I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 769 Mission Reward Obtained: Raw Bow and Arrow

Takiyashahime wanted to run away.

But she doesn't have legs yet, and she can't run away at all.

In desperation, Takihime agreed to Kamiyagawa's request.

This is what living under someone else’s roof looks like.

There seems to be no other way out except cooperation.

In fact, with Takihime's current appearance, no matter what Kamiya wants to do to her, she is unable to resist...

"Takihime-sama, please be patient for a moment."

As if picking a ripe fruit, the foot seller gently took off Takiyashahime's right hand.

She was just too good at handling flesh and blood.

This kind of "minor surgery" is completely easy to do and can be done with 100% accuracy.

During the extremely short operation, Takihime just closed her eyes and took two breaths of cold air, but she was very strong and did not cry out in pain.

There was a pop.

The foot saleswoman held Taki Ji's slender right hand and quickly put it into a large glass jar filled with pungent-smelling oil. She also took out other medicinal oil and treated Taki Ji's wounds very skillfully.

"That'll be fine."

After thanking Takihime, the foot seller took the newly obtained materials and [Golden Marrow] and happily went to the next door to the operating room to do experiments.

Karastengu also followed, accompanied by Inugami.

Only Kamiyagawa and Takiyashahime were left in the laboratory.

Takihime was still melancholy about her right hand that had been "won and then lost" when she suddenly heard Kamiya speak: "Thank you for your selfless dedication, Takihime."

Upon hearing this, the princess became extremely angry and shook her lonely head like a rattle: "What kind of selfless dedication? This is paid! It's paid! As you said, take good care of the one you love."

"Yes, yes. It's paid, don't worry."

Kamiyagawa shrugged his shoulders.

Perhaps because he was well aware of his unfavorable situation, before cooperating and offering his right hand, Takiyashahime did not make too many requests to Kamiya.

It was nothing more than a symbolic emphasis, asking Kamiya to take good care of Saotome Ai, who was still working in the countermeasures room.

Although when it comes to this kind of thing, even if she doesn't talk about it, Kamiyagawa will do it well.

"Hey, Kamiya. You're not going to keep me here forever to provide you with flesh and blood materials for research, are you?"

Having no time to mourn for her newly lost right hand, Takiyashahime thought of an extremely tragic possibility that she might have to face in the future, an encounter that would make her hair stand on end just thinking about it——

Will Kamiya raise his unable to resist self like a domestic animal and then do whatever he wants?

There is no doubt that he can really do this.

Today, Takihime is like a poor lamb with its soft hair shaved off in front of Kamiyagawa. He controls everything from life to death.

"Who do you think I am?" Kamiya was speechless, "I promised you before. I will definitely help you reshape your body and restore it to its original state."

Regarding this point, Kamiyagawa did not lie.

He had no intention of imprisoning this down-and-out princess.

In terms of his attitude towards Takihime, he still tends to confirm that Takihime is completely trustworthy, and then gradually guide her to join the Takamagahara forces.

Takiyashahime is not only able to move freely between the real world and the eternal world, but is also proficient in curse techniques and has the magical ability to regenerate flesh and blood. From all aspects, he is a very good talent.

As for her peculiar flesh and blood.

If Takihime becomes a part of Takamagahara, if she really needs to "borrow" a little bit more, it shouldn't be... not too much, right?

As long as you pay attention to the concept of scale and sustainability, and don't push the princess into a hurry, it won't be a big problem.

After comforting Takihime, Kamiyagawa told her what happened in Gifu County tonight.

Previously, Takihime had a premonition that she would cause chaos when encountering a demon, and she was still uneasy about it.

Now it seems that the chaos created during the encounter has been resolved by Kamiyagawa.

But Takihime herself faced a bloody disaster...

"You said you got rid of Tianjin Maruo who acted as Yinshi. In other words, in the whole round of encountering demons, only Haishi and Zishi have not met you?"

"That's true for now."

Kamiyagawa has been involved in solving almost all incidents related to Enchanshi in recent years.

In this regard, Takiyashahime was aware of this situation when the two sides exchanged information before.

As for the remaining Haishi and Zishi.

Takihime was not sure before whether there was really a member like "Zi Toki" in the Enma Toki organization.

But combined with the information provided by Kamiyagawa, the other two special times of encountering demons, "Yin Shi" and "You Shi", directly correspond to two ancient gods who are not usually born.

Therefore, there is reason to suspect that "Zi Shi" also exists in a similar way.

