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Chapter 254 Beyond the Scope of Knowledge (4/4)

"Anyway, what happened just now is an S-class secret, Ye Du, Naruto, and Sakura, remember to keep what happened just now secret from everyone!


Although Xiao Sakura didn't quite understand what the strange uncle said just now, she still chose to keep her mouth shut.

"Also, it's getting late, it's time for you to go home, take a good rest, next week will be the main competition of the Chunin Exam!

Kakashi couldn't wait to see what was under his pillow.


Naruto and Ye Du looked at each other, then silently backed out of the room.

"Naruto, what should I do with Orochimaru?

Ye Du feels that Orochimaru may become more and more uncontrollable in the future.

"Orochimaru, as long as he gets crazy, we can deal with him. Now, we have no way to find his true body, we can only wait for him to reveal his flaws in the Chunin exam."

For the Orochimaru thing, Naruto almost has a solution. The more crazy people are, the easier they are to be destroyed.


Ye Du remembered the matter of cracking the reincarnation of the pharmacist with Itachi in his previous life.

"I see!"

Ye Du probably understood Naruto's thoughts.

"Ye Du, tomorrow I will go to Miaomu Mountain, do you want to come together (bfeh)? 55

Naruto made an invitation out of nowhere.

"Miaomu Mountain?"

Ye Du had already heard about this place.

"How is it, are you interested?"

Naruto noticed that Ye Du's face had changed.


Ye Du just hummed lightly, and then disappeared in place.

He was indeed curious about Miaomu Mountain, which is as famous as Longdi Cave.

"I love Luo, you are sure that Lord Fengying is....

Markey was still skeptical of Gaara's words.

"We can indeed withdraw from the alliance with Yunyin Village, it's just Lord Fengying...

Maki still didn't believe the fact that Kazekage was dead.

"Since coming to Konoha, that guy hasn't seen you again, Maki-sensei.


It is indeed difficult for Maki to even meet the current Kazekage.

The two men brought by the other side stopped the door. Except for a meeting with Hokage of Konoha Village, they never left the door again.

Gaara didn't have to explain too much.

Kankuro and Temari were also in disbelief at what Gaara announced.

Their Master Fengying had already died under the hands of Orochimaru?

"After a week, we can support Konoha on the spot and minimize the loss of our Sandyin Village. 35

Gaara intends to give Yunyin Village a backstab.

"I love Luo."

Markey still had a lot of doubts, and the way Gaara made him feel completely changed.

Watching Gaara's back leaving, Maki was going to try to meet Kazuki again.

If this is true, then their Shayin Village will be really bad.

"I heard oh, Shion! You're going to fight Naruto next week! 99

With the passage of time, Kushina has completely regarded Shion as a daughter.

Seeing her sons and daughters doing so well in the Chunin exam, her face was filled with a smile.

"Yeah! Sister Kushina teach me ninjutsu tomorrow, I want to learn ninjutsu that can defeat Naruto brother!

Shion couldn't wait to see the scene where she stepped on Naruto.

"Me? My ninjutsu isn't as good as Tsunade-sama. 99

Most of Kushina's moves are seal art, and physical art is not bad. As for ninjutsu, it is beyond the scope of her knowledge.

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