I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 745 You really made me suffer!

Although the chaos caused by the killing pillar in Iyo subsided.

But the giant moon over Iyo has not set, and hangs in the sky day and night.

Most foxes will become manic as long as they bathe in the moonlight cast by that strange moon.

Therefore, if this problem is not solved for one day, they will not be able to return to their hometown.

Faced with such a situation, Kamiyagawa could only take advantage of the situation and "reluctantly" temporarily placed tens of thousands of foxes in the Takamagahara territory.

Originally, according to the plan of Takamagahara, in the process of gradually controlling Iyo, the foxes from Iyo were attracted to enter the Takamagahara territory for employment according to the plan.

But now, Gao Tianyuan is basically responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of tens of thousands of foxes.

How do you say that--

It really hurts me!

Of course, according to the rules of Takamagahara, it is impossible to keep the raccoon and fox tribes in vain.

There are no idlers here.

Now that you are here, before you can go home, please come to the factory!

Only by creating value through labor can we repay Kamiya-sama for his life-saving grace!

Considering Takamagahara's current size, it would not be a problem to absorb tens of thousands of raccoon demons and fox demons in a short period of time.

Gao Tianyuan's power is huge, and various functional departments are slowly being built and improved, especially now that they are still undergoing preliminary industrial development.

Moreover, the area controlled by the forces is no longer limited to the core area covered by the Shenzhen and Ruyue transportation networks.

In addition to the isolated "Hidden Areas" such as the Land of the Sea and the Ainu Origin Land, areas such as Paradise Market, Aokigahara, and Oeyama Castle are all connected to the surrounding areas of Tokisai.

As long as a large-scale foreign visiting demon ghosts are organized, radiation control over the surrounding areas can be achieved with the core area as the center.

In fact, this is what Kamiyagawa has been doing all along.

The ultimate goal of Gao Tianyuan's power development was to control the entire eternal world.

To this end, Jiji, who was in charge of internal affairs, also set up several "land reclamation production brigades".

Supervisor Kaitan Yaogui, who was promoted in recent years, is smart and capable, and has high loyalty through assessment.

The land reclamation brigade is directly managed by Ji Ji, and often cooperates with the ghost army of the Golden Bear, the construction department in charge of the blacksmith, and the cat shopkeeper team with the ability to explore resources, and is responsible for land reclamation, resource development, and production around the core area. Construction comprehensive work.

Thanks to their efforts, many surrounding secondary territories have been gradually included in Gao Tianyuan's actual control.

It can be said that the core territory of Takamagahara is a natural town center because it is covered by the Kannada and Kisaragi train transportation networks, while the surrounding areas are slowly being developed into suburbs served by the town.

To further control and build these secondary territories, various functional departments will inevitably use a large number of strange interviews.

During this process, the employment gap in the development of Takamagahara's power has long existed.

After all, not all monsters and monsters are suitable to be absorbed into Gaotianyuan.

In the ordinary world, there are a large number of irrational, untamable, and extremely aggressive monsters.

And many areas are controlled by such ghosts and ghosts.

However, although those chaotic areas are dangerous, they do not pose much threat to Gao Tianyuan's forces.

Weird stories that can reach the level of Aragami are not everywhere even in the ordinary world.

Even so far, Kamiyagawa himself has been to those areas where Aragami exists.

As for the uncultivable monsters found around the core territory of Takamagahara, they are at most D-class and C-class, which can be easily wiped out by Golden Bear, Star Bear and their ghost soldiers.

As for the kind-hearted monsters that Gao Tianyuan really wants to absorb, if they are weak and do not have the skills to survive, it will be difficult for them to survive in the chaotic permanent area.

Therefore, the speed at which Gao Tianyuan absorbs the demonic population has never been enough and cannot keep up with the speed of construction and development. Unless you are lucky enough to find a place like the Land of the Sea or the Ainu Root Land, which has a large-scale gathering of rational monsters.

Otherwise, you will be in the "employment period" for a long time.

Nothing can be done.

This is why, after hearing that there were a large number of rational raccoon demons and fox demons in Iyo, even Kamiya himself was overjoyed.

That is a large number of high-quality labor force!

Within Gao Tianyuan's influence.

The administrative building located in Haiguo.

