Chapter 188: Utter Despair, Roger’s Remorse [Kneeling for Subscription].

Watch Ace’s body slowly fall down in front of him.

Feel the vitality in the other person’s body is constantly flowing. At this moment, Roger’s heart is like a knife! He never imagined that he had just come back to life and saw his son die in front of him!


Roger turned his head and stared at Locks sitting on the dark throne with a look of utter grief and indignation. It was as if his eyes could spew out fire.

If the eyes can kill, Roger at this moment is eager to give Locks a thousand knives. Of course, this can only be just a thought.

In the face of Locks’s invincible strength, Roger at this moment was weak like an ant. Just blowing a breath can kill the 07 party.

“Oh, this expression of yours is exactly what I am looking forward to.”

Looking at Roger’s pained expression, Locks’s heart was happy. It was exactly what he wanted.

As for the enemies who had besieged him in the Valley of the Gods, he would not let the other side go so easily.

He’ll be a little bit and make those guys feel what is called true despair! Even if they were to die, they would have to pay the price for the original Battle of the Valley of the Gods!

“Since your son Ace is dead, I’ll just let your crew go.”

Locks looked at the heartbroken Roger and said slightly playfully.

Hearing Locks’s words, Roger’s expression was still extremely painful. But in his heart, he still couldn’t help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

At least…

At least Reilly, they could still survive. At least in this way, no more people will be implicated because of themselves.

“Ace, I’m sorry for you.”

“When you get to another world, I’ll make up for you.”

Roger thought so sadly in his heart. And yet, the next moment!

Roger’s body moved uncontrollably again! Slowly turning around, holding a sharp saber in his hand, he walked towards Reilly and the others lying on the ground!

“Locks! What are you doing?!!! ”

“Didn’t you say you would let them go?!!!”

Noticing this, Roger naturally understood instantly what Locks was trying to do. So he cried out with great anxiety and anger.

What he was waiting for, however, was Locks’s merciless ridicule.

“Oh, I just said I’d let them go.”

“But now it’s you who want to do something to them!”

Locks sneered coldly.

He never thought about what credit he wanted to give Roger. In the face of absolute strength, everything else is false! Even if he doesn’t talk about credit? As long as he has absolute strength, then the truth will always be in his hands alone!…..

Not far away, Roger with his Sabre in his hand walked toward Reilly and the others. His face was extremely reluctant and resistant, and there was incomparable anger! But even then, he couldn’t change anything.

At this moment, his body was not under his own control at all, and 580 could only watch himself walk in front of Reilly and the others. Then the saber in his hand was raised uncontrollably and swung down!!!

In the current state of Reilly and others, it is impossible to dodge or resist this fatal blow. If this knife falls, Reilly and the rest of Roger’s Pirates will surely die! At this moment, Roger finally felt a real sense of despair that had never been felt before! At the same time, a trace of regret also emerged in his heart. Regretting that he was actually an enemy of Locks, it was precisely because of such a stupid move that his son, his friends, all ended up where he is now!

Thinking of this, the remorse in Roger’s heart also erupted like a volcano!

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