"Senior Obito, if you turn around now, I think the Fourth Hokage-sama will treat you lightly.

Ye Du persuaded sincerely.

"Look back? It's you who should look back, Ye Du, give me your eyes!

As Obito spoke, he quickly formed a seal on his hand.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!

Ye Du also formed the seal of the flamboyant fireball technique.


Two huge fireballs spewed out of their mouths, and then collided fiercely.

The fire escape of the two people is about the same.

But Obito blurred his body in the next second, and instantly came behind Ye Du who was still releasing the fire escape.

"Sure enough, as the four Hokage-sama said, Obito-senpai has a very clever time and space forbearance.""

Although the enemy suddenly appeared behind him, Ye Du's face remained calm.

"The art of instant body!"

Just as the guide was about to reach out to the writing wheel on Ye Du's face, Ye Du suddenly turned into dozens of phantoms in front of him.

It's not a phantom, it's the body.

The leader withdrew his arm in time, and then watched as the sharp blade in Ye Du's hand penetrated his body.

"As expected of Ye Du, there should be no other person in the ninja world who can do a unique instant technique like you."

Obito's body had long since moved to his own magical dimension, and Ye Du's attacks had also all failed.

For a while, neither of them could do anything about the other.

However, Obito's purpose was to delay the time for Orochimaru, and he was very happy to see such a situation.

"It's a tough ability.

Ye Du has already guessed that Obito's time-space ninjutsu comes from the Kaleidoscope Shaker. If you want to activate Izanami, you must touch the opponent's body!

Ye Du has not yet been able to touch the edge of his clothes with soil.

Not to mention the physical contact with Obito.

Do you want to deliberately reveal flaws to lead the other party to take action?

"Oops, the Chunin Exam!

Only then did Ye Du realize that he seemed to have fallen into Obito's trap.

He directly separated several shadow clones and wanted to pass through in front of Obito.

No wonder I had a bad feeling from the beginning!

Ye Du instantly understood Obito's intention not to attack, and now he just wanted to hurry up to the examination room for the Chunin exam.

As for the soil in front of you.

After Ye Du hid in his shadow avatar, he used a flare to send out the warning signal of the Uchiha Guard.

...... ask for flowers .....

Bring the soil and let others hold you back for the time being.

He must rush to the scene of the Chunin Exam immediately, and then report the current situation to Minato Namifeng.

"Did you notice it?"

Obito's face sank, he wanted to delay a little longer.

But it doesn't seem to work.

"Fire escape. Explosive wind dance!

However, he couldn't let Ye Du pass through his body so easily!

The power of Huo Dun is to use the power of Shenwei to distort space to create a whirlwind to make Huo Dun's power and attack.

Bang bang!

Swept by the fire snake, Ye Du's clones all turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared.

But Uchiha's body still rushed out of Obito's vortex of fire while taking advantage of the chaos.

"Obito, although I don't know what your purpose of defecting from the village is now, Kakashi and Lin have been waiting for you to come back."

Before leaving, Ye Du still left a word of advice.

"Kakashi, Rin...?"

Obito silently watched Ye Du's leaving figure, and said these two names softly in his mouth.

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