I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 795 This World

At present, Kamiya Chuan has a relatively complete understanding of the world he is in now-

First of all, the real world is formed by the fusion of the derivatives of the mythological worlds of different systems, that is, the "Posha World".

Although the real world is a whole, the many mythological worlds of the "higher level" are relatively independent.

And each mythological world was born from a chaotic God's Nest.

The names and basic cognition of the "God's Nest" in the mythological worlds of different systems are different to a certain extent. Some mythological worlds may not be aware of the existence of the "God's Nest" outside the domain, and those who are aware of this call it "The Dream of the Supreme Brahman" or "The World Tree".

In general, the gods of different systems are referring to the same thing.

Here, the chaotic existence of the creation outside the domain is still called the "God's Nest".

But no matter what the specific cognition is, whether it is a "hotbed", "dream", or "tree", the cognition of the gods under each system has one thing in common-

They all think that the "God's Nest" is an unconscious existence.

Shenchanchao creates the world and destroys it at the same time.

This behavior itself has no reason, just like a dream that is destined to wake up in the end, just like the fruit on the tree is destined to fall and rot.

If you have to say it, it is more like a "law".

And Shenchanchao cannot directly affect the Possa world where He was born. The way He destroys the world is by investing "projections" in various mythological worlds, that is, "Ruins".

"Ruins" will continue to expand and corrupt until they completely destroy a single mythological world.

Now the mythological world including "Milk Sea Realm" has been destroyed, and there is no way to judge how many Possa worlds still exist.

But intuitively speaking, Shenyukawa feels that there must not be too many existing Possa worlds.

Probably after all the mythological worlds are destroyed, the entire world will completely cease to exist, and re-enter a void and chaos, waiting for the next restart of "Shenchanchao".

Therefore, what Shenyukawa has to do now is very clear-

to protect the Izumo world that he can influence.

Then focus back on the Izumo world.

There has long been a "divine nest projection" here. The earliest ruins appeared in the country of the root of the netherworld, and caused the mother goddess Izanami of the Izumo world to fall and corrupt.

Izanagi once went deep into the ruins, and finally paid a certain price and used the Thousand Hiki Stone to seal the ruins.

The seal of the Thousand Hiki Stone had been loosened.

The netherworld god broke through the seal, swept and destroyed the "Apokihara" as a buffer zone outside the netherworld Hirasaka, and fought several god wars with Takama-ga-hara head-on.

During this period, the power of the netherworld grew. Some of the Tianjin gods who originally belonged to Takama-ga-hara, and the Kunitsu gods of Ashihara joined the attack. Places like the Kingdom of the Sea of ​​Gods that lost the protection of Susanoo, the foreign Ainu Root Land, and the Sanzu River controlled by Lord Yanma, all fell to a certain extent due to the invasion of the netherworld forces.

Due to the activity of the netherworld, the second "ruin" appeared in the Izumo world.

That is the one on the moon palace.

The second ruins was later sealed by Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto at the cost of her own death.

On the other hand, the war between gods continued and was very fierce.

Both Takama-ga-hara and Yomi-chan fought until the gods withered.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Izanagi and Amaterasu are both missing, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto is clearly known to have fallen, and Susanoo surrendered to the enemy.

Kamiyagawa speculated that the Takama-ga-hara side must have been forced to the end of the road.

Then, for some unknown reason, Takama-ga-hara, which had lost the leadership of the father god and the three noble sons, chose to take a different approach and began to select humans in the real world, trying to make the selected ones become the "master of ghosts and gods" to lead Takama-ga-hara again against Yomi-chan.

But in theory, the new leader of Takama-ga-hara should be selected from the remaining Takama-ga-hara gods. The responsibility of the leader falls on the heads of humans who are very weak compared to the gods, which is far-fetched no matter how you think about it.

"Unless Takama-ga-hara is completely devoid of gods, none of the remaining gods can take on the responsibility of a leader."

Kamiyagawa thought so.

But he still felt vaguely that this matter itself was a bit strange.

The identity of the first selected candidate for the god-ghost co-leader could not be determined, and it was possible that the first candidate was Ashiya Doman.

And now it is known that Ashiya Doman's attempt to ascend the throne of Takama-ga-hara ended in failure.

Because Doman failed, the Takama-ga-hara forces tried to make up for their losses and arranged Tenten Nyomi as the "god witch", and selected Abe Haruaki, the strongest onmyoji in the Heian period, as the next candidate for the god-ghost co-leader.

