
Chapter 113, attracting worldwide attention

The battle in the air of the Principality of Evil Wolf, the eight-kilometer-long light blade not only illuminated the nearby Hundreds of kilometers of night sky, this battle has fallen into the eyes of many beings all over the world.

In the Far East, Taran Prairie, Attila nomadic Great Empire’s Golden Wolf tent, a supreme existence who was sitting in a tent made of Immemorial solid skin suddenly opened his eyes.

This being is of short stature, broad chest, big head, small eyes, sparse gray beard, flat nose, long body shape, etc. The brilliance of the stars, he pushed away the woman beside him, put on a robe made of Beamon giant beast epidermis, and quietly looked at the starry sky in the distance.

He is the nomadic empire Holy Throne, known as the Khan of Heaven, who once created the Holy Throne Supreme – Attila of the “Dark Messiah” event.

The Holy Throne, who was born in the 4597th year of the Holy Empire calendar, is now middle-aged. He is as hot and powerful as the sun at eleven or twelve noon. The star pattern is evidence of defeating the Immemorial entity.

His name once terrified the Holy Empire, and his shadow once terrified the mighty Great Empire.

No one knows the origin of the nomadic races in the Far East. Only a few dense volumes of nomadic empires have ever told such a story-a long time ago, across the Taran steppe and the giant Krieg. Grassland desert, and then cross the land of sadness, there used to be a place called Khotan, the earliest records of nomadic tribes started from there. Legend has it that further east of Khotan once had an incomparably brilliant and unprosperous Great Empire. This The Great Empire was once a country at the world Overlord level and united all races.

They do not believe in gods, but choose to oppose the Void Realm. Although this Great Empire has won world-renowned victories, with the movement of the borders of the Void Realm and the effect of the forbidden contract, finally one night, Most of the empire’s settlements were wiped out, and their cities were destroyed, leaving only the ruins.

All the history of this Great Empire has been swallowed up by the Immemorial entities, their great Great Accomplishment has been forgotten, their glorious history has become impossible to mention, the original text, image and music records are all left behind. It has disappeared, and only a few dense volumes still record the grand occasion of the little bit.

Many nomadic tribes withdrew westward before being completely devoured by the Void Realm. According to the secret volume, they concentrated in a place called “Tongliao” and experienced a long-distance migration of 3,000 kilometers. To Krieg giant prairie desert set home.

This group of nomads, also known as “Hunnus”, came to the Far Eastern steppe and mixed with the Linhe Rus, Roma and Orcs who originally lived here. Gradually formed the prototype of the nomadic empire.

Attila the “Khan of Heaven” is the latest nomadic Holy Throne.

In the 4752nd year of the imperial calendar, an unprecedentedly large army, led by Attila, mixed with the Hunnus, Limheros, Roma and Orcs, began its western expedition. , the imperial army was unable to defeat this nomadic army even with all its might, and what was even worse was that no one in the Holy Empire in the Holy Throne window period was Attila’s opponent.

Attila went all the way to the city of Tarongran, the capital of the empire. Archbishop Flavis of Jupiter, the god of law, and Prince Eugen, the marshal of the Holy Empire, demanded negotiations outside the city and warned Attila Do not invade the Holy White City.

Because of various considerations, Attila, who felt threatened by the gods of heaven personally, finally agreed to negotiate the withdrawal of the army. He returned to the prairie with amazing wealth and continued his ruling career.

It’s rather black and humorous that it was obviously a negotiation for peace, but after Attila’s retreat, the Black Eagle Dynasty always took this incident as a major historical achievement, and continuously promoted it, In the ebbing of time, he believed that Attila was afraid of the Holy Empire and retreated.

“Where is hell? Where is heaven?” Attila looked at the starry sky in the distance, and Alone whispered silently: “The King of Pain personally tried to save its believers, but the gods of heaven will only be there. I only warn when I may debunk their beliefs.

“What is heaven? Is there a real heaven above heaven? “Tian Khan turned his eyes to the higher sky: “How should heaven be defined?” Does the heaven we desire really exist? “

“Oh, this is my paradise, the prairie is my paradise!” “

Since the “Dark Messianic Invasion”, Attila has never personally led the war, and his golden tent wandered around the savannah over time, letting his subordinates The principalities of the Great Khanate are fighting endlessly, and every warrior of the nomadic Great Empire is eager to come to their Heavenly Khan for guidance, and only those most powerhouses can do so, and many people speculate that the Heavenly Khan is deliberately keeping it. This chaotic state of war.

It turns out that they were right, only troubled times produce talent.

Because from the meeting at the Holy White City city gate, Attila I have understood the truth of the matter.

