I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 101: My destiny has changed! (3/5)

"At that time, you controlled [the world] and carried me down the stairs, right."

Polnareff laughed, even if the old enemy suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was disabled, even the substitute was lost, and there was no room for resistance, but he still would not lose to the opponent in words, even Dior,

"Imagine that kind of picture, it's very funny, it's too funny, in order to scare others, Dior, you can do that kind of thing, I didn't know your stand-in ability at the time, so I was really frightened by you at that time. , but I only found it interesting when I found out about your stand-in ability.""

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you getting confused as you get older? Polnareff!

Dio's brows were furrowed, and his face was full of doubts. He didn't understand what Polnareff was talking about in "Four Seven Three", and even suspected that the other party was insane.

"Don't you remember? It seems that your memory has dropped a lot after your head was smashed by me."

Polnareff said with a smile,

"Have you forgotten, you told me at the time that I wanted to take a step forward to fight against you. I made up my mind to go up the stairs, but I found that I couldn't go forward, as if the number of stairs was endless. , after thinking about it carefully, your ability is to pause time, you pause the time every time I step on the stairs, and then move me down a floor, so I can't go up the stairs. Illusion... To be honest, I really fell for you at that time."

"What are you talking about? How could I do such a boring thing. 55

Dio couldn't believe the other party's words, but he carefully observed Polnareff's appearance and determined that the other party was not lying.

And Dior's reaction made Polnareff a little confused.

"Then do you remember how you were defeated by Jotaro? His [Platinum Star] is a stand-in of the same type as you, and can also pause time...


Dior was taken aback, and then his face was full of angry sullen,

"The guy from the Joestar family has also meddled in the realm of time? Unforgivable! Unforgivable!"

His blue veins spit out, beating on his forehead and temples like a poisonous snake, Dio's fists are also clenched, and the joints make violent noises, and the bones seem to be crushed by his own strength.

"What, what?

Polnareff is very puzzled, Dio is a person with strong self-esteem, if he is really reborn for some reason, then he will never forget his experience of failure, after hearing Poluna Rafe is likely to rage when he brings up the old story.

Dior was indeed furious as expected. . . . . . But something is different?

Dior's tangled point is that Kujo Jotaro has the same ability to pause time, not his own failure, as if he had never experienced this failure at all.

Besides, he can't even forget the ability of Kujo Jotaro's stand-in [Platinum Star]?

"You, you are not the Dior I know."

Polnareff became wary,

"Who are you?

"Hey, you're not the Polnareff I know.

A smile appeared on Dio's face, and his emotions were completely unpredictable.

"This is the real Dior."

At this time, Ye Du chose to explain a wave,

"But not the Dior of this world.

"What's the meaning?

Polnareff leaned forward, his eyes full of doubt and curiosity.

"My stand-in ability can also travel through time and space and go to a parallel world, so I brought Dior from another world over - now he is our teammate, at least he played a role on the way here."

"Dior from another world... Then what's the difference between him and the Dior in this world that we have wiped out?"

"There is no difference, whether it is character or experience, it is exactly the same, but the timeline of their world is a little slower than this world, so now he has not been in direct contact with you in that world.

"Does that also mean that there is still a villain in front of me?"

Polnareff swallowed, his mind went blank for a while, after all Ye Du's words were beyond his imagination and understanding...

After a few seconds, Polnareff could only nod his head half-understood. Although he didn't fully understand Ye Du's words, he almost understood the general meaning. Then his expression became serious.

"Why do you choose to bring this kind of scum to this world, there is already a Diablo here, and now there is a Dior, isn't that adding fuel to the fire? 39

"Dior is the most suitable candidate. In terms of avatar ability and combat skills, Dior is one of the strongest avatars, and he is also a vampire, his strength is far beyond that of ordinary humans. Let him join our camp, only It is the best choice to get the job done."5



Polnareff wanted to say something, but he swallowed it all when he put it in his mouth, turned his head to look at Dio, his eyes became fierce,

"Then, once you have any conspiracy, I will kill you without hesitation! When you see me, you must understand that all your plans have failed, and you are also in Egypt Killed by us! This is your destiny! Quickly give up the evil thoughts in your heart!

His tone was sonorous and forceful, not just bluffing.

"Really? Now that you are not even the substitute messenger, how can you make the big words you say come true?"

4.7 Dior laughed contemptuously,

"Look at how sad you are now, Polnareff, even if you betrayed me in the end, you ended up in such a sad end that even Jotaro Kujo didn't help you! This made me more aware of human beings. The power is too limited.

Dior's eyes narrowed, and there was more play in his eyes,

"Or, how about becoming my subordinate again? I will distribute my blood to you and transform you into a being that transcends human beings like me, how about that? In this way, all your severed limbs can grow back, And you will have the same strength and infinite lifespan as me."

The corners of Dior's mouth rose wider and wider, revealing rows of sharp fangs.

"My destiny has begun to change!"

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