Haruaki lived up to expectations and successfully organized the Takama-ga-hara forces at that time, and launched the final decisive battle with Huangquan.

At that time, both sides were probably at the end of their strength.

And the result of the decisive battle was that the Takama-ga-hara side won a miserable victory.

According to the information obtained from the Tsuchimikado clan, after this battle, the ruins of the Yellow Spring Root Country were sealed again, and Abe Haruaki, the new leader of Takamagahara, died.

This also led to the "lower world" of Izumo being divided again, with the present world returning to reality and the ordinary world being closer to the "Vasa world", and the demons and ghosts in the ordinary world were hidden together.

As a result, the Izumo world officially entered the "Twilight of the Gods", or the "dark night when the last batch of gods fell."

After that, Izumo was peaceful for nearly a thousand years.

"Until now, I have been selected by Gao Tianyuan and become probably the third reserve member of the Ghost and God Co-Master."

The underworld is about to move, and there are turbulent undercurrents in both this world and the eternal world.

Kamiyagawa grew up and developed in the "Apocalypse of the Gods". During this period, he also saw the large and small Takamagahara or Huangquan gods left on the battlefields of the past due to the past god wars.

Most of these gods are in a half-dead state.

In the end, it either became the experience that made Kamiyagawa stronger, or it became his assistance.

In this way, Kamiya, like Abe Seimei in the past, reorganized the new Takamagahara force.

"Well, Satoru's guess is basically the same as mine."

Among the 10,000-word long article that Xiao Wu left on her computer, there was part of it that she had compiled and speculated on the background of the world based on existing information.

It is roughly equivalent to Kamiyagawa's cognitive thoughts.

In addition, it is mentioned later in the document——

[Obviously this time I was spying on the ugly girl in Quanjin, but some of the sporadic scenes I saw provided some supplementary verification for the above speculation. ]

[Also, regarding the powerful existence I ‘saw’, who will return with the Izumi Ugly Girl in a year, there are some strange similarities between him and you. I now feel that he is Ashiya Domitsu. ]

[When you encounter a demon, it has something to do with Ashiya Michitoshi, doesn’t it? This failed former co-leader of ghosts and gods is probably Zi Shi in The Time of Encountering Demons. ]

[Quanjin Chou Nu has a purpose in maintaining the existence of the Enchanshi organization. ]

[Didn’t Takiyashahime also mention it? The members of the Enchanting Time need to sign some kind of contract with Haishi, and those members are like sacrifices to Haishi. I have seen something sporadic - whenever a member of Enchanting Time dies, it will bring 'turmoil' to the world to a certain extent, depending on his strength and the degree of chaos he caused during his lifetime. ]

[Haven’t ghost talk activities become more and more frequent in recent years? It probably has something to do with this. ]

[Now, the most important Youshi in the time of encountering demons, that is, Leech and the Eight Hundred Bhikshunis; and the Yinshi, that is, Tianjin Maruo and Jinshan Bigu Shen, these two special encounters with demons have all fallen... I feel that Quanjin The ugly girl's goal has almost been achieved, so she chose to lurk and disappear. ]

[Perhaps everything she did was to wake up Ashiya Michitoshi who was in some abnormal state. ]

[Izumatsu Ugly Girl is the God of Underworld, but she is trying to awaken Ashiya Michitoshi... Then we can basically draw a conclusion - your senior, if he returns successfully, he must be on the opposite side of you. ]

[Michimit Ashiya is from Huangquan. ]

[You have to be careful, miscellaneous fish. Be careful in all aspects, something is not right, nothing is right. Especially the "Kaitan Monogatari" on your mobile phone. After figuring out the relationship between Enmaji and Ashiya Michitoshi, it seems even weirder. You should be able to feel it too, right? There are some crucial things that we don't fully understand yet. ]

[I know that without me, Master Wu, you can't do anything. After all, you are just a bastard. ]

[So, after I wake up and can use my next future vision, as long as you ask me, I will reluctantly and mercifully help you see more. Of course, this is just for Mary and the rest of the family! So, be sure to wait for me. If I wake up and can't see you... then absolutely! forever! I won't forgive you! ]

Wu's document was finally broken after writing it here.

It's not key information, but some words of advice.

As expected, she is very measured about priorities.


After reading Xiaowu's earnest instructions before he fell into coma, Kamiyakawa briefly fell into deep thought.

