I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 686 Perhaps there should be offspring

Before returning to the Internet Shrine, Wu summarized the situation of Yomi Hirasaka that he saw in this future vision into the computer document in the study on the second floor.

The specific content is not much different from what she said before, but it is more specific and detailed.

In summary, the things to pay attention to are those points-

There are "human master materials" derived from Izanagi that can be obtained on Yomi Hirasaka.

There are several gods on Yomi Hirasaka, but it is unclear whether they are enemies or friends, or both.

You must not use Ama no Ohabari and Amado Bronze Mirror on Hirasaka, otherwise it will have an irreversible impact on the seal of Yomi's core area.

Because Hirasaka is located on the edge of Yomi, the casket of Takamagahara cannot be established there. One of the "surrogate paper man" that Kamiya River relies on in the world of the world cannot be effective there.

Finally, Wu also emphasized. Before going to Hirasaka, Kamiya must go to the divine craftsman Kaku to re-check and transform the Senbin stone fragments.

After carefully checking the "strategy points" left by Xiao Wu, Kamiyagawa went to Fusou Village in Tosori early the next morning.

And Sister Kaku seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

"Are you sure you want to find the human master material?"

"Yeah, you seem to have known it for a long time."

"If you don't go, it's not like you. Alas, who made me follow a boss like you." Sister Kaku spread her hands helplessly, "And last night, your Wu-chan sent an email to my computer. She used the future vision, right? This ability is really convenient."

"Wu also sent you an email?"

"Yes, that little girl really cares about you. She told me in detail about the information about the Senbiki Stone that she saw with the future vision. And reminded me that before you go to Hirasaka, you must make another transformation of the Senbiki Stone."

Then, Kaku showed Kamiyagawa the email that Wu sent last night.

It detailed the situation of Yomi Hirasaka and the Senbiki Stone.

Hirasaka was once divided into two sections by Izanagi using the Senbiki Stone. For the time being, we can call the section leading to Huangquan the front section, and the section leading to the area outside Huangquan the back section.

The Thousand Hiking Stone itself is part of Huangquan's barrier, and the two sections separated by the seal are not connected to each other under the power of the seal.

The front section of Hirasaka, and even the core area of ​​Huangquan, are all within the barrier.

The place Kamiya should go this time is the back section of Hirasaka that is not inside the seal, and the farther area led by the back section of the road.

There are things left by Izanagi.

Therefore, the destination of this trip is not the real Huangquan.

The Thousand Hiking Stone has been controlled by Huangquan for a long time, including the fragments held by Kamiya River.

If it is activated directly and used for teleportation, Kamiya's landing point on Hirasaka is in the front section of Hirasaka, on the side leading to Huangquan.

That is, within the barrier.

Therefore, in the email sent to Jue during the process of activating "Future Vision", Wu repeatedly emphasized that the Thousand Hiking Stone fragments must be transformed again.

Modify the point where Kamiyagawa teleports to Hirasaka.

Make sure to send him to the other end of the Senbiki Stone, outside the seal.

Kamiyagawa and Kaku had not known the details about Hirasaka and the Senbiki Stone before.

Fortunately, Wu opened the "Future Vision".

Otherwise, Kamiyagawa rashly used the Senbiki Stone, which was equivalent to entering the enemy's base camp directly.

As for how to specifically transform the Senbiki Stone fragments, Wu did not mention this in the email.

However, she seemed to have confidence in Kaku.

If Xiaowu thinks there is no problem, then there is no problem.

After all, Kaku is an orthodox divine craftsman, and she has used the core of the "Takamagahara Pass Token" before to successfully modify the Senbiki Stone fragments. With the information and tips given by Wu, she is confident about fine-tuning the teleportation point of the Senbiki Stone fragments.

So, Kamiyagawa left the Senbiki Stone fragments with Sister Kaku for the second transformation and adjustment, and continued to prepare for the plan to explore Hirasaka and obtain the human master material.

The news that Kamiya Kawa was going to Yomi Hirasaka was not widely spread within the sphere of influence of Chang Shi.

However, the senior officials inside the sphere of influence gradually learned the news.

Some supported it, while others expressed concerns.

For example, Isohime, Kanahime, and Usagimaru, who had already broken through the threshold of the Aragami, had successively approached Kamiya Kawa, and all expressed that if Kamiya was going to Hirasaka, they hoped to go together.

At the same time, in Oeyama Castle.

This magnificent city of monsters is already part of the territory of the Shin Takamagahara forces.

