I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 798 Ashihara Mizuho Country

After passing through the pitch-black crack passage, the surrounding space began to twist and turbulent. After a long time, it returned to calm.

Kamiya River felt the scorching sun shining directly on his face, which was a bit dazzling.

Obviously, he had successfully left Takamagahara and arrived at the hidden area corresponding to the pitch-black crack passage.

He quickly focused his eyes and began to look around.

This hidden area was different from what he expected. At first glance, he could not feel the existence of danger.

Kamiya River was in a dense forest at this time. Within the sight, tall trees stood tall, and the intertwined branches and leaves intertwined into a huge green net. The high-altitude sunlight penetrated the dense tree canopy, casting mottled light and shadow, like fine golden silk, gently spreading and swaying on the wet land.

The air was filled with a fresh scent mixed with soil and leaves.

"There is some sun here."

In the ordinary world, there are occasionally such areas that are more "sunny". Like Iyo Matsuyama, which is now under the control of Kamiya, the environment is not much different from here.

Of course, the new Yinli area is still fundamentally different from Iyo Matsuyama.

In this dense forest, within Kamiya's visible range, you can see the outlines of many abandoned buildings.

The pale broken walls and ruins are irregularly distributed in the vast green, like the broken bones of a giant, half covered by mud and half exposed in the forest.

Some are still standing, while others are leaning and about to fall. The traces of wind and rain erosion are accompanied by cracks and moss covering these building debris.

Obviously, this place once had a cluster of intelligent creatures, and the scale was quite large.

Kamiya continued to observe the surroundings. He could hear the sound of birds and the long chirping of cicadas in the depths of the forest.

"Are there still birds here?"

Some special areas in Changshili have creatures that are not demons and ghosts.

For example, there are fish in the Kingdom of the Sea.

Although the fish in the Sea Country look completely different from the fish in reality, those fish cannot be classified as "monsters".

The fish in the Sea Country are currently being developed by the New Takamagahara forces as "luxury" food resources.

"If there are really non-monster birds in this new hidden area, they should also be developed into food resources. It's just right to enrich the variety of food for the people of Takamagahara Kaidan. That's good."

Kamiyagawa is the leader of the New Takamagahara forces after all. He never forgets to do resource surveys wherever he goes.

And he is also considerate and concerned about whether his people eat well.

He really...

Say thank you to Lord Kamiya quickly.

Although the monsters and ghosts under Kamiyagawa's rule do not have too many food needs, according to the research reports submitted by Isohime in the past, the sales of alcohol and food as "non-essential luxury goods" at the Paradise Market have always been very good.

If the food variety can be further expanded and the total consumption within some forces can be increased, it should be no problem.

Consumption is the endogenous driving force for economic growth!

As a leader, Kamiya Kawa certainly hopes that the people of Kaidan in Takamagahara should work hard during working hours and create value; and spend money and consume products after get off work.

In this way, the economy within the power can operate healthily!

"Where are we?"

Just as Kamiya was still looking at the surrounding environment with interest, the voice of Yatagarasu without ups and downs sounded from behind him.

After pinching the last ball of [Searching for Hidden Peach Blossoms], the black gap passage was officially fixed on Takamagahara.

The "free combat power" Yatagarasu who accepted the commission can of course follow through the passage.


Kamiya took out his mobile phone.

Just like entering the other two hidden areas, "Kaidan Monogatari" pointed out the current location -

[Special map has been opened, Hidden Area·Toyohagihara·Chiaki Chogobaku·Mizuho Province! ]

It just simply announced the name of the location, but did not give a task commission.

"Kaidan Monogatari" is probably really running out of work.

"It seems that we have arrived at the Awahara." Considering that the Yatagarasu, who has been trapped in the dream of the Great Peach God for a long time, may not be particularly familiar with the development of mythology in later generations, Kamiya added an extra sentence, "The Land God Country."

Toyo Awahara, Chiaki Chogoba, Mizuho Country.

This long and difficult name is the full name of the "Awahara Lower Realm" where Kunitsu God and various human grasses once lived.

However, the "Awahara Lower Realm" in a broad sense should include the entire Japan of the present world and most of the Changshi area. The area where we are now obviously does not have such a broad meaning.

