I! Locksmith, Live Broadcast Of Bad Scene

42. The Price Of Love Has Increased, So I’Ll Spend Five Hundred On The Car!

When the drunk cat beauty heard what Lin Mo said, she snorted disdainfully and vaguely gave her address.

"Go to Longcheng Avenue..."

"Dragon City Avenue?"

Lin Mo looked at the beauty in astonishment: "Haixi City?"

The drunken beauty became unresponsive.

After a closer look, he actually fell asleep leaning on his seat...

Lin Mo became depressed.

Who knows she is going to Haixi City.

However, the journey from here to Longcheng Avenue in Haixi is not very far, about twenty kilometers.

You can't throw this drunk cat out of the car.

With her looks and figure.

Then it's not a matter of picking up the body, it's a matter of how many times!

Who makes himself a good person!

Lin Mo can guarantee it with his conscience.

I’m really not greedy for the thousands of dollars in tips!

The drunk cat beauty didn't even fasten her seat belt.

Lin Mo could only bend over, pull out the seat belt and suck it on her.

When leaning over.

I felt like something bulging was squeezing me.

He lowered his head and looked down.

I go!

A bottomless Mariana Trench.

The snow was so white that it almost blinded Lin Mo’s eyes!

The degree of development of the pectoralis major muscles is rare in Lin Mo's life!

The kind that ranks fifth or even sixth in the alphabet!


With such a heavy burden, I don’t know how I can walk!

Luckily the camera was covered.

The group of wolf friends in the live broadcast room could not see this thrilling scene!

Otherwise, it will definitely be coded by the system again!

Big foot on the gas.

The car quickly left Haidong City.

Feeling that there was a strong smell of alcohol in the car, Lin Mo opened the window for ventilation.

Suddenly, a cigarette was handed over.

"Master, do you smoke?"

Lin Mo turned around and looked.

The drunk cat woke up when the cold wind blew.

Lin Mo is a long-time smoker. He just finished his midnight snack and didn't have time to smoke to satisfy his craving.

Take the cigarette.

The drunk cat beauty took the initiative to order Lin Mo.

He also lit one, took a deep breath, and then asked abruptly: "Do you believe in love?"

Lin Mo…

Why is this sentence so familiar?

The wolf friends in the live broadcast room were also stunned.

——Why does this sentence sound so familiar?

——Come again? Isn't this what the rich lady asked the anchor last time?

——Do all women like to ask this question? Did you just get hurt?

——You won’t let the dog anchor take advantage of it again, right?

——The dog anchor must have used his theory of keys and locks to fool people!

——The Iron King Kong Guardian who is preparing to sell C-level lock cores to beautiful women?

Sure enough, Lin Mo blew out the cigarette and said with a smile: "Love is just like a lock and a key..."

Don't wait for Lin Mo to finish talking about the key and lock theory.

The drunk cat beauty interrupted Lin Mo.

"Master, tell me."

"A woman will become short of breath when she sees a man. Is she in love with him?"

"Still unable to extricate yourself?"

Lin Mo thought for a moment: "Is it possible that it's an allergic reaction?"

The drunk cat beauty was stunned for a moment.

Then he burst into laughter: "Allergic reaction?"

"Master, you are so funny!"

"Then how much do you think love is worth..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, so he hurriedly covered his mouth.

"five hundred!"

Lin Mo replied.

The drunk cat beauty resisted the feeling of vomiting and looked at Lin Mo with wide eyes.

"Do you think love is worth five hundred dollars?"

"In your eyes, love is so cheap?"

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing!

——Is this beauty too naive?

——Don’t she know what the anchor means? The dog anchor was clearly talking about fast food worth 500 yuan!

——The anchor is right.

——I met a woman last time and it was love at first sight. After in-depth communication, I felt that we were not suitable for each other, so we broke up through friendly negotiation and paid a breakup fee of 500 yuan. It was very reasonable!

——The big brother upstairs is so proud! I'm usually only willing to pay three hundred yuan for such a short-term love!

——Is the dog anchor hinting at something to the beautiful woman?

——Isn’t it too stingy? I am willing to fall in love with a beauty of such caliber for a short period of time, not to mention 500, but 50,000!

——Is it okay for you to drive openly like this?

——This is definitely not a bus bound for kindergarten. I want to get off!

The audience in the live broadcast room all thought that the dog anchor was a drunk cat beauty on the inside.

Lin Mo added with a serious expression: "I mean!"

"Take out five hundred on the car!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

The drunk cat beauty was stunned for a moment, and finally said: "Isn't it 200 on the bus?"

Lin Mo smiled: "The price of love has increased!"

"Now vomit five hundred on the car!"

"You better bear with it!"

Live broadcast room audience...

Anchor your sister!

The drunk cat beauty was beaming with laughter and couldn't stop.

"rest assured!"

"I won't let you earn these five hundred yuan!"


Beauty does what she says.

Until Longcheng Avenue, I just couldn't hold it in and didn't spit it out.

Lin Mo was greatly disappointed.

This woman would fight hard for five hundred dollars.

You won’t deny yourself the three thousand yuan fare, right?

"Hey! Dragon City Avenue is here!"

"Where the hell do you live?"

Lin Mo turned to look at the drunk cat beauty.

The drunk cat beauty was obviously drunk again and rubbed her temples: "Stop here!"

"Give me your...your payment code..."

Lin Mo was a little surprised.

Not giving cash?

However, cash and QR code payment are the same.

After showing the payment code.

The drunk cat beauty took out her phone and scanned it, and actually transferred three thousand yuan to Lin Mo.

Then he staggered out of the car.

As a result, I just got off the bus.

One fell to the ground unsteadily.


Lin Mo, who wanted to get out of the way, could only park the car and help the drunk cat up.

"Are you OK?"

"never mind!"

"Where do you live? I'll take you back!"

After collecting three thousand yuan from someone, you can't just leave them on the street.

Lin Mo still has basic moral integrity.

Drunk Mao felt his head hurt. He put one hand subconsciously on Lin Mo's neck and pointed to a hotel next to him with the other hand: "You... help me to the hotel..."

The eyes of the wolf friends in the live broadcast room all popped out.

This dog anchor can't earn other people's money and still have both wealth and sex, right?

Lin Mo helped the drunk cat beauty to the hotel.

Seeing that Drunk Mao couldn't even speak clearly, he could only use his ID card to book a room under the strange look of the front desk clerk.

Then take the drunk cat to the room.

The wolf friends in the live broadcast room were even more excited.

The exciting plot is about to unfold!

As a result, at this critical moment, Lin Mo interrupted the live broadcast!

Countless curses erupted in the live broadcast room.

Lin Mo actually had no choice.

The scenes at the scene are really difficult to continue live broadcasting.

As soon as he entered the room, Drunk Cat couldn't help it anymore. He suddenly bent over and vomited all over himself!

Beep beep!

Lin Mo threw this guy on the bed angrily.

Run to the bathroom.

Take off all the clothes, pants, and shoes that are covered in vomit.

I was about to ask the waiter to help me wash it.

As a result, I just walked out of the bathroom.

The door to the room suddenly opened.

Several uniformed police officers rushed in quickly.

He raised his phone and kept taking pictures of Lin Mo, who was wearing only a pair of big pants!

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment.

Catch an adulterer?

Immortal jump?

Or the police crackdown on pornography?

This time it’s really bad!

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