I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 138: Horror Whispers, Huge City Wall (2/3)

Ye Du snapped his fingers casually, and a huge roar erupted around the battlefield, as if something was tearing the ground and was about to burst out of the ground.

Feeling the change, Trixiu and the others stopped what they were doing. They knew that all this was done by Ye Du, so they immediately returned to Ye Du's side.

The other ordinary soldiers stood in place at a loss. They couldn't understand what the roar was, let alone whether the owner of the sound was an enemy or a friend. Surround yourself.

And at the boundary of the battlefield, there is a circle of huge walls drilled out of the ground, and it is their appearance that makes this deafening sound.

They are more than 100 meters high, like a magnificent city wall surrounding everyone, spanning more than several thousand meters.

The city wall is purple, but it is not made of metal or stone. Even from a long distance, you can clearly see tentacle-like things swimming quickly on the wall, like a poisonous snake.

Immediately after that, countless huge eyes appeared, like rows of terrifying giant beasts, projecting their greedy eyes on all the people below, as if they would eat all these tiny creatures at any time.

The pupils of these eyes gradually cracked open, turning into giant mouths. Tongues of different sizes were drilled out of them, twisting their bodies as if they were eating. They are pulled into silk threads.

The soldiers of the coalition army were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, and because of instinctive fear of these fierce walls, they approached each other and gathered into a circle.

At this time, these countless pairs of giant mouths moved at the same time.

"I'm Ye Du, and I'm giving you a choice now.

Ye Du's voice came from all directions, his voice was full of irresistible majesty, and these bloody mouths were his loudspeakers.

The enemy soldiers were so frightened that they just heard Ye Du's words, and their bodies trembled as if they had been electrocuted.

"Either die or surrender~"."

Ye Du said.

Although Ye Du has great power, he is not a slaughterer, so he gave the enemy a chance, and if he surrendered, he could save his life.

But if he is still obsessed with preventing himself from completing his mission, Ye Du will kill them all without hesitation.

After hearing Ye Du's words, these soldiers also looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to do for a while, they already knew Ye Du's terrifying strength, it is absolutely unusual to be able to create such an exaggerated wall out of thin air.

"I give you five seconds to make a choice.

. . . . .

Ye Du's words were like a death god.

The heartbeats of the soldiers were getting faster and faster, almost jumping out of their chests.

"Those who want to live, put down their weapons and squat on the ground.

Ye's tone was calm, and he couldn't hear any emotional changes. It would seem that killing the enemy was just an easy task for him.

"Five... 99

. .

The countdown came too fast, causing the enemy soldiers to panic instantly.


. . . .


. . 000





Before the words were finished, some of these helpless soldiers finally reacted and made a choice, lying on the ground throwing their helmets off their armor, not daring to raise their heads at all, they had to put their hands behind their heads, buried their faces on the ground, and prayed You can escape yourself.

And more soldiers stood in place, some were unwilling to surrender, thinking that Ye Du was bluffing; some believed that their numerical superiority was absolute, even if their own army was severely damaged, it didn’t matter; some were just dumbfounded Standing in the same place, the brain is blank; some people are hesitating how to choose.

But their thinking soon stopped.

The mouths on the wall moved very fast, as if they were chanting some strange scriptures or telling a sad and desolate story, but their language was not within the scope of human understanding. No one could understand what these monsters were whispering.

"It's a eulogy. 35

"Hahaha, hahaha! 55

The hysterical laughter sounded in the army, the voice was crazy and without any reason, and it was full of despair, which made the people who heard it horrified, and felt that their bones were also creaking.

At first, there were one or two people, and then like a plague, it quickly spread in the crowd, and in an instant, hundreds of people were infected by this strange laughter.

But these laughing people didn't have any expressions of joy on their faces. Their facial features were twisted together in an impossible way, as if torn by brute force, and their eyes were full of blood and tears. Obviously these The expression was not their will, but forced by a presence beyond comprehension.

However, the affected people were only standing enemy troops, neither the soldiers of the empire nor the enemy soldiers lying on the ground had lost their fighting spirit and were not affected in any way.

Then the laughter got louder and louder, but their heads exploded like balloons that had rushed through the air, and all of a sudden, their flesh and blood flew, forming a flower composed of blood.

Tens of thousands of soldiers all turned into headless corpses in an instant, and fell limply to the ground.

The war has come to an end.

Ye Du looked at the scene in front of him with no expression on his face, he didn't feel happy or happy because of the killing, but it was a necessary link.

He immediately snapped his fingers, and the surrounding huge walls were immediately plunged into the ground, and there was no crack on the ground, as if it didn't exist.

Ye Du ordered the soldiers to capture all the surrendered enemies, then opened the system and clicked (Li Li Zhao) to open the private chat button.

At 〃Esdes, is it over with you?"

Ye Du asked.

"Well, it's over, it doesn't make any sense.

Esders replied,

"The next thing is that there is no battle. I have already recovered all of the hunter's Teigu, and the side quests can be successfully completed.

"it is good.

Ye Du turned off the private chat button, and the system's voice rang again.

"Ding! Congratulations to your group leader, the main task: to destroy the hostile forces of the empire and make the empire prosperous, you have completed the disguise.

"Ding! Congratulations to your group leader, side quest: Collect at least 24 Teijin pieces, it has been completed, the current progress is 25/24.99

"It stands to reason that it will take some time for the empire to become prosperous. Why so fast? Is it because of policy?"5

Ye Du said to himself.

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