Kamiya estimated that this hidden area is likely to be the core territory of the God Country built by the former Okuninushi, similar to the location of the capital.

Let's extract the characters from the full name and call it "Mizuho Country".

In order to distinguish the concepts during internal communication later.

"The last hidden area connected to Takamagahara is Awahara Mizuho Country...This is really a place that will not cause too many surprises." Kamiya thought.


Even though he knew where he was now, he was not surprised at all.

According to the myth, this was the core area of ​​Okuninushi's "National Construction", and it was also the main stage for the "National Rise" in the subsequent "Grandson of Heaven" event.

The Great Lord, who symbolizes civilization and enlightenment, and two famous martial gods - Takemikata God and Takemori God, all left mythical deeds here.

In the event of "The Arrival of the Heavenly Son", Amaterasu, the great god who coveted Weiyuan, sent "Jianyu Lei Shen", one of the strongest representatives of force among the Tianjin gods, to conquer Weiyuan.

This move met with strong resistance from the strongest god of war among the Kunitsu gods, "Tengo Naokagami".

A life-and-death battle broke out between the two warrior gods in heaven and earth.

The ending ended with Jian Yu Lei Shen winning, Wei Yuan completely surrendering to Gao Tianyuan, and accepting the follow-up grandson "Qiong Qiongchu Zun" to take over the rule.

Such a major mythical event happened. Even if the current Shuisui Country is just a ruin, it must be full of danger deep inside.

But with this thought, Kamiya felt a little confused again.

Speaking of which, of the three hidden worlds connected to Takamagahara, the last two have enough cards. The Kingdom of the Sea, one of the divine residences, and the Land Divine Kingdom of Ashibara and Mizuho. They are connected to Takamagahara as if it were natural, and there is no fault in it.

But why is Fu Sangxiang connected to Gao Tianyuan?

That "Gensokyo" where the weak fusangjins gather is pretty ordinary no matter how you think about it, right?

It always feels weird...

This doubt could not be answered for the time being, so Kamiyakawa turned his attention back to his eyes.

In their current "point of origin", the existence of the god can be seen.

Just like the situation between Fu Sangxiang and the Kingdom of the Sea.

This is good. At least I have something to rely on when exploring Weihara Mizuho Country.

"Yatatori, we have to explore this place." Kamiya said this, and took out a Takamagahara pass and handed it to Yatatori, "If you encounter a situation where you have to retreat, you must use the Kamigu and Takamagahara pass in time. The card is out of here. You have already tried it before."

The authority of the Arakami of Kamitani River is "Lord of the World". If the great king who symbolizes civilization and enlightenment has any legacy left in Mizuho Country, it will be very suitable for his personal reinforcement.

As for Jianyu Thunder God.

This god is the god of thunder, the god of swords, and one of the four gods who once held the Ten Obi Habara.

It is impossible to say that Kamiyagawa is not interested in Takemikazu Raijin.

However, according to mythology, Takemikan Raijin won the victory in Weiyuan, completed the task assigned by Amaterasu, and then returned to Takamagahara.

The chances of finding His legacy here are relatively slim.

"As you wish."

The Dark Goddess who extradited the deceased raised her hand to take the pass token from Takamagahara, and gave Kamiyagawa a concise and concise reply.

Then, she still stood there holding the cold scythe in her hand, with the black hood covering her so that no expression could be seen clearly. The solemn robe covered her graceful figure, and there was no wind, but the visual impression was not gentle, but heavy like a silent tomb.

Summoning a little old man to lead the way to explore Shuisui Country, Kamiyagawa and Yatatori followed closely behind.

There is no real road under your feet. There are piles of fallen leaves, stones and soil in the mountain forest, and from time to time there are unexpected tree roots and slimy moss. The uneven terrain makes it difficult for ordinary people to walk, but Kamiya and his entourage feel as if they are walking on flat ground, extremely calm.

Even considering that Yatagata only knew a little about the myths and legends of later generations, Kamiya paid attention to the surrounding situation while rushing on the road, and at one time or another, he talked to Yatagata about the popular science content about the myths of Weihara Mizuho Country.

