Chapter 50: Revenge! In the name of the Rox Pirates!

[Kneel down and ask for the first order].

Hearing what Kaido said, Embers, Quinn, and Jack all looked at each other. I didn’t know what to say for a while.

For this sudden decision made by Kaido, even the big board of the three hundred beast pirate group was extremely puzzled. Just a few days earlier, when Kaido had seen a prophecy in the newspaper about Lady Charlie of Fishman Island, he had a secret call with Charlotte Lingling, the aunt of the Four Emperors. After the call, Kaido suddenly gave the order, ordering the entire Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment to be fully armed and ready to sail. Kaido did not explain much about this at the time.

The people of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment only thought that their captain was preparing to do something while the naval headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment were about to fight.

Add fuel to the public executions at that time.

As a result, the entire Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment began to prepare methodically according to Kaido’s orders. To this day, they are basically ready to sail.

And that’s when it happened.

Kaido first called Embers, Quinn, and Jack, the three big Kanbans. Tell the three the truth about joining forces with the Big Mama Pirates.

Then there was the scene just now. After hearing Kaido’s words, although there was still a lot of confusion in the hearts of Ember and the others, they did not say anything more.

For the captain’s orders, they just had to follow them honestly. And…

Isn’t it also a very interesting thing for the two four emperors to join forces?

The three plagues, who are not people who are not afraid of things, can’t help but look forward to the next progress. At this moment, Kaido finally put down the wine jug in his hand and slowly stood up from his huge seat.

“The preparations for the voyage should have been almost ready, right?”

Kaido looked at the ember and asked in a deep voice.

Ember who had not been silent before nodded,

“All the 880 troops of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment have been gathered and can set sail at any time.”

Hearing Embers’ answer, Kaido said in a deep voice again, “Good! Then let them all meet in the banquet hall first! ”

“I’m going to announce this in person!”

At the sound of an order, the three plagues and others immediately nodded their heads in response.

He then quickly stepped back and began to convey Kaido’s assembly orders.


Soon, under such a summoning, all the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment came to the banquet hall of the Ghost Island Castle. The ballroom is so large that it can accommodate tens of thousands of people at a time. After all the pirates arrived, the banquet hall became extremely lively and noisy. The crowd was also very curious about Kaido’s summoning.

“Eh, you say, why did Boss Kaido suddenly call us all here?”

“Something important to announce, right?”

“Didn’t Boss Kaido let us be fully armed and ready to sail before, it looks like there should be a big move next!”

“Could it be related to the upcoming public execution of Fire Fist Ace?”

“The Whitebeard Pirates will definitely have a big war with the Navy Headquarters at that time, and the territory of the New World Whitebeard Pirates will inevitably be unguarded, and we can take the opportunity to force them over!”

“Or maybe Boss Kaido wants to go to Malin Fando and kick him, maybe he can take advantage of the chaos to take down the head of the old guy with the white beard!”

“Our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment has not made such a big move for a long time, it is really exciting!”


In the banquet hall, the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment were discussing fiercely without saying a word. And although Kaido had not yet given a specific order, they could roughly guess that the next action might be related to the Whitebeard Pirates. This is because the relationship between the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group and the Whitebeard Pirate Group has been bad for so many years. The frictions and disputes between the two sides have hardly stopped.

Kaido’s extreme dislike of Whitebeard is a fact known to all members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

“In other words, do you know why, of all the Four Emperors, Boss Kaido is the only one who is so disgusted with Whitebeard?”

In addition to the discussion, a pirate suddenly raised such a question.

Soon it was another heated discussion.

“I’ve actually always been curious about this question, after all, among the other four emperors, Kaido’s relationship with Big Mama seems to be quite good, and with the red-haired Shanks, it is basically well water that does not violate the river water.”

“Why does Boss Kaido always hang on to the words that Whitebeard is going to take off the other’s head?”

“I’ve heard that this is because during the time of the Locks Pirates, Boss Kaido formed a lot of grudges with Whitebeard.”

“Speaking of the Locks Pirate Regiment, I didn’t expect that the original ship actually walked out of the three Four Emperors in one go, and there were sea thieves like the Golden Lion, the Silver Axe, and Captain John, which was really incredible.”

“Yeah, it’s hard to imagine what kind of existence it is to be the Captain Sea Overlord Locks who can control so many powerful people at the same time.”

“If Locks were still alive, I’m afraid the pattern of this sea would be completely different from what it is now?”

“I really want to see for myself what the legendary sea overlord Locks really is, but this was impossible in the past, and the banquet hall was noisy.”

