
Chapter 111, The Waterfall’s Endless Slash

This duel from the very beginning has become incandescent.

Sid found the duel so exhilarating, so stirring his soul, that he found himself in tears at some point, tears of joy streaming down his face.

The person in front of him used to be his idol, his belief, and the object of his gratitude. After Sid suffered the bloody murder, the symbol named Meckron count was one of his favorites. So much consolation that he once convinced him that there are good people and just people in this world.

He was his role model.

Now, the example has collapsed, and the glory of the past has gone. With the excavation of the truth, the true face of the Mecklun count, which was hidden under the hero rays of light, has been exposed to the public.

Reality is always so cruel, so absurd, and yet so unbearable.

Perhaps there is a “fathericide” complex at the center of every boy, Sid always feels that this duel is like the end of a great rebellion in a story, on the deck of the Vengeful Soul, the golden light is shining. The silhouette is dueling a fallen faun.

The important members of the entire Wolf Principality are all on stage, the lineup is so strong, they will all witness this showdown, whether they want to, whether they want to stop it or not, this is the stage of Sid .

Is it so exciting to perform in the middle of a grand stage? Sid thought so.

At the beginning of the battle, Sid and Mecklun count stepped into the steel hurricane composed of Swift Swords. Both of them are good players of Swift Sword, and they are only two steps away from each other. In the space, the twisting light and shadow of the Swift Sword shrouded the entire line of sight, and the two duelists adjusted their steps cautiously, strangling together.

Sid only has the strength of the Hero Rank at this time, and the strength of the Meckron count under the magic has reached the Hero Rank Peak. Smell, in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, Sid is not at a disadvantage, and even in some cases, he can seize the opportunity to fight back.

Probably it’s been a long time since Mecklun counts himself, and his every blow is precisely parried and pushed back by Sid.

Seizing the perfect opportunity to push back, Sid made a low slash from the silver snake-like swift sword in Sid’s hand, the blade slid across count’s legs, and then strode forward. , the dagger in his hand was stuck on Meckron’s stomach, and the blade snapped.

“It’s true that I haven’t done it myself for a long time, but what did you use to defeat me? Sid Little Brother?” Mecklun said with a sneer: “This is the blessing of the Lord of Pain, Heima! I have solid granite armor under my skin, your swift sword… wu!”

Before he could finish his sentence, Sid’s iron boots kicked on his chest but didn’t touch him, and count still Wanting to laugh, the pain in the depth of one’s soul made his voice stagnate, extend the hand, count’s fingertips caught a touch of bright red under the nostril: “So, you were already prepared.”

“If I’m not ready, how can I solve you?” Sid held the swift sword saint’s light sword, and the power of the deep red Sword Soul spread along his blade. , forcibly carved a way in Mecklun’s steel hurricane, Sid’s body used his shoulders to withstand count’s body and wrestled with him, under the swift sword strangulation, the power of Sword Soul punched along the crossed blades. , the searing pain in the depth of one’s soul hammered the will of the count of Mecklun with each stroke like a piston movement, and the body of Sword Soul in the air roared non-stop, raining the rain of death down from the sky, Attack every weak spot on the count body.

The shoulder armor, throat, back of the neck.

Underarms, waist, knees.

The ferocious roar of the white-haired boy followed his onslaught, resounding through the audience, and the roar and roar impacted everyone’s senses.

The long sword clenched the armguard and smashed the shoulder armor with its fist.

Sid calmly faced the attack of the devil’s followers, never dodging and letting Mecklun’s swift sword stab him. never decreased.

Now Sid is like a killing machine, all his attention is on taking out the enemy in front of him.

Meckron count is indeed a bit sparse for a long time, and it is rare for the wolf hero to take action personally. He thought that with the blessing of the devil’s power, Sid’s ridiculous swift sword in his hand It was impossible to penetrate his reinforced torso at all, but the constant burning pain in the depth of one’s soul made Mecklun count back again and again, forcing a distance away.

“Sword Dao of Soul?!” Meckron count growled.

At this moment, Sid’s whole body was drenched with the stench of devil blood. With the roar of the swift sword and the roar of the shotgun, more blood splattered on his body, and as his soul received Injury, Meckron’s body is bleeding from many places, and his body reinforcement is being destroyed.

Sid didn’t answer count’s question, Sword Soul in the air swung the long sword, and every blow hit count’s vital points with precision, the body of Sword Soul knows the speed of Sword Dao like its master. , its attacks are elegant and deadly.

“Sword Dao of Soul? My Majesty? Why?” Gellhart, the Great Duke of Evil Wolf, saw the deep red phantom in the air, and he moved towards Cecilia, who was watching the battle, dissatisfied. : “Why did you choose to teach the sword Dao of Soul to that kid? Don’t we have a good youngster in the Principality of Evil Wolf?”

