Chapter 79: Redhead Shocked! What the hell is going on here?

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“Damn! I’m really afraid of what’s coming! ”

Warring States looked at the pirate ship on the distant sea in front of Malin Fando, and his look was suddenly much darker. He was still worried just now, afraid that other forces would come out and stir up trouble, and disturb the advantages that had been so hard to establish on the navy’s side. As a result, the next moment, Marin Fando welcomed a new guest. A very difficult pirate group!

When the Sengoku noticed the anomaly on the sea in the distance, the soldiers on the observation deck of the port of Malin Fando also noticed this scene. The soldiers’ faces changed suddenly, and then they immediately picked up the loudspeaker of the broadcast and shouted, “Not good! New enemies have appeared! ”

“It’s the Redhead Pirates!”

The loud broadcast was broadcast by the telephone bug and spread throughout Marin Fando in an instant! In an instant, it caught everyone’s attention.

The crowd looked in amazement at the sea in front of Malin Fando. Then they saw that above the distant sea, a huge pirate ship was coming at great speed. Above the main mast of the pirate ship hung a pirate flag flying in the wind. The emblem on the pirate flag is obvious.

This is no stranger to the crowd.

It was a skull with three red scars on its right eye. Almost everyone present recognized it at the first time, and it was the symbol of a red-haired pirate group that was one of the Four Emperors Pirate Regiment, just like the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment! And the pirate ship that was speeding towards Malin Fando was the main ship of the red-haired pirate group, the Red Rose Foss! After seeing the identity of the person who came.

For a moment, the battlefield of Malin Fando was boiling again. Both the Navy and the Pirates were surprised by the arrival of the Red-haired Pirates.

“What’s going on? How come even the red-haired pirate group came? ”

“Do they also want to meddle in this war?”

“I heard that Red-haired Shanks used to be an intern in Roger’s Pirates, so could it be that he also came to rescue Roger’s son?”

“I think it’s very possible! But in this way, the strength of the pirate side will be much higher! ”

“The advantage we have built up so hard will most likely be destroyed by the arrival of the Red Haired Pirates!”

“The scale of this war seems to be starting to grow larger and larger.”

“Shouldn’t even the Big Mama Pirate Regiment and the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment appear in the future?”

“If that’s the case, it’s a terrible situation!”


For the arrival of the red-haired pirates, the Navy soldiers were shocked and felt new pressure. Originally, they had been able to completely suppress the combined forces of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates.

We are about to win this war. As a result, at this time, a group of red-haired pirates actually jumped out.

The situation of this war suddenly became complicated again. What will be the end result?

No one knows.

The opposite is the pressure on the Navy soldiers.

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates were very excited after seeing that the people who came were actually the red-haired Pirates.

Although they did not yet know what the purpose of the Red Haired Pirates was here. But one thing is certain.

That is, the Red Haired Pirates could never have come to help the Navy.

As pirates, the Red-haired Pirates were on the opposite side of the Navy from the beginning. As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

In such a situation, the arrival of the Red-Haired Pirates is definitely a good thing for the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates. Moreover!

Shanks used to be an intern on Roger’s Pirates. It’s a well-known thing.

At this moment, Roger’s Pirates are on this battlefield. Even Roger was there!

With Shanks’s relationship with them, the two are bound to be on the same front.

So the red-haired pirates that were speeding towards Marin Fando were coming. It is undoubtedly a big help for the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates! There is hope to help them break through the current predicament and turn the tide of the battle!

With this hope, the pirates also began to expect the red-haired pirates to land early.



Malin Fando is in front of the sea in the distance. On the deck of the Red Foss.

The crowd of red-haired pirates is gathering here. Led by the Four Kings Red-haired Shanks.

Deputy Captain Beckman, Sniper Jesus Bu, Combatant Raki Road and others were among them.

“Boss, there is Ma Lin Fan in front, and I don’t know how the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment fought with the Navy Headquarters?”

The rounded Lackey Road nibbled on a large piece of flesh and said to Shanks at the front.

Shanks stood at the bow of the ship, looking at Marin Fando in the distance.

