Chapter 74: Make You Pay the Price for the Betrayal of Thirty-Six Years Ago!

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The scene where Zefa once again struck down Reilly and Jabba with a thunderous force was undoubtedly another uproar on the field.

“Sleeper! Teacher Zefa is really strong! ”

“I thought I had just repelled Reilly and Jabba because the other side was careless.”

“But now, Reilly and Jabba are taking the initiative to attack, and they are still laying siege to Teacher Zefa!”

“Under such circumstances, Teacher Zefa can still easily string a string of two and put them all down, is it really too strong?”

“Teacher Zefa’s movements, speed, and attacks just now are completely fast enough for me to react at all!”

“I didn’t even react to what happened, and Reilly and Jabba were put down!”

“How did Teacher Zefa suddenly become so strong?” This is probably stronger than Lieutenant General Karp, right? ”

“With such a strong Zefa teacher, the final victory in this war must belong to us!”


Seeing the invincible power displayed by Zefa, the naval soldiers were like being beaten with chicken blood.

Their morale and war will also become more and more elevated under such encouragement. Even their attacks on the pirates became more and more violent.

In a war, morale is indeed a key factor that can easily affect the overall situation. It is precisely for this reason that the Warring States will make an impassioned speech before the start of the war to fully mobilize the morale and will of the admirals.

However, later, with the appearance of Roger and the news of his resurrection, there was also the scene of Roger suppressing Kapu in battle, which made the morale of the Navy soldiers inevitably fall a lot.

But at this moment, Zefa’s shot was once again lifted up.

The change in the morale of the people on the field is really a twist and turn. On the execution table.

After seeing this scene, Sengoku also nodded with satisfaction. As a field marshal in charge of the entire war, he was naturally happy to see the morale of the admirals greatly improved in such an atmosphere. But at the same time, Sengoku looked down at Zefa with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

“What kind of means did Zefa just use?”

“Why did I feel that Reilly and Jabba were slowed down a lot at that moment, but Zefa was so much faster?”

“Is that a special Demon Fruit ability?”

Sengoku felt a little confused in his heart.

With his familiarity with Zefa, he could say that the other side’s fighting methods were all clear. And in his impression, Zefa had never used such a strange means as before.

Moreover, it is obvious that it is no longer possible to do it with simple physical skills.

Only the strange Demon Fruit ability seemed to be able to explain everything just now.

“Is it true that Zefa obtained any special demonic fruit during his last voyage?”

Sengoku vaguely guessed in his heart.

After all, Zefa hadn’t been a demon fruit capable person before. You can still eat the fruit of the devil.

Maybe it was in the process of the last mission that the other party obtained some special demon fruit. So there is a leap forward in strength today?

In this regard, the Warring States did not rule out such a possibility.

But even thinking about it, he still vaguely felt that something was wrong with Zefa.

“If Zefa had acquired the Demon Fruit ability, he would have told us that he could not hide anything from us.”

“And this time back, Zefa is not only a change in strength, but also seems to have changed a lot in personality.”

“This… What’s going on? ”

Sengoku was puzzled.

But at the moment, he didn’t seem to have a way to question Zefa. And, though, Zefa is a bit out of the ordinary.

But it has no negative impact on the war. It helped a lot.

Therefore, the Sengoku did not want to stop Zefa’s actions.


Marin Fando’s execution square.

Reilly and Jabba, who had previously been thrown to the ground by Zepha’s punch, got up from the ground with some difficulty. The corners of their mouths were stained with blood.

The face is also very pale.

Obviously, Zefa’s attack just now had already injured them a lot.

“Damn, is the gap in strength between us and Zefa already so big?”

“This is a bit difficult to do…..”

Both Reilly and Jabba were inevitably a little heavy in their hearts at the moment. How could they not have imagined that even if two people shot together, they would still be suppressed by the other party so easily. Zefa’s strength was even beyond their imagination. Next, I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle…

At this moment, both Reilly and Jabba had a twinkle of determination in their eyes.

Even if they were knocked to the ground by Zefa again, they still did not give up the idea of fighting. And it’s because Zefa is so strong.

They couldn’t just let Zefa leave and join the other battlefields. Once Zefa joins the other battlefields, then both the Whitebeard Pirates and the members of their Roger Pirates will be crushed by Zefa with great strength!

In any case, they must hold Zepha’s footsteps!

As for the rescue of Ace, I am afraid that it will have to be left to other partners. With this thought in mind, both Reilly and Jabba stood up again and clenched their weapons in their hands.

