I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 755: Night Tour Club and the journal


A white suspender dress with a slightly transparent texture floated out from next to the Jizo statue, accompanied by the iconic voice of the eight-foot girl.

"Basha, your Jizo statue is cracked..."

"Yes." The eight-foot girl raised her hand and pulled the brim of her wide-brimmed round hat, her beautiful and smooth straight black hair flowing. "But haven't you prepared a new home for me? Our love nest."

"Correction, this is your shrine, nothing more." Kamiyagawa chose a suitable location next to the shrine and placed the "Shrine of Lust and Transformation" among the various shrine buildings.

"It's really confusing."

"are you ready?"

"Of course, my Lord Kamiya."

The eyes and tone of the eight-foot girl were ambiguous, and she leaned slightly to get closer to Kamiyagawa.

The long skirt with high slits was swayed by the wind in the cherry blossom forest, emitting a rich but not pungent woody aroma. The loose white skirt hugged her body tightly, and the uneven figure under the smooth fabric was illuminated by the dim sunlight, and the outline was vaguely visible.

The wind and the light seemed to have plump and graceful charming shapes at this moment.


Kamiyakawa maintained a serious posture and took out a silver-plated shikigami statue from the [Mirage Bag].

This was something he had communicated with the eight-foot girl more than a month ago.

When the shrine is built, Kamiya will formally sign a shikigami contract with Hachishanu.

It is precisely because of this that "Nimu" is used in the "Shrine of Lust and Transformation".

All shikigami shrines under Kamiya use this kind of material.

The biggest role of Nimu is to cooperate with the link of the shikigami contract to feed back the power of faith obtained by the shikigami, which is the so-called "spirit" power in the "flesh and spirit bones", to the Valley of Gods.

"Becoming a shikigami, although you can greatly improve resource utilization with the help of shikigami, shikigami statues and spirit control techniques. But on the other hand, your freedom will be greatly restricted from now on."

"Haven't I been by your side these past two years?" the eight-footed girl said with a relaxed smile.

To her, it wasn't a problem at all.

"That's what I said."

"Besides, there is no need to worry about Yukino's child now. In other words, Mr. Kamiya no longer looks down on low-status youkai like me. He is so heartless, and he gives up after all." The Yatsushaku woman said in a rather resentful tone. , and pretended to wipe away tears that did not exist.

"...We haven't messed up."

The matter of the contract with the eight-footed girl was actually mentioned when Kamiya first went to Ouri Island to find the red stingray bone.

Kamiyagawa finally remembered that Hachishanu had said something at that time——

"When the day comes when Yukino can fully control her innate spiritual energy and her body will not be harmed by the spiritual energy, I will be happy to break the Jizo statue with my own hands and become your shikigami."

Now it seems that she was serious when she said that.

Therefore, the sudden cracking of the Ksitigarbha statue is probably not entirely due to the increase in the strength of the eight-footed girl.

Is it a manifestation of her determination to become a Kamiya Shikigami?

After all, now I really don’t have to worry about that girl from Luye House anymore.

Xiaolu became a disciple of Shengu, and along the way, he learned the techniques of various sects. As a "spiritual fetus", the chaotic innate spiritual power in the body has long been conditioned and controllable due to high-intensity training and use of spells.

So much so that in the current spirit-killing industry, Xiaolu's strength can be regarded as an elite.

There is no need to worry about her passing away prematurely like her mother and grandmother.

That girl will definitely live a long life.

It is not impossible to even follow Master's chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven in the future.

Let’s go back to the shikigami contract that Kamiyagawa and Hachisha-nu are about to reach.

For now, the first priority for the operation of the Kamiya force is to cultivate as many A-level gods as possible.

As for S-class gods...

Kamiya still doesn’t know how to cultivate an S-class god.

To be more precise, I don’t know how to cultivate an S-class god in a short period of time, within one or two years.

His friend the medicine seller has an S rating, but the medicine seller himself is a special craftsman.

Moreover, his ability to become an S-class craftsman god was mainly achieved through hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation.

Judging from Kamiyagawa's current training intensity, if Mari and Karasu Tengu were raised for hundreds or thousands of years, they should be able to gradually transform into S-class gods under the strong influence of incense and faith.

Of course Kamiya will not reduce its resource investment in cultivating existing gods, but the process of cultivating S-level gods simply by relying on time is too long.

Therefore, the most effective way to enhance the strength of the force at the moment is to cultivate more A-level gods to serve as the mainstay.

After all, Kamiya knows how to use "spirit" and "bone" to cultivate A-level gods quickly and well.

He knows this.

And becoming Kamiyagawa's shikigami means reducing freedom in exchange for faster growth and promotion.

To put it more bluntly, it is the reserve of an A-level god.

Currently, there are seven half-shikigami in Kamiya.