“What are you talking about, Your Highness Gerhardt, Isn’t Sid the youngster who came out of your Evil Wolf Principality?” The Imperial Princess Celeste didn’t wait for Cecilia to answer, she answered angrily.

“Our wolves don’t have such a youngster who doesn’t care about the overall situation! If he really thinks of himself as a wicked werewolf, he shouldn’t choose this way! He has made our wolves lose all face!” Gellhart glanced at the light elves who were taking notes quickly, and said angrily, the surrounding wolf nobles responded: “There are so many suitable channels for feedback…”

“Neither side has done their best yet,” Cecilia said lightly.

Yes, even with the support of Dao of Soul, the match between Sid and Meckron count is just a matter of thought.

The difference between killing and being killed is very close. There is only one line between death.

The reinforced devil’s body is incredibly strong, and no matter how weak it hits, Meckron’s can withstand the damage.

The blessing of the King of Pain upon his followers, the more pain, the stronger, the more pain, the more furious.

“Ahhhhhhh Ahhhhhhh!” count opened his mouth, the sound of death spurted out of his mouth, and the skin of Sid’s whole body at close range flowed like an ocean wave, the magic sound penetrated his brain, and the white hair The boy covered his ears in pain.

In front of him, the count Mecklun stretched out his arms, and the devil’s wings stretched out from behind him!

He officially gave up being human!

The strength of Mecklun, who has completely demonized himself, has entered a new level in an instant and entered the realm of Legendary!

Grabbing Sid’s chest with both hands, count flew up, grabbed Sid, and threw it on the sculpture in the large garden. The white-haired boy vomited blood and fell into the rubble.

“Die, just like your brothers and sisters!” Meckron said with a smile: “Did you know that you almost had a new younger brother? He’s only five months old in his stomach! I took him out for you myself! It’s still in a glass jar in my manor.”

“cough cough ~ well said.” Sid said from Getting up on the ground, he said coldly, “Go on, I will do the same to your two daughters.”

“!” Say it and do it.

This is a lunatic!

“Then I’ll kill you first!” The devil spread his wings and moved towards Sid assaults the senses, sharp claw long sword pointed at Sid’s face.

The oncoming wind made Sid’s face hurt, but at this moment, his wrist flicked, and the swift sword in his hand was disappeared and replaced by a brand new rune shotgun. .

“pa ~” pulled the trigger, and the oncoming mercury shot shot Meckron all over the face!

The Hand of Moonlight!

The devil took a few steps back and slammed into the garden wall to give Sid a breather. The white-haired boy took a deep breath of cold air, the golden light overflowing from his sea-blue color eyes.

The emperor’s blood is sublimated!

Sid bathed himself in golden light, the ancient seal script covered every corner of his body along his body, and his thin body suddenly became stronger. Facing the oncoming attack, Sid directly let him His chest was hard to carry Mecklun’s claws, and he didn’t care about the scratches and golden blood dripping deep in the chest. Sid’s hands blessed with the power of the emperor’s blood held the devil who was holding a hell Fireball Technique. Arm, he roared furiously, his muscles rattling, forcibly breaking the wrist that was holding the Hell Fireball.

“Ahhh!” The Hell Fireball exploded in situ, scorching half of Sid’s face and shattering Meckron’s palm.

The hand of Yuehua opened again, and the smoking muzzle of the shotgun was less than ten centimeters away from the devilish face of the refined gentleman of Mecklun!


A storm of bullets, carrying blessed mercury, slammed into Meckron’s right face.

“Bless you.”

Half of the devil’s face was blown to pieces by this blow! An eyeball flew out with the impact, drawing a perfect parabola in the air and falling into the snow.

“It hurts, it hurts Ahhh~” Meckron’s painful whimper echoed through every corner of the large garden.

Even with such a terrifying injury, Meckron didn’t fall down, he suddenly increased his output with the remaining hand, and aimed the huge Fireball directly at the two of them. below.


The ground beneath my feet was twisted and deformed by the explosion, the one-meter-thick slate was torn like paper, and the violent and greasy hellfire blazed out from every crack in the floor, and large pieces Large pieces of debris flew up like raindrops and fell like raindrops.

Sid didn’t control his body until he knocked down a wall. His head was smashed like a mush because of the impact, and the sound of wind, smoke, and burning echoed in his ears. The exclamations and screams in the distance were mixed together, making him temporarily unable to distinguish the situation.

Is that the exclamation of the nobles? Is that the howl of the Inquisition? I seem to hear Celeste scream?

There is no time to think now, Sid forcibly controlled his body to steady his steps, and out of the corner of his eyes suddenly found that the Legendary devil named Meckron count was still in the air, and its wings were also affected. Influence.