Since a tall encirclement barrier had been raised on the edge of Marin Fando’s inner harbor, Shanks could not see the specific situation on Marin Fando’s battlefield at this moment. All he could see was the highest part of the Place de Marin Fando, above the execution table, the figures of Ace on his knees and the two Warring States standing nearby. Seeing such a scene, Shanks slowly said, “Ace has not yet been executed, it seems that this war is not over.” ”

“I hope we’re not too late…”

Since they had been rushing to the sea before, Shanks and the others did not know what was really happening in Marin Fandony. Shanks’s purpose in coming this time is also very simple, that is, to prevent the continuation of this war. He knew very well that a large force such as the Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment would inevitably die if they fought.

But the final result, no matter who wins or loses, will inevitably have a great impact on the balance that has been maintained on this sea before. Shanks didn’t want to see that happen, and he didn’t want to see the balance between the forces above the sea scavenging. So, here he comes.

Shanks’s identity is very special.

Although he is a pirate, even if he is in the navy and the world’s main government, he can actually have some right to speak. Shanks believed that if he had intervened to stop it, both the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates would have given themselves a face to bring an early end to the otherwise unending war. With this in mind, the Red Foss carried the red-haired Pirates toward Malin Fando at full speed. Soon, the Red Forth was already beneath the tall encirclement barrier. The battlefield of Marin Fando was now behind this tall encirclement barrier. And such an obstacle in front of you,

Naturally, it was the red-haired pirate group that could not stop the entire elite. Under Shanks’s lead, the crowd quickly jumped to the top of the barrier. Standing on such a high place, the battlefield of Malin Fando below is in full view at this moment!

Shanks and the others also began to quickly look at the battlefield below with their eyes, wanting to see to what extent the battle situation was going at this moment.

And this is not to check on yourself, once you check, the entire red-haired pirate group is stunned.

Even Shanks himself had a look of surprise on his face. On the battlefield below, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates not only did not land in Malin Fando’s execution square, but were constantly forced to retreat by the tidal wave of naval troops.

It has been pushed to the back of the ice. On their way to retreat, there were many corpses lying on their backs, most of them, at least seventy to eighty percent, of which were the bodies of pirates!

There is no doubt that the Whitebeard Pirates were killed and defeated.

“How can this be?”

“How could the Whitebeard Pirates be killed so badly?”

Looking at such a scene, everyone in the red-haired pirate group was a little surprised. You know, that’s a Four Emperors Pirate Regiment! Even if the strength of the Navy Headquarters is stronger, the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment will not be killed so badly, right? And in their doubts, the next moment, they saw a more shocking scene. Somewhere below on the battlefield, Whitebeard was fighting Zefa, the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters. At this moment, Whitebeard was actually holding a knife in his left hand, and the position of his right arm was empty! What’s going on here?

The world’s strongest man, Whitebeard, was actually cut off an arm? Who has that strength?

Could it be Zefa who is at war with it? Is Zepha’s strength so strong?

Look again.

Then the crowd saw the battlefield in another place.

One of the admirals, the Red Dog, was slowly approaching a certain position.

In that position, there were two figures struggling to get up from the ground. Everyone fixed their eyes on it, shocked by the identity of the two men.

“Pluto Reilly!”

“And Jaba!”

“Even with One Piece’s left and right wrists?!”

“And he was beaten so badly, who did it?”

The red-haired pirates looked in that direction. Reilly and Jabba were scarred and their faces were very pale.

Apparently badly injured. First Whitebeard broke his arm, and then Reilly and Jabba were seriously injured, as strong as these people would be beaten so badly?

What happened on this battlefield before?

At this moment, the hearts of the red-haired pirates were full of doubts. Immediately afterward, Vice Captain Beckman suddenly said, “Shanks, did you find out?” ”

“Not only Reilly and Jabba, but the rest of Roger’s Pirates seem to be here as well.”

It was said that the people of the red-haired pirate group also noticed one after another.

Everywhere on this battlefield, there are also the faces of many of the remnants of the Roger Pirate Regiment! Such a discovery surprised everyone again.

But at the forefront of them, the red-haired Shanks, after hearing Beckman’s words, did not give any answer to the rain.

He stood stunned and locked on to the battlefield somewhere below. There, there are two figures engaged in a fierce battle. Together, it’s Navy hero Cap!

And the other way…..

“Captain Roger?!!!”

“How is this possible?!!!”

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