white velvet hat on her head. Two small white pom-poms on the hat hung down and swayed.

Coupled with her pretty face, she looks like a quirky girl next door.

After staying in Tokyo for a year, the deer seems to have become more beautiful after being raised by Kamiya.

Okay, maybe it has nothing to do with Kamiya.

This girl is already growing.

Moreover, as a disciple who entered the house, Kanoya stayed with Kamiyagawa for food and accommodation, so Kamiya himself did not have much intuitive feeling about this. However, the little whale who is a good-looking appraiser really ran further and further away when he saw Kanoya.

"Go back and have a good rest for a few days, but don't forget the ghost removal lessons that I and other teachers gave you for self-study." Kamiyagawa rambled like an old father who was separated from his daughter, "Also, over in Aomori, especially It’s colder on the island than in Tokyo, so don’t wear short skirts.”

"I know, I know, Master, you really like to worry sometimes." Kanoya laughed.

In Japan, many female high school students go bare-legged and wear short skirts in winter.

These JKs are really frost resistant.

In fact, it’s not anti-freeze, it’s cold.

But JK’s belief is that they would rather pursue fashion and be frozen to death than wrap themselves into rice dumplings.

As early as late autumn, Kamiya had told his apprentice more than once not to wear skirts like other little girls.

Because it looks really cold!

It's still early winter now, and when the cold winter comes in January and February, Kamiyagawa may think about putting on long johns for his apprentice.

This is how your old father thinks you are cold.

"Master, am I leaving? I will call you every day to greet you and my sisters."

"It doesn't have to be every day..."

The master and the apprentice said goodbye. Kanoya said some farewell words to his master's wife and other ghosts in the family, and then got into the ghost car.

Oishi and the others will send the deer directly to Ouri Island and then come back.

Anyway, the means of transportation at home now can be traveled by land and water, and it doesn’t take too long to go back and forth.

“When I come back next year, I will bring you the island’s specialties!”

Watching the ghost car's taillights disappear on the street corner in early winter, Kamiya suddenly felt a little lonely.

Probably because he was used to this little girl being noisy at home, he was really not used to it when she left.

However, after more than half a month, Xiaolu came back again.

First, take Toshima Oishi’s ghost car from Tokyo to Aomori Prefecture.

Arrive at the coast and take the ghost ship of the Mikami brothers to ride the wind and waves to Oguri Island.

Because they were not in a hurry, Oishi and Mikami did not drive too fast.

Xiaolu started his journey back home after lunch. He separated from Oishi and the others around two o'clock in the afternoon and went straight to Ourishima's doorstep.

Mr. Kanoya knew that his daughter was coming home a few days in advance, so he finished his work at sea early and is now waiting for her at home.

After arriving at home, Xiaolu first called Kamiya.

After that, I chatted with my father and talked about my daily life in Tokyo. I kept talking about "Master is so good to me" and so on.

In the evening of that day, the father and daughter enjoyed a sumptuous dinner together.

After working for so long, Xiaolu finally returned to his room to pack his luggage. He also took out his mobile phone and sent a LINE back to his good friend——

[Naixun, I’m back to Aomori. ]

Akimichi Nahiro, Oka's best friend in Ocha Nakazato.

Because I went to an all-girls school, of course the other person was also a girl.

Akimichi's hometown is also in Aomori. When he was studying in Tokyo, he lived with his brother who worked in Tokyo.

The two girls were from the same county, so they got along well with each other, and they became friends not long after they entered school.

Later, they experienced the "earthquake catfish" incident together.

As an ordinary person, Akimichi Nahiro still doesn't know that the earthquake in the middle of this year was related to monsters.

All she knew was that Kanoya pushed her out of the door the moment the gymnasium collapsed.

After that, Akimichi Nahiro was lost for a long time because "Shikanoya was crushed under the ruins of the gymnasium and his life and death were unknown."

But fortunately, Lu Yewu finally came back intact.

"I fell into a big hole in the ground, and I was lucky. The collapse below formed a small space that was barely enough for me to fit in. I stayed in it for a long time, and was finally rescued by rescuers and was in the hospital again. Stayed for a few days..."

This is probably how Xiaolu told his friends and classmates about his experience of being "buried under the ruins of the gymnasium."

After the earthquake, no one else was allowed to enter the Ochazhong rescue site.

Therefore, ordinary people cannot know whether what she said is true or false.

In addition, after Ocha Middle School experienced the earthquake, it took just over a month to reopen.

In fact, if such a big thing happens, the school leaders and the construction company of the gymnasium should be held accountable.

However, because the actual disaster involved the power of ghost stories and was not a man-made disaster, after identification, it was found that the force of the countermeasures room was involved in the final outcome of the matter.

Anyway, it’s just like changing the leader.

The students don’t know exactly what they know.

For Akimichi Nahiro, the return of Kanoya was the greatest good news. When she saw the fawn again, she hugged the fawn and trembled and cried until the sky was dark.

In short, after that incident, Akimichi became very attentive to his savior Kanoya.

The deer itself is a good boy.

If people are really kind to her, she will be kind to them.

The relationship between the two naturally became even better.

After the news about Kanoya was sent out, in less than half a minute, several replies came back from Akimichi at once——

[Yukiono, you are back too! ]


[Then when will you come to Towada? ]

[I have already made an agreement with my family to free up the best room in my sour soup hotel and wait for you to come and play! ](End of this chapter)

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