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Chapter 228: The Difference Between Immortals and Mortals (2/4)

"The magic of immortality!"

"Ah! My eyes!"

In addition, the White Excitement will also emit strong light and screams, damaging the enemy's hearing and vision.

After the white light passed, Junma Lu's body completely fell to the ground, and he couldn't move an inch of his bones.

"Got it? The difference between an immortal and a mortal."

Ye Du didn't look at Junma Lu on the ground again, he turned around and left the battlefield.

"The first qualifier, the winner, Uchiha Ye Du! 35

Tsunade announced Ye Du's victory with a complicated expression.

This Uchiha clan kid is too scary.

"Amazing! Ye Du! 35

After Uchiha left the venue, Sakura and Xianglin came together.

However, Ye Du just turned his attention to Naruto, saying that the only person he really wanted to fight was Naruto.

"It seems that Ye Du's magic is almost completely proficient.

Naruto smiled and nodded towards Ye Du.

"Next, Konoha's Shion vs. Shiro from Kirigakushi~"!"

Tsunade saw that the screen of the examination room had already displayed the list of the next match.

Shion and White.

"Let me see for myself how much Shion has improved.

After seeing that his disciple was about to play, Tsunade was a little bit interested.

"Zi Yuan, it's your turn."

Naruto didn't expect Shion's opponent to be that Shiro.


It seems that if you want to know whether Bai is male or female, you will find out later.

"Well, I will definitely beat her!"

Shion clenched her little fist, she must win this duel.

Because her teacher Tsunade is on the field right now.

In order to gain face for her teacher, she must win her opponent as beautifully as possible.

"This, do your best."

To be honest, Naruto doesn't think the current Shion can beat that Shiro.

However, Bai is not a killer, so Zi Yuan's safety is still guaranteed.

"What? Naruto big brother thinks I'm going to lose?"

When Ziyuan heard Naruto's words, she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

Where is she weak, and there are people from Wuyin Village on the opposite side.

Can't you just give her some encouragement?

Or is Naruto brother fascinated by that white?

Shion really wanted to hit his brother with his little fist at this time.

"No no."

Naruto quickly reassured him.

Because Shion has been taught by Kushina since she was a child, she is very similar to her mother in character.

Naruto saw Shion's expression and knew that she might get angry soon.

"Come on Shion!"

That's right, just when Naruto encountered a crisis again, Hinata offered a helping hand again.

"Well, Sister Hinata! I will defeat the opponent, just wait and see!

Shion is no longer as hostile to Hinata as she was when she was a child.

For this girl who desperately saved her, Shion felt a kind of sister-like feeling in Hinata.

Because of being sealed by the bell, and the seal relationship of Kushina, the current Shion does not have the ability to predict the future (the king's) coming.

This is also a kind of protection for Shion, and her mother Maitreya also approves of doing so.

Otherwise, Shion would know the result of the competition now.

"elder sister?"

It was the first time Naruto heard Shion call Hinata so.

"It seems that your relationship has improved a lot. 35

Naruto glanced at Hinata in surprise and roared.


Facing Naruto's staring eyes, Hinata still bowed her head a little shyly.

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