I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 736: The Tea Pot of Fortune

"Really, why would my father want me to marry a fox?"

In the side hall of the Raccoon Palace, Afu, the enchantress of the Raccoon Tribe, was spinning around impatiently.

Although Ah Fu is a female raccoon dog, she usually prefers to show herself in a human-like manner.

Her general appearance is the same as that of a human girl, with Maro eyebrows and a pair of pink eyes. She has a petite figure and wears a brown yukata, half open, and a corner of the white bra wrapped around her barren chest can be seen.

The biggest difference from humans is that it retains a pair of animal ears on the top of its head and a big furry tail hanging behind it.

All the raccoons are good at transformation, so it is easy to transform into human form.

But other tanuki demons, especially male tanuki demons...like Dangoro Tanuki, to it——

Your fangs are very handsome, so keep them!

The shiny fur is also beautiful, especially the hair covering the face, showing a beautiful "mask" style, which is also retained!

There is also a pair of majestic "lights of the moon". This is the symbol of a male raccoon, so of course we keep it!

In short, because of this difference in aesthetic concepts, there is still a big difference in appearance between Afu and his tribe.

In addition, another reason why Afu's aesthetics are more like humans is that she spends more time directly with humans than other tribesmen.

A long time ago, when the 88 raccoon dogs still coexisted harmoniously with humans, the still young Ah Fu often sneaked to Songshan City.

In the human world, there is a story called "The Teapot of Fenfu", which is widely circulated. It is said——

A poor old woman living alone in Songshan City saw a trapped raccoon in the forest one day. She felt sorry for the raccoon and released it.

That night, the raccoon dog appeared at the old woman's house. In order to thank the old woman for her help, it proposed to sell itself as a tea cauldron in exchange for money.

The next day, the old woman sold the tea cauldron to an old monk.

The old monk took the tea cauldron back to the temple, filled it with water and put it on a shelf to boil the water. However, the raccoon dog that had transformed into the tea cauldron couldn't stand the heat. It screamed "Wow" and transformed back into a half tea cauldron and half raccoon cat, and fled back to the old woman's house. Home.

Next, Tanuki suggested turning it into a tightrope tea cauldron, allowing the old woman to perform a show and open the eyes of nearby residents.

At the end of the story, because of Tanuki's actions, the old woman finally had a fortune that allowed her to spend her old age more stably.

In addition, the old monk who once bought the "Fufu Tea Cauldron" spread the news about the appearance of the moving tea cauldron in the temple, which attracted an endless stream of pilgrims and made the temple famous far and wide, which also improved the temple's economic situation.

This story of "civet cat repays kindness" and "sharing the teapot with blessings brings good luck" is actually related to Ah Fu.

It was the stupid things she did when she was still unable to fully transform into a human form and could only learn to transform into simple objects.

In short, when Ah Fu sneaked into human society to play, he surprisingly had a pretty good life.

If Matsuyama City hadn't suddenly attacked the tanuki tribe, she might have continued to live in friendship with humans.

Let’s not talk about old stories.

Now that she has become proficient in illusions and has even achieved a foreign visit, the raccoon enchantress is in great distress.

Because she had just learned that her father, Kami Yin Xingbu Tanuki, planned to marry her to a fox.

Ah Fu doesn't like foxes very much.

Although the aesthetics of foxes seem to be more biased towards humans, foxes look cunning and cunning.

It's really not Ah Fu's type.

What Ah Fu is attracted to should be the kind of monster that is tall and strong, full of masculinity, and full of security at first sight.

"Father is so annoying!"

The enchantress of the Tanuki tribe dared to sneak into human society alone when she was a child. She has a somewhat rebellious character.

Now that it was about her marriage, after much thought, she decided to do something.

"I heard that Nirudo is dead. Without that big monster to stop me, maybe I can leave Iyo?"

Yuli Palace.

The Shenyin Xingbu Tanuki was enjoying the wine that Fox Juliushiro had given him earlier.


After another jar of wine was drained, Xing Buli burped happily.

Not to mention, the wine the fox cub brought tasted really good.

Xingbu Tan has already considered the matter of Kitsuriro's proposal of marriage.

It really resented it at first.

But when you calm down and think about what Fox Juliushi said, it actually makes sense.

