Chapter 173: A Great Riot, This Is the Price of Betraying Locks!

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Whitebeard is dead.

He died in full view of everyone.

He died on the battlefield of Malin Fando. No one attacked him, and he did not suffer any physical harm. But this world’s strongest man, in a split second, from the original state of survival, directly lost his life and died completely! The reason he died was not because of any physical injury, but because his heart was completely dead.

This reason may sound a bit outrageous.

But it really happened to Whitebeard. 07 When a person no longer has the slightest attachment to the world, when a person’s soul is wounded by everything that happens in this world, but a person’s eyes have been completely blinded by darkness and cannot see any light, then his flesh, like his soul, will die completely! Marin Fando’s battlefield.

Whitebeard just fell to the ground so directly. There was no longer a hint of life flowing out of the body. His body gradually became stiff, and his body temperature dropped at a very fast speed.

And the white-bearded eyes were still dead open at the moment. It’s just that within these eyes, the pupils have completely dilated and lost focus. All the radiance has disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone had obviously understood that Whitebeard was completely dead!

For a moment, the crowd that was still restless suddenly fell silent.

All of them looked with a shocked look at the location of Whitebeard’s body. Obviously, he didn’t expect Whitebeard to die so suddenly.

However, after a brief silence, a more violent commotion broke out in the crowd in an instant.

“Sleeper! Really fake?! ”

“Whitebeard looks like that… Already dead?! ”

“When you look at his eyes, they have completely dissipated, and his body has become stiff, and it is indeed as if he is dead.”

“But just now no one has done anything to him!”

“No one attacked Whitebeard just now, and he didn’t suffer any harm, so how could he suddenly die?”

“Could it be because of what Fire Fist Ace said earlier?”

“I saw that after Ace said those words, the white-bearded eyes dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.”

“It looks like I’ve been hurt by what Ace said.”

“It is not surprising that Whitebeard, faced with the choice given by Locks earlier, actually chose to give up the lives of thousands of people in Whitebeard’s Pirates and chose to save the lives of only Ace.”

“But it was such a decision, after Whitebeard made it, Ace actually did not appreciate it, but instead reproached and asked Whitebeard why he saved him!”

“Even Ace said that Whitebeard’s decision was confused.”

“In the face of such a situation, it is really difficult for Whitebeard not to die!”

“Originally before this, Whitebeard had already endured a lot of cruel psychological torture, and Ace’s words were like the last straw that crushed the camel, causing Whitebeard’s psychological defense line to completely collapse!”

“When a person’s heart dies at the bottom of 850, then he is not far from real death.”

“I really didn’t expect that the strongest man in the world, the white-bearded Edward Newgate of the Four Emperors, would actually die in such a way!”

“In such a short period of time, the torture he endured was an unimaginable horror!”

“And that’s the price he paid for betraying Locks in the Valley of the Gods!”


In the crowd on the battlefield of Malin Fando, a series of voices of discussion were constantly heard.

And this is undoubtedly a declaration to the world of the complete death of the white-bearded Edward Newgate!

At the same time, after witnessing the whole process of Whitebeard’s death, the fear of the crowd for Locks has also reached an unprecedented new peak!

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