I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 763 We are craftsmen

It is better to worship the gods sooner rather than later.

Moreover, according to the elders of the Ozaki family, the sacrificial ceremony should be performed at night.

In other words, now is the right time.

After sharing the gold on the table, the elders of the Ozaki family still seemed a little reluctant. But in order to get down to business, they still got up from their seats and decided to lead Long Yi to the place of worship.

That place is located in the mountains to the north of the village.

The mountains at night are shrouded in a faint mist, and the mountains are rolling under the pale moonlight.

Entering the mountains, Ozaki Long Yi gradually lost the outline of the village where the old house was located. The scattered lights that represented human society were left behind and soon drowned in the silence unique to the undeveloped deep forest.

The vegetation on both sides of the mountain road became thick and dense as the trek progressed, layer upon layer, like a huge, inescapable cage that trapped the Ozaki people.

The lights cast by several flashlights swayed back and forth in the darkness. The path in the mountain seemed to have life and consciousness, winding through the cage formed by branches and leaves.

Above this maze of trees are towering and steep mountains and cliffs. Small patches of shrubs cover the exposed rocks like hair, and sway in the night wind, making these steep mountains look like part of some mysterious, sneaky, and extremely huge creature.

Continue walking into the mountain.

There is no path that can be called a "road" under your feet.

In Ozaki Ryuichi's memory, he has never entered this primitive forest north of his hometown.

It seems that even the people in the village are not willing to go deep into this place.

But for some reason, after entering this deep mountain, he vaguely felt a little familiar.

And several elders in his family seemed to be fully aware of the environment here, and even his elderly grandfather moved abnormally quickly in the forest.


In the hidden places around the route of the Ozaki family, some mountain rats followed or spread out to explore the surroundings.

This is the rat group released by Bijinyang.

The activities of the rat group were not noticed by the elders of the Ozaki family, probably not.

But as Bijinyang's Yin-Yang master, Ozaki Ryuichi naturally knew about it.

At this time, he couldn't completely trust his family. In comparison, the existence of those rats made him feel more at ease.

In such a deep mountain forest, electronic equipment has become unreliable. In Ozaki Ryuichi's imagination, if something beyond his expectations happened during this sacrificial ceremony, he would try to use the rat group to bypass the elders at home and directly contact the outside world.

The mountain forest can also be regarded as the territory of the rat group.

They can undoubtedly do this.

After several hours of trekking and climbing in the mountains, it was already past midnight.

Ozaki and his party arrived at their destination this time.

This is the bottom of a steep cliff. The surrounding mountains are like impenetrable walls, majestic and wild, leaving only a palm-sized sky above everyone's head.

In front of everyone, there is a huge dark cave with an irregular oval entrance. Standing at the entrance, it is impossible to peek into the specific environment inside.

"This is it, Long Yi. The cave is very large. The deepest part is the residence of Jinshan Bi Gu Shen. Just keep going down and you will find it. Next, you have to go in by yourself."

"You have to complete the ceremony before dawn. Well... there is still enough time. Don't forget the ritual process we told you. It's not difficult."

Obviously, the elders did not intend to enter this cave with Long Yi.

Long Yi walked into the cave under the gaze of the elders. The moment he stepped into this dark and mysterious place, he had almost no hesitation.

If he agreed to the commission of the god sacrifice at the beginning, it was out of selfishness and he was trying to keep the considerable wealth of the family with doubts.

Then when he really came to the cave of the so-called "Golden Mountain God's Mansion", what drove and tempted Ozaki Ryuichi to think and act was something else.

An irrational instinct.

It was like something was calling him in the deep cave with no end in sight.

Like invisible slimy tentacles, it rolled into his chest, teasing his heart.

After sinking into the darkness, Ozaki Ryuichi walked to a distance where he could not see the beam of the flashlight behind him. He called out the beauty and gave the last rational explanation:

"Let some of your rats leave the mountain. If we haven't left the cave before dawn, or if we lose contact with the outside world... find a way to tell the countermeasures room what happened here."


"Boss, this compass..."

In the ghost car, Takayama Mai, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned around again and showed the [Dowsing Needle] to Kamiya Kawa.