The pirates chatted non-stop.

However, this noise came to an abrupt end after a figure in the front attic appeared. Kaido walked leisurely up to the attic, looking like he hadn’t woken up from the wine.

He first quickly swept his eyes over the pirates below. Then, after clearing his throat, he said in a loud voice, “Little ones, this time I have gathered you together to announce a very solemn event!” ”

“That is….”

“Our Hundred Beast Pirates are about to form an alliance with the Big Mama Pirates and launch an attack on the naval headquarters Malin Fando!”

“Our goal this time is to destroy the naval headquarters together with the Whitebeard Pirates!”

Kaido’s loud voice instantly spread throughout the ballroom.

As soon as this word came out, the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment instantly boiled!

“What?! Did I hear you correctly? ”

“Our Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment is going to form an alliance with the Big Mama Pirate Regiment?!”

“It’s too sudden!”

“The alliance between the two Four Emperors Pirate Regiment is enough news to shock the whole world!”

“Is Boss Kaido planning to work with Big Mama to wipe out both the Navy and Whitebeard?”

“Doesn’t this mean that there will be an unprecedented war of terror in Marin Fando?”

“I didn’t expect that Boss Kaido’s premeditated move was such a big move!” It’s so exciting! ”


Most of the pirates in the Hundred Beasts Pirates are belligerents. Therefore, after hearing such news, there was no fear of the next big war. On the contrary, I was very excited.

Two Four Emperors Pirate Regiments formed an alliance to wage war against another Four Emperors Pirate Regiment and the Naval Headquarters, and before that, they didn’t even dare to think about such a thing. There is no doubt that whatever the final outcome of this great war is, it will surely shake the whole world!

And just when the entire Hundred Beasts Pirate Group was extremely excited by this news, among the crowd, there was a very inconspicuous figure who secretly pulled out a small telephone worm from his arms. Then, taking advantage of the lack of attention of the people around him, he began to quietly pass on some information. Behemoths like the Four Emperors Pirate Regiment, it is naturally impossible for the navy and the world’s government not to monitor them.

Except for the pirate regiment with very few members like the red-haired pirate regiment and taking the elite route, the other three Four Emperors pirate regiments actually have undercover infiltrators from the navy and the world government. At present, this pirate who is secretly passing on the news is the undercover of the navy and the world’s main government who broke into the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

After learning the shocking news that Kaido and Big Mama were about to join forces to attack the naval headquarters, he naturally had to pass on the news as soon as possible.

So that the Navy headquarters can prepare for the response. Attic.

Kaido continued his speech.

“I guess you’re all curious why I am allied with the Big Mama Pirates.”

“I’m sure many of you know that I, Ling Ling, and Whitebeard all came out of the Locks Pirates.”

“But you don’t know that the old guy with the white beard is actually a traitor who eats inside and outside!”

“When the Navy, the World Chieftain, and the Roger Pirates joined forces to snipe our Rox Pirates in the Great War, and Whitebeard betrayed us in that great battle!”

“It is precisely because of this that Captain Locks will fall under the siege of countless powerful people, and the Rox Pirate Regiment will fall apart.”

“And now, when I form an alliance with Lingling, I want to once again take revenge on those enemies and traitors in the name of the Locks Pirates!”

“Whether it is the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, the Navy Headquarters and the World Palace, they will all be crushed and destroyed by us!”

Inside the ballroom, Kaido’s impassioned voice echoed for a long time.

At the same time, a mighty momentum also burst out from his body.

And such a speech, such a momentum, also instantly ignited the fighting spirit of everyone present!

“It turns out that Boss Kaido joined forces with Big Mama for this reason!”

“To avenge the former captain, Boss Kaido is really a man of great affection and righteousness!”

“Unlike Whitebeard, a traitor, what he did was simply despicable!”

“We must follow Boss Kaido and completely defeat the Whitebeard Pirates!”

“Kill Whitebeard!!!”

“Destroy the Naval Headquarters and the!!! of the World”

The people of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment shouted loudly and with high morale. Looking at this scene below, Kaido also nodded with satisfaction. But there was a quick flash of loneliness in his eyes.

“How nice it would be if the captain was still alive…”

The strongest creature sighed in his heart.

But he actually knew that this was impossible.

All he can do now is do his best to avenge the captain! And just as Kaido was thinking like this in his heart, his sight and smell domineering suddenly noticed a hint of abnormality. His face changed suddenly, and he raised his eyes to look up at the sky in a certain direction.

“How did this old guy of the Golden Lion suddenly come to me?”

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