Chapter 184: Another choice? Locks is so fierce!!!

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Seeing Roger’s movements suddenly stopped, everyone present was stunned. Needless to say, Roger’s pause must have been made by Locks. This is not good news.

None of them had forgotten that not long ago, when everyone thought that Whitebeard would be killed by one of his captains, Scuad, Locks suddenly called out to stop the other side.

But such a halt is not a good thing.

After stopping Skuad’s actions, Locks throws the previous choice to Whitebeard that has been extremely embarrassing. Save Ace or save someone else?

Just such a choice is a thousand times better torture for Whitebeard than death! And now, Locks suddenly made Roger, who had already slashed at Reilly and the others, stop his movements. Don’t think everyone can guess, there must be something more terrifying waiting for Roger in the future. But as everyone knows, Roger doesn’t know about it. When Whitebeard was tortured, Roger was just a walking corpse without any consciousness. So I don’t know what happened before.

Now that he saw that Locks had actually made him stop, Roger couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In any case, he finally did not personally do anything to Reilly and other partners. In this way, the pain in his heart was also alleviated a lot. However, it was better not to wait for Roger to take a good breath.

Sitting on the pitch-black throne, Locks spoke again. Only to see a cold arc on Locks’s face, and then look at Roger and say in a deep voice, “Roger, it seems that you don’t want to do anything to your friends, right?” ”

Hearing such a question, Roger replied without hesitation: “If you ask this kind of question knowingly, I don’t think there is any need to ask again.” ”

Hearing this, Locks smiled lightly.

“I think so.”

“Since you don’t want to do anything to your partners, then I’ll give you a different choice.”

As soon as these words came out, there was a uniform inhalation of cool air on the field. Here it is again!

Another choice! At this point, Roger is afraid that there is really no good fruit to eat! At this moment, everyone present couldn’t help but have such an idea in their hearts. The bridge section staged now is simply the same as what Whitebeard faced before! Locks actually had to throw a choice at Roger.

Thinking with your heels, you know that this so-called choice must be something terrible. For Roger, it would definitely be a more brutal torture than letting him kill his companion with his own hands! This is the consensus in the hearts of everyone on the field at this moment.

At the same time, the crowd couldn’t help but get a little curious, wondering what kind of choice Locks would give Roger next. Roger himself was confused, confused and jealous.

Quietly awaiting Locks’s next words. With all the curiosity, worry and waiting, Locks didn’t sell either.

I saw him slowly stretch out a finger and point in a certain direction on the field. Then he continued to Roger, “Since you don’t want to kill these former companions…”

“Then kill this guy.”

“As long as you kill him, your buddies will live.”

After saying that, the cold smile on Locks’s face became a little thicker. While he was speaking, the crowd in the arena was also following the direction that Locks was pointing, looking at the man he was referring to.

And when they saw who the person Locks was referring to, everyone couldn’t help but be shocked.

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart one by one…

It’s really fierce!!!。

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