Chapter 171: Completely Heart Dead! The most terrifying despair in the world!

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Whitebeard had never imagined that Ace would actually throw such a cold look at himself! That look, as if Ace was questioning himself,

Why choose to save him and not others? It was as if the decision he had made so hard was wrong! So wrong that even Ace, who was chosen to save him, felt extremely disappointed and annoyed with Whitebeard. Looking at Ace’s gaze, Whitebeard felt incredulous. He couldn’t have imagined that Ace would react like this after listening to the choices he had made!


“Why is that?”


“Why are you looking at me with such eyes?”

The white-bearded lips trembled slightly. As if with all his strength, he asked Ace such a sentence. He wanted to know why Ace had cast such a look and gaze on himself. Why is this reaction?

Faced with Whitebeard’s question.

Ace’s face was still a cold color.

He continued to look at Whitebeard with the same disappointed and accusatory eyes as before, and then slowly shook his head and said in a deep voice, “Father, why are you doing this?” ”

“Why did you sacrifice the lives of so many of my partners to save me, who was the one who deserved to die?”

“Aren’t they your sons, your crew?”

“Sacrifice thousands of people to save one person…”

“The father I know, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing!”

“Daddy, you’re stupid!”

Ace said this, and as soon as he said this, it instantly attracted a large resonance. And there is no doubt that these sympathetic people are the surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

“That’s right!”

“You see, even Ace himself understands this!”

“What Ace thinks is exactly the same as ours!”

“It seems that not only us, but even Ace has been deceived by Whitebeard’s hypocritical illusion before!”

“The chosen Ace can think clearly, how can the white-bearded guy not understand?”

“It also proves even more that Whitebeard didn’t treat us like family members from the start!”

“For Whitebeard, we are just puppets that we can discard at will!”

“Sure enough, everything before was disguised by Whitebeard to deceive us!”

“Oh, it’s ironic, even Ace, who was chosen to be saved by Whitebeard, thinks the same as us.”

“Ace doesn’t appreciate Whitebeard’s so-called grace at all.”

··· Ask for flowers…

“I don’t know what the white-bearded old man will think after hearing this?”


Among the crowd of the survivors of the Whitebeard Pirates, there were constant bursts of indignation and irony.

At this moment, however, Whitebeard could no longer hear this. All that echoed in his ears now were the words that Ace had just said to himself.

“Daddy, why are you saving me?”

“Why sacrifice other partners?”

“The Whitebeard I know would never have made such a decision!”

“Daddy, you’re stupid!”


This sentence of Ace’s words was like a sharp arrow, fiercely piercing into Whitebeard’s heart.

Tie his already shattered heart even more into the holes!

After hearing these words from Ace, the white beard, who still had the last trace of relief and happiness in his heart, completely died.

He only felt that at this moment, his world had completely turned into a dark color! Never see any light again!

Mourning is greater than heart death.

What Whitebeard is experiencing at this moment is what is truly righteous…

The most terrifying despair in the world!! Knife!.

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