Chapter 109: The King of the Sea and Water! White Star Awakens!

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“You are ready…”

“Greeted with real despair?”

The incomparably arrogant words of the golden lion echoed for a long time over Marin Fando. The people who heard this sentence all showed a surprised expression on their faces. Arrogant!

It’s so arrogant!

Even if the other party gathered the Golden Lion, Kaido and Big Mama, the three strong men of the fourth emperor level, absolutely could not shout so arrogantly in front of so many people!

What about the three four emperor-level strongmen? You must know that in the previous war, there were more than three Four Emperor-level strong people who appeared on the Pirate side alone. Whitebeard, Roger, Shanks, Beckman…

Plus Luffy, who awakened the form of Nika.

Such a scale has already surpassed the current Golden Lion, Kaido and Big Mama three-person team. Not to mention the navy and the world’s main side.

Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape, Red Dog, Sengoku, Crane, Kapu, Zefa… There are also the Five Old Stars and the King of Heaven, Uranos!

No matter how you look at it, the strength of the Golden Lion is far from being comparable to any side on the battlefield of Malin Fando at this moment. Where did the other party dare to shout so arrogantly at everyone in the field?

At this moment, everyone was a little confused.

After hearing the golden lion’s shout, the five old stars showed a somewhat disdainful smile on their faces.

“Oh, I thought it was some amazing character.”

“It turned out to be just three guys who didn’t know the height of the sky.”

“Golden Lion, Kaido, Big Mama… Oh, just three four-emperor-level combat strength. ”

“Can’t the three of them think that they will be invincible after joining forces?”

“What else is going on to make us meet the real despair, I think it will be their own despair, right?”

“I don’t know why Uranos is showing such an anomaly, but if the opponent is just a few of them, it is not enough to be afraid.”

“It’s ironic that we’re worried about it in vain!”


The five old stars sneered, and their tone and look were full of disdain.

For them, the Golden Lion, Kaido, and Big Mama are not a threat at all. Even if the Heavenly King Uranos didn’t do anything, the five of them could easily solve the other three. Therefore, the five old stars’ originally nervous mood suddenly relaxed.

I couldn’t even help but taunt.

However, at this moment on the flying space.

The Golden Lion and the others obviously did not care about the taunts from the Five Old Stars. After the golden lion let out such an arrogant shout as before, Kaido on the side once again did not hold back and said, “Hey! What a guy who loves to be in the limelight. ”

“I actually robbed my lines!”

In this regard, the golden lion preemptively opened his own thoughts and said this, and Kaido was also quite unhappy. However, the golden lion did not respond this time, but just laughed triumphantly.

The aunt on the side looked at these two people and did not participate in them.

Even silently spat out,

“Men are just childish…..”

After a little fight.

The three men became serious again and looked down. Then, in a deep voice, he said to himself, “Then next…”

“Let’s start the performance that the captain told us!”


Just as the Golden Lion and the others were preparing to take the show to a real climax under the watchful eye of Marin Fando. At the same time.

Ten thousand meters deep under the sea, Fishman Island.

At this moment, Fishman Island is also in an unprecedented chaos.

The source of the chaos comes from the new Fishman Pirate Regiment led by Hordy Jones. As for the beginning of the chaos, it goes back several days. A few days ago, when the mermaid soldier in charge of delivering food to the White Star Princess entered the hard-shell tower. However, the White Star Princess who suddenly found that she was fine before was suddenly wrapped in a ball of blood-red energy light. It looked like it had fallen into a deep sleep.

Such a mutation startled the celebrity fish soldier.

So he hurried to inform King Neptune and several famous fish princes.

After receiving the news, King Neptune and several famous fish princes immediately rushed to the hard-shell tower. When they saw the abnormality of the white star, they were all shocked.

I don’t know what exactly happened to White Star. And no matter how they called, they could never wake up the sleeping white star. To the annoyance of Neptune and the others, whenever they wanted to go up and investigate the situation of the White Star wrapped in the blood-colored energy ball of light, the White Star’s pet shark Merculo would step forward to stop them. And somehow, Mercullo’s strength seems to have become much stronger, and no matter what methods Neptune and others use, they can’t break through Mecarlo’s defense.

This made them feel extremely depressed. At the same time, there is also great worry.

In desperation, Neptune and the others could only wait in the hard-shell tower all the time. Keep an eye on the situation of the White Star.

And this news, somehow, was actually learned by the captain of the New Fishman Pirate Regiment, Hody Jones.

Knowing this, Hordy Jones, who had long sought to steal the throne of King Neptune and wanted to dominate Fishman Island, felt that this was a good opportunity to launch a rebellion and overthrow Neptune at the same time.

In addition, Ji Ping, who had been guarding the Fishman Island, was also taken away by the World Government. For Hordy Jones, this opportunity is definitely not to be missed!

So, after several days of intensive planning and preparation.

Hody Jones finally led the New Fishman Pirates to provoke a rebellion. An attack was launched towards the Dragon Palace on Fishman Island.

Under such a surprise, coupled with the invention of the new fishman pirate group that can quickly increase their strength in a short period of time, the mermaid soldiers of the Dragon Palace are not opponents at all.

Soon defeated. After the fall of the Dragon Palace, Hody Jones continued to lead a large army towards the Hardshell Tower.

He wanted to kill all the Neptune and White Star who were guarding there in one fell swoop. For a time, Neptune and others were also in an unprecedented desperate situation.

They were even ready to fight to the death.

Just as Hordy Jones arrived outside the Hardshell Tower and prepared to launch a strong attack. Suddenly, a huge explosion suddenly came from above Fishman Island! The whole ocean, along with Fishman Island, began to tremble. At that moment, the crowd was still able to see clearly.

A terrifying shock wave came from above the sea. It seems that the whole sea has been penetrated.

The horrific scene shocked everyone.

Fortunately, the impact that fell from the sky was far away from Fishman Island and did not cause any harm to Fishman Island.

After the shock, Hordy Jones is also ready to continue to launch a strong attack on the hardshell tower. However, the change happened at this time! Inside the hard-shell tower.

The white star, which had been wrapped in a blood-red ball of energy and had been in a sleeping state, seemed to have been awakened by the impact of the deep sea spewed out by the previous Heavenly King Uranos. Finally slowly opened his eyes!

The blood-colored energy that was originally wrapped around it was also absorbed into the body by it.

At the same time, an incomparably powerful breath emanated from the White Star’s body! Neptune, who was guarding the sidelines, couldn’t help but shudder. Neptune suddenly felt that the white star in front of him was incomparably strange, as if he had changed people, not at all like the daughter he had once been. At the same time, with the powerful breath in the white star’s body, it came out. In the deep sea around Fishman Island, those huge sea kings suddenly seemed to have received some kind of calling. They all began to swim towards Fishman Island at a very fast speed!


One of the three ancient weapons – Poseidon!

One of the four monarchs of the Dragon Clan, Yang, the king of the sea and water! Awakened!!!。

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