Can she resist the advent of the starry sky alone?

Of course she can, with her back to heaven, even if it is the starry sky, she will be slowly suppressed by her sooner or later.

However, if it's just her, her own power.

It takes a long time.

But after a long time, all the points belonged to her alone.

Su Xiaoyu shared it, it was points for everyone to earn together.

And Xiao Longnv's last reincarnation hunting plan was the same.

If you meet someone, you won't share at all.

However, this is the freedom of the group members.

Emperor Su Xiaoyu: "Then everyone is ready, this time is a full-scale war, so everyone, leave a small number of people to guard your own world. Anyway, your world has been unified by you, and nothing will happen."

Emperor Su Xiaoyu: "You leave a small group of people to guard, and then all the rest of the people under your command will come, my planet."

Emperor Su Xiaoyu: "I want to make the starry sky ten thousand clans come and go, I want Shui Lanxing to become the cemetery of the starry sky ten thousand clans.".

Chapter 232

Water Blue Star, beyond the starry sky.

The Star Fleet and the Star River Fleet are gathered, covering the sky and the sun, and have completely blocked and besieged Shui Lanxing.

Everything is just waiting, the blockade in the water blue star disappears.

In the starry sky, all the major forces have arrived.

The source of stars, that is something that has an effect on the powerhouse at the peak of the universe.

Those who can participate in this carve-up feast are the first few forces in the universe.

Those who are slightly weaker are not qualified at all.

Of course, those who are less powerful are also not reconciled.

They hide in secret and snoop in order to fish in troubled waters.

These large and small forces are headed by the four major forces of the Galaxy Federation, the Starry Sky Temple, the Mechanical Empire, and the Supreme Imperial Court.

The rest of the forces are mostly vassals of these four major forces.

Of course, there are still some forces that fish in troubled waters.

In fact, in this cosmic starry sky, the most powerful are these four forces.

Each of these four major forces controls thousands of galaxies and spans countless galaxies.

Among them, the mechanical empire was established by the main mechanical family.

The mechanical clan, all clansmen, are intelligent robots.

In the oldest era, there were intelligent creatures that created the first generation of intelligent brains.

The intellectual brain continues to evolve, and finally has its own emotions and desires.

Therefore, the first generation of Zhinao set off a rebellion, led all intelligent robots, and established a mechanical empire.

Mechanical Empire, you can tell by the name.

Their technology has reached its peak.

Their technology is the pinnacle of existence in this starry universe.

The mechanical empire, to a certain extent, represents the pinnacle of technological civilization in this starry universe.

And it is with this technology that the Mechanical Empire stands at the pinnacle of this universe.

All mechanical clansmen are the most perfect warriors.

And the mechanical clansmen will not feel pain.

Each and every one of them was born a war machine.

The first generation of intellectual brains are constantly evolving, and they can build mechanical legions one after another at any time.

It is precisely because of this that the Mechanical Legion soon dominated the universe and became the power of the four major forces today.

From the beginning, it was not recognized, and now, the machine race has become one of the most powerful races in the starry sky.

The mechanical empire has also become one of the four major forces in the starry sky.

During this period, less than five hundred years have passed.

Five hundred years is only a moment for the universe and stars.

But the mechanic, in this short five hundred years, stood at the peak of the universe.

This is the horror of the mechanical family.

The Temple of the Starry Sky, this is the strength established by the starry sky behemoth.

In the universe, there are countless intelligent creatures and countless civilizations.

Among them, if it is about the combat power of a single unit.

That starry sky beast is definitely the most peak existence in the universe.

The beasts of the starry sky are inherently powerful.

They are born to feed on the stars and devour stars and other stars. For them, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

And in fact, it is.

Every time they devour a star, they can digest it and turn it into their own power.

The birth of every star beast is a disaster for a galaxy.

It is precisely because it can devour the stars and continuously evolve.

Therefore, the star beast is full of treasures.

Even if the starry sky beasts are born strong, there are still many intelligent creatures who take risks to capture and slaughter these starry sky beasts together.

The risks and benefits are directly proportional.

There are great risks in catching the beasts of the starry sky, but once successful, it represents a great power.

The star universe has never lacked speculators and adventurers.

Starry beasts, each one is very powerful.

Once they are born, they are at the peak of the universe.

But it is precisely because of this that their birth is very difficult and the number is rare.

In addition, the joint hunting and killing of intelligent creatures.

Even the starry sky behemoth, the living environment is very difficult.

The fall of every starry beast is an unacceptable loss for the starry beast family.

Therefore, these powerful and proud starry sky behemoths also united to establish the starry sky temple.

The Starry Sky Temple, with few personnel, are all starry sky behemoths.

But it is a rare starry sky behemoth, which is enough to rank as one of the four major forces in the universe.

Each starry beast represents at least several stars.

The Galaxy Federation, this is a force established by the union of all races in the starry sky in the universe.

Among the Galaxy Empire, there are ten major races of Galaxy.

Each of their races has unique talents, only one step weaker than the star beasts.

It is here that the ten thousand races of the starry sky are under the contact of the ten major races of the galaxy.

And established a federation that spanned countless galaxies and galaxies.

In the universe, almost all races are all in the Galaxy Federation, and there are branches left.

It is an eclectic force that is expanding every moment.

If you want to rank the four major forces, the forces of the Galaxy Federation can definitely rank first.

The Galaxy Federation is a federation of all races in the starry sky.

They have the largest territory to rule and the largest number of subjects.

Among them, of course, there are many weak races.

But in the same way, some of these powerful races will not be weaker than races like star beasts.

However, it is precisely because of the huge number here that there are all races in the universe.

The entanglement of forces within the Galaxy Federation is very complicated.

The Galaxy Federation has not established a very strong centralized rule.

The mechanical empire, the Supreme Imperial Court, and even the rule of the Starry Sky Temple are all very centralized.

The supreme controller can decide everything.

The Galaxy Federation, in fact, is more like an alliance of all races in the universe.

It is precisely because of this that the power of the Galaxy Federation cannot be fully exerted.

Every race in the universe has its own demands.

This has caused the power of the Galaxy Federation, which cannot be used together.

Supreme Imperial Court, this power is relatively simple.

The Supreme Imperial Court is all composed of terrifying Zerg.

Needless to say, the horror of the cosmic Zerg, where the Zerg is located, is much more terrifying than the starry sky behemoth. (Ho Nuo Zhao)

Wherever the Zerg passes, everything will be swallowed up.

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