Among them, Yama Dajun Xiangyue Xun is half.

Among the shikigami, Mari and Karasutengu have become gods.

Inugami is undergoing a promotion ceremony, and becoming a god is a sure thing.

There is also Prajna, her godhood ceremony has also been put on the agenda.

Once you accumulate more "spirit", you can start safely.

Among the remaining shikigami, Kaoru is supported by the three goddesses of Munakata; Kaoru Kozuki, who is Yama himself and controls the Santo River; and Dream Eater, who has accepted the core power of the dream of the Great Peach Immortal God, they all have it. Corresponding Chengshen capital potential.

As a shikigami, he will continue to efficiently replenish his "spirit" power through various channels. When he finds a suitable divine skeleton in the future, he should be able to smoothly become a god.

Finally, there is Xiaowu.

Satoru is very special. She is much weaker in terms of qualifications to become a god, and she is the accessory for the "Seven Emotions".

Moreover, she has "future vision" and is not good at battlefield combat.

The strategic significance is far greater than the actual combat significance on the battlefield.

Of course, Kamiyagawa will still try his best to raise his sister-in-law to become a god.

After all, "future vision" is really useful.

In addition to the existing shikigami, if you want to select a suitable god reserve, the contract will provide a large amount of "spiritual" resources for the shikigami. Looking at all the strange stories among Kamiya's forces, the eight-foot-old woman is indeed a relatively suitable one.

Although she joined the Kamiya force a long time ago and is a veteran-level character, it seems a bit late to contract as a shikigami now.

But in the end it was time to catch up.

Since he is a god reserve, of course he has to be selected from among the Aragami within the force.

Like the Spider Goddess of Kamui, Ibaraki Doji of Oeyama, and the Yata bird who temporarily lives in the Sanzu River.

They are already A-level gods, so they are not considered.

Choosing a god reserve, that is, the prerequisites for choosing a shikigami, can be roughly divided into three points -

First, it is the qualification to become a god.

Secondly, it serves as the foundation and foundation for Aragami to obtain the power of faith.

Finally, it is whether the target is suitable to lose the right to move freely at the moment.

Among the existing Aragami within the force, the vast majority do not satisfy the first point.

Except for Isohime and Crabhime.

The two of them are each descendants of two ocean goddesses. As "Munakata", their potential to become gods is not as great as that of the whale, the king of the sea country, but they still have some.

However, the operation of Changshi's forces is currently inseparable from Ji Ji and Crab Ji.

One of them is responsible for internal affairs and the other is responsible for security.

If pressed, Crab Princess might still be able to be forced out.

As for Isohime, her importance to the operation of Takamagahara's forces is no less than "the West cannot lose Jerusalem."

It was really difficult for her to sit in that position.

For the time being, it is not possible to find a second demon who can replace the position of the mermaid princess's internal affairs manager.

Unless the extremely intelligent Wenche Demon Concubine is transferred into the ordinary world, but in that case, problems will arise in the real industry operations again.

In short, let's wait for Crab Princess and Iso Princess to cultivate a suitable successor.

Also, neither of them satisfied the second point.

When considering candidates for the god reserve, the qualifications to become a god are very important, but the foundation of the wild god stage is also very important.

With a good foundation, gaining faith can get twice the result with half the effort.

Neither Crabhime nor Isohime have their own shrines yet. Even if they become the shikigami of Kamiya, they still lack the ability to cooperate with the shikigami, spirit control techniques, and shikigami statues to gain faith. The acquisition of "spirits" is a bonus. The bonus is not too big.

In fact, in the final analysis, the Aragami who meets the second condition and can most efficiently improve the efficiency of "spirit" acquisition by relying on a superior foundation is currently the only one, Hachisuke-onna, who has built a new "Double Core Shrine".

Moreover, the Eight-foot Girl herself does not participate in the operation of permanent forces.

With such a balance, she is indeed suitable to be the next shikigami.

You can make a contract with her first, and while helping her obtain and accumulate a large amount of "spirits", you can also find materials and suitable divine bones for her to improve her qualifications for becoming a god.

"Now that you're ready, let's get started." Kamiyakawa put down the silver-coated shikigami statue and prepared to launch the spirit-binding technique at the eight-foot girl. "This process may not be so... comfortable."

"Po~ No matter what you want to do, I can endure it."

The eight-foot girl said this in a teasing tone, with a charming little scarlet beauty mark on the corner of her mouth. Then she knelt down in front of Kamiya, her plump buttocks under the white skirt softly covering her legs, outlining an extremely eye-catching arc.

But her expression became serious and extremely submissive: "Master Kamiya, it's great that you are willing to take care of Yukino... Thank you."

It sounded like a sincere thank you.

As she spoke, she leaned down, folded her hands on the ground, and put her forehead on the back of her hands.

