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Chapter 189: I, will kill all my relatives? (3/3)

"Itachi, have you done the slaughter of the village?"

Ye Du asked suspiciously, he wanted to know which time period Uchiha Itachi was in at this time.

After hearing Ye Du's words, Uchiha Itachi frowned, and his eyes were a little shocked:

"what are you talking about?"

"Hasn't it happened yet?"

Ye Du muttered to himself.

In the original story, Uchiha Itachi will slaughter all the members of the Uchiha family, leaving only his younger brother Sasuke Uchiha alone, and even his parents died in his own hands.

But this was a helpless move, because their Uchiha clan had a bad relationship with the high-level officials of Konoha Village. Their family was originally one of the founders of Konoha Village. Because of various misunderstandings, they finally lost the trust of Konoha's high-level officials.

And the Uchiha family also chose to rebel because of these various reasons, wanting to overthrow the top executives of the wood industry.

However, they miscalculated, because everything about them was seen by the senior officials of Konoha.

Uchiha Itachi is their eyeliner.

Itachi graduated from the ninja school at the age of seven. Itachi is a young genius of the Uchiha family and Uchiha Shisui, and the two are also close friends.

During the Third Ninja World War, Itachi witnessed the horror of war when he was only four years old. For him who experienced war at such a young age of 607, war was like hell. This trauma made Itachi hate war and he has since become a A man who loves peace.

At the age of seven, he graduated from the ninja school with the first grade in the school. He is known as the best student the teacher has ever seen. The three generations of Naruto Sarutobi have evaluated Itachi. When he was seven years old, he was able to think like Naruto. When he opened the wheel, he passed the chunin exam by himself at the age of ten and was promoted to chunin. At the age of eleven, he joined Anbu. Under the influence of Shisui, he was able to transcend the narrow nationalism since he was a child and did his best for the village. .

Later, due to the pain of the death of his companion, Itachi made a mistake in a mission and was rescued by Shisui, and joined Anbu soon after.

After Konoha experienced the Konoha incident by the Nine Tails, the high-level officials suspected that the incident was caused by the members of the Uchiha clan, so at the suggestion of Shimura Danzo, the area of ​​the Uchiha clan was monitored throughout the day, because the second generation of Hokage was used to build the tree. The Uchiha clan, dissatisfied with the basic Konoha policy that segregated the Uchiha clan, finally staged a coup by the Ye Police Force in an attempt to seize their position in the political struggle led by Uchiha Itachi's father, Uchiha Tomitake.

Uchiha Shisui wanted to stop this war that should not have occurred, and was eager to reconcile it, but he was attacked by Shimura Danzo and lost his right eye.

After losing his right eye, Shisui entrusted the left eye to Itachi in order to prevent the left eye from falling into his hands and to preserve the name of the Uchiha family. Let Itachi keep his affairs a secret, and eventually jump into the Nanga River to commit suicide - because the Kaleidoscope Shaker requires the user to witness the death of the person closest to him to trigger.

Uchiha Itachi witnessed Zhishui committing suicide with his own eyes, and opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel. Uchiha Itachi used the kaleidoscope writing wheel to read the text left by the six immortals in the shrine that can only be read by using the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Since Shisui committed suicide and Uchiha Itachi did not attend the rally that night, the Uchiha clan members suspected that Uchiha Itachi killed Shisui, but it was denied by Itachi.

Shisui's suicide caused the Uchiha clan's vitality and morale to suffer, but the clan still decided to launch a coup d'etat.

As Anbu, Uchiha Itachi reported the situation to Konoha's high-level executives. Among the high-level executives present, only the three generations of Hokage insisted on resolving the Uchiha coup by peaceful negotiation, but because things were too late to change, he finally asked Itachi to help him fight for it. For a little while, in fact, there is no other way than to annihilate the Uchiha clan.

After Shimura Danzo found Uchiha Itachi, in exchange for the life of Itachi's younger brother Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi slaughtered the whole family and kept Sasuke secret, and collected information that was not good for Konoha as a traitor (bfeh) , In order to protect the village from other countries taking advantage of it, it is also for the will of Zhishui and the life of his younger brother. Itachi was forced to accept the task of extermination in pain and suffering.

On the night of the coup, Itachi Uchiha and Uchiha Obito joined forces to annihilate the whole family, set a goal for Sasuke Uchiha, who is his younger brother, to avenge himself, and then fled Konoha. Before leaving, he threatened Danzo if he dared to hurt Sasuke. After betraying the village information to the enemy, he joined Akatsuki's organization at Obito's advice after fleeing.

This is the whole reason Uchiha Itachi killed his family and then defected.

This was his only option, because itachi Uchiha knew that it was the only way to avoid war - and the only way to save his brother Sasuke's life.

However, judging from the current reaction of Uchiha Itachi, it seems that the massacre of Uchiha's family has not happened yet.

"What exactly do you mean by Tu Village?"

Uchiha Itachi frowned at this time, and a trace of anxiety appeared on his always calm face.

"Let's meet and talk.""

Ye Du replied, and then guided the other party into the [Intersection].

After arriving at the [Intersection], Uchiha Itachi looked at the surrounding environment vigilantly, but there was no surprised look on his face.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi was wearing an Anbu ninja suit with an exclusive mask of Anbu ninja hanging around his waist. He was not tall, but he was exceptionally strong.

His eyes were dark and deep like black holes, but there was a hint of melancholy and sadness in them, and there were two tear troughs on his face, which made this teenager who was only in his early ten years look extraordinarily mature.

"Nice to meet you.

Itachi Uchiha nodded politely after seeing Ye Du, but he still couldn't trust Ye Du completely, but after hearing Ye Du mentioned things related to Tu Village, he was full of doubts and curiosity about it.

"Did you just say something about Tu Village? What the hell is going on?"

Uchiha Itachi's expression is very serious, he thinks this is not something that can be joked.

"You know, the conflict between your Uchiha clan and the senior management of Konoha Village.. oooo

Ye Du guessed from the other party's visual age that he should be a few years away from the Uchiha Massacre Night, but at that time, the Uchiha family and Konoha Village were almost irreconcilable.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Du explained all the original plot, but did not say too much, only mentioned what happened on the night of the massacre.

Uchiha Itachi's expression gradually became serious, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it, and finally he could only sigh.

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