While helping Yata bird understand the situation here, he is also briefly sorting out the mythological knowledge he knows.

"...In this way, Tiansun Qiongqiongjuzun took over the position of the Great Lord and became the ruler of the lower realm of Weiyuan. He was also the spokesperson of the Takamagahara forces led by Amaterasu in the lower realm at that time."

"And in my impression, Qiongqiongchuzun is the first god to die naturally in mythology. He died at the end of his life. After his death, his descendants..."

Among the gods of Takamagahara, Yatatori is the sober-minded and taciturn type.

Being with her is a little boring.

But it was still obvious that she was listening to Kamiyagawa's popular science very seriously along the way.

When he heard this, even the taciturn Yatatori couldn't help but ask: "A god who died naturally? Since he is a god, why did he die naturally?"

"Well, there are many opinions on this within the folklore community, and they all have different opinions. According to the professor teaching in Dongdali, this part symbolically represents the transformation of 'from god to human'. Qiongqiongchuzun Obtaining the kingdom of God means that he has changed from a god to a human being. The era of gods is coming to an end, and the illusory myths and legends are beginning to have initial clues to connect with actual human history, and myths are transitioning into history."

"But, this is wrong." Yata Bird shook his head.

"Well, this is just the interpretation of myths by human society. Treat myths as symbolic historical biography and culture in the development process of human civilization, and connect them with history. Of course, if gods really exist, this perspective of interpreting myths That’s not very accurate.”

"So? Why did Qiongqiongchuzun die of natural causes?"

Yatatori continued to ask.

Very good, very inquiring spirit.

"Myths are human records after all, and there may be some discrepancies between them and the facts. Perhaps Qiongqiongji-son is not dead at all. Of course, it is also possible that this is just my personal opinion... Perhaps Qiongqiongji-son's divinity is far inferior to that of Okuninushi. Replacing Okuninushi as the god of the entire Awahara would bring great losses to Qiongqiongji-son. Maybe he did not die of natural causes, but died from this kind of daily consumption."

"This can indeed be explained."

Yatadori seems to be more accepting of Kamiya's personal explanation.

This divine bird princess is still the same as when she first met, clear-headed, but also a little...stupid because of the rigidity?

Kamiya continued to tell the myth of Mizuho: "After the death of Ninjago, his descendants took over Awahara. Like Ninjago, the subsequent Awahara rulers also experienced birth, old age, sickness and death, probably because the inherited divinity was not as good as the previous generation."

"Until Hikoba Ryobu, this Awahara ruler married Tamayorihime and gave birth to Emperor Jimmu. Emperor Jimmu is regarded as the first person to establish the first Yamato Dynasty. Oh, speaking of which, in the myth, the establishment of the Yamato court has a certain relationship with you, Yatagarasu."

"Related to me?" Yatagarasu was confused again.

She was aroused by Kamiya's curiosity several times, intentionally or unintentionally, and she talked a lot more.

Isn't it boring now!

"Well. It is said that Emperor Jimmu established the Yamato court under the guidance of Yatagarasu." Kamiya further explained.

Yatagarasu paused and raised her head slightly. Although her expression was still invisible, she seemed to be thinking about something seriously. After being stunned for a few seconds, she shook her head solemnly: "I have never guided any Emperor Jimmu."

"I know you didn't."

Kamiyakawa shrugged.

You have been trapped in the dream of the Great Peach God all the time, and I have seen your experiences from childhood to adulthood in that dream.

I have watched you grow up.

Not to mention, you finally got out of trouble with me.

"As I said, myths are not facts, and there are many fabricated, rumored or beautified parts. Perhaps, Emperor Jimmu left such a legend of the guidance of the goddess just to enhance the legitimacy of his rule."

"It is also possible that it was another Yatagarasu that guided him? If there are other Yatagarasu in this world."

"That's possible."

"Abba! Abba!"

Just as Kamiya was talking to the Yatagarasu, the little old man in front suddenly gave a warning.

Kamiyakawa could understand the meaning of the scout's shouting.

The current situation is not that an enemy has appeared.

Rather, a little further ahead, the little old man sensed something "something" that was worth noting. (End of this chapter)

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