I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 704: Keep working hard, your determination to recover the country is not enough


The smashed Golden Bear Boy managed to lift himself up from the ground and shook his dazed head.

Then, he saw Kamitani slowly approaching with Doji Kiri in hand.

Although his pace was steady, the wind-swept Zhenhaori still had an indescribable sense of oppression.


Kamiya walked up to the golden bear and put the boy Che Anzuna back into the scabbard.

Then he bent down slightly, spread out his right hand, stretched out to the golden bear, and said in a very normal tone: "The victory has been decided."

"whispering sound."

The golden bear bared his teeth and groaned, his copper bell-like eyes staring at the right hand hanging in the air.

After only a second or two, the king of the rivers and mountains grabbed Kamiya's hand without any pretense, and stood up from the ground with the help of his strength.

"You won."

Although Golden Bear is not reconciled to such a result.

But he was convinced.

After the whole battle, Kamiyagawa won openly, and Golden Bear also lost openly.

The ghost clan speaks with strength, so Golden Bear Boy has no complaints.

If you lose, you lose.

However, there is one thing that Golden Bear is more concerned about, and that is the end of the battle.

The moment when he and Kamiyagawa were wrestling with each other on the last few iron chains...

"Why did you give up your strength in the end?"

"Really? I just can't match you in terms of strength, so I used the ghost hand. That ghost arm is also a part of me, so doing so is not a violation."

Golden Bear fell silent and did not reply for the time being.

Kamiyakawa just shrugged quite easily.

In fact, at the end of the trial battle, Kamiya summoning Ibaraki's ghost hand was just a redundant act.

The moment he pulled the chain with the golden bear, he had already made a judgment——

Even in a competition of strength, the golden bear that had been blasted by earth mines was no match for him at all.

Even without the help of ghost hands, the golden bear can be thrown directly from the circle of the competition venue with its own strength.

Just how significant the improvement in Kamiyagawa's strength has been through being promoted to Aragami can be seen through this sparring battle.

Again, Golden Bear Boy is considered a powerful being among the Aragami. But now Kamiyagawa, in a pure one-on-one situation, there is no problem in knocking down two golden bears without injury!

If he was willing to take any more injuries, it would be even more indiscriminate killing.

As for why he did unnecessary things at the end of the discussion, it was of course for the sake of the Golden Bear’s face.

Golden Bear is originally a wild god who is known for his strength. In addition to the flexible iron chains, his brute strength is also his reliance and pride.

Boss Kamiya has always been gentle.

He wanted to retain some optimism for his employees.

Just leave some hope and give you a step down.

At any rate, Jin Xiong felt more or less that he was defeated in the contest of strength because the ghost arm was summoned.

This way he might be able to accept it easier.

More importantly, Kamiya didn't want Golden Bear to be devastated if he lost this battle.

If his self-confidence is greatly damaged, then he will definitely be very negative in how he treats the "competition". The more serious consequence is that the golden bear may not be able to maintain his enthusiasm for work and earn future "competition points."

This is absolutely impossible!

The power of Shingao Tianyuan is still booming, and it is the right time to employ people. If the golden bear, who is a model worker, collapses, who will be responsible for the heavy and troublesome field tasks within the force?


In addition to having a gentle heart, Boss Kamiya also pays great attention to details and psychological control of his employees.

With him here, there is no need to worry about our own forces not being able to develop!

After being silent for a while, Golden Bear suddenly raised his chest and raised his head as he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Next year, I will definitely win."

He clenched his fists tightly, making a "clicking" sound, but in his copper-bell-like eyes, there was a background called "struggle" ready to move.

Kamitani was very satisfied with Golden Bear's reaction.

Especially the sparkling light in the other person's eyes made Kamiya, as the boss, feel wonderful and at ease.

Look, people still know there is next year!

Kamiyagawa originally wanted to say to Golden Bear——

You can't beat me because your hatred is not strong enough!

But then I thought about it, Jin Xiong, who seemed to have been getting along for almost a year, didn't have any hatred for me now.

It's just that I'm still a little unconvinced.

