I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 761 Swallowing Gold

Present life, Nagoya.

In a high-end apartment.

Ozaki Ryuichi sat on the sofa in his spacious living room, staring at a pile of documents in a daze.

He was still the same, dressed brightly, and the necklace, watch and even ear bone clip he wore were all expensive.

But the original flamboyant expression was no longer seen on his face at this time, replaced by depression.

"Ryuichi, what are you looking at?"

Perhaps realizing Ozaki's distress, a strange figure appeared beside Ozaki and asked like this.

It was a human-shaped female rat.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe it as Furui.

The silver-gray hair was soft and smooth, and the two gray-powder ears stood on both sides of the head. He was wearing a green cloak decorated with leaves, with the breath of the mountains and forests. Apart from the cloak, the clothes underneath were exposed, which made his figure graceful.

One of Ozaki Ryuichi's two shikigami, a beauty.

"Some reports from the company."

"You never read these before... Is there a problem?"

"There is a big problem at the company." Ozaki smiled bitterly.

Meirenxiang didn't understand business management, and didn't know how to comfort her Yin Yang Master.

The topic stagnated for a while, until a messy sound of something falling to the ground came from the direction of the study.

Meirenxiang: "Achang is licking things again, I'll go talk to her."

"Yeah." When Meirenxiang walked away, Ozaki Ryuichi glanced at the stack of information again, frowning and approaching the sofa, "No wonder my dad gave me less pocket money this year..."

This rich young man has lived a life of food and clothing since he was born, enjoying luxury cars and mansions at will, but he is rarely as depressed as he is now.

As Meirenxiang said, he had never worried about things related to the family business before.

Instead, when he just became an adult, he came into contact with the mysterious circle of exorcists, and became an exorcist by chance.

Ozaki Ryuichi has a certain talent in exorcism, but he is lazy and unruly, and he has only dabbled in exorcism techniques.

To be honest, the biggest motivation for Ozaki to get involved in exorcism is the beautiful ghost story girl and... the art of love.

Of course, as a member of the exorcism industry, if the countermeasures room really needs him, he will try his best to cooperate.

For example, more than a year ago, the "suppression of earthquake catfish"--

That time, it was the teacher who taught Ozaki Ryuichi the art of love, who personally asked Ozaki to help.

In the subjugation operation, this rich young man did a good job.

Relying on the beauty to control the rats to go deep underground, Ozaki Ryuichi successfully locked the location of the earthquake catfish.

Then it was the ghost disciple Kamiyagawa who showed his magical powers and defeated the Aragami earthquake catfish without any danger.

Ozaki is still very happy to do such work as an auxiliary in the joint subjugation operation. It feels like participating in an exciting adventure, and he is an auxiliary staff member, so he doesn't have to go deep into the front line of the battlefield.

With a sense of participation, the safety of himself and his subordinates is guaranteed.

Ryuichi Ozaki enjoys it.

Anyway, participating in the exorcism business is like this, and it is more like a hobby for him.

Originally, he thought that his life would continue like this, rich and not boring, with cute ghost story girls around him.

But now, Ryuichi Ozaki's life has changed to a certain extent.

From the information page at hand, it can be seen that his family's industrial development is very sluggish.

Even a playboy like Ryuichi Ozaki who never worries about his own company has realized this, which means that there is really a big problem with the Ozaki family.

The Ozaki family is located in Nagoya.

Nagoya is known as the third largest metropolitan area in Japan, but its economy and culture are not as good as Tokyo and Osaka, and its tourism industry is not as good as Hokkaido.

But there are quite a lot of rich people.

In addition, the daughters of noble families in Nagoya seem to be famous, but the Japanese generally have the impression that the daughters here are generous, not ladies from a noble family.

This stereotype may be related to the fact that the core industry of this place is heavy industry.

As a wealthy family in Nagoya, the Ozaki family also started with industry and has developed to this day.

His family's industries are concentrated in the Nakagyo Industrial Zone, mainly in the fields of non-ferrous metal manufacturing and shipbuilding.

According to Ozaki Ryuichi's current understanding, due to the continuous decline in the yen exchange rate, the non-ferrous metal industry, which is completely dependent on imported raw materials, has been greatly impacted.

