
Chapter 82, Breakout

Celeste thought that the three days Sid was hiding in the basement would have something to say about her.

But not.

In addition to their respective cultivation, the three of them spent three days in the basement playing tabletop war chess games!

This kind of war chess game is very popular in the whole Holy Empire, from the nobles to the citizens, they like it. The three of them each set up a set of chess pieces with a 2000-point military table, and they play all day. There they are fighting each other.

The Huini group is a well-known dark elf army table in the whole continent, including the star army – the giant Dragon Knight.

Fog is the most classic dwarf army watch. Fogg focuses on long-range attacks, and only relies on Summoned Beast for melee combat.

Sid is very low. His pawns are all Rizlan mercenaries. Rizlan’s pawns are not only featureless, but also not strong enough because of poor public relations, and often can only reluctantly draw.

Playing like this for two days, their fiery atmosphere even made the Imperial Princess smile.

Listen to their adventure stories, share each other’s experiences, play cards and board games together, and meditate.

Sid is very good at cooking, Whitney is very good at talking, Fergie is always real, Imperial Princess feels like listening to a drama every day, except that she can’t move around at will. Pleasure.

In the happy laughter and cheerful voices, on the second day night, Celeste finally couldn’t resist joining the fray, and Whitney immediately proposed to play “Truth or Dare”, asking the loser to tell a social death experience.

The ending is that each of the four loses a game.

The first to lose was Whitney, the light elf sword saint without the slightest hesitation told a story of his own death: he seduced a viscountess and two people for a whole day. Days, as a result, the case of Tibetans on the sofa broke out that day, and Rizlan searched the whole process, causing Whitney to run to the balcony with both hands naked and hang on the edge for two hours. The story was finally discovered.

The second loser was Fogg. The dwarf thought about it and said that he tried to use the Cassus box to complete a “great invention”, but he still failed when everything was ready. The story that led to the big businessman who invested in him, Juan, was forced to commit suicide by jumping off the building on the spot.

Even so, Fogg still believes that his future is bright, and the mystery of Cassus’ box is yet to be discovered by him. Although the whole world has been made creditors because of this magic box, he still I feel that the magic box is no problem, but my level is not enough.

The third one is Sid, Sid told the origin of the Holy Grail of his sins, the whole Raven Knight squad died because of this, and he was almost killed by the devil.

And finally, Celeste.

The Imperial Princess hesitated, but in the eyes of everyone, she decided to tell a secret.

She encountered a very terrifying thing in the Holy Empire Royal Academy.

“As everyone knows, in our Central Dynasty, all Nobili nobles have to study at the Royal Black Eagle Academy.” Celeste said softly: “The final assessment of the Academy is divided into four categories, namely, excellent, good, Pass or fail, the examiner is an angel, and under the background that the angel is responsible for the final assessment, even I have no chance of cheating.”

“Angels are such creatures.” Whitney drowsily leaned against On the pillow, there is no positive type: “I will grab these dead-headed wings and bake them one day.”

“You and your best friend, Eldest Young Lady, don’t get a rare perfect score. Is it the final test of level passing?” Sid sat cross-legged, holding the tears of angels on his chest.

“That’s not what I’m talking about.” Celeste’s face was serious, and the Imperial Princess said softly: “What I’m saying is that in that class of students, there were two trash who failed the exam, and only got the ones that failed. grades.”

“I was curious because when I looked up the materials, I found that there have been some failed students in the history of Black Eagle Academy who disappeared permanently after completing the final assessment, and then I couldn’t find any news about them.”

“So I was curious, so I secretly followed the two students to an unknown corner of the Academy.”

“There, I saw something.” Speaking of this, the Imperial Princess’ face couldn’t help turning pale: “I saw Uriel the Archangel presiding over a mysterious ceremony, and he put that The bloodline powers of the two students were all extracted from their bodies, and then they used their bodies to fuse their bloodline powers, resurrecting an angel!”