So he relaxed his tone a little and just said: "Then keep working hard. Your determination to regain the country is not strong enough. I hope to see your determination to be stronger next year."

After the battle, the three Hoshibears, who were notaries, also came to Kamiya and the others.

Isohime is still the same, cold on the surface, but actually quite cold on the inside, only focusing on her master.

Crab Girl is relatively lively and kind-hearted.

Moreover, she and Jin Xiong are both "military personnel" within the force.

So Xiaocan first briefly spoke to Jinxiong for a few words, and then excitedly came to Kamiyagawa's side.

Finally, there’s Hoshikuma Doji.

In fact, when Kamiya was looking for Xingxiong to be a notary, he told her——

After the competition is over, Xing Xiong needs to pay attention to the psychological changes of Golden Xiong.

Therefore, Xing Xiong shook the red wine bowl to "comfort" Golden Xiong.

It was not only out of consideration for the brotherhood of the king of Oeyama, but also to complete the task given by Kamiya.

And she herself did not want Jinxiong to do anything extreme in the future because of this failure.

"You fought well, and you can be considered to have survived three rounds. If you bet on your match, I can win a lot by betting on you." Xingxiong said with a smile, although it didn't seem to have much comforting effect after saying it.


"Don't be bitter. Although Kamiya is also a wild god now, his wild god is very different from ours. It's normal for you to lose to him. There's no need to be sad. This is not a disgrace to the ghost clan."

Xingxiong really thinks so.

I can only say that Kamiya Chuan is worthy of being a man that Lord Ibaraki values.

If it's him, he will probably be able to do some earth-shaking things in the future.

Becoming the leader of ghosts and gods and creating a new world is not just talk.

The ghost clan has always worshipped the strong.

Oeyama Castle is willing to become part of the power map of Shintakamagahara, and there have been no major disturbances in the past year. It is now more stable and peaceful. One of the important reasons is that the current actual leader Kamiyagawa is very convincing.

"Of course I know it's normal to lose to him, and I also know that I can't beat him."

Kin Kuma glanced at Kamiya who was talking to Kanihime and Isohime. His tone was not fierce now.

"Ah? What? So you knew it?"


Kin Kuma turned around and looked at Xing Kuma with a look of caring for a fool.

Being looked at by Jin Kuma, who has always been brave but lacking in wisdom, Xing Kuma felt a subtle mood.

"Then why are you still..."

"At least, I know the gap between him and me. Do you remember? How strong was that guy when he first arrived at Oeyama last year?"

"If you don't count his subordinates' shikigami, and if he doesn't merge with Prajna... he could kill Yamao relatively easily at that time. In terms of strength, he was probably on par with you or me at that time, right?"

"Yes, last year he was at most the strength of a normal wild god. But even at that time, with his subordinates' shikigami, he could trap Lord Ibaraki and even kill Yamato Takenoko. And now? Even if it's just him... Kamiyagawa's strength is growing so fast that it's terrifying."

"If it's an opponent, it's really terrifying." Xingxiong nodded, "but he's no longer an enemy now."

Having such an enemy is indeed a headache.

But having such a leader is really reassuring.

"Of course I know. If Kamiya is always this strong, then I have nothing to say if he rules Oeyama."

"Uh, did you challenge him to verify his strength?"

"Of course not! Since he gave me the possibility to recover Oeyama, I will never give up. I will let that guy see how strong my determination to recover Oeyama is."

"Uh...so what are you going to do next?"

Xingxiong didn't quite understand Jinxiong's idea.

Sure enough, guys with muscles in their heads have weird ideas.

Knowing that it can't be done, but still insisting, is that what he meant?

"Of course I will continue to practice, continue to earn challenge points, and fight him again next year! I do see the gap between him and me, but I will do my best to catch up with him and challenge him, all the time. If in the future, he relaxes and can't beat me, then Oeyama will be returned to us. Only the strong can rule Oeyama."

Jinxiong said this in a decisive manner.

"Sure enough, we still have to continue..."

Xingxiong smiled helplessly, put the "Xingxiong Cup" in front of his red lips, and took a big sip.

She could understand Kinkuma a little bit now.