I will not play with you.

I will play on my own.

“The prophecy of the Seven Seals is happening, high Can you continue to sit still, O one who lives on the mountain of heaven? “

Light Elf, the Floating Void City of Thousand Suns, in the endless rays of light.

A golden robe and white-bearded Elf old man is interacting with the Light Elf under the steps Legendary giant bear Druid “Green Walker”, and he glanced in the direction of the wolf duchy as if foreboding.

The elf old man looks very old, which is in the light elves But it’s not common at all. His face is densely folded, the crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes are deeply carved into his face, the nasolabial folds plow a deep groove from the side of the nose, the cheeks are sagging and sagging, only the slender white beard is covered. Very clean.

He is Gil-galad – the Guardian of the Light, the only remaining Holy Throne Supreme of the Light Elves, and the power of the sun.

Even as Holy Throne Supreme, Gilgalad still has an abnormal long life. He was born in the 2926th year of the Holy Empire. He has almost witnessed the changes of three eras. The Holy Empire felt that his lifespan would be exhausted during the Fourth Dynasty, talking about when he It’s time to die.

As a result, it’s now the sixth dynasty, the Holy Empire’s 5,000-year Daqing has passed, and Gil-galad is still alive.

I’m not dead.

Ah! Do you know?

The emerald walker under the seat was originally reporting the situation of the mission this time, but after speaking for a while, he did not get a response from the Sunlight Daquan, so he had to stop He stopped and asked tentatively, “The Great Imperial Palace? “

“Oh, sorry, a little distracted.” The old man with white hair and white beard was stunned for a few seconds, then resumed his smile: “It’s alright, I already know the matter in general, I don’t blame you, I made a mistake in my decision, let you run this trip, it’s hard work. “

“The Great Imperial Palace!” “Seeing this old man, he didn’t mean to blame himself. The emerald walker only felt that his whole body was warm, and he couldn’t help choking. He moved towards the old man and saluted, and tears rolled down his eyes: “It’s our incompetence! ”

As a messenger, he naturally knows why Gil-galad sent him this trip, and he also knows how much the Holy Throne Supreme, the only remaining fruit of the foreword, has paid to protect the Light Elf.

Gil-galad has not personally shot for more than 800 years. He has sacrificed too much for this race. In the eyes of outsiders, he has an abnormal long life. Only those who know him know about his sacrifice.

“It’s okay, think about it carefully, a tear of the Dragon God is really irrelevant. If she is willing to help me in that matter, then a tear of the Dragon God is not even a gift. If she is unwilling to help us, a tear Tears of the Dragon God can’t change her mind, I know Cecilia. The old man raised his hand and signaled that the emerald walker could go down: “Go, I’m tired, oh, and also, go and tell Cornett, don’t blame yourself, I didn’t blame him, I just hope this time can teach him a lesson ,that’s enough. “

The emerald walker went down, the old man sat on the seat, he sighed long, suddenly smiled, and hammered his legs with withered hands.

“Keep going.” Ah, Old Guy, we still have time, we still have a chance. “

“We can’t rest yet, otherwise the future of the Light Elf…is only darkness.” “

The Alliance of Seven Shields, Matris, Academy of Sky Dome, wizard Holy Land, Tower of Shining Stars.

A middle-aged man who is experimenting with magic has a foreboding He looked up and looked into the distance.

He is the chief great wizard of the Supreme Nebula of the Seven Shields Alliance, known as “half Holy Throne”.

“What’s the matter? tutor? “A young wizard saw that the instructor suddenly stopped, and asked with concern: “Is the ratio wrong this time?” “

“It’s okay, it’s just that some troublesome things happened in the distance.” The middle-aged man shook his head: “Leonardo, I need to concentrate, the blood moon rise is approaching, and the Seven Shields Alliance must be able to protect itself.” “

“Yes! “The young wizard said yes, but he knew that the old man’s words were not finished.

“You can go to the stag’s side. Happy Birthday Young Lady. “

“Understood. ”

…………I’m the dividing line to hurry up…………

Holy Empire calendar 5017, at the end of November, the second day of the final battle of the Light Fairy Great Garden.

Sid woke up from his sleep, he immediately felt a sharp sharp pain like a steel knife scraping through his cerebral cortex, and only then did he regain a little consciousness, and the pain tortured his body to twitch, and his eyes twitched. Legs and hands trembled endlessly, along with the burning dry itching and heat in the throat, as well as the unpleasant feeling in the stomach from time to time.

“I’m careless. “Sid covered his head with his hands, the pain that spread all over his body made him very uncomfortable, and he wished he could sleep again at this time.

