Chapter 101: Blackbeard’s Actions Reap the Fisherman’s Profits!

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Marin Fando on the sea in the distance.

A huge warship was speeding in from a distance. Looking at the appearance of the warship, and the flag flying on its mast, it looks like a warship belonging to the Navy. On the observation deck of Malin Fando Port, a watchman also noticed the arrival of the warship at the first time.

“Strange, how can a naval warship come at such a time?”

“Could it be reinforcements from somewhere else?”

The watchman said to himself with some doubt. Then, draw your eyes close to the telescope.

I wanted to see who was on that ship. And when he zoomed in through the telescope, he saw the figure standing on the deck of the warship. The original confused expression instantly turned into horror!

Frightened, his footsteps also staggered a few steps.

Cold sweat suddenly flowed from his forehead. In his line of sight, on the deck of the warship that was rapidly approaching from the sea in the distance, there were many incomparably powerful figures gathering.

At the front is a man with a black beard, a large waist, and several teeth missing from his mouth. It was not long ago that the newly promoted to the throne of the Seven Martial Seas of the Black Beard – Marshall D. Titch! Behind him, there are members of the Blackbeard Pirates such as Badgers and Van Oka. Not only that!

Elsewhere on the deck, there are many more powerful and powerful beings!

One of the Seven Martial Seas under the former King, Shah Klockdal! One of the Seven Martial Seas under the former king, the Sea Hero is very flat!

Advance the deputy warden of the castle, Rain no Hiru!

The heir of the devil, Douglas Barrett! Lonely Red, Balrorick Ryderfield! This figure was the reason why the lookout soldier on the lookout was stunned!

“What’s going on?”

“Why did all the prisoners detained in the city of Advance run out?”

“This is a big deal!”

After enduring intense horror, the watchman finally forcibly stabilized his emotions, picked up the loudspeaker on the observation platform and shouted, “It’s not good!!!” ”

“The Blackbeard Pirates led a large group of fugitives advancing into the city and headed towards Malin Fando!”

The loud announcement spread throughout the battlefield in an instant.

And such a broadcast is undoubtedly another terrifying wave on the battlefield.

“What?! Blackbeard Pirates? ”

“Is it the new King Seven Martial Seas?”

“I was still wondering why the other Seven Martial Seas had come, but he hadn’t appeared!”

“Did he run to the city to rob the prison?”

“Inside the city, there is a group of incredibly vicious criminals imprisoned, and it seems that they have all been released by Blackbeard!”

“Damn, this is really a wave of uneven and rising waves!”

“Blackbeard arrives at this time with a group of prisoners advancing into the city, what kind of moth is he trying to do?”


Everyone was shocked by such news.

After the Warring States heard this news, the expression on their faces also changed instantaneously.


“Blackbeard has come with a group of prisoners advancing into the city?”

Shocked, he didn’t even have the heart to entangle with Roger in front of him again.

Instead, the figure quickly retreated backwards. Then he jumped onto a high platform and looked out towards the sea in the distance in front of Malin Fando.

Then he saw the figure standing on the deck of the warship.

“Lockdahl, Shpin, Hiryu, Barrett, Redfield…”

“What the hell did that bastard with Black Beard do to Advance City?!”

“The world’s most vicious prisoners who are held on the sixth floor have all been released!”

“This is really going to be a big mess!”

At this moment, the expression of the Warring States was simply uglier than eating Xiang. As an admiral, he naturally knew exactly what kind of existence these guys released by Blackbeard were! They are all the poorest and most vicious criminals in the world!

When these people got together, their strength and scale even surpassed any of the Four Emperors Pirate Regiment! Their arrival is for the present Malin Fando.

Definitely adding fuel to the fire and adding frost to the snow…

It will definitely make this already chaotic war situation even more chaotic.

··· Ask for flowers…

Moreover, what worries the Warring States even more is that it is even more worrying.

All of these guys who were being held on the sixth basement floor of the Advance City had appeared here. Doesn’t that mean that the entire Advance City has been lost?!

That big deep-sea prison was home to countless prisoners.

Once lost, the whole sea will be plunged into an unprecedented riot. The Sengoku were extremely worried about this.

On the battlefield below, the expressions of the Five Old Stars and others were equally serious.

“Damn! Things seem to be getting out of control! ”

“It has to be over as soon as possible!”

“If this continues, it will not be easy to end it!”

The five old stars all thought so anxiously in their hearts.

….. Meanwhile.

On the sea in front of Malin Fando.

Blackbeard stood at the bow of the warship, looking ahead.

“Thief hahaha! I don’t know how the Navy Headquarters fought with the Whitebeard Pirates? ”

“Counting the time, this war should have been decided almost by the outcome of the battle, right?”

“The old man with the white beard must have been injured a lot at this time, and it’s time for me to appear!”

While talking to himself, Blackbeard also looked at Barrett and the others behind the deck with the afterglow.

“Although these guys aren’t willing to join my Blackbeard Pirates yet.”

“But when they finish watching my performance that shocked the world, they will willingly follow my blackbeard and laugh, their faces full of anticipation and ambition.”

For the next performance, he had been planning for a long time.

As long as the naval headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment are defeated and injured, and then take the opportunity to attack Whitebeard’s shock fruit ability, they will surely reap the benefits of the fisherman!

While shocking the world, he will also replace Whitebeard as the new world’s strongest man! With this thought in mind, Blackbeard was also a little impatient to land on Marin Fando. Go and see how the situation is going on on the battlefield.

So, he looked at several members of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment behind him, and waved his big hand: “Prepare to land on Marin Fando!” ”

“Next, it’s time for us to perform!”

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