Whiney was sitting suddenly, Fergie put down the magic box in his hand , Sid leaned forward with a very interested expression: “Go on, Your Highness, go on.”

The Imperial Princess continued her experience. She seemed very scared and couldn’t help relying on it. On Sid: “After that incident, I found that I couldn’t remember the names of those two students anyway, and their appearance and character, I could only barely remember that I did indeed have the same class with them and talked to them. .”

“But no matter what I tell people, they can’t remember the two people in the class, only Charlotte believed me, she said she also vaguely remembered the lack of two people in the class, But her memory is more hazy than mine.”

“Therefore, I have reason to believe that the angel family secretly stole Romani’s dive blood, and this method seems to have the acquiescence of the Imperial Family and even the Lord of Heaven. , but since then, I don’t trust angels anymore.”

After Celeste finished speaking, the trio fell into silence.

This is not a social death story, but it reveals a lot of terrifying information.

The fire crackled and the sparks were splattered.

“Are you willing to believe me?” When the Imperial Princess saw that Sid and the others did not speak, she was a little disappointed: “If you don’t believe it, then forget it.”

“So this What is it, borrowing seeds?” The first to react was Whitney, the sword saint of the light elf was still not serious: “All the angels are handsome men and beautiful women, I haven’t been to an angel yet, I really want to try that taste, It’s really not okay to be attacked by an angel!”

Fog was more serious, and the dwarf frowned: “I heard that in the blood moon battle at the end of the Elder War, the city of the sky, the home of the angels, was completely destroyed by the devil. After the destruction, the angels lost the ability to reproduce… Now it seems that it is not nonsense, if the angel family can only reproduce by stealing Romani’s Bloodline Power, then it all makes sense.”

“Have you investigated it afterwards?” Sid held the Angelic Tears on his chest, the Divine Item was shaking slightly, and he seemed to want to tell Sid something.

“I have thought about it, but I can’t do anything about it.” Imperial Princess means very simply, she is too weak: “So you are willing to believe me?”

“We believe you say It’s true.” Sid’s meaning was simple: “But we might not be able to help you.”

“Just not now.” There was determination and a hint of determination in his large amethyst eyes. Si Jingming: “But you already know the darkness under the cover of light. This is enough. Maybe it will be useful in the future.”

“You think too much, my Imperial Princess.” Fergie The dwarf couldn’t stop laughing, and the dwarf spoke directly: “The three of us, either international friends or overseas Chinese, who really wants to join your Holy Empire? Megumin, we have become three and the others by naturalization of the Holy Empire, are we stupid?”

“What patriotic card?” Huiney shook his head: “My Imperial Princess, you should be patriotic, you It is also the most qualified to say patriotism, because you are the master of the country, who is patriotic if you are not patriotic? As for the three of us… you might as well ask Sid.”

“I pay taxes on time for every commission. , I have always been a law-abiding good citizen!” Sid shouted: “But I am a Rizlan! Rizlan Holy Empire family, I am a Rizlan of the Holy Empire! We are all fellow human beings~”

“I know you are all like this, but in addition to international friends and overseas Chinese, you also have Third Type options.” Celeste was indifferent to the irony of the three: “Have you thought about it?”

“What else is there to choose?”

“Like…the Founding Fathers!”

……I am the dividing line of the Founding Fathers….

Three days later, in the daytime, on a day of heavy snowfall.

The whole wolf castle is covered with pure white snow, big snowflakes cover the roof of the whole city, turning it into a white world, the cold wind whistles and the snow blows, and the pedestrians on the street are greatly reduced. , the city’s guards are lazy and can’t get enough.

Wolf’s snow season has begun, and it will continue to snow for more than a month until January of the following year.

Heavy snow has halted the search at Wolfsburg, and it has also overshadowed a series of unrest that preceded it.

It was time to leave, all four of them put on their heavy cloaks and hoods and pushed open the basement door.