Satoru's "future vision" this time actually answered a previous question, which is why ghost talk activities have become more and more frequent in recent years.

Related to encountering demons.

It can be regarded as an indirect impact caused by the activities during the devil's time.

This is not particularly surprising.

Kamiyagawa had vague speculations about this before.

"Speaking of which... in the whole round of encountering demons, except for Zishi and Haishi, they were beaten by me indirectly or directly. In a sense, I have provided help to Quanjin Ugly Girl?"

Kamiyakawa was not too troubled by such thoughts.

He doesn't think he did anything wrong.

He finally understood that when encountering demons, the organization itself existed as a "sacrifice", giving people the feeling...that the palms and backs of their hands were full of shit.

It makes me feel nauseous even if I take it.

In comparison, it would be better to eliminate them.

"Furthermore, even if I don't destroy Feng Mo Shi, when the time is right, perhaps Quanjin Chou Girl will attack those members who have signed a contract with her. Just like the not so popular Shen Shi, the Golden Bear obviously grabbed his He was still alive at the time, but he was already dead when he was brought back to me.”

"Timely intervention to kill those members of the Demonic Time is equivalent to reducing the degree of disaster they could cause during their lifetime."

I did well!

As for "Kaitan Monogatari" that Satoru mentioned emphatically...

"Kaitan Monogatari has been actively guiding me to annihilate the Enma Organization. Does this system want to weaken the chaos caused by a single Enma member in order to stop the Izumi Ugly Girl...or does it want me to finally Faced with Ashiya Michimi?"

When Kamiyagawa was still weak, "Kaitan Monogatari" was indeed a powerful boost for him.

But now that his strength has grown to a certain extent, he inevitably becomes suspicious of the system.

This is not a waste of time. After all, the origin of "Kaitan Monogatari" is unknown.

Fortunately, there is one more thing that comforts Kamiya, and that is——

"Kaitan Monogatari" exists on his mobile phone, not in his body.

A long time ago, Kamiyagawa organized craftsmen such as Kaku, the foot seller, and the medicine seller, and conducted several rounds of "expert consultations" on this.

The final conclusion was that the strange software "Kaitan Monogatari" indeed only affected Kamiyagawa's mobile phone, but did not directly affect his body.

Including the system of scapegoats and gods, they also exist relatively independently.

"The consultation results of the craftsmen alone don't seem to be reassuring now. Maybe it's time to figure out the origin of "Kaitan Monogatari"... I just don't have a clue yet, do I have to go through Enlightenment again? She just fell asleep after Enlightenment So... and when her future vision refreshes in the next round, there are still many questions I want her to help me figure out..."

Kamiya currently feels that "Kaidan Monogatari" is probably related to the missing Izanagi or Amaterasu.

If this is the case, then maybe we need to find an opportunity to get rid of "Kaitan Monogatari" completely.

Kamiya didn't want to be stabbed in the back suddenly by a certain Gao Tianyuan elder while fighting against Huang Quan.

Of course, this is just the worst case scenario.

Maybe things aren't so bad.

And at this stage, it is unlikely that any of the old gods of Gao Tianyuan will come out to stab Kamiya River in the back. After all, Kamiya Group is now the only effective force against Huang Quan. Underworld is about to move, and if Kamiya disappears suddenly, the world of Izumo will probably be destroyed.

"In "Kaitan Monogatari" and the witch, which one is the back-up man of the old Takamagahara?"

"Michimit Ashiya... Seimei Abe... As predecessors, did they notice anything when they tried to climb the throne of God? In other words, Michichi Ashiya, who may be the first quasi-ghost co-master, fell into hell. This is also true. It’s so weird. I can understand it even if it fails, but what reason does he have to surrender to the enemy? Izanami is not his mother…there is a hidden secret?”

"Also, the death of Abe Seimei...did he really die because of the decisive battle with Huang Quan?"

"That's right... If the throne itself of the co-lord of ghosts and gods still has some problems, maybe it's not all bad for me to have the opportunity to face Ashiya Michitoshi?"

"Hiss, that's not right... If you think about it this way, the possibility that "Kaitan Monogatari", which seems to be leading me to meet Ashiya Michitoshi, is the backhand of the old Takamagahara is reduced."

Many problems are intertwined together, like a messy ball of yarn, which is still messy after being cut and sorted, and it is impossible to sort out a definite clue.

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