He threw away the shotgun that had shot two bullets, Sid’s muscle memory allowed him to hold the Swift Sword, and he immediately recalled the guidance of Grand Priest Cecilia in his mind.

“Waterfall’s Endless Slash.”

Sid stood there, took a stance, and closed his eyes.

His vision is temporarily gone, but he can still see.

He saw the many spinning rings around him, he saw himself bathed in a deep red halo, he saw that the power that symbolized himself was merging with the power of Mecklun. meet in the air.

Where they meet, a fissure emerges, and a gust of wind swirls along the fissure, leading the way for Sid.

The swift sword is collected and released.

Falling waterfalls, deathless slash!

The next second, a deep red light path leading to the air spreads out of the air, Sword Soul appears to draw shatter void, and then the Sid body follows!

One gold and one red, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, one after the other, sparkling everywhere.

Two 20-meter-long arcs pierced through Meckron’s chest, abdomen, and back.

It was pure lethality—blood and minced flesh spurted out of the twisted hellish organs of the Legendary Devil, and he was blown away like a kite with a broken string, It broke three stone pillars and fell into a pile of rubble.

The Sid in the air also lost control and fell to the ground. He took the time to put his fingers into the Holy Grail of Guilty Nightmare, and frantically absorbed the serum to recover. coming.

This scene shocked the audience.

“The Waterfall’s Breathless Slash?”

“Yes, that’s right, that’s the Falling Waterfall’s Breathless Slash, a stunt that Her Majesty Cecilia used to do!”

“Impossible, where did this country boy learn the Falling Waterfall?”

“Aiya, are you stupid?”

“Oh, I was stupid, I forgot.”

The crowd discussed spiritedly.

“My good fellow, you can learn the Dao of Soul and the Dao of Soul? It is indeed the youngster who came out of our evil wolf.” Archduke Gerhardt was stunned.

“How long have you taught that kid?” King Joseph XI of Rizlan was shocked, and even Shaq the Hidden Ghost’s eyes widened.

“Ten days.” Cecilia pursed her lips and snickered, the high priest nodded with satisfaction: “It’s just that the proficiency is not enough, he can’t control his landing, and if he can become more skilled Come on, Meckron’s head has already flown.”

Cecilia held the Justice with one hand and quickly pushed it out, stopping the nobles and the Inquisition who were about to intervene. The voice of the clear spring is sacred and full of unquestionable force: “Personal grievances, wait for them to resolve themselves.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Magistrate Huten had to back away, although Cecilia wasn’t very much. Managed the Inquisition, but she was undoubtedly the highest theoretical head of the Inquisition, and she was the kind with unquestionable authority.

Celeste’s eyes twinkled brightly. The Imperial Princess was just staring at Sid lying on the ground. She couldn’t hold a second thing in her sight, and she didn’t even notice when someone tried to talk to her.

Sid lay on the ground for about a minute. The resilience brought by the Holy Grail of Sins made him as tenacious as a cockroach whose head could not be stomped on. go to the next place.

The Legendary Devil was lying in a pile of rubble, Meckron was almost cut in half by the waterfall, and he didn’t have the resilience of Sid. Count couldn’t get up at all. Lying on the ground, let out a final whimper.

“Your Majesty~ Your Majesty, the great King of Pain – Heima!”

“Save me, save your believers, and watch him offer sacrifices devoutly For his sake, save him.”

Sid slowly came to Mecklen, he put down his swift sword saint, his left palm upright, and his right hand with his thumb and index finger. That end pressed the palm of the left hand into a fist.

As lightning spewed, a golden energy giant sword was coming out of his palm with his movements.

“Die,” Sid said coldly.


However, things didn’t end there.

The next second, an unparalleled force grabbed his body, knocking Sid’s body out of the air, and he fell, barely adjusting his position at the last moment. .

With a loud bang, the falling impact smashed a big hole in the ground, and Sid landed in one-knee kneels.

When he looked up and looked all around, he could hardly believe what he saw.

A piece of blood red covered the body of count Mecklun, and a huge field appeared above his body. There were countless torture instruments and torture tools suspended in the interior. The living flesh and blood were among these terrifying torture instruments. Vibrant.

There are tangled and complicated passages and gates all over the field, all leading to a vast blood pool in the center – at least several thousand meters in diameter, and surging in it is boiling and manic. The flames of hell, and countless forked chains extend outward, a supreme existence is located in the center of the chain, and its giant claws are moving towards Sid approaching!

Meckron’s prayers were successful.

The Seven Kings of Hell, the Lord of Pain – Heima appeared!

Updated, ask for tickets!

(end of this chapter)

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