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Sheet 172: Destruction of chains, saber that devours human life (3/3)

"This is just a way for the high-level officials to deceive you, understand? The police have no way to take the [Gate of Another World] at all!"

Ding Sheng kept tapping the emcee's forehead with a pistol, with an excited smile on his face.

"No, impossible! Impossible! 35

The emcee's eyes were blank, and he muttered words in his mouth, repeating that his soul had left his body.

"I'll teach you how to completely awaken the monster inside!

Ding Sheng shouted, but pulled the trigger at the same time, the bullet passed through the head of the emcee, ending his life.

"Just said he was going to teach him, and then killed him?

Xie Heng said with a smile.

"Look in hell!"

Ding Sheng didn't pay too much attention to the other party, but turned to look at the scene in front of him. At this time, they were already in the different space inside the gate of another world.

A round sunset is against the ridgeline of the salt field, and the earth is darkened, revealing a layer of crimson; the waves of the salt field supporting the setting sun have solidified, like a sleeping sea.

Seven pillars were inserted into the soil like huge spikes.

The sky is green, the three suns are spinning in the air, and the shadows of the pillars on the ground are divided into many parts, as if announcing the end of a certain world.

Wherever it is, it is certainly not on Earth.

"Go, get ready!

Ding Sheng ordered.

The other soldiers behind him immediately prepared their tools, walked straight to the last stone pillar, and began to dig. After a while, a huge chain was revealed.

The end of the chain goes deep into the ground, and there is the last line of defense connecting the [Devoker of Worlds].

Once it is destroyed, the [Devoker of All Worlds] will completely unlock the seal, rush out from the [Gate of Another World], and destroy the entire world.

Thinking of this, the corners of Ding Sheng's mouth rose slightly.

Although [The Devourer of All Realms] is only the projection of [The Crimson King], it is easy enough to destroy the world, and this is the purpose of the crazy organization [Son of the Crimson King].

But a few explosions brought Ding Sheng's thoughts back to reality.

Soldiers used chainsaws and drills, all of which could not cause damage to the chains. Instead, these tools were damaged when they encountered such a hard object, not to mention iron picks and shovels.

"Use [Universal Sabre]."

Ding Sheng was not surprised when he saw the scene in front of him, and immediately ordered his subordinates to take out a small box.

The box was opened, and inside was a small saber.

It is the [Universal Sabre], which can be transformed into various props according to the user.

At the same time, on Ding Sheng's side, dozens of warriors lined up in a row, their faces full of tragic expressions of resignation.

"Dedicated to the [Crimson King]!

The man standing in the first row picked up the [Universal Saber], the latter began to deform, and soon turned into a small drill, the shape is no different from the ordinary drill.

But as an anomaly, the [Universal Saber] has extraordinary characteristics, and it will be transformed into a corresponding item according to the user's will - an item that can definitely accomplish the goal.

The [Universal Sabre] turned into an electric drill that turned rapidly on the chain, and an amazing spark erupted—the chain was being damaged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But it is his users who damage faster.

The body of the man holding the [Universal Sabre] is rapidly withering, like a deflated balloon, and soon becomes as thin as a tree.

He only held the [Universal Saber] for less than five seconds.

This is also the disadvantage of [Universal Sabre], there is no such thing as a harmless prop in the world, even if it is abnormal.

Although the [Universal Sabre] can be transformed into any item the user wants, at the same time, it will also continuously absorb the metal elements in the user's body, quickly draining it, even wearing gloves is useless.

Soon, the first soldier had become a mummified corpse, and the [Universal Sabre] fell to the ground.

"Dedicated to the [Crimson King]!

After the first person fell, the second person stepped forward without hesitation, took the [Universal Saber] in his hand, and activated it again.

[Universal Sabre] does not need power to become any prop, because the user's life is its energy.

The soldiers in this row were the victims that [Son of the Crimson King] had already prepared, and they exchanged their lives for the destruction of the chains.

Although a lot of people's lives have to be sacrificed, in just a few minutes, more than ten people have been taken away by the [Universal Sabre], but the chain that seals [The Devourer of All Realms] is indeed being destroyed.

"In ten minutes, the chain will be almost completely destroyed.""

Ding Sheng said with a smile, his eyes full of anticipation,

"The time is a little short, but it will be too late when the police should send someone."

"But the loss is also heavy.""

Xie Heng shook his head.

"That's not a sacrifice that is completely irreducible."

Ding Sheng turned his head and said,

"Originally, if there was Walter, there would be no need to use the [Universal Sabre].

Walter is the gluttonous rabbit Xiaobai adopted by Ye Du, who can devour all substances. Originally, [Son of the Crimson King] stole it out, just to use it to break the chain.

However, no one thought that the gluttonous rabbit was cut off by Ye Du, and no matter how they searched, they could not find its whereabouts.

But because the plan cannot be changed, they must seize the opportunity to execute the Casabasas procedure this time.

Although the police and the SCP Foundation are highly similar, there are still some differences. For example, in the Foundation's worldview, the Casabasas program is held every day.

But in this world, the Casabass program is held only once for a long time, and the interval between each time is not fixed, so for the [Son of the Crimson King] who obtained information, this is an opportunity that cannot be missed. .

"By the way, we received your message that during the capture of Walter, you encountered a troublesome target?

Xie Heng turned around and asked.

"That's right, I met a power user whose ability cannot be ignored.

Ding Sheng's expression became serious, his fists clenched,

"His name is Ye Du, and now he is a popular man in the police. He has a very strange ability. He used his own strength to fight off the Zerg before."

At the same time he spoke, his expression gritted his teeth, although he had been hiding his strength, but in front of so many people, being defeated by Ye Du and losing face made Ding Sheng particularly resentful.

"I heard that this guy was able to repel the swarm. What is his origin?"

Xie Heng raised his head and cast his eyes on the people in front of him again.

"I just hope that he doesn't come to hinder our actions."

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