As for the shipbuilding industry, in theory, exported ships are basically settled in US dollars, and the depreciation of the local currency is conducive to the export of ships by the Ozaki family. But the decline of the Japanese shipbuilding industry has not been a matter of one or two days, and even the decline in the yen exchange rate has not stimulated the growth of export orders.

In short, under the current economic environment, the two industries mainly operated by the Ozaki family are continuing to lose money year by year.

Moreover, I don't know if it's just bad luck.

The losses of the Ozaki family's enterprises are much greater than those of other companies in the same industry.

Anyway, it's very miserable.

But to be honest, the shrinking value of the family business may not change Ozaki Ryuichi's life too much.

Given the size of the Ozaki family, even if the company they run goes bankrupt, the private property they have accumulated will still exist.

But perhaps because of the pressure brought by business operations, Ozaki Ryuichi can feel that his family is nervous.

Especially recently, this feeling is particularly obvious.

This has somewhat affected Ozaki Ryuichi's mood.

"Dad also contacted me and said that he must go back to his hometown today. Since I can remember, our family has not been back very often. And he didn't say what he was going to do suddenly..."

Look, it's almost time.

Because of an appointment with his family, Ozaki Ryuichi is going back to the countryside today.

His hometown is located in Gifu Prefecture, quite close to Shirakawa Township. However, because the location is more remote, it has not been developed into a tourist area like Shirakawago.

In general, it is a small mountain village with few people living there.

Ozaki Ryuichi still doesn't know what his father is doing when he suddenly informs him to go back together.

The old house has long been unoccupied.

Arakawa Ward in modern Tokyo.


Kamiyakawa, who was reading information related to Kanashanabigujin at home, stopped flipping through the papers in his hand.

On the corner of the desk in front of him, there was a [Looking for Ore Needle].

Two days ago, the Tsunei Aokigahara mine dug the Kanayama Shrine. After that, Kamiya temporarily took back the compass from Shikijiro 20 and carried it with him all the time.

In the past two days, whether in the ordinary world or in this world, the pointer of the [Ore Searching Needle] has been swinging wildly and never stopped.

Just now, Kamiya noticed that the pointer swing of the [Seeking Needle] weakened.

It no longer rotates 360 degrees in disorder, but swings in a specific direction, forming a fan-shaped angle of approximately 60 degrees.

"It seems something happened."

Kamiya put down the information in his hand.

The [Looking Needle] must be pointing at something, but although the compass is now a little more stable, the pointer is still swinging slowly.

With this, you can only know the approximate direction of the pointer's distance from you.

“Maybe it will be more stable if we wait a while, but it’s probably worth trying to find it now.”

In Kamiya's opinion, the thing pointed to by the [Ore Searching Needle] is probably related to Jinshan Pigu God, and may even be the current location of the Craftsman Ancestor God.

Need to pay close attention.

Also, he had a feeling that the relationship between the Jinshan Shrine under the mine, the ore-seeking needle, and the Jinshan Bigu God was not...

The ore-seeking needle pointed to the Jinshan Shrine, and the shrine was dug out, which in turn caused further commotion among the God of Jinshan, whose whereabouts were unknown.


Jinshan Pigu God himself has undergone some strange changes, which makes the spiritual power of Jinshan Shrine restless. The spiritual power of the shrine affected the mining needle that was also located in the Aokigahara mine, so it was marked and pointed out.

Of course, no matter what the cause and effect are, as long as we follow the guidance of this compass, Kamiya River should be able to intervene in the events related to Jinshan Bigu God.

Picking up the [Ore Searching Needle], Kamiya quickly went to Changshi.

After confirmation, after entering the ordinary world, the pointer on the compass became violently rotating again.

After returning to the present world, the pointer's rotation will once again ease into a fan shape.

In other words, the things to be dealt with this time happen in this world.

It was already night when Ozaki Ryuichi drove to his hometown in Gifu Prefecture.

This is a small village surrounded by mountains on three sides.

"I didn't expect that I would go the wrong way if I followed the navigation. After all, it's just too remote here."

Ozaki drove the wrong way when he came over, which caused a lot of delay.

Although he has a scout shikigami like Meiren.

But it seems that the last time Ozaki returned to his hometown was when he was a teenager, and he learned the acacia spirit-bending technique only after he became an adult.

