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Chapter 226: Sudden Attack (4/4)

"Shut up, Master Orochimaru won't do this!"

After Junmalu heard that Ye Du was looking down on Orochimaru, the anger on his face grew even more.

"Hmph, boring guy, has he been brainwashed by Orochimaru?"

Uchiha Ye Du has lost the desire to continue talking to Junmarou.

"It's not brainwashing, in this world, only Lord Orochimaru understands me!"

Jun Malu angrily threw out the bone chain in his hand.

"Six Forty Zero"

"Ninja, Dance of Wire Flowers, Vines! 55

The long bone chains surrounded Ye Du's body like vines.

"It's useless. The gap between me and you is like the gap between a fairy and a mortal. Everything you do is futile."

Facing the sudden attack of Junmarou, Ye Du didn't even move.

"Immortal Reincarnation!

Boom boom boom!

The ground under Ye Du's feet seemed to have come to life suddenly, forming a wall to block Junma Lu's bone chain.


Uchiha Ye Du's hands had already started to glow blue lightning.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Earth escape?

It seems not.

Miaomu Mountain and Shibone Forest also don't have this technique, right?

Could it be the magic of Longdi Cave?

Tsunade glanced at the celestial technique that Ye Du used unexpectedly.

Does this kid have a connection with Orochimaru?

Tsunade suddenly felt worried about the future of Konoha Village.


Hokage is not mine, why should I worry so much?

Tsunade quickly suppressed the irritability in his heart.

Let's go to the casino and gamble a few more after the meeting is over.

She continued to focus on the two people in the field.

On the field, the thunder light in Ye Du's hand slowly covered his entire arm with a piercing scream, and continued to extend forward.

This is a new move he recently developed using the Immortal Mode.

"What an amazing chakra.

Hyuga Neji felt the unmatched Chakra pressure from Ye Du again.

"However, this guy from Tonin Village doesn't seem to be bad.

Neji saw that the chakra on Junmalu's body was also very large.

"The word Zhibo Ye Du.

After seeing the thunder light on Ye Du, Junma Lu knew that the next move was to decide the outcome.

"What's the matter, are you afraid?"

Uchiha Ye Du's face is still indifferent...

"I'm not going to lose, whether you're a fairy or something!"

Jun Malu pressed his hands to the ground angrily, and he was about to release his strongest move to decide the outcome between the two.

"I have always existed for the realization of my ambitions for Orochimaru-sama, and I am still there. I will definitely help Orochimaru-sama get your body! Uchiha Ye Du!"

Jun Malu coughed up a trace of blood again, but his eyes were still firm.

"Ninjutsu・Bone Vein・Dance of Early Fern!

With the huge chakra on his body, Junma Lu instantly made the entire field of the qualifier examination room full of sharp bone spurs, like a forest of bones.

"What an empty guy."

The thunder light on Ye Du's 4.7 was like a piercing spear, and the spear was still growing.

"Xianshu·Lei Dun, thousands of birds chirping in unison!

Ye Du charged into Kimamaro's Mai of Hayabari with a chidori spear that covered his entire arm.


All the bone spurs blocking Chidori's face were all smashed into pieces by Ye Du's ninjutsu.

The shrill thunder sounded throughout the Bone Forest.

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