Isohime, the chief administrative officer, is worried about how to deal with the tens of thousands of raccoons coming from Iyo.

Not enough points, not enough points at all.

There was already a pile of paperwork on her desk.

These documents come from managers in various regions and functional departments.

The security and military system of Crab Princess and Golden Bear; the construction department under the supervision of Blacksmith; the public shipyard newly built in Haiguo this year and managed by Dice Ghost; several centers that focus on a series of productions such as textiles, tools, and furniture. The industrial park of workshops; the supervisor of the production brigade opening up wasteland in non-core areas...

Although the reporting departments are different, everyone’s core demands are the same.

In the document, the blacksmith appropriately explained the objective fact that the available craftsmen in the construction department were insufficient.

The Dice Ghosts, Industrial Parks, and Land Development Brigades affiliated with Jiji expressed their sincerity in their written applications, recounting their bitter experiences and telling how miserable their units were in terms of employment shortages.

As for Crab Girl and Golden Bear, it’s more like stretching out their hands——

"Give it to someone!"

The violent agencies are tougher...

In fact, even the bureaucratic system managed by Isohime herself now has a large number of grassroots public servants vacancies.

Everyone is staring at this group of raccoon and fox demons from Iyo.

In such a situation where there are too many people and too little porridge, a leader who does not fight for the interests of his department is not a good leader.

Isohime flipped through the documents helplessly, thinking to herself: "Let's start the job fair as soon as possible."

At present, the raccoon and fox demons from Iyo are still stranded in Inunakidani Village in Inunaki Pass.

The monk Abacus under Isohime has taken people there to collect population information.

Some basic information about the raccoons and foxes must be included in the personnel department.

For example, whether they are visiting, whether they have special abilities, etc.

After that, this information will be sent to the functional departments of various important people, and Isohime will make unified preparations and start the job fair in Inunakidani Village as soon as possible.

"The influx of tens of thousands of foxes may bring certain security risks to various places. We need to let Crab Princess strengthen the defense force... It seems that Crab Princess's manpower does need to be expanded, and it is best to assign her to those ghost stories that joined the forces earlier and have higher loyalty and sense of belonging."

"As for the production and construction departments, raccoon demons and fox demons are both intelligent and proficient in transformation. In theory, as long as pre-job training is done well, the 'old and new' can adapt to most jobs."

"Well, before the formal recruitment, it is necessary to let Paper Dance hold several mobilization meetings for raccoon foxes."

Isohime had discovered before that the origami girl's speaking ability was unexpectedly outstanding.

The previous speech at the annual meeting celebration was very inspiring.

Especially when praising the master, Paper Dance spoke with passion and emotion, and was very contagious.

"Then there is the appeasement of raccoon demons and fox demons, and the further naturalization of the problem..."

Isohime began to use paper and pen to list the employment plans for raccoon foxes one by one, and then she had to call the leaders of various departments to the administrative building for a meeting.

The mermaid princess is smart and studious. She is confident that she can handle this recent major event.

No need to worry about the master.

Being recognized by the master is an important source of motivation for Isohime's work.

Speaking of which...

Under the master's command, there is a ghost named "Wen Che Yao Fei".

She is very beautiful and very smart.

This Yao Fei rarely goes to Changshili, so Isohime rarely meets her.

Moreover, Wen Che is responsible for the management of the master's industry in the real world, and has no contact with Isohime at work.

However, since she met at the Live Fish Hotel last year, the mermaid princess regretted not meeting the beautiful and intelligent Wen Che Yao Fei too late.

It can be said that a large part of the management concept knowledge that Isohime now has is learned directly or indirectly from Wen Che.

For this reason, Isohime also specially learned how to use the computer equipment at the hotel.

In order to read more books on human society recommended by Wen Che in her spare time.

"Wen Che... um..."

When thinking of Wen Che's concubine, Isohime, who was writing furiously, suddenly paused, and the golden dragon tail behind her swayed gently, sweeping across the ground.

It seems that Wen Che also calls his master "master"...


In terms of calming the emotions of the raccoons and foxes, the first task is to let them know the truth of the previous incident in Iyo.

Isohime has already arranged this.

At the high-level meeting, she focused on talking to the Ainu's grandma, the grass. The missionary group will use various channels to spread the true situation of the Iyo incident based on the existing intelligence within the entire sphere of influence.