Celeste took Sid’s arm, but as the door closed, the Imperial Princess looked back at the simple basement, staring deeply at the trio who slept and played with Tianhui Clam , The place we talked about, I don’t know why, this simple and trendy place aroused her deep reluctance.

For three days, she slept next to Sid, day and night.

She was very happy during this time, and she felt that some places in deep in one’s heart were filled.

So for no reason, looking at Whitney pulling up to the door of the basement, Celeste suddenly moved towards Sid and said, “Can we come back later?”

Sid:” ???”

The white-haired boy squinted his eyes and was extremely speechless: “What are you thinking? Do you think we are on vacation?”

The face of the Imperial Princess A red glow flew up, and she stared at Sid angrily, thinking that this person would not cooperate.

“Also, according to the previous agreement, you should call me a tutor!”

“Yes! Tutor! Teacher!” Imperial Princess pouted, not taking it seriously. .

She regrets it!

It’s useless to regret. At the moment Sid decides to save her, the initiative of both parties has been completely reversed. He is now her mentor and she is now his student.

The entire group set off from the Lady Acorn Inn at a very fast speed. The heavy snow gave them the best camouflage. The imposing manner was a little weaker, and Sid put a Golden Dragon coin in time and was released immediately.

Did not dare to neglect, they hurried out of the city all the way to the north, and the four-person squad ran at the fastest speed in the heavy snow.

After a three-hour drive, Sid and the others entered the snow-covered Black Forest.

Pulling out the map, Sid confirms their location.

The direction of their breakout this time is not the Holy White City, the capital of the Holy Empire, but the palace located on the shore of the Zurich glacial lake in the Rizlan Julian mountain range, which is under the crown of the Holy Throne Supreme, Cecilia. Residence – Schönbrunn Palace!

The Imperial Princess’ plan is to personally seek help from the High Priest, Her Majesty Celicia.

This plan is really too bold, at first Tianhuiha all three of them sternly refused, you must know that the high priest is not a good-natured person, she has lived in isolation for many years, although everyone knows that she lives in Yuhuan. Li’an mountain range Schönbrunn Palace on the shore of the glacial lake, but knowing it is one thing, whether you can see her is another!

Some nobles once asked to see the great priest, but as soon as they stepped into the glacial lake, they were directly transported to the glacial lake and froze half to death.

A powerhouse once wanted to see Fangrong trying to climb over the gate of the palace, but was killed by a phantom light flying in the distance.

Although Cecilia is the Guardian God of Holy Empire, it doesn’t mean that she won’t stab her own people. On the contrary, every time she appears, it means foul wind and bloody rain, anyone who wants to see She would have to take a huge risk, let alone whether she would agree to come forward in person.

If she disturbs her by thinking your story is irrelevant, the consequences can be serious!

It’s just that Celeste’s “Hell Expedition” story gives them a little confidence.

In the 4995th year of the Holy Empire calendar, Jupiter, the Lord of Heaven, who has not been manifested for hundreds of years, suddenly released the Saint Level mission Hell Expedition. Jupiter informed mortals that one of the seven kings of hell, Ah-he of the Painful Lord Ma is trying to sew devils and angels together, intending to create a brand new species – a hybrid angel.

This will be destined to be a mission of nine deaths and still alive, but the reward is also incredible, the nine Great Venerables of Destiny have taken up this mission and are under the protection of the power of the Lord of Heaven Entering the depths of hell, no one knows how they completed this mission, but the end of the mission is the appearance of Void Realm True God, who directly kills the Pain Lord Ah-Hema with a single thought, and destroys both body and soul.

The stronger one of the Hell Great Demons replaced Ah-Hima as the new Pain Lord, the current Lord Ah-Hima.

Only two and a half of the nine Great Venerables of the Destiny Order eventually returned.