That fox cub is obviously a "Sky Fox". In his current weak state, he may not be able to defeat him.

A war between foxes and foxes will bring no benefits.

The old civet cat Xingbu Tan was getting old, and his energy had long since been lost in the battle against Songshan City.

It really didn't want to start an all-out war with the fox again.

And the external ghost forces are really a trouble.

Until now, his subordinates have not found any specific information about the ghost clan's forces.

Taking these factors into consideration, it is indeed a very good idea to let the two tribes of fox and fox coexist peacefully to jointly deal with the possible external invasion, which is beneficial to both sides.

Otherwise, if the ghost tribe really attacks, it will be too late to cooperate with the foxes.

Anyway, it’s not like the fox and fox tribes haven’t cooperated before.

It's just that the foundation for cooperation last time was too weak. If marriage can be used as an opportunity this time, and external threats are added, it may be possible to more stably promote peace between the two races.

But it is still not certain whether Fox Sixteen Lang's move to propose marriage is really considering the future of the two clans, or whether he has some other calculation.

"The little thoughts of foxes..."

To be honest, Xingbu Tanuki couldn't think of any conspiracy that Fox Juliushiro had for the time being.

The only thing I can think of is that if the ghost tribe really comes, the foxes may use themselves to fight against the enemy.

But this is actually not a problem.

If the foxes really think so, it's not a bad thing.

Why don't the Eight Hundred and Eight Hundred Raccoons want to use Fox Juliushiro to fight against foreign enemies?

They are both foxes with thousands of years of history, so it’s really not certain who is more cunning than the other.

"What are the origins of the ghost clan...the ghost clan...if they really come from Dajiangshan...the ghost forces in Dajiangshan must have been defeated by humans long ago, right? I remember that even Shuten Douji was beheaded. If It’s really those ghost tribes that are just hanging on, uniting with the foxes to use Songshan as a base to wait for work. Even if there are a certain number of foreign visitors from those ghost tribes, it is not possible for us to come here without preparedness. "

Xing Buli held the wine jar, narrowed his big eyes, and thought like this.

At this time, there was a noise outside the hall.

Dangoro stumbled in with his tail between his legs: "General, General, it's bad!"

"Say! What happened again?"

Xing Buli suddenly felt irritable.

Why do you feel like Dangoro does nothing good every time he enters the Yuriden?

Could it be that the ghost clan came here?

Seeing the leader's unhappy look, Dangoro Tanuki was trembling, but he had to report the emergency: "Fukuki, Fukuki...she's missing!"

It is still the permanent Iyo region.

Somewhere on the edge of this area, a shrine and many shrine buildings of different styles were finally built.

This location was carefully selected by the little old man. It is located on the boundary of the Iyo land, a certain distance from the strongholds of the raccoon and fox forces. It is just the "birth point" for Kamiya River to explore Tsunei Iyo.

Not long after the divine coffin appeared here, the yellow-green fluorescent light dormant on it seemed to be inspired by some kind of inspiration, flying around like fireflies that were disturbed on a summer night.

The light particles rolled into a gorgeous vortex. In the center of the vortex, a wave of feathers swayed out from the waist with a sword, and the gorgeous black gold robe was swayed by the light spots.

Kamiyagawa used his usual old method to successfully descend on Iyo.

"It's pretty big here."

After Kamiya appeared, he first stared and looked around.

"Abba! Abba!"

The scout clone waiting here excitedly echoed his master.


The area of ​​​​Iyo's territory is very vast, not inferior to the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees occupied by our own side.

Since it is a large map and has a mountainous landscape, it should have sufficient resources and basic materials, making it suitable for permanent resource development.

It's no wonder that both the raccoon and fox tribes want to completely occupy this place.

Also, Maomao would lead a team to explore here before, because it felt that the resources and materials here were relatively abundant.

After completing the descent, Kamiya found a flat location near the sacred tree and fumbled for the "Conductor's Key" of the Kisaragi train.

Using this unique prop, another building rose from the ground, rumbling and flipping into shape.

Before Kamiyagawa explores the Tsunei area himself, he must first build the infrastructure.

Wherever people go, convenient transportation networks are laid out.

This is also an old tradition of Gao Tianyuan's forces.

After the Kisaragi platform was formed, within a few minutes, a Kisaragi train roared through the void and stopped smoothly at the edge of the platform.