So it was the first time that Meiren returned to Gifu County with him.

Before that, she had no idea where her so-called hometown was, so she couldn't help her onmyoji guide her.

Of course, Ozaki Ryuichi didn't really care about this kind of thing.

He is used to being undisciplined, and his mentality has always been very good.

If it's later, just be later.

On the way, Ozaki's father called him a few times, but they just gave him a brief reminder and told him to come over quickly.

The car continued to drive along the path into the village, its bright headlights projected forward.

The old and short houses, the messy black wires tangled on the telephone poles and walls, as well as the maple forests that turn red after autumn, and the fields with dogtail grass.

All the scenery that can be seen on both sides of the road, after being briefly illuminated, quickly returns to darkness and silence.

Ozaki's old house is located in the southeast of the village.

It covers a large area and is the most impressive in the entire village, so it is relatively easy to find.

He parked the car in front of the old house and saw several luxury cars parked nearby, one of which belonged to his father.

It seems that many Ozaki family members returned to their hometown today.

My father said that my uncle and the others would also come to the old house today.

My grandfather, who moved to Nagoya City a long time ago, is also coming with me.

Ozaki Ryuichi thought so and got out of his car.

The courtyard door of the old house is unlocked. When you open the door, you can see that lights are still on throughout the wooden ancestral house.

Although no one has come back to live here for a long time, the old house does not look dilapidated. On the contrary, it is quite neat.

It is estimated that the family has entrusted the villagers to clean the ancestral house regularly.

Go through the courtyard and towards the entrance.

The entrance door was also unlocked. After opening it, Ozaki heard lively conversations coming from the end of the brightly lit corridor.

In my memory, the corridor that passes through the entrance hall of the old house used to be the kitchen.

The family is probably still having dinner together now.

The normal atmosphere in the old house prevented Ozaki Ryuichi from thinking too much.

He changed his shoes and walked straight to the kitchen. He happened to be hungry.

But unfortunately, when he walked to the kitchen, he didn't smell any fragrance. Probably because I came back late, the food had been finished long ago or was already cold.

Approach the kitchen door.

Ozaki Ryuichi saw his father, two uncles, and grandfather sitting around the wooden dining table.

Everyone is talking about something.

The conversation stopped briefly when Ozaki came in.

"Long Yi, you've got it right."

Long Yi's father said this.

"Haha, is it hard to find the way back to your hometown?" Then his grandfather answered, "Are you hungry? I just left something to eat for you."

what the hell.

It turns out there is still food left.

"I happen to..."

Ozaki Ryuichi stepped into the kitchen.

While standing outside the door, his view was blocked by his father and uncle sitting at the table.

Can't see the table.

As you get closer, you can see the desktop clearly.

And when he saw something on the table, his unfinished words were stuck in his throat.

There are indeed dishes on the dining table, and the dishes are indeed not empty yet.

The dishes, whether neatly stacked on the plate, messy with sauce, or soaked in soup...

They all reflect a yellowish luster in the warm yellow light projected from the ceiling.

These yellow, hard "ingredients"...


No one would regard this kind of thing as food.

Ozaki Ryuichi could see clearly that the things on the dinner plate were metal and gold!

The family members sitting around the dining table did not seem to notice anything strange about Long Yi.

His uncle even calmly picked up a piece of gold, put it to his mouth and bit it.

The sound of teeth biting open metal was clearly audible.

The little uncle chewed his mouth full of metal scraps, chewed and swallowed.

He ate the gold as naturally as he ate a piece of sushi.

Ozaki Ryuichi didn't understand how his uncle managed to do this.

"You...what are you doing?"

What exactly is going on?

The family is sitting around, sharing food and swallowing gold?

After all, Ozaki Ryuichi is a spirit exterminator, and he has some sense of the weird and supernatural environment.

But even now, standing in the kitchen, standing in front of the table filled with gold, he didn't feel anything strange.

Not to mention, Ozaki has beauties under his command.

Even if there was something strange that he couldn't detect, with his beauty-like perception, he would be able to detect it in advance and give an early warning.

But she didn't do that.

This shows that even the beauty did not feel the strange situation here before entering the kitchen.

This happens...

Either the anomaly here is beyond perception.

Or, there is no real abnormality here at all.

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