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Chapter 203: Izanagi? It's Delicious (2/3)

"As long as I see Hokage, tell all the information, and stop their mouths before they report, no one will be able to know about these things! Writing round-eyes... about writing round-eyes At that time, I was thinking of other reasons to put it off, anyway, that fellow Sarutobi Hizan definitely wouldn’t dare to do anything to me!”

On the Uchiha family's jungle path leading to the heart of Konoha Village, Danzo Shimura had a smug smile on his face.

"You look very happy, Danzo-sama. 35

Ye Du's voice suddenly sounded from behind Shimura Danzo.

"how is this possible?!"

Shimura Danzo stumbled and fell to the ground when he heard the other party's voice.

At this time, Ye Du was standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

Shimura Dan hides as a high-level Konoha, and his own ninjutsu practice has reached a very high level.

Moreover, when Ye Du appeared behind him, Shimura Danzo didn't even feel it at all.

. . . . .

The other party was about to kill him just now, which was easy.

"You, who are you! Why do you know everything!""

Shimura Danzo's voice was trembling.

"you guess.

The smile on Ye Du's face didn't change.

"Damn! Whoever you are, I will never let you leave here alive!

Shimura Danzo felt that the opponent's strength was terrifying, but he would never sit still - he decided to sink the boat!

"Wind escape. Vacuum jade!

Shimura Danzo took a deep breath, and then spit out a chakra like a bullet—the attack frequency was extremely fast, like a machine gun.

Shimura Danzo is a disciple of the second-generation Hokage, proficient in air escape ninjutsu, and in this field, his strength is definitely no less than that of the shadow level.

Ye Du sauntered and summoned a wall of flesh and blood, blocking the opponent's attack. Chakra's attack had no effect at all against the creation of the void.

"Wind Escape. Vacuum Big Jade~"!

This is a B-level ninjutsu. A high-pressure wind ball is sprayed out of the mouth. It is an enhanced version of the vacuum jade. If the vacuum jade is a machine gun, then the vacuum jade is like a rocket launcher, which can instantly smash the enemy into pieces, with amazing power.

Shimura Danzo wanted to use a more powerful attack to destroy the wall made by Ye Du.

But it still has no effect, the void wall seems to be a huge black hole that absorbs all his attacks.

"It seems that Danzo old dog, your strength is only so much?

Ye Du's face had some sarcasm on his face.

At the same time as he spoke, several tentacles like long whips protruded from the wall, stabbing straight towards Shimura Danzo - Shimura Danzo quickly formed a seal, but the tentacles easily penetrated Shimura Danzo's body .

The writing wheel at Shimura Danzo's right eye shot out a red light.

The body that had already been penetrated started to regenerate at this time, as if these wounds never existed.

"Izanagi, you are finally willing to use it."

Ye Du narrowed his eyes, and there was a hint of cold light in the projected line of sight, as if everything in front of him was in his calculations.

"You know this forbidden technique?"

Shimura Danzo was a little surprised at first, but he knew immediately that since the other party knew everything, it was not surprising that he knew about Izanagi's forbidden technique.

This technique converts all unfavorable factors, including death, to a dream in a very short period of time, and at the same time, all events that are beneficial to the practitioner, such as attacks, are transformed into real ones. The art that can freely convert dreams and reality is an illusion, and the price is that the eyes will lose their light forever after the operation.

Just now, Shimura Danzo used Izanagi urgently at such a critical moment to save his life.

"Since you know Izanagi, you know that none of your slicing attacks have any effect on me!

Shimura Danzo had a confident smile on his face, but he was trying his best to restrain his breathing rate, trying to pretend that he was at ease.

But his forehead was full of sweat, and his heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

His chakra is depleting at an alarming rate, because he is not a member of the Uchiha family, so the duration of the Izanagi used is not too long, only one minute at most.

"Stop bluffing, Tuanzang old dog.

Ye Du said with a smile, yawning,

"Your Izanagi will consume a lot of your chakra, and it must be very difficult for you to last a minute."

After hearing Ye Du's words, Shimura Danzo's heart skipped a beat.

The other party really knew everything.

If the other party insists on consuming it with him, after a minute of delay, his Izanagi will lose its effect, and his only wheel-shaping eye will be blind.

At this time, Shimura Danzo did not transplant the first-generation cell-cultured arm and more writing wheel eyes, and Izanagi could only use it once for him.

"." You will definitely think that if I delay your time, I will definitely win, right? How long is it now? Forty seconds?"

Ye Du's words seemed to penetrate Shimura Danzo's mind,

But Ye Du's words also contained a hint of mockery,

"If that's the case, it's too boring to be interesting.""

"what do you want to say in the end?

Shimura Danzo was both frightened and puzzled, he didn't know what Ye Du meant.

"Let me tell you how powerless Izanagi, the forbidden technique you see as the ultimate trick, is in front of me."

"No attack can affect Izanagi for the duration!

Before Shimura Danzo could finish speaking, severe pain came from his body.

The wound that had just been injured by the power of the void (Wang Dehao) gradually cracked, blood was pouring out, and the flesh and skin around him also turned purple, as if rotting.

Izanagi cannot negate such damage.

"How, how is it possible..." 5

His life was gradually draining, and Shimura Danzo knelt on the ground in despair.

"The wound healing just now was just a play I played with you. In fact, your Izanagi has no effect on me at all—because the spell itself has been swallowed by the void.

Ye Du slowly walked to Shimura Danzo who was kneeling on the ground.

The latter's vision is getting blurry, the heartbeat is getting slower and slower, the body temperature is getting lower and lower, and he can only spit out a sentence with the last strength:

"You...who are you?

. . . . .

"I am the void."

Ye Du whispered in Shimura Danzo's ear, but Danzo no longer had the strength to breathe.

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