I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 808 The Revenge of the Kamaitachi

The next day.

On the country roads in Niigata Prefecture, a rugged ghost car is driving at high speed.

Sitting in the driver's seat and the passenger seat in the front row were still the Kamiya family's "royal drivers" Oishi Shunma and Takayama Mai.

The two apprentices of the Kamiya family, Kanoya Yukino and Tsurumi Aoi, were sitting safely in the second row.

There were only four of them in the car. The Mikami brothers in the hearse group were still participating in transportation operations in the eternal sea country, while Hayao Obara was left at home by Kamiyagawa.

"Xiao Kui, I heard that the dashi here in Niigata Prefecture tastes good. It's a hot pot dish made of fish pieces and green onions. If you have time, would you like to try it? Just treat it as lunch. If it tastes good, , you can also take a few copies back to Master and everyone at home to try."

Lu Yewu looked at the scenery passing by outside the window and chatted with his junior sister, full of energy as usual.

From Tokyo to the countryside of Niigata Prefecture in the north-central part of Honshu Island, Oka and Tsurumi had taken a long trip today.

But with the ghost car to travel around, the journey won’t take much time.

The reason why the two of them appeared here was because of Kamaitachi's matter.

According to the report of the little old man, his body had been tracking the newly discovered weasel last night. Nothing unusual happened in the first half of the night, but towards the second half of the night, the weasel suddenly started running.

At first, the little old man thought it was Kamaitachi who noticed him following him.

Later I realized that this was not the case at all.

The sickle was heading north, simply moving towards a certain destination.

And Kamaitachi is indeed a monster that can control the wind and can run extremely fast. The little old man almost lost his body several times. Fortunately, the scout's professional qualities consolidated through long-term training were excellent, and he finally fulfilled his mission.

In this way, he followed Kamaitachi to an elementary school in Kitagahara-gun, Niigata Prefecture.

The weasel arrived at its destination, but just wandered around the elementary school, barking, seeming to be looking for something, but also seemed to be afraid of something. In short, it never officially entered the elementary school.

He stayed in Niigata Prefecture like this until dawn, and Kamamachi finally returned to Tokyo.

Kanoya received the intelligence report from the scouts, so he asked for leave from the school early this morning, and rushed to Niigata with his junior sister.

"Xiao Kui, we're almost there. It's over there, Sasagami Elementary School."


Sasagami Elementary School is where Kamaitachi wandered around last night.

Sasakami Village is located in Kitagahara County, Niigata Prefecture. It is located at the foot of the mountain. The light yellow school exterior wall complements the surrounding tree-lined natural environment. The school building is not large, but it is spacious, bright, well ventilated, and has complete teaching facilities.

Generally speaking, it is no different from other ordinary rural primary schools.

Because he was about to arrive at his destination, Xiaolu re-checked the equipment, incense and talismans he carried with him, and then took out a small object from his pocket: "Qiang Qiang! This is a Thousand Silver Needles, a prop lent to us by Master before going out. , it will definitely come in handy in a while.”

[One Thousand Silver Needles·Change] has the effect of weaving lies and confusing right and wrong.

Because this was the first time that the apprentices had completely "independently" performed supernatural work, and the process would inevitably involve incident investigation, Kamiyagawa lent this prop to the apprentices for use.

Tsurumi also inspected his own equipment.

She wore a pure white long-sleeved shirt today, and there was a gorgeous golden pattern embroidered on the cuffs of the shirt.

"Little Shou Shou."

As Tsurumi called softly, the golden lines on the sleeves shimmered. Immediately afterwards, two more long sleeves extended from the armpits of the white shirt. Inside the extra long sleeves, many soft and slender white wrists spread out.

Those arms were as soft as boneless, and according to the master's wishes, they took out Ichimonji, Hotaru, and Smiley Aoe, and then put all three famous swords back into their sleeves.

Just from this small move, it can be seen that Tsurumi and Kosodetsu have developed a certain tacit understanding.

