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Chapter 224: Blood Following the Limit (2/4)

Kankuromatsu held Gaara's hand.

Somehow, he suddenly felt like Gaara had changed a lot since he woke up.

Before, the other party had never spoken to him in such a gentle tone.

In the end what happened?

Kankuro and Temari looked at each other, and both noticed Gaara's abnormality.

"What about Naruto?"

After thinking of Naruto's figure in his mind, Gaara began to look around.


Kankuro glanced somewhat inexplicably at Naruto Naruto surrounded by three girls not far away.

"Has he been compared to others? 99

Gaara also saw Naruto's figure.

For some reason, after seeing Naruto's figure, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, now is the first match."

"That's good, I want to fight him again earlier."

Gaara wants to use his own strength to try the depths of Naruto, not through Morizuru.

? "Are bones the limit of blood?"

Tsunade was a little surprised when he saw bone spurs appearing from Junmalu's body.

Orochimaru really found some amazing subordinates.

"However, that Uchiha kid, what are you going to do?"

Seeing that Uchiha Ye Du had been putting his hands together from the beginning, Tsunade suddenly felt a little uneasy.

She seems to have seen this (bfeh) weird posture on Jiraiya's body a few times.

Is it?

No way?

How old is this Uchiha kid?

Tsunade felt that it was too exaggerated to compare Ye Du with Jirai just now.

"It's not Yuyin, what is this guy doing?"

Jun Malu holds a bone sword in his hand, and he has already opened the curse of the earth on his body.

"No matter what you do, the fact that you don't need to write a wheel is undoubtedly the action of a fool!"

Junma Lu's body instantly disappeared in place, and in the next second, the bone spur in his hand pierced into Uchiha Ye Du's heart.

"So fast.

Tsunade didn't expect that it was just a ninja, and the speed of this Junmalu Taijutsu has already reached this level.

"Ye Du.

Although Xiao Ying said that Ye Du would win, but after seeing Junma Lu pierced Ye Du's body, her heart was still hanging.

"Is it a shadow clone?"

Junma Lu didn't see blood from "Ye Du" in front of him.

With a bang, Uchiha Ye Du in front of him had turned into a white smoke.


Junma Lu looked around, but Ye Du was not found on the field.


Neji Hyuga, who had already started watching the game with a blind eye, also searched for a while before finding Ye Du's location.

It moved to the ceiling so quickly.

That's right, Uchiha Ye Du's body was standing upside down on the ceiling, just below him was where Junma Lu was.

No wonder Junma Lu searched for a long time and couldn't find him.

"On top?"

Junma Lu finally discovered Ye Du's location, but it was too late.

"It's over, Junmarou."

After loosening the closed palms, Ye Du's pupils had turned into snake's vertical pupils.

Powerful natural energy has filled his body.

"Fairy Mode, on!"

That's right, Uchiha Ye Du used the immortal mode as soon as he came up.

Only then did Tsunade realize that what he felt just now was not wrong, this is really preparing for the immortal mode.

I heard that this kid Uchiha Ye Du had opened his eyes when he was 5 years old, and now he will use immortal mode at the age of 13. I am afraid that in the future......

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