I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 140: Synthetic props, the miracle of getting rid of the shackles of the universe (1/3)

"Ding! Congratulations to your group owner, [Synthesis] is complete!"

With the sound of the system's words, Ye Du looked down at the [Universe Rubik's Cube] and [Shangri-La] gradually merged into one, becoming a new individual.

Its general shape is the same as the previous [Shangri-La], but the red gemstone originally inlaid in the center has become a blue and white gemstone, that is the body of the [Universe Cube]——[Space Gem], dark blue The light of color makes this prop more full of mystery.

"It can really be synthesized into a more advanced item.

Ye Du looked at the new item in his hand, the corner of his mouth couldn't help - slightly raised,

"Since it's a new item, it must also have a new name. What would it be called?"

Ye Du is not only looking forward to it, but how handsome the new item will be.

"Ding! Congratulations to your group leader, you have obtained a new item [Universe. Shangri-Ara].

The sound of the system arrived as expected.



Such an unpretentious and even a bit rustic name was beyond Ye Du's expectations.

"Isn't it just stitching the two names together?"

Ye Du sighed, lamenting that the naming method of this system is too simple and ordinary.

But what he cares most about is not this, but how does this new item function?

The two props are originally space-transported items, not like ordinary weapons that can enhance their lethality and destructive power. What will the effect of the items be after they are combined??

Ye Du didn't know either, but he could feel that the performance of this item would definitely be above them.

"Terry Hugh, try it out."

Ye Du handed the [Universe. Shangri-La] that he had just obtained to Triscio.


. .

Trixiu looked at the new item in her hand with some doubts, and she didn't have any expectations in her heart.

However, according to Ye Du's words, she flipped the switch on Shangri-La.

At the same time, her body became an afterimage and disappeared.

Ye Du's eyes twitched slightly.

After a few seconds, Trihue returned to her place again, with a shocked look on her face.

"I, I went back?"

"Where did you go back?"

"I'm back in the main world!"

Terry Hugh said excitedly.

"Sure enough, has the ability been upgraded?"

Ye Du stretched out his fingers and rubbed lightly on his chin, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

After completing [Synthesis], the effect provided by the new item has a qualitative leap, which is why Trishue can go back to the past.

In this way, every time Trishgh does not need to spend extra for each time travel. For the current Ye Du, the [Travel Card] is not expensive, but with the new [Universe. Shangri-La], Trishgh can be free Traveling between the earth and various worlds, it can save a lot of expenses after a long time.

"System, identification."

Ye Du wanted to identify the newly acquired item and see how its data was.

"Ding! Appraisal completed! The quality of [Universe Shangri-La] is 'miracle' and the attribute is 'space'

"Is it a higher quality than special?"

Ye Du fell into thinking, it seems that the equipment with [miracle quality] has very powerful power.

Then, he raised his head as if remembering something.

"So can other items be upgraded?"

Ye Du opened the [Item Slot] and looked for the items he owned with the same attributes.

However, there are no other items with the same attributes among them-except [Noble Chariot] and [Operation Armor].

They all have the attribute of [Armor], but the original form of [Noble Chariot] is [Operation Armor], so they do not have the option of [Synthesis].

"It seems that it is not so easy to get [miracle] level equipment"

Ye Du opened the system menu,

"System, apart from [synthesis], is there any other way to obtain [miracle quality] items?"

"There may be [miracle quality] items in some worlds.

The system simply replied, Ye Du now at least knows that items at the [Miracle Quality] level can only be obtained from [Synthesis], they may be obtained during the quest.

However, it must be very difficult to find items of this level.

Ye Du nodded, now is not the time to think about these things.

He opened the [Item Bar] and took out the two Teigu pieces.

...for flowers ·

【Susanoo】and 【Hundred-armed Giant】.

They were all biological type Tegu and had self-awareness, so Ye Du couldn't see them as ordinary non-living creatures, so he brought them both out.

[Hundred-armed Giant] It was the dog-shaped Tegu who was called "Xiao Ke" by Sai Liu. It didn't feel strange and scared after seeing the surrounding scene, but crooked beside Ye Du's calf, like a real pet dogs in general.

However, when it is angry, it will turn into a terrifying beast, with extremely powerful fighting power, and as long as it does not break its core, it can complete the slow regeneration.

As for Susanoo, observing the surrounding scene, there was some confusion and loss in his eyes, and then he looked down at his hands, his eyes full of disbelief.

"I, have not been cleared? 39

Susanoo said to himself that he did not use the word "death", because in his heart, he did not regard himself as a living human being.

"I didn't need to kill you either, Susanoo. 39

Ye Du said to the other party.


. .

Susanoo raised his head and cast his eyes on the opponent, with a hint of hostility in his eyes.

Since he was created, he has been regarded as a tigu, not a normal life, and then fell into a long slumber - after he was excavated by the revolutionary army, he was regarded as a companion and family by the other party, and he had all the basics, food, shelter and transportation. They have been together all the time, and although they are Teigu, Susanoo gradually developed a sense of belonging in his heart.

But all of this was destroyed by Ye Du, so in that instant, he had a huge hostility towards Ye Du.

Susanoo then shook his head and denied the idea just now, he also knew that this was just an inevitable end brought about by the war.

As an emperor, he was created to protect the security of the empire, but he did not expect that he would become a weapon of the revolutionary army.

What an irony.

"Hate me? After all I killed all your companions.

Ye Du said with a calm expression.

"Hate, but it was only for a moment, with the end of the war, there is no need to have any more feelings.

Susanoo replied with a spoon.

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