Just like when she asked Kamiya to take Xiaolu as her disciple, the Eight-foot Girl sat down towards Kamiyazuchi again.

But that time it was a plea, and this time it was a thank you and an expression of heartfelt respect.

"It doesn't have to be like this..."

Kamiyakawa, who was just about to recite the spirit-binding art, stopped moving, and his vision seemed a little wandering, with nowhere to place it.

"Why don't you start yet? Lord Kamiya, I'm already ready."

"Why don't you get up first."

Kamiyakawa suddenly felt something.

Once she has contracted the Hachisaku-onna and placed her shikigami statue in the shrine, she will officially have the power of "lust" related to fertility worship.

If this guy continues to grow in the authority of "lust"...

As the "Lord of the Human World", Kamiyagawa is loved by many monsters and ghosts, and his own charm is full.

And he feels that his charm is a manifestation of his commanding power and the right path!

And the eight-foot girl who relies on lust is definitely evil.

But no matter what, they are all opponents!

She is so evil right now...


Appeared in the real world.

In front of an office building in Arakawa District.

Two boys who should be college students, holding a brown paper file bag, stood under the magnificent office building and looked up.

Hidaka Tsunayoshi and Shimokawa Yoji.

Fans of the virtual live broadcast Mary-chan, and also fans of GENIE Studio.

"Is this the Night Tour Club? It's so impressive."

"It seems that there are two floors belonging to them."

"Hey, Tsunayoshi, do you think we can meet the creators of GENIE here?"

"Stupid. The Night Tour Club is a subsidiary of GENIE, and it is in the field of comics. How could the creators of GENIE who are responsible for animation production be here?"

"Maybe a small part of them?"

"That's possible, but we can't recognize them."

"Tsunayoshi, I'm so nervous, my heart is beating."

"Don't say it, you make me so nervous when you say that, even though we haven't even entered the door of the Night Tour Club yet."

The Night Tour Club, as Hidaka Tsunayoshi said, is a subsidiary of GENIE Co., Ltd.

It was established only about half a year ago.

At the beginning of its establishment, it launched a comic journal called "One Hundred Demons Night Parade", which is currently a bimonthly publication.

As an animation magazine, "One Hundred Demons Night Parade" has its own exclusive style and field, focusing on depicting and telling stories about demons and monsters.

This track choice seems to be a bit niche.

But it is understandable.

The competition in the comics industry in Japan is very fierce, or even brutal. Various magazines and periodicals will basically find a style of their own as a way out for business, so as to attract the corresponding target group and increase the stickiness of readers.

For example, the famous anime magazine "Shonen JUMP", which has serialized works such as "Naruto", "One Piece", and "Bleach", has a main style of orthodox and passionate youth comics.

And it attracts middle school students as the main readership.

And "One Hundred Demons Night Parade" naturally wants to attract people who are interested in demons and ghosts.

The audience is a bit small, but it probably wants to develop in the direction of "small but fine".

In fact, the industry is generally not optimistic about GENIE, which has just achieved remarkable achievements in the field of animation, and suddenly announced the establishment of a subsidiary to participate in the comics industry.

Normally, it is a wise decision to continue to delve into animation.

Obviously, good achievements have been made.

Although animation and comics are very similar, they are different in operation.

However, it is somewhat surprising that after the release of "One Hundred Demons Night Parade", the sales performance is not too bad.

Even if it is not satisfactory, it is definitely not unpopular.

This is because the setting collection and extra stories of "Ms. Mary" and "Karasu Tengu's Demon Retreat" are published in "One Hundred Demons Night Parade".

And most of the people who buy this magazine are GENIE fans who have heard the news.

For fans, this thing is considered to be a peripheral of the show to a certain extent.

But everyone knows that this kind of relying on GENIE fans and taking shortcuts will not last long.

How many issues of settings and extra stories can be published?

Comic magazines should be spoken with excellent comics.

In addition, saying that the sales performance of "One Hundred Demons Night Parade" is not too bad is just a tolerant evaluation of it as a brand new miscellaneous thing. Compared with mature comic magazines, "One Hundred Demons Night Parade" is still far behind.

That is, in the past two months.

After a serialized comic written by the well-known scriptwriter Soryu began to be serialized in "One Hundred Demons Night Parade", the sales of the magazine finally received some substantial guarantees.

But it is definitely not feasible for an entire magazine to be supported by only one excellent comic.

Everyone in the industry knows that when Night Tour Club was founded, it was not a small workshop, and this sales volume is far from enough to feed the company's own operations.

Night Tour Club will probably be in a loss-making state for a long time in the future.

If this continues, it may be abandoned by the parent company and declared bankruptcy.

I really don't understand why GENIE would do such a thankless thing.

It feels like these people didn't start the company to make money.

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