Now nearly half of the resident monsters in Oeyama Castle have been relocated from other places of the Shin Takamagahara forces.

The security in the city has also been controlled by the standing army of the Sea Country led by Kanahime.

Deep in the palace on the north side, inside the dilapidated Ibuki Daimyojin Shrine, the two Uranus of Oeyama, Kuma-doji and Kinkuma-doji, met Ibaraki-doji who was resting inside the shrine.

In addition to the ghost king of Oeyama, a body of the little old man also followed Jinxiong to this place.

The ghost kings did not avoid the scouts under Kamiya's seat in their conversation.

During this time, Xingxiong reported to Ibaraki some of the development of Oeyama Castle, and also told Kamiya about his recent plan to go to Yomi Hirasaka.

In a sense, Ibaraki Doji can be regarded as one of the top leaders of Kamiya's forces at this stage.

She has a right to know about these things.

Moreover, in addition to Hoshikuma on weekdays, Kamiyagawa himself will occasionally come to Ibuki Daimyojin Shrine to visit Ibaraki Doji and talk to her about the situation outside.

By the way, he will also bring some drinks to give to Shuten Doji in the form of a black snake.

It's like cultivating a relationship with Ibaraki's brother.

Ibaraki Douji was sitting in the center of the shrine's main hall like a noble lady, but her delicate face under the white hood had the look of a demon clan. Especially when talking about Kamiyagawa, this expression became more intense, and the corners of her thin and bright red mouth raised a slight arc:

"Hoshikuma, you said that guy from Kamiyagawa is planning to go to Hiraizaka, Hizumi? Well... no wonder he hasn't come to see me for a while. I feel really lonely."

"Well, he wants to prepare to build the Renzhu Grand Shrine." Hoshikuma Doji nodded.

"Before you become the co-master of ghosts and gods, you must first become the 'master of humans'. That guy wants to create a world where humans and ghosts coexist, seems he is serious? But, Huang Quan and that guy are mortal enemies, right? Listen to what you just said, this The Hirasaka he wanted to go to last time is right next to Huangquan. In other words, the worst possibility is that the guy might never come back? "

"That bastard Kamiyagawa is so messy!"

At this time, Golden Bear Boy also interjected.

The simple-minded Golden Bear seemed a little dissatisfied with what Kamiya was going to do.

"Hehehe." Ibaraki's beautiful eyes flashed, "Golden Bear, I thought you would be very happy if Kamiyagawa couldn't come back."

"Happy? What is there to be happy about? That guy humiliated us. He is not allowed to die until I defeat him in an honest and fair manner and regain control of the country for the ghost clan!"

Ibaraki glanced at Jin Xiong one more time, smiled and said nothing, and after a while, he turned his attention to Xing Xiong: "Xing Xiong, what do you think?"

Xingxiong looked embarrassed when his name was called, but he could only bite the bullet and tell his thoughts truthfully:

"If Kamiya can't come back, it won't be a good thing for us. Half of the current Dajiang Mountains are monsters from the Shingatahara force, and many of the original ghost tribes have scattered to live in other force locations. If there is a conflict, we may not be able to To bear the consequences, as far as we know so far, in the land where the Ainu originated, there is still a powerful Yi god who absolutely supports the new Gaotian forces..."

Ibaraki: "Oh? You two seem to be very partial to Kamiyagawa."

Golden Bear stared like bells and argued loudly: "How could I favor that guy!?"

Star Bear shook his head bitterly: "Ibaraki-sama... Actually, the ghost tribe is living quite well in the ordinary world now."

"Don't be nervous, we will not conflict with other areas of the force." Ibaraki Doji still smiled:

"That guy Kamiyagawa is very alert. The oath I made to him at the beginning was not only to him personally, but also to the forces he led. In other words, if Golden Bear cannot pass the agreement with Kamiya and peacefully retake the country, Jiangshan’s control, then our ghost clan will always be a part of Xingaka Tianyuan.”

"Actually, it's not bad like this now, right? The ghost clan is doing well, you two are doing well, and Shuten is still alive. When I was traveling around the world, I always hoped that things would be like today. Haha ...It’s just that this process was really beyond my expectations.”

Golden Bear: "Don't worry, Ibaraki-sama, I will definitely defeat that guy from Kamiyagawa!"

"What happens after we win?"

"Uh... With the ghost clan as the leader of the country, let that guy be a bitch and help manage the country? We can not be his subordinates, but an ally with him on an equal footing. As long as I win against him, this kind of request It’s fair and proper, right?”

