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Chapter 177: Desperate Despair (2/3)

Ye Du stretched out his hand directly, placed it on top of Xie Heng's head, and quietly released the power of the void to read the other party's memory, just like browsing a book.

As Xie Heng said, in his memory, he had no impression of the person he became the "eldest son". He didn't know the identity and appearance of the "eldest son". The "eldest son" was like a mysterious god to them. , elusive.

They could not take the initiative to contact the "eldest son", and then the latter one-line contact department issued an order. This time the order to attack the [Gate of Evolution] was issued by him. Ding Sheng has been using the communication interruption to communicate with him.

But no one knew who he was.

Ye Du stretched out his fingers and rubbed lightly on his chin, falling into thought.

"Obviously, the "eldest son" knows the location of the [Alienation Gate], and knows the content and real effects of the Casabass program. I'm afraid he also has eyeliners at the top of the police."

Ye Du's eyes narrowed slightly,

"Perhaps, at the top of the police, it is the 'eldest son' himself.

Ye Du shook his head, now is not the time to think about these things.

The power of the void continued to invade Xie Heng's mind and discovered a remarkable thing.

Xie Heng's brain was manipulated, and a special substance remained in his 15-year-old mind, erasing his memory.

"Things got interesting.

Ye Du let go of his hand, and the remaining power of the void destroyed Xie Heng's brain tissue and took his life. The body of the monster composed of the corpses and flesh and blood of the surrounding soldiers also began to collapse, exuding an unbearable stench. .

Immediately, he took out [Universe Shangri-La] again and disappeared.

. . . . . . .

[The Gate of Another World] Inside.

Ding Sheng and others are confronting Dr. Clive.

"I said, Ding Sheng sub-captain, if I were you, I would probably kill myself now because of the failure of the mission.

Clive said venomously,

"Oh no, please tell the information you know as much as possible before you die, but it's not bad for me to torture you."

"Really, Clive, I can cut your head off later and hang your shotgun on the wall as my booty."

Ding Sheng said not to be outdone.

Neither side dared to act rashly to break this delicate balance.

Just a minute ago, Ye Du suddenly disappeared and disappeared in front of everyone, which made everyone present at a loss, whether it was the police members or the fanatics of [Son of the Crimson King], they were all caught by Ye Du. The behavior is confusing.

But this stalemate has reached a precarious point, and even a grain of sand will break this short-term balance.

Suddenly, a dazzling light erupted in the crowd.

Ye Du is back here again.

"Mr. Ye Du, what are you doing?"

Clive asked.

"You bastard, what the hell are you doing!?

On the side, Ding Sheng was both angry and nervous.

"I'm sorry, isn't it because you said that there is only Xie Heng in the world who has the ability to [teleport]? So I went to him to have a good communication.

Ye Du said with a smile.

"Stop bluffing! I know your ability is to create or summon something special, you can't lie to me, Xie Heng has already escaped, and you can't catch them again!"

There was a smug smile on Ding Sheng's face, as if everything was within his calculations.

"You mean those guys at headquarters? They've all been killed by me. I have to say, there are quite a few of them."

Ye Du said, and immediately took off the watch he was wearing and threw it to Ding Sheng.

Ding Sheng caught the watch subconsciously, and then a surprised cousin appeared on his face.

This is Xie Heng's watch!

Ding Sheng knew Xie Heng's character, and even if he died, he would never take off his watch. . . ooo

But why, Xie Heng's watch is in Ye Du's hands.

Xie Heng should have used his ability to teleport back to the headquarters of [Son of the Crimson King].

"What's so strange? Didn't I say, I went to him to have a good exchange, he not only gave me the watch, but also told me a lot of information.

Ye Du narrowed his eyes and cast his gaze on Ding Sheng.

A second later, Ye Du, who was originally more than ten meters away from Ding Sheng, moved to his side in an instant.


Neither Ding Sheng nor the soldiers beside him reacted, and when they saw Ye Du who suddenly appeared, they almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

"How is that possible.. oooo

"He is not the only person in the world who has the ability to [Teleport]."

Ye Du said with a smile,

"If you want the address of your sub-base, he will tell you one by one.

. . . . .

Ye Du immediately said the information obtained from Xie Heng's mouth.

Clive was silently recording the addresses beside him.

And Ding Sheng's expression has become more and more ugly.

"This is impossible......""

In his impression, Xie Heng was a person who was extremely loyal to [Son of the Crimson King], and it was absolutely impossible for him to disclose this information to the police. He would rather choose death.

But Ye Du's address is all correct, this is information that only the top of the [Son of the Crimson King] can know.

What method did he use to get Ding Sheng to speak?

"And 597, do you know the information about the eldest son? If you say it, I may spare your life.

Ye Du said.

"Can't kill him, he is an important intelligence clue!

Clive wanted to shout out, but in the end he swallowed it.

He knew that he was not qualified to order Ye Du, and if he could make Ye Du angry, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Now it is inside the [Gate of Another World], and [The Devourer of All Worlds] is right at their feet.


Ding Sheng's body trembled with fear again, and he didn't even think that Ye Du knew about the existence of the eldest son.

However, as a member of [Son of the Crimson King], Ding Sheng knew no more information than Xie Heng.

"Aren't you very good at acting? Why, can't you control your expression now?"

Ye Du's expression was like a sly fox.

At this time, Ding Sheng's facial features seemed to be twisted together, and pain, hesitation and despair spread over his face.

In the end, it turned into gnashing anger.

He decided to sink the boat!

"Ye Du, don't get too complacent! I'm also an S-rank power user!"

Ding Sheng roared.

Around him, countless black holes were produced, and it seemed to swallow everything around him.


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