There is also the "Hai Shi" who acts as the organizer within the organization when encountering evil spirits.

Although Takihime had met directly with "Lawyer Haishi", she knew very little about him.

To be honest, she only knew the appearance of "Lawyer Haishi", that's all.

After being "planted" by Kamiyagawa at Ciji Hospital in Tsunei, Takihime had already reconstructed Kaishi's appearance and characteristics through oral description and asked Kamiya to draw it on paper.

As for whether Kamiya can find Haishi through the portrait...

Takihime was not sure about this either.

But she sincerely hopes Kamiyagawa can make progress in this regard.

Takiyashahime is still very self-aware——

She herself is a "former member" who rebelled against the Omaji organization, and now relies on Kamiya River.

And Saotome Ai, who has the closest relationship with Takiyashahime, is now a member of the Countermeasures Office.

Kamiya River's power in the Countermeasures Office can be said to be the only one.

With these two premises, it is almost impossible for Takiyashahime to completely get rid of Kamiya River's influence in the future. She knows that her interests are tied to this man. If Kamiya really has no special "bad taste", then it is better not to join him instead of resisting him.

It's good to take shelter under a big tree.

After a friendly exchange with Takihime, Kamiya River left Jiji Hospital.

The matter of Karasu Tengu was completely handed over to the old lady selling feet.

Seeing that the old lady selling feet was confident after getting the [Golden Marrow], it should not be a big problem.

She is professional.

Kamiya did not return to reality for the time being, but went to Fusang Township where the craftsmen lived first, and met Sister Jue and Xiaoqing Fangzhu here.

He also explained to the craftsmen what happened in Gifu Prefecture tonight, and emphasized the situation about Tsutsumaro.

After listening to the story, Jue was silent for a long time, and then spoke a little weakly: "Kamiya, you mean... the source of the power that causes the strange story craftsmen to be persecuted inexplicably when their strength is promoted to a certain level comes from Tsutsumaro?"

"Well, Tsutsumaro reshaped the body of Kinzan Bikoshin, and it is very likely that he also reshaped his own body. This process may require the participation of the consciousness of many mature craftsmen."

"Then my master, and the little monk's master..."

The craftsman sister, who is always carefree, looks very sad at this time.

"The souls of the craftsmen have been led to Sanzu River by Xiangyue and Yatagarasu."

"Sir Kamiya, can we go to the Ming River?"

This time, it was Kosho who spoke.

"Of course. But Xiangyue has not yet mastered all the powers of Sanzu River. Your master's soul is sleeping in the sea of ​​red spider lilies with other craftsmen and cannot be awakened."

"That's enough, thank you, Lord Kamiya."

Xiaoqingfangzhu put his hands together, closed the one eye on his face, silently digested the emotions, and slowly opened it again.

When I first met Kamiya, the little monk was still very ignorant and had a sense of naivety. But today, he is the supervisor of the "Takamagahara Requiem Candle Production Line" and has many apprentices under him.

Although his appearance has not changed much, his temperament has become more mature and stable.

"Oh, by the way, there is this." Kamiya River took out the [Craftsman's Heart] from the [Mirage Bag], "This is what Tianjin Mara left after his death."

Kamiya has already identified the Craftsman's Heart with the help of "Kaidan Monogatari".

This heart-shaped metal block composed of different ores is the core of the "special craftsman god collection" of Tianjin Mara, and has a great connection with the inheritance of craftsman skills.

The ghost story craftsmen in Changshi who mastered Tianjin Mara's skills also achieved contact through the [Craftsman's Heart].

Now Tianjin Mara is dead, and the [Craftsman's Heart] is controlled by Takama-ga-hara.

From now on, ghost story craftsmen no longer need to worry about being persecuted by inexplicable forces and disappearing when their strength exceeds the threshold.

Jue reached out to take the [Craftsman's Heart], and his golden eyes flashed.

As a god craftsman, she has a stronger and more detailed identification ability than "Kaidan Monogatari", so she can naturally see the effect of this prop material.

This thing is of great significance to ghost story craftsmen.

The days of constant fear before can finally be declared over at this moment.

The promotion of ghost story craftsmen is smooth.

This is also the promise that Kamiya River made to Jue and Koshobozu a long time ago.

Now it has been fulfilled.

Jue's golden eyes stopped flickering, but a different color seemed to appear in them: "Thank you, Shen Gu, thank you for everything you have done."

"It's all what I should do."