The car door opened, and out came seven people, Gozen, Golden Bear Doji, and Star Bear Doji.

"Ina Sheng, and Xing Xiong, follow me to visit the raccoon tribe. Others, please stay by the Kisaragi platform. Little old man, please stay here alone."

When Kamiya came to Iyo this time, he didn’t expect to start a fight right away.

Not long ago, the Maomao Team retreated from the Nei Dao in this realm. Xing Xiong was the party involved in this matter. He brought her to see the raccoons mainly to talk about this matter.

Killing an Aragami on someone else's territory requires some explanation.

In addition, there is an old grudge between Daosheng and Babaiqi.

The life and death of Daosheng are unclear, and there are also many doubts about the attack of the raccoons on the former Songshan City.

Kamiyakawa felt that something was going on here.

There are some hidden things that the rice student has never understood clearly.

I came here to clarify these old things.

Although these two incidents seem to be somewhat sharp, the "peace-loving" Takamagahara forces still intend to "be courteous first" and seek reconciliation. It depends on the situation whether they want to "rear troops".

Even if the Huali forces really have an irreconcilable hostile relationship with Gao Tianyuan...

Then there is a group of fox demons in this place who may be recruited and cultivated into "pro-Takamagahara forces".

The other thing is to arrange for the remaining six Gozen and the Golden Bear to stay around Kisaragi Station.

The station has been built, so of course we have to take care of it first.

If reconciliation and consensus can be reached with a certain local force in Iyo, it will become a hub for personnel circulation and exchanges.

After all, Golden Bear has the strength of an Aragami, and Chihiro Miyauchi among the six remaining imperial guards is very clever.

This configuration has both strength and wisdom. Even if a fox demon or raccoon demon discovers Kamiyagawa's exploration of the Iyo area, unnecessary bloodshed will not occur until the situation is completely clear.

When everything was ready, Kamiya called the scouts, Inao and Hoshikuma, and headed directly towards Iyo Matsuyama.

One of them, Hoshikuma Doji, took a few steps forward, then looked back at Kisaragi Station and Gao Tianyuan Jinzhu with a slightly subtle expression.

Although Kamiya led the team here this time, he said he was coming to Iyo to see the situation.

But the area in Iyo looks really good and suitable for development.

And Kamiya has already built the sacred tower and station...

The heart of Kamiya River is clearly revealed!

Xingxiong has some experience in this regard.

According to the past process, once Kamiya builds these two infrastructures in a certain area of ​​​​Jianshi, it will not be too long before the local area will be covered by the influence of Takamagahara's forces, and eventually become part of Takamagahara's territory.

Although there are local monster forces here in Iyo, it is not a borderless land.

But Kamiyagawa and his shrewd subordinates are extremely good at power management.

Especially for Jiji, Xingxiong felt that the smart mermaid princess was learning and absorbing new ideas all the time.

In past high-level meetings, Xing Xiong had even heard from the Jiji on more than one occasion such as:

"Means of production", "Industrialized model to expand production", "Export of capital and technology", "Civilization mission", "Foreign oppression is not conducive to eternal unity", "Attracting the inflow of external monster labor", "Prohibition of discrimination policies", "Equal rights protection" ”, “improving living standards”, “achieving monster assimilation” and a series of strange terms.

In short, even Xingxiong, who has not yet fully understood this theory, can confirm one thing:

In terms of the current size of Takamagahara's power and its internal operating model, it is possible to achieve dimensionality reduction against any small-scale monster power that may exist in the ordinary world.

And this kind of attack definitely does not only exist at the level of force.

Kamiyagawa and his men really have many countermeasures to achieve control over the entire world.

Xingxiong had a premonition that with the arrival of Kamiya, Iyo might even become a "vassal force" of Takamagahara.

Even if it is not used by force, the resources and monster labor here will probably continue to flow into the core control area of ​​​​Takamagahara through a relatively gentle communication method.

How terrible...

People like Kamiyagawa.

However, as a member of the Takamagahara forces who have now been integrated into it, as a representative of the ghost clan.

Xingxiong felt that it was still necessary for him to learn from Ishime and the others the management ideas for the expansion of operational power.

Anyway, you can’t expect Golden Bear to learn this.

The guy himself was managed in a submissive manner.

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