Maybe this is not bad, right?

For Kamiya Kawa now, Kinkuma's challenge to him may be insignificant.

That guy is the leader of the power, the current master of Takamagahara, and the future leader of ghosts and gods.

He is destined to be a favored child of heaven who has the best time.

This can be verified by his terrifying growth rate of strength.

When taking over Oeyama, Kamiya Kawa once promised the ghost clan that he would show everyone a different world.

Everyone knows that the road he is going to take is destined to be full of difficulties.

Xingxiong is willing to believe that Kamiya Kawa can do this to a certain extent.

Otherwise, he would not assist him.

But if Kamiya relaxes and stops on this thorny road, if even Kinkuma, whose talent is not worth mentioning compared to him, can catch up and surpass him by just trying his best.

Then the so-called harmonious world of "coexistence of humans and ghosts" is just empty talk.

Maybe the simple-minded Kinkuma didn't think as much as Xingxiong.

But if he really does what he said, he will never give up challenging Kamiya River again and again... then it will more or less motivate Kamiya as a leader.

So let it be.

Let Jin Xiong continue to chase in a messy and stubborn way.

Anyway, what he wants to do is the same as before.

After a simple conversation, Xing Xiong found that although Jin Xiong lost in this challenge, it seems that there is no need to worry about him doing anything extreme.

Jin Xiong is a bit stubborn. He can't think flexibly.

Challenging Kamiya River is probably his obsession.

And this idea of ​​his was fully exploited by Kamiya, directly turning it into the motivation for Golden Bear to work hard for the power...

I still remember that when Dajiangshan first merged into the new Gao Tianyuan forces, Xingxiong also took the initiative to ask Miao to "guard" Golden Bear.

At that time, she felt that if Jin Xiong, who was a "restless element", caused trouble at the hands of Kamiyagawa, then the weaker ghost clan members who had just been scattered around would have a difficult time.

But after a year, Xingxiong realized that he was wrong.

Big mistake.

After becoming Kamiya's subordinate, Golden Bear not only did not cause any chaos, but worked diligently, and even became a model representative of the ghost clan within the force who was dedicated to their work.

It's like looking for suitable arms for Shikijiro in the Aokigahara mine.

Accompany Cat Shopkeeper to explore and collect materials.

There are also other protection tasks, such as ensuring the safety of weak monsters when they are doing official business that involves certain risks.

Anyway, as long as it involves external affairs and requires force, Golden Bear can basically be seen active.

All the strange stories within the force about working with Golden Bear, and their evaluations of him are -

Reliable and safe!

So, Golden Bear is now completely the representative of the ghost clan. His influence and contribution in realizing the harmonious coexistence between the ghost clan and other kinds of monsters within the force even exceeds that of Hoshikuma, who is a pacifist.

This is difficult to comment on.

It can only be said that Kamiyagawa made great use of the Golden Bear, which was supposed to be an "unstable factor".

It can only be said that Kamitani, who is good at controlling people's hearts, is really guilty.

After a brief conversation, Jin Xiong seemed to have no intention of staying in the Hualing School any longer. He dragged his chain and jingled as he tried to leave.

"Hey, Golden Bear? Where are you going?" Star Bear stopped him.

"Go back to Dajiangshan to rest." Jin Xiong waved his hand without looking back, "I promised the foot seller that I would accompany the noisy old woman out at night to find the oil material she wants."

When Kamiya saw the Golden Bear was about to leave, he threw two requiem candles to him.

The latter still didn't look back, but the two candles were caught in the chains on his body.

In the battle just now, Kamiyagawa did not hit the golden bear hard. But since he still has a job, he needs to recover his condition.

Star Bear Doji:......

Golden Bear talks about defeating Shengu and regaining control of the country.

But in fact, even the evening work has been planned and arranged...

Xingxiong felt that if he paid extra attention to Golden Bear's movements and situation in the next few days, he would be able to give Kamiya a good explanation.

Sure enough, earning points and gaining permission to challenge is something that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure.


So be it.

As for the others, Xing Xiong, who was used to leisurely leisurely activities, didn't bother to care.

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