"Hahaha! That seems quite interesting." Ibaraki's laughter became wild:

"In short, although I am very unwilling to do so, it is true that the governance capabilities of the few of us are not as good as the strange stories of Kamiyagawa and his men. Moreover, that guy's ideals are far grander than ours. If you follow him, you may really be able to see the great mountains and rivers. A different world. I feel a little ashamed to say it, but now I have to admit that when I swore an oath to him, I already staked the future of the ghost clan on him on behalf of Dajiangshan. So, like you, I also. I don’t want him to die. Since everyone has the same idea, it’s not a bad thing.”

"Jinxiong is right. That guy is really too messy. It is obvious that the monsters and ghost stories composed of all parties in Gaotian Plain are linked together by his existence. If he is gone, no one will He is a suitable leader. No matter who wants to stand in his position, he is destined to fail to convince the public. Really, no matter how adventurous he is, he should think about us...for example, leaving an heir. Heir or something."

When it came to the issue of Kamiyagawa's heirs, the little old man who had been listening to the conversation of the ghost kings pushed the deep bamboo hat on his head.

Ibaraki continued to speak, but his tone was a bit teasing: "Hoshikuma, Jinxiong, what do you think about me giving birth to a child for that guy Kamiyagawa?"

Xing Xiong made no comment.

The Golden Bear immediately objected: "How is this possible! Lord Ibaraki, how can you..."

"Is it not good? I think it's very good. If I have a child with him, it will have both his blood and the blood of the demon clan. Then our child will be half a demon clan, and there will be no problem in the world. And whether it is Oeyama or his subordinates, they will recognize this heir, right? The power of Takama-hara will be more stable, and our demon clan will have more say in the power?"

Anyway, Oeyama has been taken down by Kamiya Kawa.

Ibaraki Douji thinks he might as well do the opposite and "take down" Kamiya.

Having a child with him can also be regarded as saving a wave of demon clans in a roundabout way.

Hearing Lord Ibaraki's explosive speech, Jin Xiong wanted to refute something.

But then he thought, it seems...it seems to make some sense! ?

If Lord Ibaraki really gave birth to a child with Kamiya Kawa, from Jin Xiong's point of view, no matter what happens in the future, even if Kamiya Kawa is really gone, he will unconditionally assist the child.

Perhaps other people in the power will think so too?

...It can be born!

As soon as Ibaraki finished speaking, a black snake swam out from the shadow of the shrine and wrapped around Ibaraki's right arm. A pair of cold eyes flashed, and hissed and showed its letter and fangs.

"Oh, it's okay to have a child first and then slowly cultivate feelings with Kamiya. And don't you think he is quite suitable to be your brother-in-law... Okay, okay, I'm kidding." Ibaraki joked to his brother while shifting his gaze to Xingxiong, "Or, Xingxiong, you do this? Don't worry, I won't be jealous."

"Don't make fun of me, Lord Ibaraki." Xingxiong just shook his head helplessly.

Perhaps the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. As a loyal and confidant retainer of Kamiya River, the little old man actually listened to Ibaraki's seemingly joking words.

Now that the family is so rich, it seems that the master should indeed leave offspring?

With the little master, then his own power will indeed be more stable.

And things like giving birth to offspring for the master do not need the ghost clan to worry about for the time being.

The little old man thought that as long as the mistresses and the master raised offspring, it would be enough to convince the crowd.

Although the issue of the master's offspring should not be ignored, the scout felt that the extra worry was unnecessary.

The master was wise and brave, and he was blessed with great fortune, so nothing would happen.

He always believed that one day in the future, he would definitely see the master ascend to the throne of the common leader of ghosts and gods.


Two more days passed.

When the Qianyin Stone fragments were transformed by Jue, Kamiya River's plan to explore Hirasaka was finally going to be implemented.

Before that, Hoshiguma and Kinkuma of Oeyama also expressed their wishes to go with them this time.

After some consideration, Kamiya decided to take the two kings of Oeyama with him on this trip.

Isohime, Kanihime, and Rabbit Maru had just been promoted to the wild gods not long ago, and their strength was definitely not as strong as Hoshiguma and Kinkuma.

Moreover, it was unknown how long it would take to go to Hirasaka, and the situation was not very clear.

In the various power areas of the Changshi, some wild gods were still needed to stay. There is no need to worry about places like the Root Land and Mount Oe. Although the Spider Mother Goddess and Ibaraki Douji cannot leave their respective shrines for the time being, they can still protect their respective areas.

As for other places of the power, Isohime and the others will be needed.

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