It can be seen that the needle on the ancient compass finally stopped swinging back and forth, but pointed to a fixed direction stably.

This time, this thing finally has the absolute function of guiding the way.

"Keep going in the direction indicated by the [Dowsing Needle], and speed up as much as possible."

Kamiya couldn't judge whether this final change was a good thing or a bad thing, so he could only give this order first.

"Leave it to me, Boss!"

Oishi Shunma was about to step on the accelerator to speed up, but he stopped immediately.

Although it is not clear what will happen tonight, it seems that the situation is urgent.

So Oishi turned his head and looked at the last row of the ghost car——

In the back seat, Ohara Hayami was holding his head and sitting quietly with an innocent look on his face.

That's right.

Tonight, the strongest driver of the hearse group, Ohara's sister, also came out with him.

"How about you drive it?"

Ohara Hayami was replaced in the driver's seat, and the direction of the route was clear, so the ghost car was directly launched on the spot.

In the midst of the lightning speed, Kamiya and others confirmed the direction again.

Now we can get a conclusion.

Roughly speaking, the location pointed by the [Dowsing Needle] should be the Gifu Prefecture area of ​​Nagoya.

And the ghost car just entered Gifu Prefecture, and Kamiya received a call from Yusuke Yusuke.

With the help of Wu, this call was extremely stable.

On the phone, Uncle Yusuke conveyed an urgent message to Kamiya——

Tonight, strange things happened at the same time in the Chukyo Industrial Zone and the Hanshin Industrial Zone.

Almost at the same time, a large number of residents in these two places began to chew on metal materials within sight without any warning.

Humans chewing on metal, chewing and swallowing it is a scene that is difficult to describe unless you see it with your own eyes.

Because such a strange incident is large in scale and covers two large industrial areas, the countermeasures room immediately dispatched people around to intervene.

Yukisaki Shinkensuke himself is currently on his way to the Hanshin Industrial Zone.

According to the description of the exorcists who are already on the scene, they did not feel obvious evil spirit fluctuations around those people who greedily chewed on metal.

In addition, some of the out-of-control people would recite the name of a god while swallowing metal.

Jinshan Bikoshin.

In addition, according to the description of the exorcists who are already on the scene, the metals chewed by the out-of-control people seem to be mainly silver, copper, iron, tin, and related alloys.

But there is one metal that is absolutely excluded.


They don't seem to swallow gold within their sight.

It is not yet known whether this behavioral trend has a specific meaning.

"I know."

Kamiyukawa picked up the seat in his arms and put it on the empty seat next to him.

He looked out the window again, where the scenery was changing rapidly. As a wild god, he could clearly feel that just now, in the cloudy night sky, there was a heavy cyclone that ordinary people could not see, and it was gathering in the direction of Gifu Prefecture.

That was a huge "spirit", or a power similar to the incense of faith.

Kamiyukawa: "I should be rushing to the source of the incident now."

Uncle Jiecheng did not ask Kamiya on the phone why he had been involved in the emergency tonight so coincidentally. He was even relieved when he knew that Kamiya was dealing with the matter.

"Be careful and keep in touch."

Jiecheng said this at last and hung up the phone.

He was probably busy now.

"Kinzan Bikoshin... What is the situation with this god?"

Kamiya put away his phone, his face slightly solemn.

At present, the many out-of-control people in the two industrial areas, who gnawed metal and chanted the name of God, should have produced a large number of "spirits" belonging to the Golden Mountain Biko God.

Kamiya Kawa didn't know how the Golden Mountain Biko God did it.

The only thing that can be confirmed now is that something big must have happened in Gifu Prefecture.

Ozaki Ryu held up a flashlight and walked a long way in the dark cave.

Bijin-Yang and the rats always accompanied him.

The underground environment is very suitable for Bijin-Yang and the rats she controls to show their expertise.

The scale of the cave is far beyond his expectations. As the slope continues to go down, the outline of the cave continues to change, but no matter how it changes, there is no trend of narrowing.

The passage has always been spacious and has always been downward.