Get ready to fight Zefa again. However, at this very moment.

Zefa’s figure, who was originally standing in front of the two people, suddenly disappeared once again! It’s still so fast that Reilly and Jabba can’t react at all!

Even if the two were prepared in their hearts, they still couldn’t keep up with Zefa’s movements. The next moment, Zefa’s figure suddenly appeared between Reilly and Jaba. Then, I saw him stretch out two palms.

They grabbed the heads of Reilly and Jabba from behind. With a thud, merge your palms into the middle!

The heads of Reilly and Jabba hit each other hard. They were then pressed to the ground by Zefa together.

Even the ground was pressed out of two deep pits.

Reilly and Jabba spewed out a mouthful of blood again. The injury suddenly became more serious.

The breath also became a lot weaker.

“Oh, it’s really vulnerable.”

“Back then, in the Valley of the Gods, you were so powerful.”

After putting Reilly and Jabba on the ground again. Zefa suddenly whispered to himself for no reason.

Reilly and Jabba, who had fallen to the ground, were confused.

But at this moment, they were seriously injured, and they didn’t have the extra energy to think about what Zefa meant by this. They struggled to get up again.

But they were horrified to find that in the attack just now, the bones on their bodies did not know how many were broken.

Even if you can stand up again, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced! It was simply impossible to fight Zefa who was as powerful as a monster. After this blow, Zefa seems to have no intention of continuing to fight with Reilly and Jabba. He no longer looked at the two people who had fallen to the ground, but turned his gaze to the other side of the battlefield, where the Red Dog and Whitebeard were fighting. At this moment, the Red Dog seemed to have taken a slight advantage under the fierce attack of Whitebeard. Although it is not yet defeated, it is obviously impossible to defeat the strongest man in the world in front of you by fighting alone. Seeing this, Zefa suddenly shouted in the direction where the red dog was, “Sakarsky, you are in charge of the finishing work here.” ”

“Whitebeard handed it to me!”

With that, he began to walk step by step in the direction where the Red Dog and the White Beard were. And at the same time.

The Red Dog on the battlefield not far away was obviously stunned when he heard these words.

He turned his head in some confusion and looked at Zefa who was slowly walking towards this side, wanting to stop talking.

Although the Red Dog is also one of the students taught by Zefa.

But in fact, before that, the Red Dog was very dismissive of Zepha’s benevolent style of not killing the general. There is no small conflict and disagreement between the two people’s ideas.

Therefore, if it is placed in ordinary times, the red dog may not obey the orders of Zefa. But somehow, at this moment, the red dog looked at Zefa who was slowly walking towards him in front of him, and only felt that the other party seemed to be different.

That fierce look and cold expression were completely different from the appearance of the general who did not kill him. Moreover, Zefa had previously defeated Reilly and Jaba with the powerful means of thunder, and the scene of the Red Dog was also noticed.

The change in Zefa was so great that Red Dog was shocked. I don’t know if it was because of this reason, in the face of Zefa’s order, the red dog did not have any rebuttal and refusal, and the ghost made the god almost nod his head, “Yes, Zefa teacher!” ”

Subsequently, the red dog’s figure quickly regressed.

He distanced himself from the white beard in front of him. Handed over the difficult opponent to Zefa who came forward.

He slowly moved closer to where Reilly and Jabba were.

“Gollum, Zefa, did you come to be my opponent?”

Whitebeard looked at Zefa who was standing in front of him instead of the red dog and smiled. But from the expression on his face, it can be seen that his mood at the moment is not relaxed. The scene where Zefa crushes Reilly and Jabba, Whitebeard naturally sees it. And he thinks that he himself does not have the strength to do this. This also means that Zefa is even stronger than him today! This opponent is very difficult to deal with!

If you are not careful, it is likely that even you will end up with the same fate as Reilly and Jaba. With this thought in his mind, Whitebeard couldn’t help but subconsciously tighten the handle of the Heavenly Cloud Sword in his hand. In front of him, Zefa looked at him coldly, and slowly said, “Rest assured, I will not kill you.” ”

“I’m just here to make you pay a little price for the betrayal of thirty-six years ago.”

“The good drama that really awaits you is still to come…”

As soon as these words came out, Whitebeard immediately frowned.

The expression on his face also became both confused and serious. He stared dead at Zefa in front of him and asked in a deep voice, “Zefa, what do you mean by that???” ”

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