I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven: The Effectiveness of the Reform, the Earth-shattering Slums (3

The news that Sheila and others wanted to assassinate the new minister Ye Du quickly spread throughout the entire empire, and many people heard that Ornest's son was a powerful imperial envoy, and he had assembled a large number of murderers. Winking vicious gangster.

But no one thought that Ye Du would be safe and sound, and Sheila's subordinates only survived.

Ye Du's reputation was also spread after that night, and everyone knew that Ye Du was not just a civil servant who made plans, his strength was far beyond everyone's expectations.

Ye Du is a powerful emperor!

The Ornest remnants who were deeply hidden in the imperial court or those who were still dissatisfied with Ye Du completely ended the idea of ​​being careful about the other party, and could only honestly work for the other party.

When the soldiers who rushed to the minister's residence at that time saw the appearance of the building, they couldn't help but stunned, and for a while they didn't know what happened.

The surrounding area seemed to have been bombed by dozens of bombs, and the walls of the houses were also shattered, which was enough to show the intensity of the war.

However, Ye Du and his party were unscathed, and there were even three enemies left with 15 dead bodies.

And even though he was assassinated by the enemy, Ye Du did not send additional soldiers to guard him, and the destroyed house and land remained intact the next day, as if nothing had happened.

Ye Du is more and more evil, and some people even say that Ye Du is a god sent by God to save the empire.

Early in the morning, in the main hall of the palace, it was the time for the morning court, and all the officials had heard of what happened last night before they came to the morning court.

They raised their heads and cast their awe-inspiring gazes behind the little emperor's dragon chair.

Ye Du was standing there. At this moment, he looked blankly at the civil servants under him. No one knew what he was thinking at this moment.

At the same time, in the Minister's Palace.

Esders knocked on the door and walked into the minister's palace.

"Master Ye Du?"

she asked softly.

"Good morning, Esdes, and the Seleucids.

Ye Du replied with a smile.

“Ye Du, Lord Ye Du?!99

Seleu followed behind Esdes at this time, and when he saw Ye Du, he immediately saluted.

She has long brown hair and eyes like amber, and her delicate facial features are full of vigor like the sun, which is completely different from Esdes, who is like an iceberg beauty beside her.

"Why is Lord Ye Du here? Shouldn't he be attending the morning court?"

Seleu was a little surprised.

"It's my Teigu's ability, not only can it move instantaneously, but it can also create clones. 35

Ye Du smiled slightly.

The people who are participating in the early dynasty in the palace are the clones created by Ye Du - the faceless ones. They are the servants of the ancient gods and can change their appearance according to the wishes of their masters.

The people it reproduces are almost perfect, even with the same voice and fingerprints, and they are the creation of the ancient gods, Ye Du with the power of the void can get what they know and feel, so even if Ye Du is in the In the minister's office, you can also know the content of the early morning.

"Oh I see!

Seleu had no doubts about Ye Du's words, and nodded again and again.

"Esdes, how about the guy I gave you yesterday?"

Ye Du turned to look at Esdes and asked.

"It's very good, I can perform all kinds of torture on her body, and it's been a long time since I had an exciting torture session, and she is not an ordinary person, but an alchemist, whose body has been transformed, this It piqued my interest even more, and I could try more things that I hadn't tried before.

Esdes said, a smile appeared on his face, as if he was tasting a delicious dish.

Last night, after Ye Du and the others almost wiped out the Wild Hound, he sent Dotya, who was still breathing, to Esdes, not only to let the other party tell all the information he knew, but also It can satisfy Esdes' desire for torture.

"She's done everything she can.

Esders said,

"There are still Ornest remnants in the palace. They are hidden so deeply that I didn't even find them. Do I need to kill them all?"

"No need.

Ye Du replied, his eyes cast into the distance,

"Now the internal operation of the palace still needs them, and after such an event, their thieves must be completely dead, it is better to keep them and give full play to their remaining value.

Ye Du took his eyes back and refocused on Esdes' face,

"Master Ye Du, are you going to patrol the streets with us today?"

Saiyu raised her head to look at Ye Du with excitement in her eyes. After a few days of deeds, she had already regarded Ye Du as her idol.

"That's right, I have made an appointment with General Esders to go to the street today to see how the life of the citizens is going.

Ye Du smiled slightly, turned back towards the house and said,

"Terry Hugh, pack up and get ready to go out!'""

. . . . . .

Before long, Ye Du and others were already scattered on the streets.

The block they were in at this time was originally a slum in the imperial capital. Usually, there are countless homeless people lying on both sides of the street here. Most of them are as thin as firewood. , looking for the leftovers of the rich.

Other people with slightly better conditions can only have clothes to cover their bodies and roofs to keep out the rain.

And the streets are filled with the stench of filth and musty all the time. The nobles don't care about this place at all. Only people with bad intentions come here, either to traffic people or to satisfy their own perverts. desire.

But at this moment, the earth-shaking changes have taken place here.

Although the air is not fresh, it does not have any odor, and there are no homeless people on both sides of the streets. The living standards of the residents in the slum have been greatly improved, and the buildings in the slum are also being renovated in an orderly manner.

This is all because Ye Du allocated a huge sum of money from the treasury to the slums after taking control of the power, which was used to transform the slums and improve the quality of life of the poor.

"This is all due to Lord Ye Du!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Seleu said excitedly that after Ye Du took office, the living standards of the citizens have been improved.

"It's Lord Ye Du!"

At this time, a few slum children trotted to Ye Du with bamboo baskets in their hands.

"This is our little bit of caution!

In the basket are their handmade snacks.

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