On the beach of the coast.

Reilly and Jabba both stared wide-eyed

Staring dead at the mysterious man in front of him who had removed his mask.

The faces of the two,

It’s all a shocked look of a living ghost.

I wish the eyeballs were going to fly out.

As One Piece’s right and left hand,

Reilly and Jabba are all legendary pirates.

Big guys like that

Basically, they are all strong styles

But it was hard to see such an expression on their faces.

However, at this moment, the two were completely unable to take care of expression management.

They looked sheepishly at the face that had been removed from their masks

They all felt like they were dreaming.

At the moment,

Presented in front of them,

It was a face they were all too familiar with.

Familiar faces!

Familiar emoticons!

And that familiar voice!

Standing in front of them at the moment,

Hao Ran was none other than One Piece, who had been executed by the Navy twenty-two years earlier. D. Roger!

Captain of Roger Pirates!

“Hey, Reilly, pinch me.”

“Am I supposed to be dreaming?”

After being stunned for half a moment, Jabba was a little stunned and rushed to the side of Reilly to speak.

It is said that Reilly is also unambiguous.

Directly raised his hand and squeezed Jabba’s arm hard.

“It hurts!”

“Blanch! I told you to pinch me, I didn’t tell you to work so hard! ”

Jabba took a painful look and glared at Reilly viciously.

Then he quickly put his eyes back on Roger’s face again.

“It doesn’t seem like a dream.”

Seeing Jabba’s reaction, Reilly came quietly.

The tone of the voice is also full of incredulity.

Although before that,

He had already speculated that there might be such a possibility.

Guess Roger’s body disappeared

Could it be that Roger has really come back to life?

But when this moment really comes,

When Roger really appeared alive in front of him.

Reilly still felt that all this was a little unreal.

A man who has been dead for twenty-two years.

A man whose body had long since turned into white bones.

Did he really come back to life???

All of this is probably too magical, right?

Under such shock,

Both Reilly and Jabba stood stunned for a moment.

Even though Roger was standing not far in front of them at the moment.

But none of them took a step forward.

Seeing the situation, Roger was not annoyed.

Instead, he looked at the two of them and revealed his signature grin.

“What’s wrong, old guys?”

“Isn’t my resurrection worthy of your rejoicing?”

As he spoke, Roger took a slow step.

Closer and closer to where Reilly and Jabba were.


“It’s so similar!”

“This expression, this tone, this action…”

“It’s exactly like Roger!”

Look at Roger who is getting closer and closer.

Both Reilly and Jabba couldn’t help but sigh like this.

Although both were in a great shock.

But they did not give up observing each other’s every move.

Ireli and Jabba both know Roger well

If the Roger in front of you is someone else pretending

It is absolutely impossible to fool them.

After all

Even if a person’s appearance and appearance can be imitated.

But the way you talk, the expression, and the way you get along with people are also difficult to imitate.

Unless it is extremely familiar with a person

Otherwise, it is difficult to do such a thing.

And Roger had died more than twenty years ago.

In addition to a few of the crew members closest to Roger on Roger’s pirate regiment

It is simply impossible for anyone to be familiar with Roger to this extent!

Therefore, after observing the every move and every word of the person in front of him.

Reilly and Jabba couldn’t fault anything at all.

It made them want to believe a little

The man in front of him is the real Roger.

After all, the other party even had the same breath and moves as Roger.

It’s really hard not to get people to think like this.

But subconsciously, they also felt that Roger’s resurrection was really too strange.

“Hey, what are you two doing there?”

“What, can’t believe I’m alive?”

By this time, Roger had come to the front of Reilly and Jabba.

The two did not have any dodge, and still stood where they were.

I saw that they were still in a state of shock and doubt.

He first looked at Reilly and said in a loud voice:

“Reilly, did you forget?”

“I told you I wasn’t going to die!”

“So you see, aren’t I back now?”

As he spoke, Roger grinned again.

A look with no heart and no lungs.

It was as if the one who had been executed by the Navy twenty-two years earlier was not him.

But after Reilly heard what he said, his face changed suddenly.

The phrase “I am not going to die”

It was indeed what Roger had said to himself before he went to surrender to the Navy.

This sentence except for him and Xia Qi

No one else should know.

And he and Xia Qi,

It is impossible to leak this secret.

In this way,

If the Roger in front of you is someone else pretending.

It is impossible to know this sentence!

At this moment, Reilly was completely shaken.

And that is when he is shaken

Roger in front of him looked at Jabba again and spoke again:

“Jaba, this pair of sunglasses you are wearing seems to be the same one I gave you before, right?”

“After all these years, you still haven’t replaced it.”

As soon as these words came out, Jaba suddenly showed the same expression as Reilly.

What the other party said was indeed true!

The pair of sunglasses he wears now

It was as early as thirty years ago

Roger invited himself to get on board when he gave it to himself.

In fact, Jabba’s eyes were born with a strange disease.

The disease did not have any effect on his eyesight

But it made his eyes look very frightening.

It is precisely because of this that Jabba has not been excluded and disliked in the past.

But Roger didn’t reject Jabba

Instead, he very warmly invited the other party to the ship

He was also given a pair of sunglasses to cover his frightening eyes.

Even more than thirty years have passed

This pair of sunglasses is very old

The style has long been unable to keep up with the trend

But Jabba was never willing to replace it.

This is also a secret that only he and Roger know!

“He’s really Roger?!!!”

At this moment, this thought popped into the hearts of Reilly and Jabba.

So far, all kinds of evidence is showing it.

The person in front of you is the real Roger!

It’s the captain they know so well!

Twenty-two years later,

One Piece Gore who should have been dead D. Roger,

It was really resurrected!!!


PS: Kneeling for Flower Evaluation Ticket Monthly Pass Support!

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