They are:

Shaq, the “hidden ghost” who lost half of his soul, canonized Holy Empire assassin as the Supreme Instructor, Void Realm True God gave him a Void Realm Divine Item Dagger “Blade of Void Spirit” as a quest reward.

“Immortal Fighting Emperor” Joseph XI, conferred as King Rizlan, got Void Realm Divine Item “Heavenly Man’s Clothes” from Void Realm True God as a quest reward.

And the third successful returnee, “Eye of Judgment” Cecilia-Vani-Madeleine, conferred as Holy Empire Grand Priest and received Void Realm Divine from Void Realm True God Item “Justice” as a quest reward.

Yes, unlike everyone’s memory, Grand Priest Cecilia was conferred as a Grand Priest by the Lord of Heaven when she was still a Great Venerable of the Destiny Rank! Not after she successfully hit the realm of extreme realm!

The performances of these two semi-returnees have nothing common with each other. “Hidden Ghost” Shaq was devoured half of his soul by the Devil Lord in this mission, resulting in a serious decline in energy and physical ability. Having lost his best friend and his lover in this mission, he semi-retires in despair.

“Immortal Fighting Emperor” Joseph himself is a great nobleman of Rizlan. After completing this task, he happened to meet the election of King Rizlan. He proposed to become a king, so Jupiter, the Lord of Heaven, ordered 300 coins to be withdrawn from the Church of Heaven. Wanjin ecubit was used as an election fund and made all-out efforts for him, so Joseph easily won the election and was satisfied with the enjoyment of the king’s status, and was unwilling to give up everything he had and enter the ultra-low probability of Void Realm.

Only the great priest Cecilia returned with a full state of mind. After getting the Void Realm Divine Item “Just One”, she made a little preparation and immediately stepped into the Void Realm to impact the extreme realm. Only then did another Holy Throne Supreme come to Holy Empire after a lapse of 544 years. The people celebrated, and the emperor himself lowered his steps to welcome him.

That’s where the Imperial Princess’ confidence comes from.

Devil forces, or the new Pain Lord, they are “old friends” and “old acquaintances” with the great priest.

Celeste believes that she has a way to convince the High Priest, with solid evidence.

This is the unequal messaging advantage that Imperial Princess has, and Sid and the others have no problem.

After more than three hours of driving, they found a clearing in the Black Forest and nibbled dry food on the edge of clean rocks.

Sid is the middleman between the mercenaries, and eating dry food is already commonplace. Whitney has always been a homeless person. He can enjoy the most high-end delicacies, and he can also eat black bread with farmers, and Fergie is everywhere. Not to mention the black bread, the homeless man who hides his debts, he has eaten even the rats in the sewers.

Only Celeste is really not used to dry food. After all, she was born in a noble family. When Sid was in the basement, she specially roasted some veal, bought some dried fruit and chocolate for her to match.

But even so, Imperial Princess was still not used to dry food. She couldn’t help but blush after eating a few mouthfuls. She knew she was doing something special, but she still found it hard to swallow.

Don’t let these three guys underestimate! Even though it was hard to swallow, Celeste chewed hard, trying to swallow everything.

The sky was snowing, and there was a whole cloudy wind in the lonely and empty Black Forest. Sid had just swallowed a crumb of bread with a mouthful of cold water when he suddenly drew the Swift Sword from his waist. Pointing directly at the tree in the Black Forest not far away: “Who?!”

“Get out now! Or I’ll do it!”

“Wait wait! I Just a traveler, I have no ill intentions.”

A young red-haired man stepped out of the forest, he looked very, very handsome, just dressed in unorthodox aristocratic style but a little bit of a cultist, He was wearing a tattered cloak, a thick jacket over a leather jacket, and fitted leather trousers and boots. He looked at the strangely formed four with a big, charming sunny smile.

“Travel this season? It’s rare, can you add me?”

“I happen to be going to Rizlan as well.”

Updated, Ask for a ticket!

(end of this chapter)

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