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Chapter 143: Entrustment from the Police to Protect [The Gate of Another World] (1/3)


On the display of the calculator, this line of words is displayed.

"What do you think the weather is like today?"

Clive continued to enter.

"The weather is nice and warm today.

The calculator replied.

"Today is actually cloudy.

Clive laughed, still typing information on the calculator.

"Then this is the weather forecast for tomorrow. 99

"But the weather forecast says it will also be cloudy tomorrow, and it may even rain."

"It will be sunny one day.

The calculator also replied.

"What a fun guy."

Dr. Clever turned his head to Ye Du and said, then lowered his head to enter the text,

"Did you see the guy next to me? What do you think of him."

"I felt the difference in him."

"Then take a break, Calculator.

Clive said with a smile.

"Please show a slit in the container that holds me, so that I can see more of the scenery outside.

The calculator continued.

Ye Du looked at the lines of text with a smile on his face. Everything just now shows that this calculator is self-aware. Although there are no visual and auditory organs or devices, it can indeed perceive the outside world. Variety.

This is what should have been called SCP168—[Sentient Calculator].

It looks like a very ordinary calculator on the outside, but in fact, it has the ability to think independently and has a sense of the outside world.

Clive did not open a crack for it according to what the calculator said, but put it back in the original small box and closed the lid.

"This is?"

Ye Du asked, raising his head to look at Clive, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"A calculator, which looks very ordinary, but has a thinking calculator, we call it [sentient calculator]".

Clover said with a smile,

"It's one of the anomalies I've received, and it's the deposit we gave you. 99

"Using anomalies as a deposit? You guys have done crazy things like this?

Ye Du's eyes narrowed slightly, no matter what the situation is, it is too crazy to give it to others so easily.

"This calculator is not very useful for us, the information it provides is very limited, and it has little research value, and it can't even do its own job as a calculator.

said Clive, with a smile on his face like a sly fox,

"Although it has no effect, he is one of the anomalies anyway. It must be invaluable on the black market. The income in exchange should allow a person to live and breathe for a lifetime."

"I don't believe you would just drop an anomaly at random.

Ye Du's eyes became sharp, almost cutting the man in front of him layer by layer.

"This is brewed coffee, please take it slow.

At this moment, Trishue made three cups of coffee and placed them in front of each person.

"Black coffee? It's my favorite, and I often fantasize about putting poison in my colleagues' coffee to give them a good night's sleep, maybe...  

Clive cast his gaze on the coffee in front of him, and the dark water was like a black hole, swallowing his reflection into it.

"You're changing the subject, Clive."

Ye Du tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, and the sound of the taps sounded like a life-threatening bomb.

"I'm sorry. I was interrupted just now, and I am especially easy to be interrupted. 99

Clive laughed awkwardly. At this time, he was sweating profusely, and his voice trembled slightly. Even the high-level police officers, who possessed unusual abilities, could feel the terrifying aura emanating from Ye Du. Even if he tried his best to restrain himself, he couldn't stop the trembling.

"And the fact that your police choose to hire me is a problem in itself, because at least on the bright side, I am a member of Dr. Cai Feng's team, and naturally I am also a police officer, so there should be no so-called employment, and It's a bit too much to pay, isn't it?

Ye Du said with a smile.

"Of course our police will not give up an anomaly in vain. 95

Clive picked up the coffee and drank it all at once. Trixiu, who was next to him, was a little surprised. The coffee was just brewed and the temperature was quite high, but this man named Clive didn't even blow it and drank it all. Finish.

"Very good coffee, I'd like to have another if I can, but I'm full."

Clive turned to look at Ye Du, his eyes became serious,

"If the police need to consume an anomaly, there's only one case...ooo""

"That's in response to another, more threatening anomaly."

Ye Du picked up the other party's words. ,

In "You guys think I'm an anomaly too, and still pretty dangerous, right?"

"Indisputable. 99

Clive shrugged and spread his hands,

"Your power is too scary, at least one-third of the soldiers need psychotherapy after seeing your power, tentacles, eyes, sharp teeth... Many people even muttered strange words in their mouths, It's like a void."

Clive's body leaned forward and his voice became a little quieter,

"How did you guess?

"I know you, the police should be responsible for executing the abnormal, if you go out in person, it will definitely mean that in the eyes of the rest of your superiors, I have reached a very dangerous level.

"Yes, although you stop the swarm, it also means that you are more dangerous than the swarm.

Clive slowly pushed the iron box containing the [Sentient Calculator] to Ye Du.

"But danger also means that (King Li's) has great potential for development. Now the police are already a little tired of facing all kinds of anomalies and dangers in the world, and the [Son of the Crimson King] guys are getting more and more difficult to deal with. , No matter what the price is, we can't allow them to open the [door of another world], once they open the seventh chain and release the monsters inside, I am afraid the end of the world will come.

"Then, the deposit turned out to be this, if I really stopped the [Gate of Another World], and even killed the [Devoker of All Worlds], what would my reward be? 35

Ye Du's sound of tapping on the table stopped abruptly, and his eyes were cast on Clive.

Clive was stunned for a moment, then smiled. He could feel that Ye Du's words were definitely not bluffing, and he himself was looking forward to Ye Du's answer.

"All anomalies held by [Son of the Crimson King] belong to you, including [Universal Sabre].

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