Chapter 116: Unexpectedly! The power of the hybrids!

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On the battlefield, the yellow ape, transformed into a golden flash, swept towards Quinn’s location. In an instant, it rushed to the front of the entire army.

Take the lead! And this move of his immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

“Look! The Yellow Ape General has attacked! ”

“I didn’t expect that among so many high-end combat forces on our side, General Huang Ape was actually the first to pick an opponent to take the initiative to attack.”

“I remember that when I fought against the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment before, it was also the Yellow Ape General who took the initiative to attack and used the eight-foot Qiong Gou Jade against Whitebeard, but was blocked by Marko, the leader of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.”

“The Yellow Ape General actually took the initiative to attack at the beginning of the two major wars, and he is really a dutiful general!”

“This spirit of being the first and leading the way is really a model for my generation!” Be a role model for the entire Navy! ”

“We also have to learn from the Yellow Ape General!”


After seeing the yellow ape rushing to the front first, many naval soldiers issued such exclamations. At the same time, the admiration for the yellow ape in my heart is also a few points deeper.

In their opinion, the Yellow Ape’s act of rushing to the front was completely a manifestation of a heroic charge! Let them be admired.

And those who are more familiar with the yellow ape, such as the Warring States, the Red Dog, the Green Pheasant, etc., after hearing the praise of the Navy soldiers for the Yellow Ape, they can’t help but pull the corners of their mouths.

“What are you kidding?” Will the Polusalino guy take the lead? ”

“He’s just taking the lead in grabbing an easy-to-deal opponent so that he can happily paddle and touch the fish, okay?”

“Also a model for my generation, a model for the Navy?” If you really let a guy like him set an example for the Navy, then the Navy will be finished…”

“The guy from Polusalino is really shrewd, paddling the water, and harvesting a bunch of little fans who don’t know the truth.”


At this moment, the Warring States, Red Dog, Green Pheasant and others could not help but complain in their hearts.

“I don’t know which opponent this guy Polusalino has chosen this time?”

“I fought with Marco for half a day before, I didn’t even play a fart, and this time I don’t know who to play with for a whole round.. With such curiosity, everyone also turned their eyes to the yellow ape. ”

I want to see what kind of paddling object the other party will find this time. Under the gaze of all.

The yellow ape came to Quinn in the blink of an eye.

Countless golden flashes of light regrouped in front of Quinn’s body, condensing into the shape of his original body. Then, the yellow ape kicked directly at Quinn.

At the same time, his classic pretense line was read out of his mouth.

“Speed is power.”


“Have you ever been kicked by the light?”

The moment the words fell, a foot condensed with golden flashes aimed at Quinn and kicked out! With the extreme speed of the yellow ape, he was confident that Quinn would not be able to react at all. However, this foot looks very powerful.

But the yellow ape actually gathered some strength in secret.

In addition, the yellow ape knew that Quinn was an ancient species of animal species, and the skin was very thick. Therefore, he estimated that this kick would only achieve the effect of kicking Quinn out at best, and would not cause any substantial damage to the other party.

In this way, he was not only able to perform a wave in front of so many people.

At the same time, he will be able to fight Quinn legitimately and continue to paddle. Everything was logical and the plan was perfect.

Thinking of this, the yellow ape couldn’t help but sigh his wit again. However, just as the leg he kicked was about to hit Quinn.

But the change happened suddenly! Suddenly, a powerful burst of attraction suddenly burst out, dragging the Yellow Ape’s figure down violently!

It was as if at this moment, the gravity he was subjected to suddenly increased tenfold or even tens of times! This sudden attraction made the yellow ape’s movements obviously stagnate, and there was a momentary pause.

And it was in this pause that Quinn in front of the yellow ape suddenly turned his head, a pair of small eyes stared at each other with a smile, and said in a slightly playful tone: “Yo, isn’t this the yellow ape?” ”

“We seem to have not seen each other in a long time since leaving MADS.”

“What, do you mean to think of me as the object of your paddling?”

“That’s a shame… You’ve picked the wrong person!” ”

With that, Quinn directly raised the mechanically modified prosthesis of his left hand and threw a punch at the yellow ape in front of him! Above the fist, wrapped around the powerful armed color domineering! Seeing this, the pupils of the yellow ape constricted slightly.

I want to dodge this punch from the other party to the side.

However, the previous terrifying attraction that seemed to come from the center of the earth was much stronger at this moment. Even the yellow ape that ate the shining fruit, under such gravitational interference, the speed could not help but slow down a lot.

Because of this, the yellow ape did not succeed in dodging Quinn’s attack.

The next moment, Quinn’s fist slammed into the yellow ape’s body!

Under the entanglement of the armed color domineering, the natural elementalization of the yellow ape also lost its effect. It was a solid punch to Quinn.

The whole person was directly smashed into the ground below! A huge pit was smashed above the ground.


A loud crashing sound suddenly resounded all around.

And this scene also made everyone present dumbfounded.

“Sleeper! What’s going on??? ”

“The Yellow Ape Admiral was actually knocked down by Quinn’s punch???”

“That’s a general!” Although Quinn was also very strong, he was just a big board of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, how could he have the strength to bring down the Yellow Ape General with one punch? ”

··· Ask for flowers…

“You must know that even Marco, the leader of the previous Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, can’t help the Yellow Ape General!”

“And Marco is also the strongest of the Whitebeard Pirates besides Whitebeard, and within the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, in addition to Captain Kaido, there is a Flame Ember who is above Quinn!”

“What the hell is going on here? Is Quinn that strong? ”


For a moment, everyone froze.

A naval commander in the hall will be thrown down by a big Kanban of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, which is a little too strange! And in the eyes of the crowd in shock.

Quinn stood in front of the pit that the yellow ape had smashed out, with a triumphant smile on his face.

“Admiral, the strength is indeed very strong.”

“If I had put it in the past, I certainly wouldn’t have been a big general’s opponent.”


“But now that I have undergone the transformation of the Dragon Clan’s bloodline, I have become a powerful hybrid species, and my strength is far greater than before!”

“Yellow Ape, you want me to be the object of your paddling, but you’re really looking for the wrong person!”

In a deep voice, Quinn looked into the pit in front of him.

The yellow ape that had been thrown into the pit by a punch was slowly standing up at this moment. The yellow-and-white striped suit and the justice cape were somewhat damaged. And the corners of his mouth also showed a trace of blood.

This admiral who had rowed the whole war but was not injured at all was finally really injured at this moment!

The power of Quinn’s previous punch was evident from this.

Inside the pit, the figure of the yellow ape that stood up was once again replaced by a little golden flash. Quickly swept out of the crater, a few distances from Quinn.

“Quinn, it’s terrible…”

“Your strength has become so strong.”

“What’s going on with that sudden burst of attraction just now? You are obviously not a superhuman capable person who is the fruit of gravity. ”

The yellow ape looked at Quinn and spoke.

On his face, there was a rare serious expression.

Apparently, after being punched by Quinn.

The general, who had only wanted to paddle, finally got serious. At the same time, he was curious about Quinn’s previous methods. The attraction that suddenly erupted from the center of the earth was like the superhuman ability of the fruit of gravity.

However, as far as the yellow ape knew, Quinn was obviously the ability of the animal lineage, dragon fruit, ancient species, and brachiosaurus form. How could it possibly have the ability to gravity fruit?

This puzzled him. On the other side, Quinn, after hearing the doubts asked by the yellow ape, smiled triumphantly, “This is not the ability of some demon fruit.” ”

“This is the spirit of speech I got after I became a hybrid…”

“Kingship Six!”

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