The ground slope maintains a relatively steep angle, giving people the feeling that it will extend all the way to the unknown depths of the earth's core.

It went down like this for more than an hour.

The beauty suddenly gave a warning, and the mountain rats crawling in the underground passages also chirped and squeaked anxiously.

With the help of the flashlight, Ozaki Ryuichi found himself walking into a wide and flat underground space.

There is a very regular, almost circular outline here, like a large circular square.

It doesn't look like a space formed by nature at all.

Stalactites grow everywhere in the cave, and there are large pieces of exposed gravel, all of which are dragged out by the ever-changing bright light beams of the flashlight, and unpredictable long black shadows.

The haze that keeps twisting on the rock wall makes the already mysterious and deep underground space even more sneaky and ominous.

"Ryuichi, there is something... above, but I can't feel it specifically."

The beauty whispered a reminder beside him.

Ozaki Ryuichi looked up and raised the flashlight.

There are many cracks of different sizes on the high rock wall of the underground square.

Some were very narrow, only a few centimeters wide, while others were wide enough to allow an adult to pass through.

The cracks on the rock wall spread everywhere, looking shocking and hideous. It was like the gaping mouth of some huge monster, or like a wound violently torn by a god on the underground rock.

The height of this underground space is immeasurable. It is only known that the top cannot be reached by the light of the flashlight.

This made Ozaki Ryuichi feel uneasy and frightened, especially after hearing the reminder from the beauty.

He didn't know if there was some strange existence lurking in the higher place where he couldn't see, staring down at him.

In the end, Ryuichi just took a deep breath, and the damp and turbid air underground filled his lungs.

"It's an extremely wide space. This should be the residence of the Golden Mountain Biko God deep in the cave that my father and others mentioned."

Ozaki Ryuichi thought so.

According to the elders in the family, after arriving at this space, Ryuichi will see some "possibly terrifying" existences.

But there is no need to panic.

Those are the messengers of the Golden Mountain Biko God.

The elders all claimed that Ryuichi would never be harmed by the messengers.

Next, as long as the fixed worship process is carried out and a piece of gold handed over by the messenger is swallowed, the divine sacrifice will be completed.

The Ozaki family will once again establish contact with the Golden Mountain Biko God.

Enjoy the endless wealth bestowed by this generous god.

"Should I really swallow the gold? Become like my father and the others?"

Ryuichi Ozaki seemed to have not made up his mind yet.

Just as he hesitated, the beautiful woman beside him suddenly pulled him.

In an instant, the strange familiarity that he had felt in the mountains and forests and at the entrance of the cave once again surged into Ryuichi Ozaki's heart.

This time it was even stronger.

And Ryuichi Ozaki could clearly feel that at the highest point of this underground space, there was an extremely noble and great existence calling him.

The call that seemed to resonate with the soul made people irresistible and even made Ryuichi feel a little relieved.

"Have I been here?"

He just had such a doubt in his heart.

But it didn't make sense.

In Ryuichi Ozaki's memory, he had never explored such a strange place.

Before he could think about this question, a sticky sound and the screams of rats rang out from the surrounding rock walls.


Some turbid, sticky, indescribable jelly, mixed with glittering metal, secreted from the hideous cracks of the surrounding rock walls.

Ozaki Ryuichi smelled a sour stench.

The jelly-like mucus with shining metal that kept surging from the rock wall gave him the feeling of disgusting vomit.

Before he could react to what was happening, the mucus fell to the ground.

The mucus kept surging, stretching, and rising upward, and the various metals wrapped in it collided with each other.

Finally, it actually formed a series of human-like outlines.

Ozaki Ryuichi saw the human-shaped mucus in front of him stand up, first becoming like a one-eyed old monk, then twisting into a woman holding a hammer, and then changing into other shapes...

The sour stench in the air could no longer be smelled at this time.

Instead, there was the smell of fire and iron, and a dark smell similar to burning incense and candles.

"What is this?"

Ozaki Ryuichi took a step back, and then he heard the constantly changing human figures in the slime, saying the same words in different tones:

"We are, craftsmen."

The voices overlapped and echoed in the wide underground space.

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