"Brother Junma, Sister Zhenyi, Xiaokui and I are going to the school. You guys are waiting for our news on the road. Keep in touch!"

Xiaolu and Tsurumi got off the ghost car, waved goodbye to Oishi and Takayama, and headed towards Sasagami Elementary School not far away.

"Xiao Kui, can you see anything?"

"There is evil spirit, but it is very weak. The wind here is a bit weird... The evil spirit of Kaitan seems to have been blown away to the maximum extent, so it is difficult to distinguish clearly." Tsurumi looked around with his eyes fixed and shook his head slightly.

Lu Yewu sniffed and echoed his junior sister: "Yeah, me too. The wind here has blown away the smell, and I can only vaguely smell something similar to the strange tales of beasts."

A pair of sisters from the same school walked outside Sasagami Elementary School and soon attracted the attention of the security guard at the door.

"It's class time now, what do you want?"

"We are from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, here to investigate some matters." Xiaolu said, the [Thousand Silver Needles·Changed] in his hand was slightly hot.

At the same time, Tsurumi showed his countermeasures room ID.

"Ah, you two are police officers." The security uncle's expression was a little dazed.

There was nothing wrong with the certificates of the two police officers. As for whether the two young girls were too young for their status as police officers, the issue was subconsciously ignored.

"Oh, you guys are here so fast." The security guard had no doubts, but was a little confused, "But why are the police from Tokyo coming here?"

Xiaolu heard something strange in the other person's words. It seemed that something happened in this elementary school, but she didn't show any stage fright. She just said calmly: "We want to see the principal here."

"Of course."

Not long after, Xiaolu and Tsurumi met the principal of Sasagami Elementary School, a middle-aged man wearing glasses.

With the principal, there was also a young woman who looked like a teacher in the school.

Both of them looked a little flustered.

With the help of [One Thousand Silver Needles·Revised] and the documents of the Countermeasures Office, after a simple identity introduction, they also accepted Xiaolu and Tsurumi's "police officer" identity.

"Tell me the details of what happened."

Kanoya and Tsurumi looked at each other, put on a mature look, and asked straight to the point.

Although she didn't know what happened in Sasagami Elementary School, she would definitely get information by asking questions like this.

"It's... the disappearance. The two children named Sugiyama Shunmichi and Takase Tetsuya in Mr. Kihara's class." The principal raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face and signaled to the female teacher next to him with his eyes.

Ms. Kihara took over, her voice trembling slightly because of nervousness and anxiety:

"Sugiyama and Takase were not here during class this morning. They didn't ask me for leave, so I contacted their parents, but was told that the two children had come to school very early."

"I told the principal about the situation, and then we checked the school's surveillance together. From the surveillance at the school gate, the two children did arrive at school a long time ago. They were responsible for cleaning the rabbit house and taking care of the animals today, so they came very early. There were no people in the school at that time. After leaving the rabbit house, the two children went to the playground together."

"The cameras in the playground have many blind spots, and they can only capture the two children going to the playground, but not their leaving. We quickly searched the playground, but did not find them. They seemed to have disappeared there..."

Ms. Kihara couldn't continue. She was more panicked than nervous.

"The children may have climbed over the wall." The principal took over and tried to give an explanation, but this explanation seemed to be unable to convince him well. "However, the wall of the playground is very high, and two third-grade children... should be difficult to climb out. So, we called the police."

Kanoya and Tsurumi looked at each other again.

Now, they knew what happened in Sasagami Elementary School this morning. Two third-grade children disappeared in the school.

If the two little boys did not climb over the wall and leave on their own, then their disappearance might be... related to monsters.

During the conversation, another police arrived at Sasagami Elementary School.

This time, it was the local police in Kitakamihara County who really received the call, and the parents of the two children also rushed to the school.

After meeting the local police, Xiaolu and Tsurumi still maintained their identities as "police officers", after all, the countermeasures room certificates they held were real.