"This thing is very strange." In Jue's sister's hand, the yellow metal part that constitutes the [Craftsman's Heart] flashed slightly, and the whole heart beat more violently, "I seem to be able to feel some... God craftsman skills that I didn't know before, but it may take a long time to master it thoroughly."

Jue handed the [Craftsman's Heart] to Xiaoqing Fangzhu again.

In the latter's hand, the silver-white metal part on the heart was shining.

Similarly, Xiaoqing Fangzhu seemed to be able to inherit power from some ancient skills of the [Craftsman's Heart], but could not master it directly.

"Then leave this thing in your hands for the time being."

The craftsmanship that originally belonged to Tianjin Maro seems to cover a wide range, not limited to the craftsmanship of God craftsmen and candle-making monks. And from the current situation, the [Craftsman's Heart] seems to have a similar role as a "knowledge carrier" in the hands of the ghost story craftsmen who master the corresponding skills.

Well, good stuff.

If used properly, it might lead the Takama-ga-hara faction to realize a round of classical technological innovation, and cultivate more ghost story craftsmen.

That would definitely greatly improve the technical strength of Takama-ga-hara.

Unlike the attitude of the old Takama-ga-hara that despised the gods of craftsmen, Kamiya River respected and advocated the development of technology.

He even thought that after taking Sister Jue and Xiaoqingfangzhu to Sanzu River to pay tribute to their master, he would go to meet Isohime again.

Let’s discuss further with our capable internal affairs general affairs staff on how to further improve the treatment of technical personnel within our sphere of influence and promote the “respect for technology” culture among all forces.

Technology is the primary productive force!

Also, let Isohime recall all the Shikijiro who have been on vacation recently to their posts in the Aokigahara mine.

The elimination of the threats posed by Jinshan Pigu God and Tianjin Mara will bring all-round development benefits to the forces of Gao Tianyuan.

The heptyl gold deposits contained deep in the Aokigahara mine can now be mined without pressure.

After defeating Jinshan Pigu God and Tianjin Mara, the [Golden Marrow] and [Craftsman's Heart] obtained can be put to great use.

It will be of great benefit to the improvement of the skill level of the craftsmen within Takamagahara's sphere of influence, including the wild craftsmen like the foot seller.

The bones and hard work left behind by the two gods will definitely be useful in the future.

In addition to these trophies, Kamiyagawa also received a special prop.

It comes from the reward given by "Kaitan Monogatari" after completing [Encountering Demon Time Mission 10].

It has been redeemed now.

The last time Kamiya River defeated Leech and the Eight Hundred Bhikkhunis, the [Two-faced Sunuo Wooden Sculpture] obtained had [Legendary] quality. After defeating Jinshan Pigu Shen and Tianjin Maruo this time, the rewards received are not far behind in terms of quality——

It was an arrow.

Thin and long, pale in color, very smooth to the touch, with a peculiar texture of jade or bone, and the extraordinary aura contained on it is extremely strong.

[Item name: Raw bow arrow]

[Quality: Legend]

[Effect: unknown]

[Explanation: The treasure of the Yellow Spring Root Country was originally owned by Susanoo. It was later stolen by the Lord Okunin and played an extremely important role in the Lord's founding of Izumo Country where the Kunitsu Gods lived. ]

"The things belonging to Huang Quan...but later passed into the hands of the Great Lord God."

Kamitani took the bone jade arrow in his hand and looked through it.

He naturally knows the mythical stories related to this legendary item.

If you want to mention [Bow and Arrow], you have to mention the "Lord God of the Great Country" in the appraisal instructions.

Okuninushi is a god who holds the power of civilization and enlightenment, and in a sense, he is the incarnation of the godhead of Izumo, the "earthly kingdom of gods" where the Kunitsu gods once lived.

The Izumo Kingdom was initially similar to the vassal of Takamagahara, the "Celestial Divine Kingdom" where the gods of Tianjin lived, and there was a certain degree of opposition between the two.

Of course, due to the occurrence of the "Heavenly Sun Arrival" incident, this opposition no longer existed.

In order to control Izumo, the great god Amaterasu of Takamagahara asked his grandson Qiongqiong Chuzun to descend to the earth from Takamagahara. A fierce direct conflict broke out between the Tenjin Gods and the Kunatsu Gods, resulting in the fall of several gods, and the conflict ended with Takamagahara's victory.

From then on, Qiongqiongchuzun took the place of the Lord God of Okunin in Izumo Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God on earth was also included in the direct rule of Takamagahara.

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