Not only do the raccoons and foxes need to know the truth, but other ghost stories under Takama-ga-hara should also do the same.

The members recruited by the missionary group are all eloquent and sharp-tongued.

Letting them do some internal propaganda work in addition to preaching can also be regarded as a full utilization of talents.

As for the raccoons and foxes, the raccoons have no great objection to "temporarily" entering Takama-ga-hara to work in various positions.

The original leader of the raccoons, Yaoba, is still alive.

According to what Isohime learned, after the Iyo incident, the master first killed the rebellious Killing Pillar, and then went to the Gotan Palace to bring out the Eight Hundred and Eight Tanuki.

In addition, the raccoon cats' princess Fukuhime was saved by the Golden Bear.

And the "raccoon traitor" who colluded with the Killing Pillar was handed over to the Eight Hundred and Eight Tanuki by the master for trial and punishment.

In short, the old raccoon is now grateful to Kamiya River.

With it, the raccoon tribe will not cause trouble.

As for the fox tribe, it is a little troublesome.

Their original leader is dead, and they are in a state of being leaderless.

But it can't be said that way.

How come the Iyo fox tribe has no leader?

Isn't Kamiya River their new leader!

However, the fact that "Fox Juroro" is a disguised Killing Pillar and the entire Iyo raccoon fox is to be sacrificed is not so easy for the fox tribe to accept.

In this matter, Kamiya also explained to Isohime that the fox tribe itself did not know about the plan of the Killing Pillar and was also a victim of being deceived. There is no need to be too harsh on them, just treat them the same as the raccoons.

In short, as far as the current situation is concerned, Isohime thinks it is necessary to support a leader within the fox tribe who can represent their interests.

And this leader must be like Yaohachi, obedient to Takamagahara.

After these two days of screening, Jiji found a very suitable partner——

A red vixen named "Ajiu".

Ajiu is the granddaughter of the late leader of the Fox clan, Mr. Xuanhu, and is biologically the niece of the real Fox Juliushirou.


There was a knock on the door of Jiji's office.

The little abacus monk's voice came from outside the door: "Lord Ji Ji, people have brought it."

"Let them in."

The door opens.

Two people came in following the abacus monk.

One is Fuki, the tanuki princess.

This tanuki lady suffered a lot in the Iyo incident, but after being sent to Ciji Hospital, she recovered quickly through the oil treatment provided by the foot seller, and is now able to jump around.

The old lady who sells her feet has a wonderful way of rejuvenating her!

Like her father, Yabaibari, Fuki regarded Takamagahara as a benefactor.

She is grateful to Kamitani River, Golden Bear Boy, and even the foot-seller.

And after arriving in Gaotianyuan territory, she seemed very active.

Thanks to her activeness, Fu Ji unexpectedly helped a lot in calming the raccoon clan's mood in the past two days.

Apart from the princess of the raccoon tribe, the other person who came through the door was "Ajiu" from the fox tribe.

Judging from the appearance, she is just a little girl in her teens, a head shorter than Fu Ji.

He has red hair and red fox ears that tremble slightly on the top of his head.

Ah Jiu's eyes are very beautiful, like a pair of rubies, but they are a little timid and weak. As soon as they enter the door, they appear awkward and uneasy. Their eyes have nowhere to rest. They keep looking down at their toes, forming a perfect contrast with Fu Ji who is curiously looking at the layout of the office. A sharp contrast.

In addition, Ah Jiu's most obvious feature is the tail behind her.

There are nine in total, and they are fluffy and fan-shaped. They look very difficult to take care of.

But these nine bright red tails are now drooping listlessly.

Isohime has learned that for the foxes in Iyo, the more tails they have, the more powerful they are.

Before becoming an Aragami, the number of tails seems to intuitively reflect a fox demon's spiritual power level talent, but once it becomes an Aragami Sky Fox, its tails will be reduced to four. If it becomes an empty fox, it will completely hide all its tails.


"Lord Isohime..."

Fu Ji and Ajiu each said hello to Ji Ji.

According to Ji Ji's current plan, she plans to place these two girls who have a certain say in their respective ethnic groups, or have the opportunity to gain a certain say, by her side and train them personally.

Anyway, the administrative department is also very short of manpower.

They'll come in handy. (End of chapter)

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