After checking the certificates of the two, the local police in Kitakamihara County contacted their superiors to report. After about ten minutes, they received a reply from above-

said that they should cooperate well with the "big guys" from Tokyo.

In this way, Xiaolu and Tsurumi's actions are much more convenient. With the police cooperating in the investigation of the sudden disappearance, the two of them can focus more on the supernatural powers of Sasagami Elementary School.


The investigation of the incident did not go smoothly.

Just like the feeling of the apprentices near Sasagami Elementary School, this elementary school looks ordinary, but it is always wrapped in a wind flow that ordinary people cannot detect.

Because of the existence of the wind, the evil spirits, smells and other perceptible strange atmospheres are blown away to the maximum extent, making it difficult to obtain clues about the supernatural. The little old man who followed Xiaolu is still wandering around the playground, and it is unknown whether he can obtain further clues.

"That, Miss Kanoya, and Miss Tsurumi."

Just when the apprentices had no clue, Teacher Kihara came over.

"What's wrong, Teacher Kihara?"

"There is something, I don't know if it is related to the disappearance of Sugiyama and Takase, you may find it a bit ridiculous, but I..." The young female teacher looked a little hesitant and hesitant.

"No, Mr. Kihara. You can tell us everything you know. Maybe it will be the key to help find the two children."

"Well, well... can you come to the office?"

From the internal communication among the police officers just now, the police officers who came later all respected these two young and beautiful police ladies from Tokyo.

I guess they are the highest status.

Therefore, Mr. Kihara felt that if he really needed to explain, he should tell them.

In the office.

Mr. Kihara took out a stack of drawing paper from the drawer of her desk.

It looked like a piece of children's paintings.

She handed the paintings to Kanoya and Tsurumi and said, "This was drawn by the children in my class in art class two weeks ago. The theme of their paintings is school. Then, this is Sugiyama and Takase's painting, and these..."

Mr. Kihara took out six or seven pieces of drawing paper.

The children's paintings are good and bad, but the brushstrokes are still childish and innocent.

These selected paintings have the same scene, all of which are school playgrounds, with children playing and playing games on the playground. However, the scenes that should have been joyful have something extremely abrupt and discordant -

In the corners of these paintings, there is a strange shadow.

The children used heavy-colored crayons to outline it, and the interweaving of strong colors revealed an unstable mood.

The shadow was a distorted human figure, with a total of six holes drawn as black circles on the body, which seemed to be used to refer to the eyes. The six eyes seemed to be staring at the children playing, and seemed to be peeping through the paper to check the paintings of Kanoya and others.

Because the children's painting skills were immature, such innocent brushstrokes combined with grotesque content made the hideous shadow in the painting more terrifying and creepy.

Among the several paintings, the painting work signed "Sugiyama Shunmichi", which was the work of the child who disappeared this morning, depicted the distorted shadow in more detail.

Sugiyama drew the humanoid shadow into three stacked weasels.

The weasel at the bottom had a creepy sickle in its paw. The weasels were staring at the children with their scarlet eyes, as if they were threatening them or ready to attack at any time.


Xiaolu and Tsurumi exchanged glances quietly.

At this time, Teacher Kihara spoke, her voice trembling, her eyes full of fear:

"This is very strange, right? After I got these paintings, I asked these children privately, asking them what the thing they drew in the painting was and why they drew it. Then they told me that they didn't know what that thing was, but, but... it was on the playground, always there, always watching everyone."

"I was really scared at the time. I didn't know if there was something wrong with the children in the class, or if there was really something in the school. I told the principal about this. The principal had some friendship with the priest of a nearby shrine, and I didn't know how they communicated. Anyway, last weekend, a priest came to the school to exorcise the playground. After the secret ceremony, the priest told us that everything was fine and the evil spirits wandering in the playground had been driven away."

"So, Miss Police Officer, is this evil spirit coming back again for what happened this morning? It's taking revenge on us, so... so it took Sugiyama and the others away?"

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