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Chapter 209: The Second Mission Released (2/3)

"I get angry when I think that I might spend 100 million points in exchange for a watermelon head!"

Saitama suddenly raised his fist with black lines all over his face, and hit Matekai hard.

At first, Matekai only thought it was a mediocre punch, and he was not even ready to defend against this attack for the first time.

But the chakra that he wrapped around his body quickly captured the power of this punch. Once hit, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Matekai immediately focused all the chakras on his body in front of him, trying to resist this attack!

Even if Kakashi was in the distance, even if he had a scribble eye, he would have no way of knowing that Saitama's attack was far more powerful than he looked. In his eyes, this fist was just a mediocre attack. Casey also wondered why Maitkay would use so much strength to defend, not to mention that he was already in the fifth door of the "Eight Door Dunjia".

At this time, Matekai's body will have a huge loss, but at the same time, it has a very powerful strength.

Saitama's fist hit Matekai.


The sturdy Matekai actually flew out like a small pebble in the water, as if being ejected, destroying all the buildings and buildings along the way, and the 620 could hardly reduce his flying speed.

Matekai's body passed through layers of walls and flew over several hundred meters before falling.

Because he was surrounded by chakra, Matekai at least saved his life, but the huge impact left him still bruised and bruised, coughing blood, and the "eight-door Dunjia" state on his body was forcibly stopped.

"Looks like I need to practice more...oo""

Before Matekai could finish speaking, he passed out, unconscious.

The rest of the ninjas picked him up quickly and left.

Hatake Kakashi was a little surprised. As a colleague of Matekai, he naturally knew how strong the opponent was.

Matekai can be said to be the first person in the entire Konoha Village in physical art, and it can even be said that in this world, no one can surpass him in physical art.

However, Matekai lost to the opponent in physical skills.

Totally crushed, and just one punch.

What made Kakashi even more frightened was that he could feel that the man named Saitama did not exert his full strength at all. His shackles could see clearly, and the speed of Saitama's fist changed when it was about to hit Matekai. It's slow, obviously it's taking a bit of strength.

But even so, Matekai, who had opened the five-door state, was seriously injured.

If Saitama was using even one more power, I am afraid that Matekai might have died on the spot.

Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan, who was standing in front, frowned and looked back at Kakashi.

And Kakashi shook his head helplessly.

The purpose of Hiruzen Sarutobi calling Kakashi is to let Kakashi, who has the title of "Copy Ninja", see the opponent's movements clearly, and judge the opponent's strength and identity by observing the seal and fighting movements.

But Kakashi didn't see anything, in his eyes, it was just an unpretentious boxing.

Sarutobi Hizan sighed, and a pleasing smile appeared on his random face:

"Mr. Ye Du, this is our Konoha's territory after all, please don't make such a fuss and hurt the peace.

"But you haven't given us the respect we deserve.

With a smile on Ye Du's face, his eyes swept across the crowd,

"The cancer that endangered you has already been solved by me, but Senior Xiaochun doesn't seem to be very satisfied with me, but makes things difficult for me everywhere.

"You know my name?"

After hearing Ye Du's words, Xiaochun was a little surprised when he turned to bed, but he immediately returned to his former seriousness.

"Looks like you've done a lot of homework.

"Turn to bed Xiaochun! Be quiet!"

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan, who always seemed to have no mood swings, already had a hint of sullenness at this time, and signaled the people around him (bfeh) not to talk.

Ye Du's subordinates have proven their powerful strength, and can easily crush the top fighting force of Konoha Village, Matekai.

And Ye Du himself easily killed Shimura Danzo, and it was Shimura Danzo who used the forbidden technique Izanagi.

The latter incident, Sarutobi Hizen did not mention it to anyone else.

But at this time, it was enough to show that Ye Du's strength was above everyone present.

Ye Du must not be angry, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

If you can negotiate, negotiate as much as possible and try to avoid fighting.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Ye Du—but Mr. Ye Du, I have a question, what are you coming to Konoha Village for?

And at this moment, the sound of the system sounded in Ye Du's ears.

"Ding! Congratulations to your group leader, you have completed the task: prevent the occurrence of the night of Uchiha's genocide, it has been completed, and you will be rewarded with 10,000 points."

After Ye Du heard the system's voice, he turned to look at the other group members standing beside him. They also nodded, and it seemed that they all received the system's voice at the same time-because this mission was special, the rewards were no longer based on contributions. The points are divided according to the degree, but the points are evenly divided, so everyone gets 10,000 points.

Although it is still some time before the Uchiha Genocide Night in the original work, the task is considered to be completed ahead of schedule.

This shows that it has nothing to do with Uchiha Itachi's own wishes for the night of the extermination. Even if he did not reach an agreement with Shimura Danzo to start his own clan, once the Uchiha family coup d'etat, Konoha's people will also Send others to carry out the genocide plan.

In terms of scheming, Uchiha Fugaku is still far from being able to play with high-level Konoha such as Shimura Danzo, so their Uchiha family has been played by Konoha's people all the time.

However, after Ye Du killed Shimura Danzo, the biggest pusher of Uchiha Genocide Ye was no longer there. As his conspiracy was exposed, Konoha executives had to compensate the Uchiha family, improve their status, and do To appease people and hide secrets.

Shimura Danzo's story, once it spreads to the people, may cause a thousand waves.

After all, as a senior executive of Konoha, he colluded with the betrayal Orochimaru to conduct human experiments, kill teammates, and seize his writing wheels, which may even cause panic and even riots among the people.

And at this moment, the sound of the system came again.

"Ding, the group owner, the second mission has been unlocked: gain the actual control of Konoha Village, and make Konoha Village become the strongest ninja village again.""

"Controlling Konoha? Things are getting interesting."

Hearing the system's words, a sly smile appeared on Ye Du's face:

"I'm here to help Konoha Village solve problems."

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