I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 165: Become the Food of the Void (2/3)

"Tentacles, eyes, fangs. These elements are somewhat similar to my void creations.

. . . . .

Ye Du looked at the ghost dance Tsuji no miserable at this time, and whispered to himself.

A bold guess appeared in his mind.

Is the ghost also one of the creations of the void?

However, it is not the power of the original Void Lord, but the void of this world.

But in the world of Ghost Slayer Blade never mentioned the existence of void, could it be the existence of other concepts.

But now is not the time to care about these things, it is more important to solve the things in front of you first.

"It's really deformed, Kiwu Tsuji is not miserable.

Ye Du smiled contemptuously.

"Take your first one~ Let's get the knife!"

Seeing the disdain in Ye Du's expression, Gui Wu Kuo Wu, who is the King of Ghosts, became violently angry, and the hands that had been cut off grew back - and turned into terrifying long whips. Compared with the tentacles just now, this The long whip composed of flesh and blood is more slender and covered with spikes. Once it is shot, the consequences will be disastrous.

Sacrificing the size of the size, the arms that turned into long whips have a faster speed at this time, and only the afterimage remains at the end of the whip, and the sonic boom drawn out caused pain in the eardrums of the surrounding Ghost Slayer team members.


A huge sound of breaking the air sounded, and two long whips hit Ye Du, the surrounding air was torn apart, and the scene was a little distorted. The spikes on the top seemed to be able to easily pierce the flesh of the human body and absorb their blood. .

But these attacks did not pose any threat to Ye Du. With a wave of his hand, a pair of large hands composed of black shadows casually grabbed two long whips.

But Guiwu Tsuji Wumai is not an incompetent person, all this is in his calculations!

Gui Wu Kuo Mi's attack wasn't just a whip, he cut off his hands, and at the same time, countless sarcomas grew behind him - and each sarcoma grew a rope-like tentacle, like countless The twisted worms are entangled, with barbs on the ends, from which green fluid leaks.


After the green acidic liquid fell on the ground, the ground was corroded, and white smoke with a pungent smell was emitted.

And at the fissure in Guiwu Tsuji's body, there seemed to be a burst of mourning from countless unjust souls, as if cursing the evil ghost who had taken countless lives.

But these mourning voices were also full of fear for Oni Mai Tsuji.

The current Onimai Tsuji is not miserable, and he is no longer afraid of being decapitated by the sun blade. The only one who can punish him is Nikko.

Zhu Shi was stunned to see Guiwu Tsuji Wumai, she did not expect that the current Guiwu Tsuji Wumai's strength is even stronger than 400 years ago.

If the entire Ghost Killing Team were to be dispatched now, they would only be able to survive until dawn.

When Kibu Tsuji's thorns were about to hit Ye Du, a huge wall stopped them in front of them, and those high-speed-moving thorns were broken after hitting the wall.

The hardness of this wall is far beyond what Onimai Tsuji had imagined.

However, he still has his back.

"I turned all the members of the ghost killing team into ghosts. What will you do then? Are you going to save them or fight me?"

A sneer appeared on Kiwu Tsuji's deformed face.

Behind him, more spiked tentacles inserted into the ground and moved quickly underneath.

Then burrow out of the ground a few meters away - that's where the rest of the Ghost Slayer team are.

Ghost dance Tsuji Wumai can turn ordinary people into ghosts, and the tragedy of Kamado Tanjiro's family was caused by his own hands - now he is ready to attack the ghost killing team, facing a large number of tentacles, even Ye Du must also take care of this and the other, and the other pillars can't resist.

As long as one of them is infected, the vicious inside of the ghost killing team will fall into chaos, and Ye Du will have to help the other members of the ghost killing team.

It's a harmless plan.


The members of the ghost killing team were in a mess, even if they finally reacted and saw the tentacles that were attacking, it was too late, and they could no longer attack the ghost dance Tsuji.

All of this is due to Kiwu Tsuji's miserable plan Zhihong, and his face is filled with a malicious smile.

But after a hundred secrets, he miscalculated the most important thing.

That's Ye Du's strength!

Kibu Tsuji Wumai thought that Ye Du, who had just been busy defending, definitely didn't have time to deal with the safety of the rest of them.

...for flowers ·

But he was dead wrong.

After the tentacles created by Oniwu Tsuji Wumai, more and more tentacles drilled out from the gaps on the ground, entwining on the barbs of Oniwu Tsuji Wumai like vines.

That's Ye Du's Void Tentacle!

They began to rot, and the tentacles of Kiyomi Tsuji were like withered flowers, turning into a bloodless wasteland.

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

Oni Mai Tsuji shouted in surprise, and hurriedly cut off the tentacles behind him again,

"The speed of regeneration can't keep up."

Originally, after the evolution, Guimai Tsuji's self-confidence suddenly burst, and he felt that he could easily crush the opponent because his strength was much stronger than before.


But now that his own attacks were blocked by Ye Du one after another, his self-esteem was severely damaged.

The fear that had just been expelled with great difficulty spread out once again.

It was as if those fears did not leave, but temporarily hid in a certain place in his heart!

"Damn it, damn it! What the hell are you! You're not human!"

Oni Wu Tsuji Wu Mian once again released the haemorrhaging ghost technique, black thorns grew on his hands, and he swung randomly, wanting to cut all the people around him into pieces.

"The farce should end.

Ye Du snapped his fingers, and Kibu Tsuji's blood demon technique suddenly failed.

"what happened?"

"I just tried it out to see if I could control your blood ghost spell.

Ye Du smiled slightly,

"It turns out that your ghosts are indeed creations of the void. Even if I look highly similar, that kind of indescribable horror exists."

"Void? What is that?

Oniwu Tsuji stood on the spot bewildered, his eyes were a little dull.

"You'll find out soon, because you'll soon be one of them. 55

Ye Du said, and his eyes were cast on Kiwu Tsuji's body.

"what are you talking about!?"

Before Guiwu Tsuji could speak, he felt a violent and real vibration on the ground, as if something big was about to burst out of the ground.

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