He really didn’t expect the Pain Lord to do it himself, That look at the Devil King destroyed almost all of his sanity and had an indelible impact on his spirit. If Sid is not the eternal choice of the God of Rings, he will die the moment he looks directly at the King of Pain. It’s settled.

Habitually reaching out to the head of the bed and touching the Holy Grail of Sinister Nightmare, the golden cup immediately appeared in Sid’s hand, he subconsciously wanted to take a sip, but found that there were bubbles in the Holy Grail of Sinister Nightmare The black red dirty slurry of gu lu gu lu sprayed directly from the cup and poured Sid all over his face!

Originally, there was a strong stench, and the gu lu gu lu was sprayed on Sid’s face with turbid bubbles. It should have been a disaster, but Sid, as the person involved, felt extremely comfortable, like Asam bathing in the Ganges River water, the rain fell from the sky, clean, hygienic, fresh and delicious.

pu~ pu~ pu~ The Holy Grail of Sinister Nightmare continuously spewed out foul pus, Sid took the Holy Grail directly and poured it into his mouth, mouth after mouthful.

Obviously, the Holy Grail of Sinister Nightmare was in this battle in this battle The information collected far exceeded the upper limit that it can hold at present, and Sid didn’t want to waste it, so he simply drank it all.

After drinking nearly two liters of the slurry in one breath, the nightmare The Holy Grail didn’t overflow anymore, Sid put down the Holy Grail, gasping lightly.

In his mind came countless forbidden knowledge, torture, madness, hundreds of ways to use torture tools, and more. There are horrific images like hell, the memory of a little chaos and madness of the Pain Lord Ah Heima, and the memory of the count of Mecklun.

The memory of Lord Ah Heima Sid dare not touch, Meck Len’s memory doesn’t have much value to Sid, after all count Mecklun has told him about himself.

The most valuable memory is instead count Mecklun as a member of the Inquisition for Heresy Time skills, how to make mercury bullets and various sacred props, how to use shotgun muskets to “gun counter”, and the combat experience of swift swords and one-handed swords.

These take time to digest slowly, Sid shook his head. He had already drank nearly two liters of the serum, but the tingling sensation in his mind did not disappear, but was temporarily suppressed while he was drinking the serum. return in a swirl of dust.

After all, it is the Spirit Attack of the Seven Kings of Hell. Impossible can be completely avoided by drinking the slurry. Sid lay back on the bed when he saw this. a faint The scent seems to come from the quilt covered by the body and the pillow below. According to the usual habits, this is definitely an impossible smell that will appear in the bedroom.

It’s Celeste’s body fragrance, and Sid finds out that this should be Celeste’s bed, and she’s lying on her bed.

Then he should be in the luxurious suite of Mrs. Acorn Hotel. Sid gradually made up his mind. He fumbled and climbed out of bed, leaned against the wall to find the bathroom and poured water for himself, holding back his head. The tingling feeling returned to the bed, covered with the quilt and lay obediently, with a dizzy head, reluctantly thinking about the current situation.

Finally, finally got revenge.

Finally, finally, everything in Evil Wolf is over.

I made the matter to this level, I made the truth known to the world, I actually hammered the identity of the devil’s believer in front of everyone, and even the king of hell appeared, it is always impossible to appear again. Completely liquidated, right?

Sid thought as he lay on his back in bed.

Suddenly, there was some movement at the door, Sid subconsciously closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, opened the Eye of Judgment, and pricked up his ears to listen.

The familiar sound of high heels hitting the wooden floor should be Celeste.

There is also a distinct sound of footsteps, unmistakably Cecilia.

They are moving towards the door.

“No, Your Majesty, why do you want to condescend to live in my suite? You can choose all the estates in Wolfsburg.” Celeste’s The voice was angry and annoyed: “I know you care about your Disciple, but it’s too…too…”

“Celise, like you said, I can choose whatever I want. , can you stop me?” The hot spring water-like voice was full of playfulness and fun: “Lend me to play for a few days~”

“No, Your Highness, he is mine! He is mine …my…servant…my contractor.” Celeste’s voice became smaller and smaller, and even Sid, who was across the door, could feel the strangeness and torture: “I also chose…”

“Who chose? Did you choose?” Cecilia’s voice showed a hint of threat and pride:

“My Imperial Princess, you don’t want to lose it either. Do I support you?”

“Hmm~” Celeste was now caught in a complete dilemma.

She’s going crazy, why does the high priest just stare at his own things?

Sid: “…”

The door opens.

Updated, ask for tickets!

(end of this chapter)

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